{ "version": 3, "sources": ["../../app/assets/shared/components/confirm_account_deletion.js", "../../app/assets/shared/components/data_confirm.js", "../../app/assets/shared/components/foldable.js", "../../app/assets/shared/components/input_type_number.js", "../../app/assets/shared/components/invalid_input.js", "../../../../shared/node_modules/lazysizes/lazysizes.js", "../../app/assets/shared/components/query_diet.js", "../../app/assets/shared/components/video.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/accept_on_change.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/active_on_clicked.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/alert_message_on_click.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/app_status.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/code_search.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/content_code_search.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/full_avatar.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/fullscreen.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/go_back.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/image_in_lightbox.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/javascript_links.js", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/node_modules/jsqr-es6/src/BitMatrix.ts", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/node_modules/jsqr-es6/src/binarizer/index.ts", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/node_modules/jsqr-es6/src/decoder/decodeData/BitStream.ts", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/node_modules/jsqr-es6/src/decoder/decodeData/index.ts", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/node_modules/jsqr-es6/src/decoder/reedsolomon/GenericGFPoly.ts", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/node_modules/jsqr-es6/src/decoder/reedsolomon/GenericGF.ts", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/node_modules/jsqr-es6/src/decoder/reedsolomon/index.ts", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/node_modules/jsqr-es6/src/decoder/version.ts", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/node_modules/jsqr-es6/src/decoder/decoder.ts", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/node_modules/jsqr-es6/src/extractor/index.ts", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/node_modules/jsqr-es6/src/locator/index.ts", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/node_modules/jsqr-es6/src/index.ts", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/src/worker.ts", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/readonly_checkboxes.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/scale_to_fill_container.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/scrollable_pagination.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/service_worker.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/slide_form.js", "../../../../shared/node_modules/unpoly/unpoly.js", "../../app/assets/shared/util/environment.js", "../../app/assets/shared/config/unpoly.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/current_user.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/config/unpoly.js", "../../app/assets/shared/util/load_script.js", "../../app/assets/shared/components/animated_icon.js", "import-glob:./shared/components/**/*.js", "../../app/assets/shared/util/application.js", "../../app/assets/shared/util/timeout.js", "../../app/assets/shared/components/flash_message.js", "../../app/assets/shared/components/lazysizes.js", "import-glob:./frontend/components/**/*.js", "../../../../shared/node_modules/ismobilejs/src/isMobile.ts", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/add_to_homescreen.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/device_type.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/autofocus_only_desktop.js", "../../../../shared/node_modules/autosize/dist/autosize.esm.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/autosize.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/fix_caret_position.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/code_search_field.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/callback_registry.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/game_state.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/course-navigation-submit.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/course_units_scroller.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/game.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/blanks_text.js", "../../../../shared/node_modules/sortablejs/modular/sortable.core.esm.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/sortable.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/sortable_with_single_drop_targets.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/set_notification.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/game_slide_blanks_text.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/derangement.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/nugget_comparator.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/grid_game.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/nugget_finder.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/game_slide_grid.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/image_assignment.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/game_slide_image_assignment.js", "../../../../shared/node_modules/qr-scanner/src/qr-scanner.ts", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/layout.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/login_code_field.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/analytics.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/qr_scanner.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/question.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/question.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/read_aloud.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/track_page_view.js", "../../../../shared/node_modules/@floating-ui/utils/dist/floating-ui.utils.mjs", "../../../../shared/node_modules/@floating-ui/core/dist/floating-ui.core.mjs", "../../../../shared/node_modules/@floating-ui/utils/dist/floating-ui.utils.dom.mjs", "../../../../shared/node_modules/@floating-ui/dom/dist/floating-ui.dom.mjs", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/translation.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/util/video_play_button.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/video_multiple_choice.js", "../../app/assets/frontend/components/video_slide.js"], "sourcesContent": ["up.compiler('[confirm-account-deletion]', (element) => {\n\n const message = 'Zum dauerhaften L\u00F6schen deines Accounts, tippe bitte das Wort L\u00D6SCHEN ein.'\n const requiredInput = 'L\u00D6SCHEN'\n\n function onClick(event) {\n const input = prompt(message)\n const sanitizedInput = (input || '').trim().toUpperCase()\n const expectedInput = requiredInput.trim().toUpperCase()\n\n if (input === null) {\n alert('Du hast abgebrochen. Dein Account wurde nicht gel\u00F6scht.')\n event.preventDefault()\n } else if (sanitizedInput !== expectedInput) {\n alert(`Deine Eingabe war \u201E${sanitizedInput}\u201C statt \u201E${expectedInput}\u201C. Dein Account wurde nicht gel\u00F6scht.`)\n event.preventDefault()\n } else {\n // submit form to delete account\n }\n }\n\n element.addEventListener('click', onClick)\n\n})\n", "up.compiler('[data-confirm]', (element) => {\n\n function onClick(event) {\n const message = element.getAttribute('data-confirm')\n if (!confirm(message)) up.event.halt(event)\n }\n\n element.addEventListener('click', onClick)\n})\n", "up.compiler('[foldable]', (element) => {\n\n const foldableTriggers = element.querySelectorAll('[foldable--trigger]')\n const foldableContent = element.querySelector('[foldable--content]')\n const foldableIconExpanded = element.querySelector('[foldable--icon-expanded]')\n const foldableIconCollapsed = element.querySelector('[foldable--icon-collapsed]')\n\n foldableTriggers.forEach((trigger) => {\n trigger.addEventListener('click', () => {\n up.element.toggle(foldableContent)\n up.element.toggle(foldableIconExpanded)\n up.element.toggle(foldableIconCollapsed)\n if (up.element.isVisible(foldableContent)) {\n up.reveal(foldableContent, { padding: 30 })\n }\n })\n })\n\n})\n", "up.compiler('input[type=\"number\"]', (element) => {\n\n // Number inputs allow incrementing/decrementing with arrow keys, and support exponential notation\n // (in some browsers even regular letters). We want neither.\n element.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {\n const key = event.key\n if (key === 'ArrowUp' || key === 'ArrowDown' || (key.length === 1 && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !key.match(/[0-9\\-+,.]/))) {\n event.preventDefault()\n }\n })\n\n // Some browser (at least Firefox) will increment/decrement a number when using the mouse's scroll wheel\n // above a focused number input. Since this can lead to users changing values by accident, we want to avoid that.\n element.addEventListener('wheel', (event) => {\n if (element.matches(':focus')) {\n event.preventDefault()\n }\n })\n\n})\n", "const selector = ['input', 'textarea', 'select']\n .map(tagName => `${tagName}.is-invalid`)\n .join(', ')\n\nup.compiler(selector, (element) => {\n\n const inputGroup = element.closest('.input-group')\n const formGroup = element.closest('.form-group')\n\n function setInputGroupInvalid(isInvalid) {\n inputGroup?.classList?.toggle('is-invalid', isInvalid)\n }\n\n function unsetOtherFormGroupFieldsInvalid() {\n if (formGroup) {\n Array.from(formGroup.querySelectorAll('.is-invalid')).forEach((element) => {\n element.classList.remove('is-invalid')\n })\n formGroup.querySelector('.invalid-feedback.d-block')?.classList?.remove('d-block')\n }\n }\n\n function unsetInvalid() {\n element.classList.remove('is-invalid')\n unsetOtherFormGroupFieldsInvalid()\n setInputGroupInvalid(false)\n }\n\n setInputGroupInvalid(true)\n element.addEventListener('input', unsetInvalid, { once: true })\n\n})\n", "(function(window, factory) {\n\tvar lazySizes = factory(window, window.document, Date);\n\twindow.lazySizes = lazySizes;\n\tif(typeof module == 'object' && module.exports){\n\t\tmodule.exports = lazySizes;\n\t}\n}(typeof window != 'undefined' ?\n window : {}, \n/**\n * import(\"./types/global\")\n * @typedef { import(\"./types/lazysizes-config\").LazySizesConfigPartial } LazySizesConfigPartial\n */\nfunction l(window, document, Date) { // Pass in the window Date function also for SSR because the Date class can be lost\n\t'use strict';\n\t/*jshint eqnull:true */\n\n\tvar lazysizes,\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * @type { LazySizesConfigPartial }\n\t\t */\n\t\tlazySizesCfg;\n\n\t(function(){\n\t\tvar prop;\n\n\t\tvar lazySizesDefaults = {\n\t\t\tlazyClass: 'lazyload',\n\t\t\tloadedClass: 'lazyloaded',\n\t\t\tloadingClass: 'lazyloading',\n\t\t\tpreloadClass: 'lazypreload',\n\t\t\terrorClass: 'lazyerror',\n\t\t\t//strictClass: 'lazystrict',\n\t\t\tautosizesClass: 'lazyautosizes',\n\t\t\tfastLoadedClass: 'ls-is-cached',\n\t\t\tiframeLoadMode: 0,\n\t\t\tsrcAttr: 'data-src',\n\t\t\tsrcsetAttr: 'data-srcset',\n\t\t\tsizesAttr: 'data-sizes',\n\t\t\t//preloadAfterLoad: false,\n\t\t\tminSize: 40,\n\t\t\tcustomMedia: {},\n\t\t\tinit: true,\n\t\t\texpFactor: 1.5,\n\t\t\thFac: 0.8,\n\t\t\tloadMode: 2,\n\t\t\tloadHidden: true,\n\t\t\tricTimeout: 0,\n\t\t\tthrottleDelay: 125,\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tlazySizesCfg = window.lazySizesConfig || window.lazysizesConfig || {};\n\n\t\tfor(prop in lazySizesDefaults){\n\t\t\tif(!(prop in lazySizesCfg)){\n\t\t\t\tlazySizesCfg[prop] = lazySizesDefaults[prop];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t})();\n\n\tif (!document || !document.getElementsByClassName) {\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\tinit: function () {},\n\t\t\t/**\n\t\t\t * @type { LazySizesConfigPartial }\n\t\t\t */\n\t\t\tcfg: lazySizesCfg,\n\t\t\t/**\n\t\t\t * @type { true }\n\t\t\t */\n\t\t\tnoSupport: true,\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\n\tvar docElem = document.documentElement;\n\n\tvar supportPicture = window.HTMLPictureElement;\n\n\tvar _addEventListener = 'addEventListener';\n\n\tvar _getAttribute = 'getAttribute';\n\n\t/**\n\t * Update to bind to window because 'this' becomes null during SSR\n\t * builds.\n\t */\n\tvar addEventListener = window[_addEventListener].bind(window);\n\n\tvar setTimeout = window.setTimeout;\n\n\tvar requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || setTimeout;\n\n\tvar requestIdleCallback = window.requestIdleCallback;\n\n\tvar regPicture = /^picture$/i;\n\n\tvar loadEvents = ['load', 'error', 'lazyincluded', '_lazyloaded'];\n\n\tvar regClassCache = {};\n\n\tvar forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;\n\n\t/**\n\t * @param ele {Element}\n\t * @param cls {string}\n\t */\n\tvar hasClass = function(ele, cls) {\n\t\tif(!regClassCache[cls]){\n\t\t\tregClassCache[cls] = new RegExp('(\\\\s|^)'+cls+'(\\\\s|$)');\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn regClassCache[cls].test(ele[_getAttribute]('class') || '') && regClassCache[cls];\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * @param ele {Element}\n\t * @param cls {string}\n\t */\n\tvar addClass = function(ele, cls) {\n\t\tif (!hasClass(ele, cls)){\n\t\t\tele.setAttribute('class', (ele[_getAttribute]('class') || '').trim() + ' ' + cls);\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * @param ele {Element}\n\t * @param cls {string}\n\t */\n\tvar removeClass = function(ele, cls) {\n\t\tvar reg;\n\t\tif ((reg = hasClass(ele,cls))) {\n\t\t\tele.setAttribute('class', (ele[_getAttribute]('class') || '').replace(reg, ' '));\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\tvar addRemoveLoadEvents = function(dom, fn, add){\n\t\tvar action = add ? _addEventListener : 'removeEventListener';\n\t\tif(add){\n\t\t\taddRemoveLoadEvents(dom, fn);\n\t\t}\n\t\tloadEvents.forEach(function(evt){\n\t\t\tdom[action](evt, fn);\n\t\t});\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * @param elem { Element }\n\t * @param name { string }\n\t * @param detail { any }\n\t * @param noBubbles { boolean }\n\t * @param noCancelable { boolean }\n\t * @returns { CustomEvent }\n\t */\n\tvar triggerEvent = function(elem, name, detail, noBubbles, noCancelable){\n\t\tvar event = document.createEvent('Event');\n\n\t\tif(!detail){\n\t\t\tdetail = {};\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tdetail.instance = lazysizes;\n\n\t\tevent.initEvent(name, !noBubbles, !noCancelable);\n\n\t\tevent.detail = detail;\n\n\t\telem.dispatchEvent(event);\n\t\treturn event;\n\t};\n\n\tvar updatePolyfill = function (el, full){\n\t\tvar polyfill;\n\t\tif( !supportPicture && ( polyfill = (window.picturefill || lazySizesCfg.pf) ) ){\n\t\t\tif(full && full.src && !el[_getAttribute]('srcset')){\n\t\t\t\tel.setAttribute('srcset', full.src);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tpolyfill({reevaluate: true, elements: [el]});\n\t\t} else if(full && full.src){\n\t\t\tel.src = full.src;\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\tvar getCSS = function (elem, style){\n\t\treturn (getComputedStyle(elem, null) || {})[style];\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t *\n\t * @param elem { Element }\n\t * @param parent { Element }\n\t * @param [width] {number}\n\t * @returns {number}\n\t */\n\tvar getWidth = function(elem, parent, width){\n\t\twidth = width || elem.offsetWidth;\n\n\t\twhile(width < lazySizesCfg.minSize && parent && !elem._lazysizesWidth){\n\t\t\twidth = parent.offsetWidth;\n\t\t\tparent = parent.parentNode;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn width;\n\t};\n\n\tvar rAF = (function(){\n\t\tvar running, waiting;\n\t\tvar firstFns = [];\n\t\tvar secondFns = [];\n\t\tvar fns = firstFns;\n\n\t\tvar run = function(){\n\t\t\tvar runFns = fns;\n\n\t\t\tfns = firstFns.length ? secondFns : firstFns;\n\n\t\t\trunning = true;\n\t\t\twaiting = false;\n\n\t\t\twhile(runFns.length){\n\t\t\t\trunFns.shift()();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\trunning = false;\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tvar rafBatch = function(fn, queue){\n\t\t\tif(running && !queue){\n\t\t\t\tfn.apply(this, arguments);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tfns.push(fn);\n\n\t\t\t\tif(!waiting){\n\t\t\t\t\twaiting = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t(document.hidden ? setTimeout : requestAnimationFrame)(run);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\n\t\trafBatch._lsFlush = run;\n\n\t\treturn rafBatch;\n\t})();\n\n\tvar rAFIt = function(fn, simple){\n\t\treturn simple ?\n\t\t\tfunction() {\n\t\t\t\trAF(fn);\n\t\t\t} :\n\t\t\tfunction(){\n\t\t\t\tvar that = this;\n\t\t\t\tvar args = arguments;\n\t\t\t\trAF(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\tfn.apply(that, args);\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t;\n\t};\n\n\tvar throttle = function(fn){\n\t\tvar running;\n\t\tvar lastTime = 0;\n\t\tvar gDelay = lazySizesCfg.throttleDelay;\n\t\tvar rICTimeout = lazySizesCfg.ricTimeout;\n\t\tvar run = function(){\n\t\t\trunning = false;\n\t\t\tlastTime = Date.now();\n\t\t\tfn();\n\t\t};\n\t\tvar idleCallback = requestIdleCallback && rICTimeout > 49 ?\n\t\t\tfunction(){\n\t\t\t\trequestIdleCallback(run, {timeout: rICTimeout});\n\n\t\t\t\tif(rICTimeout !== lazySizesCfg.ricTimeout){\n\t\t\t\t\trICTimeout = lazySizesCfg.ricTimeout;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} :\n\t\t\trAFIt(function(){\n\t\t\t\tsetTimeout(run);\n\t\t\t}, true)\n\t\t;\n\n\t\treturn function(isPriority){\n\t\t\tvar delay;\n\n\t\t\tif((isPriority = isPriority === true)){\n\t\t\t\trICTimeout = 33;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif(running){\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\trunning = true;\n\n\t\t\tdelay = gDelay - (Date.now() - lastTime);\n\n\t\t\tif(delay < 0){\n\t\t\t\tdelay = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif(isPriority || delay < 9){\n\t\t\t\tidleCallback();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tsetTimeout(idleCallback, delay);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t};\n\n\t//based on http://modernjavascript.blogspot.de/2013/08/building-better-debounce.html\n\tvar debounce = function(func) {\n\t\tvar timeout, timestamp;\n\t\tvar wait = 99;\n\t\tvar run = function(){\n\t\t\ttimeout = null;\n\t\t\tfunc();\n\t\t};\n\t\tvar later = function() {\n\t\t\tvar last = Date.now() - timestamp;\n\n\t\t\tif (last < wait) {\n\t\t\t\tsetTimeout(later, wait - last);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t(requestIdleCallback || run)(run);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\n\t\treturn function() {\n\t\t\ttimestamp = Date.now();\n\n\t\t\tif (!timeout) {\n\t\t\t\ttimeout = setTimeout(later, wait);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t};\n\n\tvar loader = (function(){\n\t\tvar preloadElems, isCompleted, resetPreloadingTimer, loadMode, started;\n\n\t\tvar eLvW, elvH, eLtop, eLleft, eLright, eLbottom, isBodyHidden;\n\n\t\tvar regImg = /^img$/i;\n\t\tvar regIframe = /^iframe$/i;\n\n\t\tvar supportScroll = ('onscroll' in window) && !(/(gle|ing)bot/.test(navigator.userAgent));\n\n\t\tvar shrinkExpand = 0;\n\t\tvar currentExpand = 0;\n\n\t\tvar isLoading = 0;\n\t\tvar lowRuns = -1;\n\n\t\tvar resetPreloading = function(e){\n\t\t\tisLoading--;\n\t\t\tif(!e || isLoading < 0 || !e.target){\n\t\t\t\tisLoading = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tvar isVisible = function (elem) {\n\t\t\tif (isBodyHidden == null) {\n\t\t\t\tisBodyHidden = getCSS(document.body, 'visibility') == 'hidden';\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\treturn isBodyHidden || !(getCSS(elem.parentNode, 'visibility') == 'hidden' && getCSS(elem, 'visibility') == 'hidden');\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tvar isNestedVisible = function(elem, elemExpand){\n\t\t\tvar outerRect;\n\t\t\tvar parent = elem;\n\t\t\tvar visible = isVisible(elem);\n\n\t\t\teLtop -= elemExpand;\n\t\t\teLbottom += elemExpand;\n\t\t\teLleft -= elemExpand;\n\t\t\teLright += elemExpand;\n\n\t\t\twhile(visible && (parent = parent.offsetParent) && parent != document.body && parent != docElem){\n\t\t\t\tvisible = ((getCSS(parent, 'opacity') || 1) > 0);\n\n\t\t\t\tif(visible && getCSS(parent, 'overflow') != 'visible'){\n\t\t\t\t\touterRect = parent.getBoundingClientRect();\n\t\t\t\t\tvisible = eLright > outerRect.left &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\teLleft < outerRect.right &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\teLbottom > outerRect.top - 1 &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\teLtop < outerRect.bottom + 1\n\t\t\t\t\t;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\treturn visible;\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tvar checkElements = function() {\n\t\t\tvar eLlen, i, rect, autoLoadElem, loadedSomething, elemExpand, elemNegativeExpand, elemExpandVal,\n\t\t\t\tbeforeExpandVal, defaultExpand, preloadExpand, hFac;\n\t\t\tvar lazyloadElems = lazysizes.elements;\n\n\t\t\tif((loadMode = lazySizesCfg.loadMode) && isLoading < 8 && (eLlen = lazyloadElems.length)){\n\n\t\t\t\ti = 0;\n\n\t\t\t\tlowRuns++;\n\n\t\t\t\tfor(; i < eLlen; i++){\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif(!lazyloadElems[i] || lazyloadElems[i]._lazyRace){continue;}\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif(!supportScroll || (lazysizes.prematureUnveil && lazysizes.prematureUnveil(lazyloadElems[i]))){unveilElement(lazyloadElems[i]);continue;}\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif(!(elemExpandVal = lazyloadElems[i][_getAttribute]('data-expand')) || !(elemExpand = elemExpandVal * 1)){\n\t\t\t\t\t\telemExpand = currentExpand;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!defaultExpand) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdefaultExpand = (!lazySizesCfg.expand || lazySizesCfg.expand < 1) ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocElem.clientHeight > 500 && docElem.clientWidth > 500 ? 500 : 370 :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlazySizesCfg.expand;\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlazysizes._defEx = defaultExpand;\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpreloadExpand = defaultExpand * lazySizesCfg.expFactor;\n\t\t\t\t\t\thFac = lazySizesCfg.hFac;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tisBodyHidden = null;\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(currentExpand < preloadExpand && isLoading < 1 && lowRuns > 2 && loadMode > 2 && !document.hidden){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcurrentExpand = preloadExpand;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlowRuns = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else if(loadMode > 1 && lowRuns > 1 && isLoading < 6){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcurrentExpand = defaultExpand;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcurrentExpand = shrinkExpand;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif(beforeExpandVal !== elemExpand){\n\t\t\t\t\t\teLvW = innerWidth + (elemExpand * hFac);\n\t\t\t\t\t\telvH = innerHeight + elemExpand;\n\t\t\t\t\t\telemNegativeExpand = elemExpand * -1;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbeforeExpandVal = elemExpand;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\trect = lazyloadElems[i].getBoundingClientRect();\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif ((eLbottom = rect.bottom) >= elemNegativeExpand &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(eLtop = rect.top) <= elvH &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(eLright = rect.right) >= elemNegativeExpand * hFac &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(eLleft = rect.left) <= eLvW &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(eLbottom || eLright || eLleft || eLtop) &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(lazySizesCfg.loadHidden || isVisible(lazyloadElems[i])) &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\t((isCompleted && isLoading < 3 && !elemExpandVal && (loadMode < 3 || lowRuns < 4)) || isNestedVisible(lazyloadElems[i], elemExpand))){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tunveilElement(lazyloadElems[i]);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tloadedSomething = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(isLoading > 9){break;}\n\t\t\t\t\t} else if(!loadedSomething && isCompleted && !autoLoadElem &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\tisLoading < 4 && lowRuns < 4 && loadMode > 2 &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(preloadElems[0] || lazySizesCfg.preloadAfterLoad) &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(preloadElems[0] || (!elemExpandVal && ((eLbottom || eLright || eLleft || eLtop) || lazyloadElems[i][_getAttribute](lazySizesCfg.sizesAttr) != 'auto')))){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tautoLoadElem = preloadElems[0] || lazyloadElems[i];\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif(autoLoadElem && !loadedSomething){\n\t\t\t\t\tunveilElement(autoLoadElem);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tvar throttledCheckElements = throttle(checkElements);\n\n\t\tvar switchLoadingClass = function(e){\n\t\t\tvar elem = e.target;\n\n\t\t\tif (elem._lazyCache) {\n\t\t\t\tdelete elem._lazyCache;\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tresetPreloading(e);\n\t\t\taddClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.loadedClass);\n\t\t\tremoveClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.loadingClass);\n\t\t\taddRemoveLoadEvents(elem, rafSwitchLoadingClass);\n\t\t\ttriggerEvent(elem, 'lazyloaded');\n\t\t};\n\t\tvar rafedSwitchLoadingClass = rAFIt(switchLoadingClass);\n\t\tvar rafSwitchLoadingClass = function(e){\n\t\t\trafedSwitchLoadingClass({target: e.target});\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tvar changeIframeSrc = function(elem, src){\n\t\t\tvar loadMode = elem.getAttribute('data-load-mode') || lazySizesCfg.iframeLoadMode;\n\n\t\t\t// loadMode can be also a string!\n\t\t\tif (loadMode == 0) {\n\t\t\t\telem.contentWindow.location.replace(src);\n\t\t\t} else if (loadMode == 1) {\n\t\t\t\telem.src = src;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tvar handleSources = function(source){\n\t\t\tvar customMedia;\n\n\t\t\tvar sourceSrcset = source[_getAttribute](lazySizesCfg.srcsetAttr);\n\n\t\t\tif( (customMedia = lazySizesCfg.customMedia[source[_getAttribute]('data-media') || source[_getAttribute]('media')]) ){\n\t\t\t\tsource.setAttribute('media', customMedia);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif(sourceSrcset){\n\t\t\t\tsource.setAttribute('srcset', sourceSrcset);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tvar lazyUnveil = rAFIt(function (elem, detail, isAuto, sizes, isImg){\n\t\t\tvar src, srcset, parent, isPicture, event, firesLoad;\n\n\t\t\tif(!(event = triggerEvent(elem, 'lazybeforeunveil', detail)).defaultPrevented){\n\n\t\t\t\tif(sizes){\n\t\t\t\t\tif(isAuto){\n\t\t\t\t\t\taddClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.autosizesClass);\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\telem.setAttribute('sizes', sizes);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tsrcset = elem[_getAttribute](lazySizesCfg.srcsetAttr);\n\t\t\t\tsrc = elem[_getAttribute](lazySizesCfg.srcAttr);\n\n\t\t\t\tif(isImg) {\n\t\t\t\t\tparent = elem.parentNode;\n\t\t\t\t\tisPicture = parent && regPicture.test(parent.nodeName || '');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tfiresLoad = detail.firesLoad || (('src' in elem) && (srcset || src || isPicture));\n\n\t\t\t\tevent = {target: elem};\n\n\t\t\t\taddClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.loadingClass);\n\n\t\t\t\tif(firesLoad){\n\t\t\t\t\tclearTimeout(resetPreloadingTimer);\n\t\t\t\t\tresetPreloadingTimer = setTimeout(resetPreloading, 2500);\n\t\t\t\t\taddRemoveLoadEvents(elem, rafSwitchLoadingClass, true);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif(isPicture){\n\t\t\t\t\tforEach.call(parent.getElementsByTagName('source'), handleSources);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif(srcset){\n\t\t\t\t\telem.setAttribute('srcset', srcset);\n\t\t\t\t} else if(src && !isPicture){\n\t\t\t\t\tif(regIframe.test(elem.nodeName)){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tchangeIframeSrc(elem, src);\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\telem.src = src;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif(isImg && (srcset || isPicture)){\n\t\t\t\t\tupdatePolyfill(elem, {src: src});\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif(elem._lazyRace){\n\t\t\t\tdelete elem._lazyRace;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tremoveClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.lazyClass);\n\n\t\t\trAF(function(){\n\t\t\t\t// Part of this can be removed as soon as this fix is older: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=7731 (2015)\n\t\t\t\tvar isLoaded = elem.complete && elem.naturalWidth > 1;\n\n\t\t\t\tif( !firesLoad || isLoaded){\n\t\t\t\t\tif (isLoaded) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\taddClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.fastLoadedClass);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tswitchLoadingClass(event);\n\t\t\t\t\telem._lazyCache = true;\n\t\t\t\t\tsetTimeout(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif ('_lazyCache' in elem) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdelete elem._lazyCache;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}, 9);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (elem.loading == 'lazy') {\n\t\t\t\t\tisLoading--;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}, true);\n\t\t});\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param elem { Element }\n\t\t */\n\t\tvar unveilElement = function (elem){\n\t\t\tif (elem._lazyRace) {return;}\n\t\t\tvar detail;\n\n\t\t\tvar isImg = regImg.test(elem.nodeName);\n\n\t\t\t//allow using sizes=\"auto\", but don't use. it's invalid. Use data-sizes=\"auto\" or a valid value for sizes instead (i.e.: sizes=\"80vw\")\n\t\t\tvar sizes = isImg && (elem[_getAttribute](lazySizesCfg.sizesAttr) || elem[_getAttribute]('sizes'));\n\t\t\tvar isAuto = sizes == 'auto';\n\n\t\t\tif( (isAuto || !isCompleted) && isImg && (elem[_getAttribute]('src') || elem.srcset) && !elem.complete && !hasClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.errorClass) && hasClass(elem, lazySizesCfg.lazyClass)){return;}\n\n\t\t\tdetail = triggerEvent(elem, 'lazyunveilread').detail;\n\n\t\t\tif(isAuto){\n\t\t\t\t autoSizer.updateElem(elem, true, elem.offsetWidth);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\telem._lazyRace = true;\n\t\t\tisLoading++;\n\n\t\t\tlazyUnveil(elem, detail, isAuto, sizes, isImg);\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tvar afterScroll = debounce(function(){\n\t\t\tlazySizesCfg.loadMode = 3;\n\t\t\tthrottledCheckElements();\n\t\t});\n\n\t\tvar altLoadmodeScrollListner = function(){\n\t\t\tif(lazySizesCfg.loadMode == 3){\n\t\t\t\tlazySizesCfg.loadMode = 2;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tafterScroll();\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tvar onload = function(){\n\t\t\tif(isCompleted){return;}\n\t\t\tif(Date.now() - started < 999){\n\t\t\t\tsetTimeout(onload, 999);\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\n\t\t\tisCompleted = true;\n\n\t\t\tlazySizesCfg.loadMode = 3;\n\n\t\t\tthrottledCheckElements();\n\n\t\t\taddEventListener('scroll', altLoadmodeScrollListner, true);\n\t\t};\n\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t_: function(){\n\t\t\t\tstarted = Date.now();\n\n\t\t\t\tlazysizes.elements = document.getElementsByClassName(lazySizesCfg.lazyClass);\n\t\t\t\tpreloadElems = document.getElementsByClassName(lazySizesCfg.lazyClass + ' ' + lazySizesCfg.preloadClass);\n\n\t\t\t\taddEventListener('scroll', throttledCheckElements, true);\n\n\t\t\t\taddEventListener('resize', throttledCheckElements, true);\n\n\t\t\t\taddEventListener('pageshow', function (e) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (e.persisted) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar loadingElements = document.querySelectorAll('.' + lazySizesCfg.loadingClass);\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (loadingElements.length && loadingElements.forEach) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\trequestAnimationFrame(function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tloadingElements.forEach( function (img) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (img.complete) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tunveilElement(img);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\t\tif(window.MutationObserver){\n\t\t\t\t\tnew MutationObserver( throttledCheckElements ).observe( docElem, {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true} );\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tdocElem[_addEventListener]('DOMNodeInserted', throttledCheckElements, true);\n\t\t\t\t\tdocElem[_addEventListener]('DOMAttrModified', throttledCheckElements, true);\n\t\t\t\t\tsetInterval(throttledCheckElements, 999);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\taddEventListener('hashchange', throttledCheckElements, true);\n\n\t\t\t\t//, 'fullscreenchange'\n\t\t\t\t['focus', 'mouseover', 'click', 'load', 'transitionend', 'animationend'].forEach(function(name){\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument[_addEventListener](name, throttledCheckElements, true);\n\t\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\t\tif((/d$|^c/.test(document.readyState))){\n\t\t\t\t\tonload();\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\taddEventListener('load', onload);\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument[_addEventListener]('DOMContentLoaded', throttledCheckElements);\n\t\t\t\t\tsetTimeout(onload, 20000);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif(lazysizes.elements.length){\n\t\t\t\t\tcheckElements();\n\t\t\t\t\trAF._lsFlush();\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tthrottledCheckElements();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tcheckElems: throttledCheckElements,\n\t\t\tunveil: unveilElement,\n\t\t\t_aLSL: altLoadmodeScrollListner,\n\t\t};\n\t})();\n\n\n\tvar autoSizer = (function(){\n\t\tvar autosizesElems;\n\n\t\tvar sizeElement = rAFIt(function(elem, parent, event, width){\n\t\t\tvar sources, i, len;\n\t\t\telem._lazysizesWidth = width;\n\t\t\twidth += 'px';\n\n\t\t\telem.setAttribute('sizes', width);\n\n\t\t\tif(regPicture.test(parent.nodeName || '')){\n\t\t\t\tsources = parent.getElementsByTagName('source');\n\t\t\t\tfor(i = 0, len = sources.length; i < len; i++){\n\t\t\t\t\tsources[i].setAttribute('sizes', width);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif(!event.detail.dataAttr){\n\t\t\t\tupdatePolyfill(elem, event.detail);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\t/**\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param elem {Element}\n\t\t * @param dataAttr\n\t\t * @param [width] { number }\n\t\t */\n\t\tvar getSizeElement = function (elem, dataAttr, width){\n\t\t\tvar event;\n\t\t\tvar parent = elem.parentNode;\n\n\t\t\tif(parent){\n\t\t\t\twidth = getWidth(elem, parent, width);\n\t\t\t\tevent = triggerEvent(elem, 'lazybeforesizes', {width: width, dataAttr: !!dataAttr});\n\n\t\t\t\tif(!event.defaultPrevented){\n\t\t\t\t\twidth = event.detail.width;\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif(width && width !== elem._lazysizesWidth){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsizeElement(elem, parent, event, width);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tvar updateElementsSizes = function(){\n\t\t\tvar i;\n\t\t\tvar len = autosizesElems.length;\n\t\t\tif(len){\n\t\t\t\ti = 0;\n\n\t\t\t\tfor(; i < len; i++){\n\t\t\t\t\tgetSizeElement(autosizesElems[i]);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\n\t\tvar debouncedUpdateElementsSizes = debounce(updateElementsSizes);\n\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t_: function(){\n\t\t\t\tautosizesElems = document.getElementsByClassName(lazySizesCfg.autosizesClass);\n\t\t\t\taddEventListener('resize', debouncedUpdateElementsSizes);\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tcheckElems: debouncedUpdateElementsSizes,\n\t\t\tupdateElem: getSizeElement\n\t\t};\n\t})();\n\n\tvar init = function(){\n\t\tif(!init.i && document.getElementsByClassName){\n\t\t\tinit.i = true;\n\t\t\tautoSizer._();\n\t\t\tloader._();\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\tsetTimeout(function(){\n\t\tif(lazySizesCfg.init){\n\t\t\tinit();\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\n\tlazysizes = {\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * @type { LazySizesConfigPartial }\n\t\t */\n\t\tcfg: lazySizesCfg,\n\t\tautoSizer: autoSizer,\n\t\tloader: loader,\n\t\tinit: init,\n\t\tuP: updatePolyfill,\n\t\taC: addClass,\n\t\trC: removeClass,\n\t\thC: hasClass,\n\t\tfire: triggerEvent,\n\t\tgW: getWidth,\n\t\trAF: rAF,\n\t};\n\n\treturn lazysizes;\n}\n));\n", "up.macro('#query_diet', (element) => {\n\n element.removeAttribute('onclick')\n up.on(element, 'click', () => { element.remove() })\n\n})\n", "up.compiler('video', (element) => {\n\n element.addEventListener('play', () => {\n element.currentTime = 0\n }, { once: true })\n\n})\n", "up.compiler('[accept-on-change]', (element) => {\n return up.on('change', () => {\n up.layer.accept(element.value)\n })\n})\n", "up.compiler('[active-on-clicked]', function(element) {\n up.on(element, 'click', (evt) => {\n // in feature specs: spec is too fast and still shows Unpoly's .up-active class\n const classNames = element.getAttribute('class').replaceAll(' up-active', '').replaceAll(' ', '.')\n document.querySelectorAll(`.${classNames}`).forEach((sibling) => {\n sibling.classList.remove('-active')\n })\n element.classList.add('-active')\n })\n})\n", "up.compiler('[alert-message-on-click]', (element, { message }) => {\n element.addEventListener('click', () => {\n alert(message)\n })\n})\n", "let currentRelease\nlet lastNotified\n\nconst newReleaseMessage = `\n

\n Es gibt \u00C4nderungen an der Radfahrausbildung-App.\n
\n Bitte lade bei n\u00E4chster Gelegenheit neu!\n


\n Beachte: Du bleibst angemeldet und kannst sofort weitermachen.\n


\n Wenn du nicht m\u00F6chtest, musst du nicht jetzt neu laden. Die Anwendung funktioniert dann aber vielleicht nicht richtig.\n


\n \n \n

\n`\n\nup.compiler('[app-status]', (element, { release, frequency }) => {\n\n currentRelease ??= release\n frequency ??= 30000\n\n const time = new Date().getTime()\n\n function recentlyNotified() {\n return lastNotified && (time - lastNotified) < frequency\n }\n\n function showReloadNotification() {\n up.layer.open({\n content: newReleaseMessage,\n size: 'auto',\n onAccepted: () => { location.reload() },\n })\n }\n\n if (currentRelease !== release && !recentlyNotified()) {\n showReloadNotification()\n lastNotified = time\n }\n\n})\n", "up.compiler('[code-search]', (element) => {\n\n const button = element.querySelector('button')\n const input = element.querySelector('input[type=\"text\"]')\n\n input.addEventListener('input', onInput)\n element.addEventListener('submit', onSubmit)\n\n function onInput() {\n enableOrDisable()\n }\n\n function onSubmit(event) {\n event.preventDefault()\n const value = getValue()\n\n if (value) {\n up.request(`/c/${getValue()}.json`).then(onSuccess).catch(onError)\n } else {\n input.focus()\n }\n }\n\n function onSuccess(response) {\n up.visit(response.json.url)\n input.value = ''\n }\n\n function onError(response) {\n alert(response.json.error || 'Hoppla, das hat nicht geklappt! Bitte versuche es sp\u00E4ter nochmal.')\n input.focus()\n }\n\n function enableOrDisable() {\n // If no value is entered, the submit button should appear disabled, but still be clickable.\n // When users click the \"disabled\" button, we focus the input instead.\n const disabled = !getValue()\n button.classList.toggle('disabled', disabled)\n button.classList.toggle('pe-auto', disabled)\n }\n\n function getValue() {\n return input.value.trim()\n }\n\n enableOrDisable()\n\n})\n", "up.compiler('[content-code-search]', (element) => {\n document.body.classList.add('-search-shown')\n\n return () => {\n document.body.classList.remove('-search-shown')\n }\n})\n", "up.compiler('.full-avatar', (element) => {\n\n const image = element.querySelector('img')\n let animating = false\n\n async function onClick() {\n if (animating) return\n\n animating = true\n const animations = [bounce, flip, wheelie]\n const animation = animations[Math.floor(Math.random() * animations.length)]\n\n await animation()\n image.style.removeProperty('transform')\n image.style.removeProperty('transform-origin')\n animating = false\n }\n\n async function bounce() {\n async function bounceBy(offset, duration) {\n if (!image.isConnected) return Promise.resolve()\n\n await up.animate(image, { transform: `translateY(-${offset}px)` }, { duration: duration / 2 })\n return up.animate(image, { transform: 'translateY(0)' }, { duration: duration / 2 })\n }\n\n await bounceBy(100, 240)\n await bounceBy(60, 120)\n await bounceBy(30, 60)\n return bounceBy(15, 30)\n }\n\n async function flip() {\n return up.animate(image, { transform: 'rotateY(-720deg)' }, { duration: 1080 })\n }\n\n async function wheelie() {\n async function turnBy(degrees, duration) {\n if (!image.isConnected) return Promise.resolve()\n\n await up.animate(image, { transform: `rotate(-${degrees}deg)` }, { duration: duration * 2 / 3 })\n return up.animate(image, { transform: 'rotate(0)' }, { duration: duration * 1 / 3 })\n }\n\n image.style.setProperty('transform-origin', 'left bottom')\n await turnBy(25, 360)\n return turnBy(5, 60)\n }\n\n element.addEventListener('click', onClick)\n\n})\n", "up.compiler('[full-screen-toggle]', (elem) => {\n function toggleFullscreen(evt) {\n const container = evt.target.closest('main.container')\n\n if (container.classList.contains('-fullscreen')) {\n exitFullScreen()\n container.classList.remove('-fullscreen')\n } else {\n enterFullScreen(container)\n container.classList.add('-fullscreen')\n }\n }\n\n up.on(elem, 'click', toggleFullscreen)\n up.on('fullscreenchange', closeFullscreenOnKeyEvent)\n up.on('webkitfullscreenchange', closeFullscreenOnKeyEvent)\n up.on('mozfullscreenchange', closeFullscreenOnKeyEvent)\n up.on('MSFullscreenChange', closeFullscreenOnKeyEvent)\n\n function closeFullscreenOnKeyEvent(evt) {\n if (!document.fullscreenElement && !document.webkitIsFullScreen && !document.mozFullScreen && !document.msFullscreenElement) {\n exitFullScreen()\n const container = evt.target.closest('main.container')\n container.classList.remove('-fullscreen')\n }\n }\n\n function exitFullScreen() {\n if (document.exitFullscreen) {\n document.exitFullscreen()\n } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {\n document.mozCancelFullScreen()\n } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {\n document.webkitExitFullscreen()\n } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {\n document.msExitFullscreen()\n }\n }\n\n function enterFullScreen(elem) {\n if (elem.requestFullscreen) {\n elem.requestFullscreen()\n } else if (elem.mozRequestFullScreen) {\n elem.mozRequestFullScreen()\n } else if (elem.webkitRequestFullscreen) {\n elem.webkitRequestFullscreen()\n } else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen) {\n elem.msRequestFullscreen()\n }\n }\n})\n", "up.compiler('[go-back]', (element) => {\n element.addEventListener('click', () => history.back())\n})\n", "up.compiler('[image-in-lightbox]', (element, { url, showButton = true }) => {\n\n if (element.closest('.-draggable')) return\n\n let lightbox\n\n const container = up.element.affix(element.parentElement, '.lightbox-image-container')\n container.appendChild(element)\n\n if (showButton) {\n const button = up.element.createFromHTML(`\n \n `)\n container.appendChild(button)\n }\n\n function openLightbox() {\n lightbox ??= buildLightbox()\n up.element.setAttrs(lightbox, { open: true })\n }\n\n function closeLightbox() {\n up.element.setAttrs(lightbox, { open: false })\n }\n\n function destroyLightbox() {\n lightbox?.remove()\n }\n\n function buildLightbox() {\n lightbox = up.element.createFromHTML(`\n
\n \n
\n `)\n document.body.appendChild(lightbox)\n lightbox.addEventListener('click', closeLightbox)\n return lightbox\n }\n\n container.addEventListener('click', openLightbox)\n\n return destroyLightbox\n\n})\n", "// we allowlist some javascript: links and eval them ourselves, otherwise CSP will block execution\n\nup.compiler('a[href^=\"javascript:\"]', (element) => {\n element.addEventListener('click', (event) => {\n event.preventDefault()\n const javascriptCode = element.href.split(':')[1].trim()\n switch (javascriptCode) {\n case 'gaOptout()': {\n // Method is provided through Google Tag Manager\n window.gaOptout()\n break\n }\n }\n })\n})\n", "export class BitMatrix {\n public static createEmpty(width: number, height: number) {\n return new BitMatrix(new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height), width);\n }\n\n public width: number;\n public height: number;\n private data: Uint8ClampedArray;\n\n constructor(data: Uint8ClampedArray, width: number) {\n this.width = width;\n this.height = data.length / width;\n this.data = data;\n }\n\n public get(x: number, y: number): boolean {\n if (x < 0 || x >= this.width || y < 0 || y >= this.height) {\n return false;\n }\n return !!this.data[y * this.width + x];\n }\n\n public set(x: number, y: number, v: boolean) {\n this.data[y * this.width + x] = v ? 1 : 0;\n }\n\n public setRegion(left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number, v: boolean) {\n for (let y = top; y < top + height; y++) {\n for (let x = left; x < left + width; x++) {\n this.set(x, y, !!v);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n", "import {BitMatrix} from \"../BitMatrix\";\nimport {GreyscaleWeights} from \"../index\";\n\nconst REGION_SIZE = 8;\nconst MIN_DYNAMIC_RANGE = 24;\n\nfunction numBetween(value: number, min: number, max: number): number {\n return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value;\n}\n\n// Like BitMatrix but accepts arbitry Uint8 values\nclass Matrix {\n private data: Uint8ClampedArray;\n private width: number;\n constructor(width: number, height: number, buffer?: Uint8ClampedArray) {\n this.width = width;\n const bufferSize = width * height;\n if (buffer && buffer.length !== bufferSize) {\n throw new Error(\"Wrong buffer size\");\n }\n this.data = buffer || new Uint8ClampedArray(bufferSize);\n }\n public get(x: number, y: number) {\n return this.data[y * this.width + x];\n }\n public set(x: number, y: number, value: number) {\n this.data[y * this.width + x] = value;\n }\n}\n\nexport function binarize(data: Uint8ClampedArray, width: number, height: number, returnInverted: boolean,\n greyscaleWeights: GreyscaleWeights, canOverwriteImage: boolean) {\n const pixelCount = width * height;\n if (data.length !== pixelCount * 4) {\n throw new Error(\"Malformed data passed to binarizer.\");\n }\n // assign the greyscale and binary image within the rgba buffer as the rgba image will not be needed after conversion\n let bufferOffset = 0;\n // Convert image to greyscale\n let greyscaleBuffer: Uint8ClampedArray;\n if (canOverwriteImage) {\n greyscaleBuffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(data.buffer, bufferOffset, pixelCount);\n bufferOffset += pixelCount;\n }\n const greyscalePixels = new Matrix(width, height, greyscaleBuffer);\n if (greyscaleWeights.useIntegerApproximation) {\n for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {\n for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {\n const pixelPosition = (y * width + x) * 4;\n const r = data[pixelPosition];\n const g = data[pixelPosition + 1];\n const b = data[pixelPosition + 2];\n greyscalePixels.set(x, y,\n // tslint:disable-next-line no-bitwise\n (greyscaleWeights.red * r + greyscaleWeights.green * g + greyscaleWeights.blue * b + 128) >> 8);\n }\n }\n } else {\n for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {\n for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {\n const pixelPosition = (y * width + x) * 4;\n const r = data[pixelPosition];\n const g = data[pixelPosition + 1];\n const b = data[pixelPosition + 2];\n greyscalePixels.set(x, y,\n greyscaleWeights.red * r + greyscaleWeights.green * g + greyscaleWeights.blue * b);\n }\n }\n }\n const horizontalRegionCount = Math.ceil(width / REGION_SIZE);\n const verticalRegionCount = Math.ceil(height / REGION_SIZE);\n const blackPointsCount = horizontalRegionCount * verticalRegionCount;\n\n let blackPointsBuffer: Uint8ClampedArray;\n if (canOverwriteImage) {\n blackPointsBuffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(data.buffer, bufferOffset, blackPointsCount);\n bufferOffset += blackPointsCount;\n }\n const blackPoints = new Matrix(horizontalRegionCount, verticalRegionCount, blackPointsBuffer);\n for (let verticalRegion = 0; verticalRegion < verticalRegionCount; verticalRegion++) {\n for (let hortizontalRegion = 0; hortizontalRegion < horizontalRegionCount; hortizontalRegion++) {\n let min = Infinity;\n let max = 0;\n for (let y = 0; y < REGION_SIZE; y++) {\n for (let x = 0; x < REGION_SIZE; x++) {\n const pixelLumosity =\n greyscalePixels.get(hortizontalRegion * REGION_SIZE + x, verticalRegion * REGION_SIZE + y);\n min = Math.min(min, pixelLumosity);\n max = Math.max(max, pixelLumosity);\n }\n }\n // We could also compute the real average of all pixels but following the assumption that the qr code consists\n // of bright and dark pixels and essentially not much in between, by (min + max)/2 we make the cut really between\n // those two classes. If using the average over all pixel in a block of mostly bright pixels and few dark pixels,\n // the avg would tend to the bright side and darker bright pixels could be interpreted as dark.\n let average = (min + max) / 2;\n // Small bias towards black by moving the threshold up. We do this, as in the finder patterns white holes tend\n // to appear which makes them undetectable.\n const blackBias = 1.11;\n average = Math.min(255, average * blackBias);\n if (max - min <= MIN_DYNAMIC_RANGE) {\n // If variation within the block is low, assume this is a block with only light or only\n // dark pixels. In that case we do not want to use the average, as it would divide this\n // low contrast area into black and white pixels, essentially creating data out of noise.\n //\n // Default the blackpoint for these blocks to be half the min - effectively white them out\n average = min / 2;\n\n if (verticalRegion > 0 && hortizontalRegion > 0) {\n // Correct the \"white background\" assumption for blocks that have neighbors by comparing\n // the pixels in this block to the previously calculated black points. This is based on\n // the fact that dark barcode symbology is always surrounded by some amount of light\n // background for which reasonable black point estimates were made. The bp estimated at\n // the boundaries is used for the interior.\n\n // The (min < bp) is arbitrary but works better than other heuristics that were tried.\n const averageNeighborBlackPoint = (\n blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion, verticalRegion - 1) +\n (2 * blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion - 1, verticalRegion)) +\n blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion - 1, verticalRegion - 1)\n ) / 4;\n if (min < averageNeighborBlackPoint) {\n average = averageNeighborBlackPoint; // no need to apply black bias as already applied to neighbors\n }\n }\n }\n blackPoints.set(hortizontalRegion, verticalRegion, average);\n }\n }\n\n let binarized: BitMatrix;\n if (canOverwriteImage) {\n const binarizedBuffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(data.buffer, bufferOffset, pixelCount);\n bufferOffset += pixelCount;\n binarized = new BitMatrix(binarizedBuffer, width);\n } else {\n binarized = BitMatrix.createEmpty(width, height);\n }\n\n let inverted: BitMatrix = null;\n if (returnInverted) {\n if (canOverwriteImage) {\n const invertedBuffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(data.buffer, bufferOffset, pixelCount);\n inverted = new BitMatrix(invertedBuffer, width);\n } else {\n inverted = BitMatrix.createEmpty(width, height);\n }\n }\n\n for (let verticalRegion = 0; verticalRegion < verticalRegionCount; verticalRegion++) {\n for (let hortizontalRegion = 0; hortizontalRegion < horizontalRegionCount; hortizontalRegion++) {\n const left = numBetween(hortizontalRegion, 2, horizontalRegionCount - 3);\n const top = numBetween(verticalRegion, 2, verticalRegionCount - 3);\n let sum = 0;\n for (let xRegion = -2; xRegion <= 2; xRegion++) {\n for (let yRegion = -2; yRegion <= 2; yRegion++) {\n sum += blackPoints.get(left + xRegion, top + yRegion);\n }\n }\n const threshold = sum / 25;\n for (let xRegion = 0; xRegion < REGION_SIZE; xRegion++) {\n for (let yRegion = 0; yRegion < REGION_SIZE; yRegion++) {\n const x = hortizontalRegion * REGION_SIZE + xRegion;\n const y = verticalRegion * REGION_SIZE + yRegion;\n const lum = greyscalePixels.get(x, y);\n binarized.set(x, y, lum <= threshold);\n if (returnInverted) {\n inverted.set(x, y, !(lum <= threshold));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (returnInverted) {\n return { binarized, inverted };\n }\n return { binarized };\n}\n", "// tslint:disable:no-bitwise\n\nexport class BitStream {\n private bytes: Uint8ClampedArray;\n private byteOffset: number = 0;\n private bitOffset: number = 0;\n\n constructor(bytes: Uint8ClampedArray) {\n this.bytes = bytes;\n }\n\n public readBits(numBits: number): number {\n if (numBits < 1 || numBits > 32 || numBits > this.available()) {\n throw new Error(\"Cannot read \" + numBits.toString() + \" bits\");\n }\n\n let result = 0;\n // First, read remainder from current byte\n if (this.bitOffset > 0) {\n const bitsLeft = 8 - this.bitOffset;\n const toRead = numBits < bitsLeft ? numBits : bitsLeft;\n const bitsToNotRead = bitsLeft - toRead;\n const mask = (0xFF >> (8 - toRead)) << bitsToNotRead;\n result = (this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & mask) >> bitsToNotRead;\n numBits -= toRead;\n this.bitOffset += toRead;\n if (this.bitOffset === 8) {\n this.bitOffset = 0;\n this.byteOffset++;\n }\n }\n\n // Next read whole bytes\n if (numBits > 0) {\n while (numBits >= 8) {\n result = (result << 8) | (this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & 0xFF);\n this.byteOffset++;\n numBits -= 8;\n }\n\n // Finally read a partial byte\n if (numBits > 0) {\n const bitsToNotRead = 8 - numBits;\n const mask = (0xFF >> bitsToNotRead) << bitsToNotRead;\n result = (result << numBits) | ((this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & mask) >> bitsToNotRead);\n this.bitOffset += numBits;\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n public available(): number {\n return 8 * (this.bytes.length - this.byteOffset) - this.bitOffset;\n }\n}\n", "// tslint:disable:no-bitwise\nimport { BitStream } from \"./BitStream\";\n\nexport interface Chunk {\n type: Mode;\n text: string;\n}\n\nexport interface ByteChunk {\n type: Mode.Byte | Mode.Kanji;\n bytes: number[];\n}\n\nexport interface ECIChunk {\n type: Mode.ECI;\n assignmentNumber: number;\n}\n\nexport interface StructuredAppend {\n type: Mode.StructuredAppend;\n currentSequence: number;\n totalSequence: number;\n parity: number;\n}\n\nexport type Chunks = Array;\n\nexport interface DecodedQR {\n text: string;\n bytes: number[];\n chunks: Chunks;\n version: number;\n}\n\nexport enum Mode {\n Numeric = \"numeric\",\n Alphanumeric = \"alphanumeric\",\n Byte = \"byte\",\n Kanji = \"kanji\",\n ECI = \"eci\",\n StructuredAppend = \"structuredappend\",\n}\n\nenum ModeByte {\n Terminator = 0x0,\n Numeric = 0x1,\n Alphanumeric = 0x2,\n Byte = 0x4,\n Kanji = 0x8,\n ECI = 0x7,\n StructuredAppend = 0x3,\n // FNC1FirstPosition = 0x5,\n // FNC1SecondPosition = 0x9,\n}\n\nfunction decodeNumeric(stream: BitStream, size: number) {\n const bytes: number[] = [];\n let text = \"\";\n\n const characterCountSize = [10, 12, 14][size];\n let length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);\n // Read digits in groups of 3\n while (length >= 3) {\n const num = stream.readBits(10);\n if (num >= 1000) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid numeric value above 999\");\n }\n\n const a = Math.floor(num / 100);\n const b = Math.floor(num / 10) % 10;\n const c = num % 10;\n\n bytes.push(48 + a, 48 + b, 48 + c);\n text += a.toString() + b.toString() + c.toString();\n length -= 3;\n }\n\n // If the number of digits aren't a multiple of 3, the remaining digits are special cased.\n if (length === 2) {\n const num = stream.readBits(7);\n if (num >= 100) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid numeric value above 99\");\n }\n\n const a = Math.floor(num / 10);\n const b = num % 10;\n\n bytes.push(48 + a, 48 + b);\n text += a.toString() + b.toString();\n } else if (length === 1) {\n const num = stream.readBits(4);\n if (num >= 10) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid numeric value above 9\");\n }\n\n bytes.push(48 + num);\n text += num.toString();\n }\n\n return { bytes, text };\n}\n\nconst AlphanumericCharacterCodes = [\n \"0\", \"1\", \"2\", \"3\", \"4\", \"5\", \"6\", \"7\", \"8\",\n \"9\", \"A\", \"B\", \"C\", \"D\", \"E\", \"F\", \"G\", \"H\",\n \"I\", \"J\", \"K\", \"L\", \"M\", \"N\", \"O\", \"P\", \"Q\",\n \"R\", \"S\", \"T\", \"U\", \"V\", \"W\", \"X\", \"Y\", \"Z\",\n \" \", \"$\", \"%\", \"*\", \"+\", \"-\", \".\", \"/\", \":\",\n];\n\nfunction decodeAlphanumeric(stream: BitStream, size: number) {\n const bytes: number[] = [];\n let text = \"\";\n\n const characterCountSize = [9, 11, 13][size];\n let length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);\n while (length >= 2) {\n const v = stream.readBits(11);\n\n const a = Math.floor(v / 45);\n const b = v % 45;\n\n bytes.push(AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a].charCodeAt(0), AlphanumericCharacterCodes[b].charCodeAt(0));\n text += AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a] + AlphanumericCharacterCodes[b];\n length -= 2;\n }\n\n if (length === 1) {\n const a = stream.readBits(6);\n bytes.push(AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a].charCodeAt(0));\n text += AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a];\n }\n\n return { bytes, text };\n}\n\nfunction decodeByte(stream: BitStream, size: number) {\n const bytes: number[] = [];\n let text = \"\";\n\n const characterCountSize = [8, 16, 16][size];\n const length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);\n for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n const b = stream.readBits(8);\n bytes.push(b);\n }\n try {\n text += decodeURIComponent(bytes.map(b => `%${(\"0\" + b.toString(16)).substr(-2)}`).join(\"\"));\n } catch {\n // failed to decode\n }\n\n return { bytes, text };\n}\n\nfunction decodeKanji(stream: BitStream, size: number) {\n const bytes: number[] = [];\n\n const characterCountSize = [8, 10, 12][size];\n const length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);\n for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n const k = stream.readBits(13);\n\n let c = (Math.floor(k / 0xC0) << 8) | (k % 0xC0);\n if (c < 0x1F00) {\n c += 0x8140;\n } else {\n c += 0xC140;\n }\n\n bytes.push(c >> 8, c & 0xFF);\n }\n\n const text = new TextDecoder(\"shift-jis\").decode(Uint8Array.from(bytes));\n return { bytes, text };\n}\n\nexport function decode(data: Uint8ClampedArray, version: number): DecodedQR {\n const stream = new BitStream(data);\n\n // There are 3 'sizes' based on the version. 1-9 is small (0), 10-26 is medium (1) and 27-40 is large (2).\n const size = version <= 9 ? 0 : version <= 26 ? 1 : 2;\n\n const result: DecodedQR = {\n text: \"\",\n bytes: [],\n chunks: [],\n version,\n };\n\n while (stream.available() >= 4) {\n const mode = stream.readBits(4);\n if (mode === ModeByte.Terminator) {\n return result;\n } else if (mode === ModeByte.ECI) {\n if (stream.readBits(1) === 0) {\n result.chunks.push({\n type: Mode.ECI,\n assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(7),\n });\n } else if (stream.readBits(1) === 0) {\n result.chunks.push({\n type: Mode.ECI,\n assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(14),\n });\n } else if (stream.readBits(1) === 0) {\n result.chunks.push({\n type: Mode.ECI,\n assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(21),\n });\n } else {\n // ECI data seems corrupted\n result.chunks.push({\n type: Mode.ECI,\n assignmentNumber: -1,\n });\n }\n } else if (mode === ModeByte.Numeric) {\n const numericResult = decodeNumeric(stream, size);\n result.text += numericResult.text;\n result.bytes.push(...numericResult.bytes);\n result.chunks.push({\n type: Mode.Numeric,\n text: numericResult.text,\n });\n } else if (mode === ModeByte.Alphanumeric) {\n const alphanumericResult = decodeAlphanumeric(stream, size);\n result.text += alphanumericResult.text;\n result.bytes.push(...alphanumericResult.bytes);\n result.chunks.push({\n type: Mode.Alphanumeric,\n text: alphanumericResult.text,\n });\n } else if (mode === ModeByte.Byte) {\n const byteResult = decodeByte(stream, size);\n result.text += byteResult.text;\n result.bytes.push(...byteResult.bytes);\n result.chunks.push({\n type: Mode.Byte,\n bytes: byteResult.bytes,\n text: byteResult.text,\n });\n } else if (mode === ModeByte.Kanji) {\n const kanjiResult = decodeKanji(stream, size);\n result.text += kanjiResult.text;\n result.bytes.push(...kanjiResult.bytes);\n result.chunks.push({\n type: Mode.Kanji,\n bytes: kanjiResult.bytes,\n text: kanjiResult.text,\n });\n } else if (mode === ModeByte.StructuredAppend) {\n result.chunks.push({\n type: Mode.StructuredAppend,\n currentSequence: stream.readBits(4),\n totalSequence: stream.readBits(4),\n parity: stream.readBits(8),\n });\n }\n }\n\n // If there is no data left, or the remaining bits are all 0, then that counts as a termination marker\n if (stream.available() === 0 || stream.readBits(stream.available()) === 0) {\n return result;\n }\n}\n", "import GenericGF, { addOrSubtractGF } from \"./GenericGF\";\n\nexport default class GenericGFPoly {\n private field: GenericGF;\n private coefficients: Uint8ClampedArray;\n\n constructor(field: GenericGF, coefficients: Uint8ClampedArray) {\n if (coefficients.length === 0) {\n throw new Error(\"No coefficients.\");\n }\n this.field = field;\n const coefficientsLength = coefficients.length;\n if (coefficientsLength > 1 && coefficients[0] === 0) {\n // Leading term must be non-zero for anything except the constant polynomial \"0\"\n let firstNonZero = 1;\n while (firstNonZero < coefficientsLength && coefficients[firstNonZero] === 0) {\n firstNonZero++;\n }\n if (firstNonZero === coefficientsLength) {\n this.coefficients = field.zero.coefficients;\n } else {\n this.coefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(coefficientsLength - firstNonZero);\n for (let i = 0; i < this.coefficients.length; i++) {\n this.coefficients[i] = coefficients[firstNonZero + i];\n }\n }\n } else {\n this.coefficients = coefficients;\n }\n }\n\n public degree() {\n return this.coefficients.length - 1;\n }\n\n public isZero() {\n return this.coefficients[0] === 0;\n }\n\n public getCoefficient(degree: number) {\n return this.coefficients[this.coefficients.length - 1 - degree];\n }\n\n public addOrSubtract(other: GenericGFPoly) {\n if (this.isZero()) {\n return other;\n }\n if (other.isZero()) {\n return this;\n }\n\n let smallerCoefficients = this.coefficients;\n let largerCoefficients = other.coefficients;\n if (smallerCoefficients.length > largerCoefficients.length) {\n [smallerCoefficients, largerCoefficients] = [largerCoefficients, smallerCoefficients];\n }\n const sumDiff = new Uint8ClampedArray(largerCoefficients.length);\n const lengthDiff = largerCoefficients.length - smallerCoefficients.length;\n for (let i = 0; i < lengthDiff; i++) {\n sumDiff[i] = largerCoefficients[i];\n }\n\n for (let i = lengthDiff; i < largerCoefficients.length; i++) {\n sumDiff[i] = addOrSubtractGF(smallerCoefficients[i - lengthDiff], largerCoefficients[i]);\n }\n\n return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, sumDiff);\n }\n\n public multiply(scalar: number) {\n if (scalar === 0) {\n return this.field.zero;\n }\n if (scalar === 1) {\n return this;\n }\n const size = this.coefficients.length;\n const product = new Uint8ClampedArray(size);\n for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {\n product[i] = this.field.multiply(this.coefficients[i], scalar);\n }\n\n return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, product);\n }\n\n public multiplyPoly(other: GenericGFPoly): GenericGFPoly {\n if (this.isZero() || other.isZero()) {\n return this.field.zero;\n }\n const aCoefficients = this.coefficients;\n const aLength = aCoefficients.length;\n const bCoefficients = other.coefficients;\n const bLength = bCoefficients.length;\n const product = new Uint8ClampedArray(aLength + bLength - 1);\n for (let i = 0; i < aLength; i++) {\n const aCoeff = aCoefficients[i];\n for (let j = 0; j < bLength; j++) {\n product[i + j] = addOrSubtractGF(product[i + j],\n this.field.multiply(aCoeff, bCoefficients[j]));\n }\n }\n return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, product);\n }\n\n public multiplyByMonomial(degree: number, coefficient: number) {\n if (degree < 0) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid degree less than 0\");\n }\n if (coefficient === 0) {\n return this.field.zero;\n }\n const size = this.coefficients.length;\n const product = new Uint8ClampedArray(size + degree);\n for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {\n product[i] = this.field.multiply(this.coefficients[i], coefficient);\n }\n return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, product);\n }\n\n public evaluateAt(a: number) {\n let result = 0;\n if (a === 0) {\n // Just return the x^0 coefficient\n return this.getCoefficient(0);\n }\n const size = this.coefficients.length;\n if (a === 1) {\n // Just the sum of the coefficients\n this.coefficients.forEach((coefficient) => {\n result = addOrSubtractGF(result, coefficient);\n });\n return result;\n }\n result = this.coefficients[0];\n for (let i = 1; i < size; i++) {\n result = addOrSubtractGF(this.field.multiply(a, result), this.coefficients[i]);\n }\n return result;\n }\n}\n", "import GenericGFPoly from \"./GenericGFPoly\";\n\nexport function addOrSubtractGF(a: number, b: number) {\n return a ^ b; // tslint:disable-line:no-bitwise\n}\n\nexport default class GenericGF {\n public primitive: number;\n public size: number;\n public generatorBase: number;\n public zero: GenericGFPoly;\n public one: GenericGFPoly;\n\n private expTable: number[];\n private logTable: number[];\n\n constructor(primitive: number, size: number, genBase: number) {\n this.primitive = primitive;\n this.size = size;\n this.generatorBase = genBase;\n this.expTable = new Array(this.size);\n this.logTable = new Array(this.size);\n\n let x = 1;\n for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {\n this.expTable[i] = x;\n x = x * 2;\n if (x >= this.size) {\n x = (x ^ this.primitive) & (this.size - 1); // tslint:disable-line:no-bitwise\n }\n }\n\n for (let i = 0; i < this.size - 1; i++) {\n this.logTable[this.expTable[i]] = i;\n }\n this.zero = new GenericGFPoly(this, Uint8ClampedArray.from([0]));\n this.one = new GenericGFPoly(this, Uint8ClampedArray.from([1]));\n }\n\n public multiply(a: number, b: number) {\n if (a === 0 || b === 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n return this.expTable[(this.logTable[a] + this.logTable[b]) % (this.size - 1)];\n }\n\n public inverse(a: number) {\n if (a === 0) {\n throw new Error(\"Can't invert 0\");\n }\n return this.expTable[this.size - this.logTable[a] - 1];\n }\n\n public buildMonomial(degree: number, coefficient: number): GenericGFPoly {\n if (degree < 0) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid monomial degree less than 0\");\n }\n if (coefficient === 0) {\n return this.zero;\n }\n const coefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(degree + 1);\n coefficients[0] = coefficient;\n return new GenericGFPoly(this, coefficients);\n }\n\n public log(a: number) {\n if (a === 0) {\n throw new Error(\"Can't take log(0)\");\n }\n return this.logTable[a];\n }\n\n public exp(a: number) {\n return this.expTable[a];\n }\n}\n", "import GenericGF, { addOrSubtractGF } from \"./GenericGF\";\nimport GenericGFPoly from \"./GenericGFPoly\";\n\nfunction runEuclideanAlgorithm(field: GenericGF, a: GenericGFPoly, b: GenericGFPoly, R: number): GenericGFPoly[] {\n // Assume a's degree is >= b's\n if (a.degree() < b.degree()) {\n [a, b] = [b, a];\n }\n\n let rLast = a;\n let r = b;\n let tLast = field.zero;\n let t = field.one;\n\n // Run Euclidean algorithm until r's degree is less than R/2\n while (r.degree() >= R / 2) {\n const rLastLast = rLast;\n const tLastLast = tLast;\n rLast = r;\n tLast = t;\n\n // Divide rLastLast by rLast, with quotient in q and remainder in r\n if (rLast.isZero()) {\n // Euclidean algorithm already terminated?\n return null;\n }\n r = rLastLast;\n let q = field.zero;\n const denominatorLeadingTerm = rLast.getCoefficient(rLast.degree());\n const dltInverse = field.inverse(denominatorLeadingTerm);\n while (r.degree() >= rLast.degree() && !r.isZero()) {\n const degreeDiff = r.degree() - rLast.degree();\n const scale = field.multiply(r.getCoefficient(r.degree()), dltInverse);\n q = q.addOrSubtract(field.buildMonomial(degreeDiff, scale));\n r = r.addOrSubtract(rLast.multiplyByMonomial(degreeDiff, scale));\n }\n\n t = q.multiplyPoly(tLast).addOrSubtract(tLastLast);\n\n if (r.degree() >= rLast.degree()) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n const sigmaTildeAtZero = t.getCoefficient(0);\n if (sigmaTildeAtZero === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const inverse = field.inverse(sigmaTildeAtZero);\n return [t.multiply(inverse), r.multiply(inverse)];\n}\n\nfunction findErrorLocations(field: GenericGF, errorLocator: GenericGFPoly): number[] {\n // This is a direct application of Chien's search\n const numErrors = errorLocator.degree();\n if (numErrors === 1) {\n return [errorLocator.getCoefficient(1)];\n }\n const result: number[] = new Array(numErrors);\n let errorCount = 0;\n for (let i = 1; i < field.size && errorCount < numErrors; i++) {\n if (errorLocator.evaluateAt(i) === 0) {\n result[errorCount] = field.inverse(i);\n errorCount++;\n }\n }\n if (errorCount !== numErrors) {\n return null;\n }\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction findErrorMagnitudes(field: GenericGF, errorEvaluator: GenericGFPoly, errorLocations: number[]): number[] {\n // This is directly applying Forney's Formula\n const s = errorLocations.length;\n const result: number[] = new Array(s);\n for (let i = 0; i < s; i++) {\n const xiInverse = field.inverse(errorLocations[i]);\n let denominator = 1;\n for (let j = 0; j < s; j++) {\n if (i !== j) {\n denominator = field.multiply(denominator, addOrSubtractGF(1, field.multiply(errorLocations[j], xiInverse)));\n }\n }\n result[i] = field.multiply(errorEvaluator.evaluateAt(xiInverse), field.inverse(denominator));\n if (field.generatorBase !== 0) {\n result[i] = field.multiply(result[i], xiInverse);\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n\nexport function decode(bytes: number[], twoS: number) {\n const outputBytes = new Uint8ClampedArray(bytes.length);\n outputBytes.set(bytes);\n\n const field = new GenericGF(0x011D, 256, 0); // x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1\n const poly = new GenericGFPoly(field, outputBytes);\n\n const syndromeCoefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(twoS);\n let error = false;\n for (let s = 0; s < twoS; s++) {\n const evaluation = poly.evaluateAt(field.exp(s + field.generatorBase));\n syndromeCoefficients[syndromeCoefficients.length - 1 - s] = evaluation;\n if (evaluation !== 0) {\n error = true;\n }\n }\n if (!error) {\n return outputBytes;\n }\n\n const syndrome = new GenericGFPoly(field, syndromeCoefficients);\n\n const sigmaOmega = runEuclideanAlgorithm(field, field.buildMonomial(twoS, 1), syndrome, twoS);\n if (sigmaOmega === null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const errorLocations = findErrorLocations(field, sigmaOmega[0]);\n if (errorLocations == null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const errorMagnitudes = findErrorMagnitudes(field, sigmaOmega[1], errorLocations);\n for (let i = 0; i < errorLocations.length; i++) {\n const position = outputBytes.length - 1 - field.log(errorLocations[i]);\n if (position < 0) {\n return null;\n }\n outputBytes[position] = addOrSubtractGF(outputBytes[position], errorMagnitudes[i]);\n }\n\n return outputBytes;\n}\n", "export interface Version {\n infoBits: number;\n versionNumber: number;\n alignmentPatternCenters: number[];\n errorCorrectionLevels: Array<{\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: number;\n ecBlocks: Array<{\n numBlocks: number;\n dataCodewordsPerBlock: number;\n }>\n }>;\n}\n\nexport const VERSIONS: Version[] = [\n {\n infoBits: null,\n versionNumber: 1,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 7,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 10,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 13,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 17,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 9 }],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: null,\n versionNumber: 2,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 18],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 10,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 34 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 16,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 28 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: null,\n versionNumber: 3,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 22],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 15,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 55 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 44 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 }],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: null,\n versionNumber: 4,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 20,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 80 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 32 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 16,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 9 }],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: null,\n versionNumber: 5,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 108 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 43 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 11 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 12 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: null,\n versionNumber: 6,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 34],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 68 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 16,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 27 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 }],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x07C94,\n versionNumber: 7,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 22, 38],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 20,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 78 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 31 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 },\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x085BC,\n versionNumber: 8,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 24, 42],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 97 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 38 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 39 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 18 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x09A99,\n versionNumber: 9,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26, 46],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 36 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 37 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 20,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 12 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x0A4D3,\n versionNumber: 10,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 28, 50],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 68 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 69 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 43 },\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 44 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 20 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x0BBF6,\n versionNumber: 11,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 54],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 20,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 81 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 50 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 51 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 12 },\n { numBlocks: 8, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x0C762,\n versionNumber: 12,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 32, 58],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 92 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 93 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 36 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 37 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 20 },\n { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 21 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x0D847,\n versionNumber: 13,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 34, 62],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 107 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 8, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 37 },\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 38 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 8, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 20 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 21 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 12, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 11 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 12 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x0E60D,\n versionNumber: 14,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26, 46, 66],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 },\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 40 },\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 41 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 20,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 12 },\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x0F928,\n versionNumber: 15,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26, 48, 70],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 87 },\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 88 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 41 },\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 42 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 12 },\n { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x10B78,\n versionNumber: 16,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26, 50, 74],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 98 },\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 99 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },\n { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 15, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 20 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x1145D,\n versionNumber: 17,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 54, 78],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 107 },\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 108 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 },\n { numBlocks: 15, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },\n { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x12A17,\n versionNumber: 18,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 56, 82],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 120 },\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 121 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 9, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 43 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 44 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 },\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },\n { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x13532,\n versionNumber: 19,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 58, 86],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 113 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 114 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 44 },\n { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 21 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 9, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 },\n { numBlocks: 16, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x149A6,\n versionNumber: 20,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 34, 62, 90],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 107 },\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 108 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 41 },\n { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 42 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 15, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 15, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x15683,\n versionNumber: 21,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 28, 50, 72, 94],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 42 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 },\n { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x168C9,\n versionNumber: 22,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26, 50, 74, 98],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 111 },\n { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 112 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 16, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 }],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x177EC,\n versionNumber: 23,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 54, 74, 102],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 121 },\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 16, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x18EC4,\n versionNumber: 24,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 28, 54, 80, 106],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },\n { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 16, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 30, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x191E1,\n versionNumber: 25,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 32, 58, 84, 110],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 8, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 106 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 107 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 8, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x1AFAB,\n versionNumber: 26,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 58, 86, 114],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 114 },\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 28, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 },\n { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 33, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x1B08E,\n versionNumber: 27,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 34, 62, 90, 118],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 8, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 123 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },\n { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 8, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },\n { numBlocks: 26, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 12, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 28, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x1CC1A,\n versionNumber: 28,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26, 50, 74, 98, 122],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 },\n { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },\n { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 31, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 31, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x1D33F,\n versionNumber: 29,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },\n { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 21, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },\n { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },\n { numBlocks: 37, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 26, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x1ED75,\n versionNumber: 30,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26, 52, 78, 104, 130],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 },\n { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 15, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 25, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 25, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x1F250,\n versionNumber: 31,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 56, 82, 108, 134],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 },\n { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },\n { numBlocks: 29, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 42, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 28, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x209D5,\n versionNumber: 32,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 34, 60, 86, 112, 138],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 }],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },\n { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 35, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 35, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x216F0,\n versionNumber: 33,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 },\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },\n { numBlocks: 21, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 29, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 46, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x228BA,\n versionNumber: 34,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 34, 62, 90, 118, 146],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 },\n { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },\n { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 44, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 59, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x2379F,\n versionNumber: 35,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126, 150],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 12, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 121 },\n { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 12, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n { numBlocks: 26, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 39, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 41, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x24B0B,\n versionNumber: 36,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [ 6, 24, 50, 76, 102, 128, 154 ],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 121 },\n { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 46, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 64, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x2542E,\n versionNumber: 37,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [ 6, 28, 54, 80, 106, 132, 158 ],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 123 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 29, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },\n { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 49, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 24, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 46, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x26A64,\n versionNumber: 38,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [ 6, 32, 58, 84, 110, 136, 162 ],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },\n { numBlocks: 18, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 123 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },\n { numBlocks: 32, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 48, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 42, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 32, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x27541,\n versionNumber: 39,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [ 6, 26, 54, 82, 110, 138, 166 ],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 20, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 },\n { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 40, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 43, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 67, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n infoBits: 0x28C69,\n versionNumber: 40,\n alignmentPatternCenters: [ 6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142, 170 ],\n errorCorrectionLevels: [\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 },\n { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 119 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 18, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },\n { numBlocks: 31, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },\n { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },\n ],\n },\n {\n ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,\n ecBlocks: [\n { numBlocks: 20, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },\n { numBlocks: 61, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n];\n", "import { BitMatrix } from \"../BitMatrix\";\nimport { Point } from \"../Point\";\nimport { decode as decodeData, DecodedQR } from \"./decodeData\";\nimport { decode as rsDecode } from \"./reedsolomon\";\nimport { Version, VERSIONS } from \"./version\";\n\n// tslint:disable:no-bitwise\nfunction numBitsDiffering(x: number, y: number) {\n let z = x ^ y;\n let bitCount = 0;\n while (z) {\n bitCount++;\n z &= z - 1;\n }\n return bitCount;\n}\n\nfunction pushBit(bit: any, byte: number) {\n return (byte << 1) | bit;\n}\n// tslint:enable:no-bitwise\n\nconst FORMAT_INFO_TABLE = [\n { bits: 0x5412, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 0 } },\n { bits: 0x5125, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 1 } },\n { bits: 0x5E7C, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 2 } },\n { bits: 0x5B4B, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 3 } },\n { bits: 0x45F9, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 4 } },\n { bits: 0x40CE, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 5 } },\n { bits: 0x4F97, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 6 } },\n { bits: 0x4AA0, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 7 } },\n { bits: 0x77C4, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 0 } },\n { bits: 0x72F3, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 1 } },\n { bits: 0x7DAA, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 2 } },\n { bits: 0x789D, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 3 } },\n { bits: 0x662F, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 4 } },\n { bits: 0x6318, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 5 } },\n { bits: 0x6C41, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 6 } },\n { bits: 0x6976, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 7 } },\n { bits: 0x1689, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 0 } },\n { bits: 0x13BE, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 1 } },\n { bits: 0x1CE7, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 2 } },\n { bits: 0x19D0, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 3 } },\n { bits: 0x0762, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 4 } },\n { bits: 0x0255, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 5 } },\n { bits: 0x0D0C, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 6 } },\n { bits: 0x083B, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 7 } },\n { bits: 0x355F, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 0 } },\n { bits: 0x3068, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 1 } },\n { bits: 0x3F31, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 2 } },\n { bits: 0x3A06, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 3 } },\n { bits: 0x24B4, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 4 } },\n { bits: 0x2183, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 5 } },\n { bits: 0x2EDA, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 6 } },\n { bits: 0x2BED, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 7 } },\n];\n\nconst DATA_MASKS = [\n (p: Point) => ((p.y + p.x) % 2) === 0,\n (p: Point) => (p.y % 2) === 0,\n (p: Point) => p.x % 3 === 0,\n (p: Point) => (p.y + p.x) % 3 === 0,\n (p: Point) => (Math.floor(p.y / 2) + Math.floor(p.x / 3)) % 2 === 0,\n (p: Point) => ((p.x * p.y) % 2) + ((p.x * p.y) % 3) === 0,\n (p: Point) => ((((p.y * p.x) % 2) + (p.y * p.x) % 3) % 2) === 0,\n (p: Point) => ((((p.y + p.x) % 2) + (p.y * p.x) % 3) % 2) === 0,\n];\n\ninterface FormatInformation {\n errorCorrectionLevel: number;\n dataMask: number;\n}\n\nfunction buildFunctionPatternMask(version: Version): BitMatrix {\n const dimension = 17 + 4 * version.versionNumber;\n const matrix = BitMatrix.createEmpty(dimension, dimension);\n\n matrix.setRegion(0, 0, 9, 9, true); // Top left finder pattern + separator + format\n matrix.setRegion(dimension - 8, 0, 8, 9, true); // Top right finder pattern + separator + format\n matrix.setRegion(0, dimension - 8, 9, 8, true); // Bottom left finder pattern + separator + format\n\n // Alignment patterns\n for (const x of version.alignmentPatternCenters) {\n for (const y of version.alignmentPatternCenters) {\n if (!(x === 6 && y === 6 || x === 6 && y === dimension - 7 || x === dimension - 7 && y === 6)) {\n matrix.setRegion(x - 2, y - 2, 5, 5, true);\n }\n }\n }\n\n matrix.setRegion(6, 9, 1, dimension - 17, true); // Vertical timing pattern\n matrix.setRegion(9, 6, dimension - 17, 1, true); // Horizontal timing pattern\n\n if (version.versionNumber > 6) {\n matrix.setRegion(dimension - 11, 0, 3, 6, true); // Version info, top right\n matrix.setRegion(0, dimension - 11, 6, 3, true); // Version info, bottom left\n }\n\n return matrix;\n}\n\nfunction readCodewords(matrix: BitMatrix, version: Version, formatInfo: FormatInformation) {\n const dataMask = DATA_MASKS[formatInfo.dataMask];\n const dimension = matrix.height;\n\n const functionPatternMask = buildFunctionPatternMask(version);\n\n const codewords: number[] = [];\n let currentByte = 0;\n let bitsRead = 0;\n\n // Read columns in pairs, from right to left\n let readingUp = true;\n for (let columnIndex = dimension - 1; columnIndex > 0; columnIndex -= 2) {\n if (columnIndex === 6) { // Skip whole column with vertical alignment pattern;\n columnIndex--;\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {\n const y = readingUp ? dimension - 1 - i : i;\n for (let columnOffset = 0; columnOffset < 2; columnOffset++) {\n const x = columnIndex - columnOffset;\n if (!functionPatternMask.get(x, y)) {\n bitsRead++;\n let bit = matrix.get(x, y);\n if (dataMask({y, x})) {\n bit = !bit;\n }\n currentByte = pushBit(bit, currentByte);\n if (bitsRead === 8) { // Whole bytes\n codewords.push(currentByte);\n bitsRead = 0;\n currentByte = 0;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n readingUp = !readingUp;\n }\n return codewords;\n}\n\nfunction readVersion(matrix: BitMatrix): Version {\n const dimension = matrix.height;\n\n const provisionalVersion = Math.floor((dimension - 17) / 4);\n if (provisionalVersion <= 6) { // 6 and under dont have version info in the QR code\n return VERSIONS[provisionalVersion - 1];\n }\n\n let topRightVersionBits = 0;\n for (let y = 5; y >= 0; y--) {\n for (let x = dimension - 9; x >= dimension - 11; x--) {\n topRightVersionBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, y), topRightVersionBits);\n }\n }\n\n let bottomLeftVersionBits = 0;\n for (let x = 5; x >= 0; x--) {\n for (let y = dimension - 9; y >= dimension - 11; y--) {\n bottomLeftVersionBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, y), bottomLeftVersionBits);\n }\n }\n\n let bestDifference = Infinity;\n let bestVersion: Version;\n for (const version of VERSIONS) {\n if (version.infoBits === topRightVersionBits || version.infoBits === bottomLeftVersionBits) {\n return version;\n }\n\n let difference = numBitsDiffering(topRightVersionBits, version.infoBits);\n if (difference < bestDifference) {\n bestVersion = version;\n bestDifference = difference;\n }\n\n difference = numBitsDiffering(bottomLeftVersionBits, version.infoBits);\n if (difference < bestDifference) {\n bestVersion = version;\n bestDifference = difference;\n }\n }\n // We can tolerate up to 3 bits of error since no two version info codewords will\n // differ in less than 8 bits.\n if (bestDifference <= 3) {\n return bestVersion;\n }\n}\n\nfunction readFormatInformation(matrix: BitMatrix) {\n let topLeftFormatInfoBits = 0;\n for (let x = 0; x <= 8; x++) {\n if (x !== 6) { // Skip timing pattern bit\n topLeftFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, 8), topLeftFormatInfoBits);\n }\n }\n for (let y = 7; y >= 0; y--) {\n if (y !== 6) { // Skip timing pattern bit\n topLeftFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(8, y), topLeftFormatInfoBits);\n }\n }\n\n const dimension = matrix.height;\n let topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = 0;\n for (let y = dimension - 1; y >= dimension - 7; y--) { // bottom left\n topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(8, y), topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits);\n }\n for (let x = dimension - 8; x < dimension; x++) { // top right\n topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, 8), topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits);\n }\n\n let bestDifference = Infinity;\n let bestFormatInfo = null;\n for (const {bits, formatInfo} of FORMAT_INFO_TABLE) {\n if (bits === topLeftFormatInfoBits || bits === topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits) {\n return formatInfo;\n }\n let difference = numBitsDiffering(topLeftFormatInfoBits, bits);\n if (difference < bestDifference) {\n bestFormatInfo = formatInfo;\n bestDifference = difference;\n }\n if (topLeftFormatInfoBits !== topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits) { // also try the other option\n difference = numBitsDiffering(topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits, bits);\n if (difference < bestDifference) {\n bestFormatInfo = formatInfo;\n bestDifference = difference;\n }\n }\n }\n // Hamming distance of the 32 masked codes is 7, by construction, so <= 3 bits differing means we found a match\n if (bestDifference <= 3) {\n return bestFormatInfo;\n }\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction getDataBlocks(codewords: number[], version: Version, ecLevel: number) {\n const ecInfo = version.errorCorrectionLevels[ecLevel];\n const dataBlocks: Array<{\n numDataCodewords: number;\n codewords: number[];\n }> = [];\n\n let totalCodewords = 0;\n ecInfo.ecBlocks.forEach(block => {\n for (let i = 0; i < block.numBlocks; i++) {\n dataBlocks.push({ numDataCodewords: block.dataCodewordsPerBlock, codewords: [] });\n totalCodewords += block.dataCodewordsPerBlock + ecInfo.ecCodewordsPerBlock;\n }\n });\n\n // In some cases the QR code will be malformed enough that we pull off more or less than we should.\n // If we pull off less there's nothing we can do.\n // If we pull off more we can safely truncate\n if (codewords.length < totalCodewords) {\n return null;\n }\n codewords = codewords.slice(0, totalCodewords);\n\n const shortBlockSize = ecInfo.ecBlocks[0].dataCodewordsPerBlock;\n // Pull codewords to fill the blocks up to the minimum size\n for (let i = 0; i < shortBlockSize; i++) {\n for (const dataBlock of dataBlocks) {\n dataBlock.codewords.push(codewords.shift());\n }\n }\n\n // If there are any large blocks, pull codewords to fill the last element of those\n if (ecInfo.ecBlocks.length > 1) {\n const smallBlockCount = ecInfo.ecBlocks[0].numBlocks;\n const largeBlockCount = ecInfo.ecBlocks[1].numBlocks;\n for (let i = 0; i < largeBlockCount; i++) {\n dataBlocks[smallBlockCount + i].codewords.push(codewords.shift());\n }\n }\n\n // Add the rest of the codewords to the blocks. These are the error correction codewords.\n while (codewords.length > 0) {\n for (const dataBlock of dataBlocks) {\n dataBlock.codewords.push(codewords.shift());\n }\n }\n\n return dataBlocks;\n}\n\nfunction decodeMatrix(matrix: BitMatrix) {\n const version = readVersion(matrix);\n if (!version) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const formatInfo = readFormatInformation(matrix);\n if (!formatInfo) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const codewords = readCodewords(matrix, version, formatInfo);\n const dataBlocks = getDataBlocks(codewords, version, formatInfo.errorCorrectionLevel);\n if (!dataBlocks) {\n return null;\n }\n\n // Count total number of data bytes\n const totalBytes = dataBlocks.reduce((a, b) => a + b.numDataCodewords, 0);\n const resultBytes = new Uint8ClampedArray(totalBytes);\n\n let resultIndex = 0;\n for (const dataBlock of dataBlocks) {\n const correctedBytes = rsDecode(dataBlock.codewords, dataBlock.codewords.length - dataBlock.numDataCodewords);\n if (!correctedBytes) {\n return null;\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < dataBlock.numDataCodewords; i++) {\n resultBytes[resultIndex++] = correctedBytes[i];\n }\n }\n\n try {\n return decodeData(resultBytes, version.versionNumber);\n } catch {\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nexport function decode(matrix: BitMatrix): DecodedQR {\n if (matrix == null) {\n return null;\n }\n const result = decodeMatrix(matrix);\n if (result) {\n return result;\n }\n // Decoding didn't work, try mirroring the QR across the topLeft -> bottomRight line.\n for (let x = 0; x < matrix.width; x++) {\n for (let y = x + 1; y < matrix.height; y++) {\n if (matrix.get(x, y) !== matrix.get(y, x)) {\n matrix.set(x, y, !matrix.get(x, y));\n matrix.set(y, x, !matrix.get(y, x));\n }\n }\n }\n return decodeMatrix(matrix);\n}\n", "import {BitMatrix} from \"../BitMatrix\";\nimport {Point, QRLocation} from \"../locator\";\n\ninterface PerspectiveTransform {\n a11: number;\n a21: number;\n a31: number;\n a12: number;\n a22: number;\n a32: number;\n a13: number;\n a23: number;\n a33: number;\n}\n\nfunction squareToQuadrilateral(p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point, p4: Point): PerspectiveTransform {\n const dx3 = p1.x - p2.x + p3.x - p4.x;\n const dy3 = p1.y - p2.y + p3.y - p4.y;\n if (dx3 === 0 && dy3 === 0) { // Affine\n return {\n a11: p2.x - p1.x,\n a12: p2.y - p1.y,\n a13: 0,\n a21: p3.x - p2.x,\n a22: p3.y - p2.y,\n a23: 0,\n a31: p1.x,\n a32: p1.y,\n a33: 1,\n };\n } else {\n const dx1 = p2.x - p3.x;\n const dx2 = p4.x - p3.x;\n const dy1 = p2.y - p3.y;\n const dy2 = p4.y - p3.y;\n const denominator = dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1;\n const a13 = (dx3 * dy2 - dx2 * dy3) / denominator;\n const a23 = (dx1 * dy3 - dx3 * dy1) / denominator;\n return {\n a11: p2.x - p1.x + a13 * p2.x,\n a12: p2.y - p1.y + a13 * p2.y,\n a13,\n a21: p4.x - p1.x + a23 * p4.x,\n a22: p4.y - p1.y + a23 * p4.y,\n a23,\n a31: p1.x,\n a32: p1.y,\n a33: 1,\n };\n }\n}\n\nfunction quadrilateralToSquare(p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point, p4: Point): PerspectiveTransform {\n // Here, the adjoint serves as the inverse:\n const sToQ = squareToQuadrilateral(p1, p2, p3, p4);\n return {\n a11: sToQ.a22 * sToQ.a33 - sToQ.a23 * sToQ.a32,\n a12: sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a32 - sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a33,\n a13: sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a23 - sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a22,\n a21: sToQ.a23 * sToQ.a31 - sToQ.a21 * sToQ.a33,\n a22: sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a33 - sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a31,\n a23: sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a21 - sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a23,\n a31: sToQ.a21 * sToQ.a32 - sToQ.a22 * sToQ.a31,\n a32: sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a31 - sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a32,\n a33: sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a22 - sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a21,\n };\n}\n\nfunction times(a: PerspectiveTransform, b: PerspectiveTransform): PerspectiveTransform {\n return {\n a11: a.a11 * b.a11 + a.a21 * b.a12 + a.a31 * b.a13,\n a12: a.a12 * b.a11 + a.a22 * b.a12 + a.a32 * b.a13,\n a13: a.a13 * b.a11 + a.a23 * b.a12 + a.a33 * b.a13,\n a21: a.a11 * b.a21 + a.a21 * b.a22 + a.a31 * b.a23,\n a22: a.a12 * b.a21 + a.a22 * b.a22 + a.a32 * b.a23,\n a23: a.a13 * b.a21 + a.a23 * b.a22 + a.a33 * b.a23,\n a31: a.a11 * b.a31 + a.a21 * b.a32 + a.a31 * b.a33,\n a32: a.a12 * b.a31 + a.a22 * b.a32 + a.a32 * b.a33,\n a33: a.a13 * b.a31 + a.a23 * b.a32 + a.a33 * b.a33,\n };\n}\n\nexport function extract(image: BitMatrix, location: QRLocation) {\n const qToS = quadrilateralToSquare(\n {x: 3.5, y: 3.5},\n {x: location.dimension - 3.5, y: 3.5},\n {x: location.dimension - 6.5, y: location.dimension - 6.5},\n {x: 3.5, y: location.dimension - 3.5},\n );\n const sToQ = squareToQuadrilateral(location.topLeft, location.topRight, location.alignmentPattern, location.bottomLeft);\n const transform = times(sToQ, qToS);\n\n const matrix = BitMatrix.createEmpty(location.dimension, location.dimension);\n const mappingFunction = (x: number, y: number) => {\n const denominator = transform.a13 * x + transform.a23 * y + transform.a33;\n return {\n x: (transform.a11 * x + transform.a21 * y + transform.a31) / denominator,\n y: (transform.a12 * x + transform.a22 * y + transform.a32) / denominator,\n };\n };\n\n for (let y = 0; y < location.dimension; y++) {\n for (let x = 0; x < location.dimension; x++) {\n const xValue = x + 0.5;\n const yValue = y + 0.5;\n const sourcePixel = mappingFunction(xValue, yValue);\n matrix.set(x, y, image.get(Math.floor(sourcePixel.x), Math.floor(sourcePixel.y)));\n }\n }\n\n return {\n matrix,\n mappingFunction,\n };\n}\n", "import { BitMatrix } from \"../BitMatrix\";\n\nconst MAX_FINDERPATTERNS_TO_SEARCH = 5;\nconst MIN_QUAD_RATIO = 0.5;\nconst MAX_QUAD_RATIO = 1.5;\n\nexport interface Point {\n x: number;\n y: number;\n}\n\nexport interface QRLocation {\n topRight: Point;\n bottomLeft: Point;\n topLeft: Point;\n alignmentPattern: Point;\n dimension: number;\n}\n\nconst distance = (a: Point, b: Point) => Math.sqrt((b.x - a.x) ** 2 + (b.y - a.y) ** 2);\n\nfunction sum(values: number[]) {\n return values.reduce((a, b) => a + b);\n}\n\n// Takes three finder patterns and organizes them into topLeft, topRight, etc\nfunction reorderFinderPatterns(pattern1: Point, pattern2: Point, pattern3: Point) {\n // Find distances between pattern centers\n const oneTwoDistance = distance(pattern1, pattern2);\n const twoThreeDistance = distance(pattern2, pattern3);\n const oneThreeDistance = distance(pattern1, pattern3);\n\n let bottomLeft: Point;\n let topLeft: Point;\n let topRight: Point;\n\n // Assume one closest to other two is B; A and C will just be guesses at first\n if (twoThreeDistance >= oneTwoDistance && twoThreeDistance >= oneThreeDistance) {\n [bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight] = [pattern2, pattern1, pattern3];\n } else if (oneThreeDistance >= twoThreeDistance && oneThreeDistance >= oneTwoDistance) {\n [bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight] = [pattern1, pattern2, pattern3];\n } else {\n [bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight] = [pattern1, pattern3, pattern2];\n }\n\n // Use cross product to figure out whether bottomLeft (A) and topRight (C) are correct or flipped in relation to topLeft (B)\n // This asks whether BC x BA has a positive z component, which is the arrangement we want. If it's negative, then\n // we've got it flipped around and should swap topRight and bottomLeft.\n if (((topRight.x - topLeft.x) * (bottomLeft.y - topLeft.y)) - ((topRight.y - topLeft.y) * (bottomLeft.x - topLeft.x)) < 0) {\n [bottomLeft, topRight] = [topRight, bottomLeft];\n }\n\n return { bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight };\n}\n\n// Computes the dimension (number of modules on a side) of the QR Code based on the position of the finder patterns\nfunction computeDimension(topLeft: Point, topRight: Point, bottomLeft: Point, matrix: BitMatrix) {\n const moduleSize = (\n sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topLeft, bottomLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7 + // Divide by 7 since the ratio is 1:1:3:1:1\n sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topLeft, topRight, matrix, 5)) / 7 +\n sum(countBlackWhiteRun(bottomLeft, topLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7 +\n sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topRight, topLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7\n ) / 4;\n\n if (moduleSize < 1) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid module size\");\n }\n\n const topDimension = Math.round(distance(topLeft, topRight) / moduleSize);\n const sideDimension = Math.round(distance(topLeft, bottomLeft) / moduleSize);\n let dimension = Math.floor((topDimension + sideDimension) / 2) + 7;\n switch (dimension % 4) {\n case 0:\n dimension++;\n break;\n case 2:\n dimension--;\n break;\n }\n return { dimension, moduleSize };\n}\n\n// Takes an origin point and an end point and counts the sizes of the black white run from the origin towards the end point.\n// Returns an array of elements, representing the pixel size of the black white run.\n// Uses a variant of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham's_line_algorithm\nfunction countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin: Point, end: Point, matrix: BitMatrix, length: number) {\n const switchPoints: Point[] = [{x: Math.floor(origin.x), y: Math.floor(origin.y)}];\n const steep = Math.abs(end.y - origin.y) > Math.abs(end.x - origin.x);\n\n let fromX: number;\n let fromY: number;\n let toX: number;\n let toY: number;\n if (steep) {\n fromX = Math.floor(origin.y);\n fromY = Math.floor(origin.x);\n toX = Math.floor(end.y);\n toY = Math.floor(end.x);\n } else {\n fromX = Math.floor(origin.x);\n fromY = Math.floor(origin.y);\n toX = Math.floor(end.x);\n toY = Math.floor(end.y);\n }\n\n const dx = Math.abs(toX - fromX);\n const dy = Math.abs(toY - fromY);\n let error = Math.floor(-dx / 2);\n const xStep = fromX < toX ? 1 : -1;\n const yStep = fromY < toY ? 1 : -1;\n\n let currentPixel = true;\n // Loop up until x == toX, but not beyond\n for (let x = fromX, y = fromY; x !== toX + xStep; x += xStep) {\n // Does current pixel mean we have moved white to black or vice versa?\n // Scanning black in state 0,2 and white in state 1, so if we find the wrong\n // color, advance to next state or end if we are in state 2 already\n const realX = steep ? y : x;\n const realY = steep ? x : y;\n if (matrix.get(realX, realY) !== currentPixel) {\n currentPixel = !currentPixel;\n switchPoints.push({x: realX, y: realY});\n if (switchPoints.length === length + 1) {\n break;\n }\n }\n error += dy;\n if (error > 0) {\n if (y === toY) {\n break;\n }\n y += yStep;\n error -= dx;\n }\n }\n const distances: number[] = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n if (switchPoints[i] && switchPoints[i + 1]) {\n distances.push(distance(switchPoints[i], switchPoints[i + 1]));\n } else {\n distances.push(0);\n }\n }\n return distances;\n}\n\n// Takes an origin point and an end point and counts the sizes of the black white run in the origin point\n// along the line that intersects with the end point. Returns an array of elements, representing the pixel sizes\n// of the black white run. Takes a length which represents the number of switches from black to white to look for.\nfunction countBlackWhiteRun(origin: Point, end: Point, matrix: BitMatrix, length: number) {\n const rise = end.y - origin.y;\n const run = end.x - origin.x;\n\n const towardsEnd = countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, end, matrix, Math.ceil(length / 2));\n const awayFromEnd = countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, {x: origin.x - run, y: origin.y - rise}, matrix, Math.ceil(length / 2));\n\n const middleValue = towardsEnd.shift() + awayFromEnd.shift() - 1; // Substract one so we don't double count a pixel\n return awayFromEnd.concat(middleValue).concat(...towardsEnd);\n}\n\n// Takes in a black white run and an array of expected ratios. Returns the average size of the run as well as the \"error\" -\n// that is the amount the run diverges from the expected ratio\nfunction scoreBlackWhiteRun(sequence: number[], ratios: number[]) {\n const averageSize = sum(sequence) / sum(ratios);\n let error = 0;\n ratios.forEach((ratio, i) => {\n error += (sequence[i] - ratio * averageSize) ** 2;\n });\n\n return { averageSize, error };\n}\n\n// Takes an X,Y point and an array of sizes and scores the point against those ratios.\n// For example for a finder pattern takes the ratio list of 1:1:3:1:1 and checks horizontal, vertical and diagonal ratios\n// against that.\nfunction scorePattern(point: Point, ratios: number[], matrix: BitMatrix) {\n try {\n const horizontalRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, {x: -1, y: point.y}, matrix, ratios.length);\n const verticalRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, {x: point.x, y: -1}, matrix, ratios.length);\n\n const topLeftPoint = {\n x: Math.max(0, point.x - point.y) - 1,\n y: Math.max(0, point.y - point.x) - 1,\n };\n const topLeftBottomRightRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, topLeftPoint, matrix, ratios.length);\n\n const bottomLeftPoint = {\n x: Math.min(matrix.width, point.x + point.y) + 1,\n y: Math.min(matrix.height, point.y + point.x) + 1,\n };\n const bottomLeftTopRightRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, bottomLeftPoint, matrix, ratios.length);\n\n const horzError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(horizontalRun, ratios);\n const vertError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(verticalRun, ratios);\n const diagDownError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(topLeftBottomRightRun, ratios);\n const diagUpError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(bottomLeftTopRightRun, ratios);\n\n const ratioError = Math.sqrt(horzError.error * horzError.error +\n vertError.error * vertError.error +\n diagDownError.error * diagDownError.error +\n diagUpError.error * diagUpError.error);\n\n const avgSize = (horzError.averageSize + vertError.averageSize + diagDownError.averageSize + diagUpError.averageSize) / 4;\n\n const sizeError = ((horzError.averageSize - avgSize) ** 2 +\n (vertError.averageSize - avgSize) ** 2 +\n (diagDownError.averageSize - avgSize) ** 2 +\n (diagUpError.averageSize - avgSize) ** 2) / avgSize;\n return ratioError + sizeError;\n } catch {\n return Infinity;\n }\n}\n\nfunction recenterLocation(matrix: BitMatrix, p: Point): Point {\n let leftX = Math.round(p.x);\n while (matrix.get(leftX, Math.round(p.y))) {\n leftX--;\n }\n let rightX = Math.round(p.x);\n while (matrix.get(rightX, Math.round(p.y))) {\n rightX++;\n }\n const x = (leftX + rightX) / 2;\n\n let topY = Math.round(p.y);\n while (matrix.get(Math.round(x), topY)) {\n topY--;\n }\n let bottomY = Math.round(p.y);\n while (matrix.get(Math.round(x), bottomY)) {\n bottomY++;\n }\n const y = (topY + bottomY) / 2;\n\n return { x, y };\n}\n\ninterface Quad {\n top: {\n startX: number;\n endX: number;\n y: number;\n };\n bottom: {\n startX: number;\n endX: number;\n y: number;\n };\n}\n\nexport function locate(matrix: BitMatrix): QRLocation[] {\n const finderPatternQuads: Quad[] = [];\n let activeFinderPatternQuads: Quad[] = [];\n const alignmentPatternQuads: Quad[] = [];\n let activeAlignmentPatternQuads: Quad[] = [];\n\n for (let y = 0; y <= matrix.height; y++) {\n let length = 0;\n let lastBit = false;\n let scans = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];\n\n for (let x = -1; x <= matrix.width; x++) {\n const v = matrix.get(x, y);\n if (v === lastBit) {\n length++;\n } else {\n scans = [scans[1], scans[2], scans[3], scans[4], length];\n length = 1;\n lastBit = v;\n\n // Do the last 5 color changes ~ match the expected ratio for a finder pattern? 1:1:3:1:1 of b:w:b:w:b\n const averageFinderPatternBlocksize = sum(scans) / 7;\n const validFinderPattern =\n Math.abs(scans[0] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&\n Math.abs(scans[1] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&\n Math.abs(scans[2] - 3 * averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < 3 * averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&\n Math.abs(scans[3] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&\n Math.abs(scans[4] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&\n !v; // And make sure the current pixel is white since finder patterns are bordered in white\n\n // Do the last 3 color changes ~ match the expected ratio for an alignment pattern? 1:1:1 of w:b:w\n const averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize = sum(scans.slice(-3)) / 3;\n const validAlignmentPattern =\n Math.abs(scans[2] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize &&\n Math.abs(scans[3] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize &&\n Math.abs(scans[4] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize &&\n v; // Is the current pixel black since alignment patterns are bordered in black\n\n if (validFinderPattern) {\n // Compute the start and end x values of the large center black square\n const endX = x - scans[3] - scans[4];\n const startX = endX - scans[2];\n\n const line = { startX, endX, y };\n // Is there a quad directly above the current spot? If so, extend it with the new line. Otherwise, create a new quad with\n // that line as the starting point.\n const matchingQuads = activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(q =>\n (startX >= q.bottom.startX && startX <= q.bottom.endX) ||\n (endX >= q.bottom.startX && startX <= q.bottom.endX) ||\n (startX <= q.bottom.startX && endX >= q.bottom.endX && (\n (scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) < MAX_QUAD_RATIO &&\n (scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) > MIN_QUAD_RATIO\n )),\n );\n if (matchingQuads.length > 0) {\n matchingQuads[0].bottom = line;\n } else {\n activeFinderPatternQuads.push({ top: line, bottom: line });\n }\n }\n if (validAlignmentPattern) {\n // Compute the start and end x values of the center black square\n const endX = x - scans[4];\n const startX = endX - scans[3];\n\n const line = { startX, y, endX };\n // Is there a quad directly above the current spot? If so, extend it with the new line. Otherwise, create a new quad with\n // that line as the starting point.\n const matchingQuads = activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(q =>\n (startX >= q.bottom.startX && startX <= q.bottom.endX) ||\n (endX >= q.bottom.startX && startX <= q.bottom.endX) ||\n (startX <= q.bottom.startX && endX >= q.bottom.endX && (\n (scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) < MAX_QUAD_RATIO &&\n (scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) > MIN_QUAD_RATIO\n )),\n );\n if (matchingQuads.length > 0) {\n matchingQuads[0].bottom = line;\n } else {\n activeAlignmentPatternQuads.push({ top: line, bottom: line });\n }\n }\n }\n }\n finderPatternQuads.push(...activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(q => q.bottom.y !== y && q.bottom.y - q.top.y >= 2));\n activeFinderPatternQuads = activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(q => q.bottom.y === y);\n\n alignmentPatternQuads.push(...activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(q => q.bottom.y !== y));\n activeAlignmentPatternQuads = activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(q => q.bottom.y === y);\n\n }\n\n finderPatternQuads.push(...activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(q => q.bottom.y - q.top.y >= 2));\n alignmentPatternQuads.push(...activeAlignmentPatternQuads);\n\n // Refactored from cozmo/jsQR to (hopefully) circumvent an issue in Safari 13+ on both Mac and iOS (also including\n // iOS Chrome and other Safari iOS derivatives). Safari was very occasionally and apparently not deterministically\n // throwing a \"RangeError: Array size is not a small enough positive integer.\" exception seemingly within the second\n // .map of the original code (here the second for-loop). This second .map contained a nested .map call over the same\n // array instance which was the chained result from previous calls to .map, .filter and .sort which potentially caused\n // this bug in Safari?\n // Also see https://github.com/cozmo/jsQR/issues/157 and https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=211619#c3\n const scoredFinderPatternPositions: Array = [];\n for (const quad of finderPatternQuads) {\n if (quad.bottom.y - quad.top.y < 2) {\n // All quads must be at least 2px tall since the center square is larger than a block\n continue;\n }\n\n // calculate quad center\n const x = (quad.top.startX + quad.top.endX + quad.bottom.startX + quad.bottom.endX) / 4;\n const y = (quad.top.y + quad.bottom.y + 1) / 2;\n if (!matrix.get(Math.round(x), Math.round(y))) {\n continue;\n }\n\n const lengths = [quad.top.endX - quad.top.startX, quad.bottom.endX - quad.bottom.startX, quad.bottom.y - quad.top.y + 1];\n const size = sum(lengths) / lengths.length;\n // Initial scoring of finder pattern quads by looking at their ratios, not taking into account position\n const score = scorePattern({x: Math.round(x), y: Math.round(y)}, [1, 1, 3, 1, 1], matrix);\n scoredFinderPatternPositions.push({ score, x, y, size });\n }\n if (scoredFinderPatternPositions.length < 3) {\n // A QR code has 3 finder patterns, therefore we need at least 3 candidates.\n return null;\n }\n scoredFinderPatternPositions.sort((a, b) => a.score - b.score);\n\n // Now take the top finder pattern options and try to find 2 other options with a similar size.\n const finderPatternGroups: Array<{ points: [Point, Point, Point], score: number }> = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(scoredFinderPatternPositions.length, MAX_FINDERPATTERNS_TO_SEARCH); ++i) {\n const point = scoredFinderPatternPositions[i];\n const otherPoints: typeof scoredFinderPatternPositions = [];\n\n for (const otherPoint of scoredFinderPatternPositions) {\n if (otherPoint === point) {\n continue;\n }\n otherPoints.push({\n ...otherPoint,\n score: otherPoint.score + ((otherPoint.size - point.size) ** 2) / point.size, // score similarity of sizes\n });\n }\n otherPoints.sort((a, b) => a.score - b.score);\n\n finderPatternGroups.push({\n points: [point, otherPoints[0], otherPoints[1]], // note that otherPoints.length >= 2 as scoredFinderPatternPositions.length >= 3\n score: point.score + otherPoints[0].score + otherPoints[1].score, // total combined score of the three points in the group\n });\n }\n finderPatternGroups.sort((a, b) => a.score - b.score);\n const bestFinderPatternGroup = finderPatternGroups[0];\n\n const { topRight, topLeft, bottomLeft } = reorderFinderPatterns(...bestFinderPatternGroup.points);\n const alignment = findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, topRight, topLeft, bottomLeft);\n const result: QRLocation[] = [];\n if (alignment) {\n result.push({\n alignmentPattern: { x: alignment.alignmentPattern.x, y: alignment.alignmentPattern.y },\n bottomLeft: {x: bottomLeft.x, y: bottomLeft.y },\n dimension: alignment.dimension,\n topLeft: {x: topLeft.x, y: topLeft.y },\n topRight: {x: topRight.x, y: topRight.y },\n });\n }\n\n // We normally use the center of the quads as the location of the tracking points, which is optimal for most cases and will account\n // for a skew in the image. However, In some cases, a slight skew might not be real and instead be caused by image compression\n // errors and/or low resolution. For those cases, we'd be better off centering the point exactly in the middle of the black area. We\n // compute and return the location data for the naively centered points as it is little additional work and allows for multiple\n // attempts at decoding harder images.\n const midTopRight = recenterLocation(matrix, topRight);\n const midTopLeft = recenterLocation(matrix, topLeft);\n const midBottomLeft = recenterLocation(matrix, bottomLeft);\n const centeredAlignment = findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, midTopRight, midTopLeft, midBottomLeft);\n if (centeredAlignment) {\n result.push({\n alignmentPattern: { x: centeredAlignment.alignmentPattern.x, y: centeredAlignment.alignmentPattern.y },\n bottomLeft: { x: midBottomLeft.x, y: midBottomLeft. y },\n topLeft: { x: midTopLeft.x, y: midTopLeft. y },\n topRight: { x: midTopRight.x, y: midTopRight. y },\n dimension: centeredAlignment.dimension,\n });\n }\n\n if (result.length === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction findAlignmentPattern(matrix: BitMatrix, alignmentPatternQuads: Quad[], topRight: Point, topLeft: Point, bottomLeft: Point) {\n // Now that we've found the three finder patterns we can determine the blockSize and the size of the QR code.\n // We'll use these to help find the alignment pattern but also later when we do the extraction.\n let dimension: number;\n let moduleSize: number;\n try {\n ({ dimension, moduleSize } = computeDimension(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, matrix));\n } catch (e) {\n return null;\n }\n\n // Now find the alignment pattern\n const bottomRightFinderPattern = { // Best guess at where a bottomRight finder pattern would be\n x: topRight.x - topLeft.x + bottomLeft.x,\n y: topRight.y - topLeft.y + bottomLeft.y,\n };\n const modulesBetweenFinderPatterns = ((distance(topLeft, bottomLeft) + distance(topLeft, topRight)) / 2 / moduleSize);\n const correctionToTopLeft = 1 - (3 / modulesBetweenFinderPatterns);\n const expectedAlignmentPattern = {\n x: topLeft.x + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightFinderPattern.x - topLeft.x),\n y: topLeft.y + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightFinderPattern.y - topLeft.y),\n };\n\n const alignmentPatterns = alignmentPatternQuads\n .map(q => {\n const x = (q.top.startX + q.top.endX + q.bottom.startX + q.bottom.endX) / 4;\n const y = (q.top.y + q.bottom.y + 1) / 2;\n if (!matrix.get(Math.floor(x), Math.floor(y))) {\n return;\n }\n\n const sizeScore = scorePattern({x: Math.floor(x), y: Math.floor(y)}, [1, 1, 1], matrix);\n const score = sizeScore + distance({x, y}, expectedAlignmentPattern);\n return { x, y, score };\n })\n .filter(v => !!v)\n .sort((a, b) => a.score - b.score);\n\n // If there are less than 15 modules between finder patterns it's a version 1 QR code and as such has no alignmemnt pattern\n // so we can only use our best guess.\n const alignmentPattern = modulesBetweenFinderPatterns >= 15 && alignmentPatterns.length ? alignmentPatterns[0] : expectedAlignmentPattern;\n\n return { alignmentPattern, dimension };\n}\n", "import {binarize} from \"./binarizer\";\nimport {BitMatrix} from \"./BitMatrix\";\nimport {Chunks} from \"./decoder/decodeData\";\nimport {decode} from \"./decoder/decoder\";\nimport { Version } from \"./decoder/version\";\nimport {extract} from \"./extractor\";\nimport {locate, Point} from \"./locator\";\n\nexport interface QRCode {\n binaryData: number[];\n data: string;\n chunks: Chunks;\n version: number;\n location: {\n topRightCorner: Point;\n topLeftCorner: Point;\n bottomRightCorner: Point;\n bottomLeftCorner: Point;\n\n topRightFinderPattern: Point;\n topLeftFinderPattern: Point;\n bottomLeftFinderPattern: Point;\n\n bottomRightAlignmentPattern?: Point;\n };\n matrix: BitMatrix;\n}\n\nfunction scan(matrix: BitMatrix): QRCode | null {\n const locations = locate(matrix);\n if (!locations) {\n return null;\n }\n\n for (const location of locations) {\n const extracted = extract(matrix, location);\n const decoded = decode(extracted.matrix);\n if (decoded) {\n return {\n binaryData: decoded.bytes,\n data: decoded.text,\n chunks: decoded.chunks,\n version: decoded.version,\n location: {\n topRightCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(location.dimension, 0),\n topLeftCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(0, 0),\n bottomRightCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(location.dimension, location.dimension),\n bottomLeftCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(0, location.dimension),\n\n topRightFinderPattern: location.topRight,\n topLeftFinderPattern: location.topLeft,\n bottomLeftFinderPattern: location.bottomLeft,\n\n bottomRightAlignmentPattern: location.alignmentPattern,\n },\n matrix: extracted.matrix,\n };\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\n\nexport interface Options {\n inversionAttempts?: \"dontInvert\" | \"onlyInvert\" | \"attemptBoth\" | \"invertFirst\";\n greyScaleWeights?: GreyscaleWeights;\n canOverwriteImage?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface GreyscaleWeights {\n red: number;\n green: number;\n blue: number;\n useIntegerApproximation?: boolean;\n}\n\nconst defaultOptions: Options = {\n inversionAttempts: \"attemptBoth\",\n greyScaleWeights: {\n red: 0.2126,\n green: 0.7152,\n blue: 0.0722,\n useIntegerApproximation: false,\n },\n canOverwriteImage: true,\n};\n\nfunction mergeObject(target: any, src: any) {\n Object.keys(src).forEach(opt => { // Sad implementation of Object.assign since we target es5 not es6\n target[opt] = src[opt];\n });\n}\n\nfunction jsQR(data: Uint8ClampedArray, width: number, height: number, providedOptions: Options = {}): QRCode | null {\n const options = Object.create(null);\n mergeObject(options, defaultOptions);\n mergeObject(options, providedOptions);\n\n const tryInvertedFirst = options.inversionAttempts === \"onlyInvert\" || options.inversionAttempts === \"invertFirst\";\n const shouldInvert = options.inversionAttempts === \"attemptBoth\" || tryInvertedFirst;\n const {binarized, inverted} = binarize(data, width, height, shouldInvert, options.greyScaleWeights,\n options.canOverwriteImage);\n let result = scan(tryInvertedFirst ? inverted : binarized);\n if (!result && (options.inversionAttempts === \"attemptBoth\" || options.inversionAttempts === \"invertFirst\")) {\n result = scan(tryInvertedFirst ? binarized : inverted);\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n(jsQR as any).default = jsQR;\nexport default jsQR;\n", "// @ts-ignore jsqr-es6 does not provide types currently\nimport jsQR from '../node_modules/jsqr-es6/dist/jsQR.js';\n\ntype GrayscaleWeights = {\n red: number,\n green: number,\n blue: number,\n useIntegerApproximation: boolean,\n};\n\nlet inversionAttempts: 'dontInvert' | 'onlyInvert' | 'attemptBoth' = 'dontInvert';\nlet grayscaleWeights: GrayscaleWeights = {\n // weights for quick luma integer approximation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YUV#Full_swing_for_BT.601)\n red: 77,\n green: 150,\n blue: 29,\n useIntegerApproximation: true,\n};\n\nself.onmessage = event => {\n const id = event['data']['id'];\n const type = event['data']['type'];\n const data = event['data']['data'];\n\n switch (type) {\n case 'decode':\n decode(data, id);\n break;\n case 'grayscaleWeights':\n setGrayscaleWeights(data);\n break;\n case 'inversionMode':\n setInversionMode(data);\n break;\n case 'close':\n // close after earlier messages in the event loop finished processing\n self.close();\n break;\n }\n};\n\nfunction decode(data: { data: Uint8ClampedArray, width: number, height: number }, requestId: number): void {\n const rgbaData = data['data'];\n const width = data['width'];\n const height = data['height'];\n const result = jsQR(rgbaData, width, height, {\n inversionAttempts: inversionAttempts,\n greyScaleWeights: grayscaleWeights,\n });\n if (!result) {\n (self as unknown as Worker).postMessage({\n id: requestId,\n type: 'qrResult',\n data: null,\n });\n return;\n }\n\n (self as unknown as Worker).postMessage({\n id: requestId,\n type: 'qrResult',\n data: result.data,\n // equivalent to cornerPoints of native BarcodeDetector\n cornerPoints: [\n result.location.topLeftCorner,\n result.location.topRightCorner,\n result.location.bottomRightCorner,\n result.location.bottomLeftCorner,\n ],\n });\n}\n\nfunction setGrayscaleWeights(data: GrayscaleWeights) {\n // update grayscaleWeights in a closure compiler compatible fashion\n grayscaleWeights.red = data['red'];\n grayscaleWeights.green = data['green'];\n grayscaleWeights.blue = data['blue'];\n grayscaleWeights.useIntegerApproximation = data['useIntegerApproximation'];\n}\n\nfunction setInversionMode(inversionMode: 'original' | 'invert' | 'both') {\n switch (inversionMode) {\n case 'original':\n inversionAttempts = 'dontInvert';\n break;\n case 'invert':\n inversionAttempts = 'onlyInvert';\n break;\n case 'both':\n inversionAttempts = 'attemptBoth';\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error('Invalid inversion mode');\n }\n}\n", "up.compiler('[readonly-checkboxes]', (element) => {\n up.on(element, 'change', 'input[type=\"checkbox\"]', (event) => {\n event.target.checked = !event.target.checked\n })\n})\n", "up.compiler('[scale-to-fill-container]', (element) => {\n function isOverflown(parent) {\n const overflowWidth = element.clientWidth > parent.clientWidth\n const overflowHeight = element.clientHeight > parent.clientHeight\n return overflowHeight || overflowWidth\n }\n\n function resizeText() {\n const parent = element.parentElement\n const step = 1\n let i = 5\n\n while (i < 50) {\n setFontSize(i)\n if (isOverflown(parent)) {\n i -= step // revert to last state where no overflow happened\n break\n }\n\n i += step\n }\n\n setFontSize(i)\n }\n\n function setFontSize(fontSize) {\n element.style.fontSize = `${fontSize}px`\n }\n\n resizeText()\n\n element.addEventListener('text:resizeThis', resizeText)\n\n return up.on(window, 'resize', resizeText)\n})\n\nup.on('text:resize', ({ target }) => {\n const scalableElement = target.querySelector('[scale-to-fill-container]')\n if (scalableElement) {\n up.emit(scalableElement, 'text:resizeThis')\n }\n})\n", "up.compiler('[scrollable-pagination]', (element) => {\n const focusedButton = element.querySelector('[scrollable-pagination--focused = true]')\n const xOffset = focusedButton.getBoundingClientRect().left\n const paginationWidth = element.offsetWidth\n\n element.scroll(xOffset - (paginationWidth / 2), 0)\n})\n", "if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {\n navigator.serviceWorker.register('/service-worker.js', { scope: '/' })\n}\n", "up.on('up:form:submit', '.slide-form', ({ renderOptions }) => {\n renderOptions.onLoaded = function({ response }) {\n if (response.header('X-Course-Completed')) {\n renderOptions.transition = 'none'\n }\n }\n})\n", "/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap\n/******/ \tvar __webpack_modules__ = ([\n/* 0 */,\n/* 1 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nwindow.up = {\n version: '3.7.3'\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 2 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.mockable = function (originalFn) {\n if (window.jasmine) {\n let name = originalFn.name;\n let obj = { [name]: originalFn };\n let mockableFn = function () {\n return obj[name].apply(this, arguments);\n };\n mockableFn.mock = () => spyOn(obj, name);\n return mockableFn;\n }\n else {\n return originalFn;\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 3 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.util = (function () {\n function noop() {\n }\n function asyncNoop() {\n return Promise.resolve();\n }\n function memoize(func) {\n let cachedValue, cached;\n return function (...args) {\n if (cached) {\n return cachedValue;\n }\n else {\n cached = true;\n return cachedValue = func.apply(this, args);\n }\n };\n }\n const NORMALIZE_URL_DEFAULTS = {\n host: 'cross-domain',\n };\n function normalizeURL(url, options) {\n options = newOptions(options, NORMALIZE_URL_DEFAULTS);\n const parts = parseURL(url);\n let normalized = '';\n if (options.host === 'cross-domain') {\n options.host = isCrossOrigin(parts);\n }\n if (options.host) {\n normalized += parts.protocol + \"//\" + parts.host;\n }\n let { pathname } = parts;\n if (options.trailingSlash === false && pathname !== '/') {\n pathname = pathname.replace(/\\/$/, '');\n }\n normalized += pathname;\n if (options.search !== false) {\n normalized += parts.search;\n }\n if (options.hash !== false) {\n normalized += parts.hash;\n }\n return normalized;\n }\n function matchURLs(leftURL, rightURL) {\n return normalizeURL(leftURL) === normalizeURL(rightURL);\n }\n const APP_PROTOCOL = location.protocol;\n const APP_HOSTNAME = location.hostname;\n function isCrossOrigin(urlOrAnchor) {\n if (isString(urlOrAnchor) && (urlOrAnchor.indexOf('//') === -1)) {\n return false;\n }\n const parts = parseURL(urlOrAnchor);\n return (APP_HOSTNAME !== parts.hostname) || (APP_PROTOCOL !== parts.protocol);\n }\n function parseURL(url) {\n if (url.pathname) {\n return url;\n }\n let link = document.createElement('a');\n link.href = url;\n return link;\n }\n function normalizeMethod(method) {\n return method ? method.toUpperCase() : 'GET';\n }\n function methodAllowsPayload(method) {\n return (method !== 'GET') && (method !== 'HEAD');\n }\n function iteratee(block) {\n if (isString(block)) {\n return item => item[block];\n }\n else {\n return block;\n }\n }\n function map(list, block) {\n if (list.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n block = iteratee(block);\n let mapped = [];\n let i = 0;\n for (let item of list) {\n mapped.push(block(item, i++));\n }\n return mapped;\n }\n function mapObject(array, pairer) {\n const merger = function (object, pair) {\n object[pair[0]] = pair[1];\n return object;\n };\n return map(array, pairer).reduce(merger, {});\n }\n function each(array, block) {\n let i = 0;\n for (let item of array) {\n block(item, i++);\n }\n }\n function isNull(object) {\n return object === null;\n }\n function isUndefined(object) {\n return object === undefined;\n }\n const isDefined = negate(isUndefined);\n function isMissing(object) {\n return isUndefined(object) || isNull(object);\n }\n const isGiven = negate(isMissing);\n function isBlank(value) {\n if (isMissing(value)) {\n return true;\n }\n if (isObject(value) && value[isBlank.key]) {\n return value[isBlank.key]();\n }\n if (isString(value) || isList(value)) {\n return value.length === 0;\n }\n if (isOptions(value)) {\n return Object.keys(value).length === 0;\n }\n return false;\n }\n isBlank.key = 'up.util.isBlank';\n function presence(value, tester = isPresent) {\n if (tester(value)) {\n return value;\n }\n }\n const isPresent = negate(isBlank);\n function isFunction(object) {\n return typeof (object) === 'function';\n }\n function isString(object) {\n return (typeof (object) === 'string') || object instanceof String;\n }\n function isBoolean(object) {\n return (typeof (object) === 'boolean') || object instanceof Boolean;\n }\n function isNumber(object) {\n return (typeof (object) === 'number') || object instanceof Number;\n }\n function isOptions(object) {\n return (typeof (object) === 'object') && !isNull(object) && (isUndefined(object.constructor) || (object.constructor === Object));\n }\n function isObject(object) {\n const typeOfResult = typeof (object);\n return ((typeOfResult === 'object') && !isNull(object)) || (typeOfResult === 'function');\n }\n function isElement(object) {\n return object instanceof Element;\n }\n function isRegExp(object) {\n return object instanceof RegExp;\n }\n function isError(object) {\n return object instanceof Error;\n }\n function isJQuery(object) {\n return up.browser.canJQuery() && object instanceof jQuery;\n }\n function isElementish(object) {\n return !!(object && (object.addEventListener || object[0]?.addEventListener));\n }\n function isPromise(object) {\n return isObject(object) && isFunction(object.then);\n }\n const { isArray } = Array;\n function isFormData(object) {\n return object instanceof FormData;\n }\n function toArray(value) {\n return isArray(value) ? value : copyArrayLike(value);\n }\n function isList(value) {\n return isArray(value) ||\n isNodeList(value) ||\n isArguments(value) ||\n isJQuery(value) ||\n isHTMLCollection(value);\n }\n function isNodeList(value) {\n return value instanceof NodeList;\n }\n function isHTMLCollection(value) {\n return value instanceof HTMLCollection;\n }\n function isArguments(value) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Arguments]';\n }\n function nullToUndefined(value) {\n if (!isNull(value)) {\n return value;\n }\n }\n function wrapList(value) {\n if (isList(value)) {\n return value;\n }\n else if (isMissing(value)) {\n return [];\n }\n else {\n return [value];\n }\n }\n function copy(value) {\n if (isObject(value) && value[copy.key]) {\n value = value[copy.key]();\n }\n else if (isList(value)) {\n value = copyArrayLike(value);\n }\n else if (isOptions(value)) {\n value = Object.assign({}, value);\n }\n return value;\n }\n function copyArrayLike(arrayLike) {\n return Array.prototype.slice.call(arrayLike);\n }\n copy.key = 'up.util.copy';\n Date.prototype[copy.key] = function () { return new Date(+this); };\n function merge(...sources) {\n return Object.assign({}, ...sources);\n }\n function mergeDefined(...sources) {\n const result = {};\n for (let source of sources) {\n if (source) {\n for (let key in source) {\n const value = source[key];\n if (isDefined(value)) {\n result[key] = value;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n function newOptions(object, defaults) {\n if (defaults) {\n return merge(defaults, object);\n }\n else if (object) {\n return copy(object);\n }\n else {\n return {};\n }\n }\n function parseArgIntoOptions(args, argKey) {\n let options = extractOptions(args);\n if (isDefined(args[0])) {\n options = copy(options);\n options[argKey] = args[0];\n }\n return options;\n }\n function findInList(list, tester) {\n tester = iteratee(tester);\n let match;\n for (let element of list) {\n if (tester(element)) {\n match = element;\n break;\n }\n }\n return match;\n }\n function some(list, tester) {\n return !!findResult(list, tester);\n }\n function findResult(list, tester) {\n tester = iteratee(tester);\n let i = 0;\n for (let item of list) {\n const result = tester(item, i++);\n if (result) {\n return result;\n }\n }\n }\n function every(list, tester) {\n tester = iteratee(tester);\n let match = true;\n let i = 0;\n for (let item of list) {\n if (!tester(item, i++)) {\n match = false;\n break;\n }\n }\n return match;\n }\n function compact(array) {\n return filterList(array, isGiven);\n }\n function filterMap(list, mapping) {\n return filterList(map(list, mapping), isDefined);\n }\n function compactObject(object) {\n return pickBy(object, isGiven);\n }\n function uniq(array) {\n if (array.length < 2) {\n return array;\n }\n return Array.from(new Set(array));\n }\n function uniqBy(array, mapper) {\n if (array.length < 2) {\n return array;\n }\n mapper = iteratee(mapper);\n const seenElements = new Set();\n return filterList(array, function (elem, index) {\n const mapped = mapper(elem, index);\n if (seenElements.has(mapped)) {\n return false;\n }\n else {\n seenElements.add(mapped);\n return true;\n }\n });\n }\n function filterList(list, tester) {\n tester = iteratee(tester);\n const matches = [];\n each(list, function (element, index) {\n if (tester(element, index)) {\n return matches.push(element);\n }\n });\n return matches;\n }\n function reject(list, tester) {\n tester = negate(iteratee(tester));\n return filterList(list, tester);\n }\n function intersect(array1, array2) {\n return filterList(array1, element => contains(array2, element));\n }\n function scheduleTimer(millis, callback) {\n return setTimeout(callback, millis);\n }\n function queueTask(task) {\n return setTimeout(task);\n }\n function queueMicrotask(task) {\n return Promise.resolve().then(task);\n }\n function last(value) {\n return value[value.length - 1];\n }\n function contains(value, subValue) {\n let indexOf = value.indexOf || Array.prototype.indexOf;\n return indexOf.call(value, subValue) >= 0;\n }\n function objectContains(object, subObject) {\n const reducedValue = pick(object, Object.keys(subObject));\n return isEqual(subObject, reducedValue);\n }\n function pick(object, keys) {\n const filtered = {};\n for (let key of keys) {\n if (key in object) {\n filtered[key] = object[key];\n }\n }\n return filtered;\n }\n function pickBy(object, tester) {\n tester = iteratee(tester);\n const filtered = {};\n for (let key in object) {\n const value = object[key];\n if (tester(value, key, object)) {\n filtered[key] = object[key];\n }\n }\n return filtered;\n }\n function omit(object, keys) {\n return pickBy(object, (_value, key) => !contains(keys, key));\n }\n function unresolvablePromise() {\n return new Promise(noop);\n }\n function remove(array, element) {\n const index = array.indexOf(element);\n if (index >= 0) {\n array.splice(index, 1);\n return element;\n }\n }\n function evalOption(value, ...args) {\n return isFunction(value) ? value(...args) : value;\n }\n function evalAutoOption(value, autoMeans, ...args) {\n value = evalOption(value, ...args);\n if (value === 'auto') {\n value = evalOption(autoMeans, ...args);\n }\n return value;\n }\n const ESCAPE_HTML_ENTITY_MAP = {\n \"&\": \"&\",\n \"<\": \"<\",\n \">\": \">\",\n '\"': '"',\n \"'\": '''\n };\n function escapeHTML(string) {\n return string.replace(/[&<>\"']/g, char => ESCAPE_HTML_ENTITY_MAP[char]);\n }\n function escapeRegExp(string) {\n return string.replace(/[\\\\^$*+?.()|[\\]{}]/g, '\\\\$&');\n }\n function pluckKey(object, key) {\n const value = object[key];\n delete object[key];\n return value;\n }\n function renameKey(object, oldKey, newKey) {\n return object[newKey] = pluckKey(object, oldKey);\n }\n function extractLastArg(args, tester) {\n if (tester(last(args))) {\n return args.pop();\n }\n }\n function extractCallback(args) {\n return extractLastArg(args, isFunction);\n }\n function extractOptions(args) {\n return extractLastArg(args, isOptions) || {};\n }\n function identity(arg) {\n return arg;\n }\n function sequence(functions) {\n functions = compact(functions);\n return (...args) => map(functions, fn => fn(...args));\n }\n function flatten(array) {\n const flattened = [];\n for (let object of array) {\n if (isList(object)) {\n flattened.push(...object);\n }\n else {\n flattened.push(object);\n }\n }\n return flattened;\n }\n function flatMap(array, block) {\n return flatten(map(array, block));\n }\n function always(promise, callback = identity) {\n return promise.then(callback, callback);\n }\n function newDeferred() {\n let resolveFn;\n let rejectFn;\n const nativePromise = new Promise(function (givenResolve, givenReject) {\n resolveFn = givenResolve;\n rejectFn = givenReject;\n });\n nativePromise.resolve = resolveFn;\n nativePromise.reject = rejectFn;\n return nativePromise;\n }\n function isBasicObjectProperty(k) {\n return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(k);\n }\n function isEqual(a, b) {\n if (a?.valueOf) {\n a = a.valueOf();\n }\n if (b?.valueOf) {\n b = b.valueOf();\n }\n if (typeof (a) !== typeof (b)) {\n return false;\n }\n else if (isList(a) && isList(b)) {\n return isEqualList(a, b);\n }\n else if (isObject(a) && a[isEqual.key]) {\n return a[isEqual.key](b);\n }\n else if (isOptions(a) && isOptions(b)) {\n const aKeys = Object.keys(a);\n const bKeys = Object.keys(b);\n if (isEqualList(aKeys, bKeys)) {\n return every(aKeys, aKey => isEqual(a[aKey], b[aKey]));\n }\n else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n else {\n return a === b;\n }\n }\n isEqual.key = 'up.util.isEqual';\n function isEqualList(a, b) {\n return (a.length === b.length) && every(a, (elem, index) => isEqual(elem, b[index]));\n }\n const PARSE_TOKEN_PATTERNS = {\n 'space/or': /\\s+(?:or\\s+)?/,\n 'or': /\\s+or\\s+/,\n 'comma': /\\s*,\\s*/\n };\n function parseTokens(value, options = {}) {\n if (isString(value)) {\n value = value.trim();\n if (options.json && /^\\[.*]$/.test(value)) {\n return JSON.parse(value);\n }\n else {\n let separator = options.separator || 'space/or';\n let pattern = PARSE_TOKEN_PATTERNS[separator];\n return value.split(pattern);\n }\n }\n else {\n return wrapList(value);\n }\n }\n function wrapValue(constructor, ...args) {\n return (args[0] instanceof constructor) ? args[0] : new constructor(...args);\n }\n let nextUid = 0;\n function uid() {\n return nextUid++;\n }\n function reverse(list) {\n return copy(list).reverse();\n }\n function renameKeys(object, renameKeyFn) {\n const renamed = {};\n for (let key in object) {\n renamed[renameKeyFn(key)] = object[key];\n }\n return renamed;\n }\n function camelToKebabCase(str) {\n return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, char => '-' + char.toLowerCase());\n }\n function lowerCaseFirst(str) {\n return str[0].toLowerCase() + str.slice(1);\n }\n function upperCaseFirst(str) {\n return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);\n }\n function defineDelegates(object, props, targetProvider) {\n for (let prop of props) {\n Object.defineProperty(object, prop, {\n get() {\n const target = targetProvider.call(this);\n let value = target[prop];\n if (isFunction(value)) {\n value = value.bind(target);\n }\n return value;\n },\n set(newValue) {\n const target = targetProvider.call(this);\n target[prop] = newValue;\n }\n });\n }\n }\n function stringifyArg(arg, placeholder = '%o') {\n let string;\n const maxLength = 200;\n if (placeholder === '%c') {\n return '';\n }\n if (placeholder === '%s' && isGiven(arg)) {\n arg = arg.toString();\n }\n if (isString(arg)) {\n string = arg.trim().replace(/[\\n\\r\\t ]+/g, ' ');\n if (placeholder === '%o') {\n string = JSON.stringify(string);\n }\n }\n else if (isUndefined(arg)) {\n string = 'undefined';\n }\n else if (isNumber(arg) || isFunction(arg)) {\n string = arg.toString();\n }\n else if (isArray(arg)) {\n string = `[${map(arg, stringifyArg).join(', ')}]`;\n }\n else if (isJQuery(arg)) {\n string = `$(${map(arg, stringifyArg).join(', ')})`;\n }\n else if (isElement(arg)) {\n string = `<${arg.tagName.toLowerCase()}`;\n for (let attr of ['id', 'up-id', 'name', 'class']) {\n let value = arg.getAttribute(attr);\n if (value) {\n string += ` ${attr}=\"${value}\"`;\n }\n }\n string += \">\";\n }\n else if (isRegExp(arg) || isError(arg)) {\n string = arg.toString();\n }\n else {\n try {\n string = JSON.stringify(arg);\n }\n catch (error) {\n if (error.name === 'TypeError') {\n string = '(circular structure)';\n }\n else {\n throw error;\n }\n }\n }\n if (string.length > maxLength) {\n string = `${string.substr(0, maxLength)}\u2026${last(string)}`;\n }\n return string;\n }\n const SPRINTF_PLACEHOLDERS = /%[oOdisfc]/g;\n function sprintf(message, ...args) {\n return message.replace(SPRINTF_PLACEHOLDERS, (placeholder) => stringifyArg(args.shift(), placeholder));\n }\n function negate(fn) {\n return function (...args) {\n return !fn(...args);\n };\n }\n function useMemoizeCacheEntry(cacheEntry) {\n if (cacheEntry.error) {\n throw cacheEntry.error;\n }\n else {\n return cacheEntry.value;\n }\n }\n function buildMemoizeCacheEntry(oldImpl, self, args) {\n try {\n return { value: oldImpl.apply(self, args) };\n }\n catch (e) {\n return { error: e };\n }\n }\n function memoizeMethod(object, propLiteral) {\n for (let prop in propLiteral) {\n let originalDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, prop);\n let oldImpl = originalDescriptor.value;\n let cachingImpl = function (...args) {\n let cache = this[`__${prop}MemoizeCache`] ||= {};\n let cacheKey = JSON.stringify(args);\n cache[cacheKey] ||= buildMemoizeCacheEntry(oldImpl, this, args);\n return useMemoizeCacheEntry(cache[cacheKey]);\n };\n object[prop] = cachingImpl;\n }\n }\n function safeStringifyJSON(value) {\n let json = JSON.stringify(value);\n return escapeHighASCII(json);\n }\n function escapeHighASCII(string) {\n let unicodeEscape = (char) => \"\\\\u\" + char.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).padStart(4, '0');\n return string.replace(/[^\\x00-\\x7F]/g, unicodeEscape);\n }\n function variant(source, changes = {}) {\n let variant = Object.create(source);\n Object.assign(variant, changes);\n return variant;\n }\n return {\n parseURL,\n normalizeURL,\n matchURLs,\n normalizeMethod,\n methodAllowsPayload,\n copy,\n copyArrayLike,\n merge,\n mergeDefined,\n options: newOptions,\n parseArgIntoOptions,\n each,\n map,\n flatMap,\n mapObject,\n findResult,\n some,\n every,\n find: findInList,\n filter: filterList,\n filterMap: filterMap,\n reject,\n intersect,\n compact,\n compactObject,\n uniq,\n uniqBy,\n last,\n isNull,\n isDefined,\n isUndefined,\n isGiven,\n isMissing,\n isPresent,\n isBlank,\n presence,\n isObject,\n isFunction,\n isString,\n isBoolean,\n isNumber,\n isElement,\n isJQuery,\n isElementish,\n isPromise,\n isOptions,\n isArray,\n isFormData,\n isList,\n isRegExp,\n timer: scheduleTimer,\n contains,\n objectContains,\n toArray,\n pick,\n pickBy,\n omit,\n unresolvablePromise,\n remove,\n memoize,\n pluckKey,\n renameKey,\n extractOptions,\n extractCallback,\n noop,\n asyncNoop,\n identity,\n escapeHTML,\n escapeRegExp,\n sequence,\n evalOption,\n evalAutoOption,\n flatten,\n newDeferred,\n always,\n isBasicObjectProperty,\n isCrossOrigin,\n task: queueTask,\n microtask: queueMicrotask,\n isEqual,\n parseTokens,\n wrapList,\n wrapValue,\n uid,\n upperCaseFirst,\n lowerCaseFirst,\n delegate: defineDelegates,\n reverse,\n camelToKebabCase,\n nullToUndefined,\n sprintf,\n renameKeys,\n negate,\n memoizeMethod,\n safeStringifyJSON,\n variant,\n };\n})();\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 4 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.error = (function () {\n function fail(...args) {\n throw new up.Error(args);\n }\n function isCritical(error) {\n return (typeof error !== 'object') || ((error.name !== 'AbortError') && !(error instanceof up.RenderResult) && !(error instanceof up.Response));\n }\n function muteUncriticalRejection(promise) {\n return promise.catch(throwCritical);\n }\n function muteUncriticalSync(block) {\n try {\n return block();\n }\n catch (e) {\n throwCritical(e);\n }\n }\n function throwCritical(value) {\n if (isCritical(value)) {\n throw value;\n }\n }\n function report(error) {\n console.error('Uncaught %o', error);\n let event = new ErrorEvent('error', { error, message: 'Uncaught ' + error });\n window.dispatchEvent(event);\n }\n function guard(fn) {\n try {\n return fn();\n }\n catch (error) {\n report(error);\n }\n }\n function guardFn(fn) {\n return (...args) => guard(() => fn(...args));\n }\n return {\n fail,\n throwCritical,\n muteUncriticalRejection,\n muteUncriticalSync,\n guard,\n guardFn,\n };\n})();\nup.fail = up.error.fail;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 5 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.migrate = { config: {} };\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 6 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.browser = (function () {\n const u = up.util;\n function submitForm(form) {\n form.submit();\n }\n function canPushState() {\n return up.protocol.initialRequestMethod() === 'GET';\n }\n function canJQuery() {\n return !!window.jQuery;\n }\n const canHasSelector = u.memoize(() => CSS.supports('selector(:has(*))'));\n function popCookie(name) {\n let value = document.cookie.match(new RegExp(name + \"=(\\\\w+)\"))?.[1];\n if (value) {\n document.cookie = name + '=;Max-Age=0;Path=/';\n return value;\n }\n }\n function assertConfirmed(options) {\n const confirmed = !options.confirm || window.confirm(options.confirm);\n if (!confirmed) {\n throw new up.Aborted('User canceled action');\n }\n return true;\n }\n return {\n submitForm,\n canPushState,\n canJQuery,\n assertConfirmed,\n popCookie,\n canHasSelector,\n };\n})();\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 7 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {\n\n__webpack_require__(8);\nup.element = (function () {\n const u = up.util;\n function first(...args) {\n const selector = args.pop();\n const root = args[0] || document;\n return root.querySelector(selector);\n }\n function subtree(root, selector) {\n const results = [];\n if (root.matches(selector)) {\n results.push(root);\n }\n results.push(...root.querySelectorAll(selector));\n return results;\n }\n function contains(root, selectorOrElement) {\n const element = getOne(selectorOrElement);\n return Node.prototype.contains.call(root, element);\n }\n function ancestor(element, selector) {\n return element.parentNode?.closest(selector);\n }\n function around(element, selector) {\n return getList(element.closest(selector), subtree(element, selector));\n }\n function getOne(...args) {\n const value = args.pop();\n if (u.isElement(value)) {\n return value;\n }\n else if (u.isString(value)) {\n return first(...args, value);\n }\n else if (u.isList(value)) {\n if (value.length > 1) {\n up.fail('up.element.get(): Cannot cast multiple elements (%o) to a single element', value);\n }\n return value[0];\n }\n else {\n return value;\n }\n }\n function getList(...args) {\n return u.flatMap(args, valueToList);\n }\n function valueToList(value) {\n if (u.isString(value)) {\n return document.querySelectorAll(value);\n }\n else {\n return u.wrapList(value);\n }\n }\n function hide(element) {\n element.setAttribute('hidden', '');\n }\n function show(element) {\n element.removeAttribute('hidden');\n if (element.style.display === 'none') {\n element.style.display = '';\n }\n }\n function toggle(element, newVisible) {\n if (newVisible == null) {\n newVisible = !isVisible(element);\n }\n (newVisible ? show : hide)(element);\n }\n function toggleAttr(element, attr, value, newPresent) {\n if (newPresent == null) {\n newPresent = !element.hasAttribute(attr);\n }\n if (newPresent) {\n return element.setAttribute(attr, value);\n }\n else {\n return element.removeAttribute(attr);\n }\n }\n function setAttrs(element, attrs) {\n for (let key in attrs) {\n const value = attrs[key];\n if (u.isGiven(value)) {\n element.setAttribute(key, value);\n }\n else {\n element.removeAttribute(key);\n }\n }\n }\n function setTemporaryAttrs(element, attrs) {\n const oldAttrs = {};\n for (let key of Object.keys(attrs)) {\n oldAttrs[key] = element.getAttribute(key);\n }\n setAttrs(element, attrs);\n return () => setAttrs(element, oldAttrs);\n }\n function metaContent(name) {\n const selector = \"meta\" + attrSelector('name', name);\n return first(selector)?.getAttribute('content');\n }\n function insertBefore(existingElement, newElement) {\n existingElement.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', newElement);\n }\n function createFromSelector(selector, attrs = {}) {\n let { includePath } = parseSelector(selector);\n let rootElement;\n let depthElement;\n let previousElement;\n for (let includeSegment of includePath) {\n let { tagName, id, classNames, attributes } = includeSegment;\n if (!tagName || tagName === '*') {\n tagName = 'div';\n }\n depthElement = document.createElement(tagName);\n if (!rootElement) {\n rootElement = depthElement;\n }\n if (id) {\n depthElement.id = id;\n }\n for (let className of classNames) {\n depthElement.classList.add(className);\n }\n for (let attributeName in attributes) {\n let attributeValue = attributes[attributeName];\n depthElement.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue || '');\n }\n previousElement?.appendChild(depthElement);\n previousElement = depthElement;\n }\n for (let key in attrs) {\n let value = attrs[key];\n if (key === 'class') {\n for (let klass of u.wrapList(value)) {\n rootElement.classList.add(klass);\n }\n }\n else if (key === 'style') {\n setInlineStyle(rootElement, value);\n }\n else if (key === 'text') {\n rootElement.textContent = value;\n }\n else if (key === 'content') {\n rootElement.innerHTML = value;\n }\n else {\n rootElement.setAttribute(key, value);\n }\n }\n return rootElement;\n }\n function parseSelector(selector) {\n let excludeRaw;\n const includeRaw = selector.replace(/:not\\([^)]+\\)/, function (match) {\n excludeRaw = match;\n return '';\n });\n const [includeSelectorWithoutAttrValues, attrValues] = removeAttrSelectorValues(includeRaw);\n const includeSegments = includeSelectorWithoutAttrValues.split(/[ >]+/);\n let includePath = includeSegments.map(function (depthSelector) {\n let parsed = {\n tagName: null,\n classNames: [],\n id: null,\n attributes: {}\n };\n depthSelector = depthSelector.replace(/^[\\w-*]+/, function (match) {\n parsed.tagName = match;\n return '';\n });\n depthSelector = depthSelector.replace(/#([\\w-]+)/, function (_match, id) {\n parsed.id = id;\n return '';\n });\n depthSelector = depthSelector.replace(/\\.([\\w-]+)/g, function (_match, className) {\n parsed.classNames.push(className);\n return '';\n });\n if (attrValues.length) {\n depthSelector = replaceAttrSelectors(depthSelector, function ({ name }) {\n parsed.attributes[name] = attrValues.shift();\n return '';\n });\n }\n if (depthSelector) {\n up.fail('Cannot parse selector: ' + selector);\n }\n return parsed;\n });\n return {\n includePath,\n includeRaw,\n excludeRaw,\n };\n }\n const ATTR_SELECTOR_PATTERN = /\\[([\\w-]+)(?:([~|^$*]?=)([\"'])?([^\\3\\]]*?)\\3)?]/g;\n function replaceAttrSelectors(string, replacement) {\n return string.replace(ATTR_SELECTOR_PATTERN, function (_match, name, operator, quote, value) {\n if (value) {\n value = value.replace(/\\\\([\\\\\"'])/, '$1');\n }\n return replacement({ name, operator, quote, value });\n });\n }\n function removeAttrSelectorValues(selector) {\n let values = [];\n selector = replaceAttrSelectors(selector, function ({ name, value }) {\n values.push(value);\n return `[${name}]`;\n });\n return [selector, values];\n }\n function affix(parent, ...args) {\n let position, selector;\n const attributes = u.extractOptions(args);\n if (args.length === 2) {\n [position, selector] = args;\n }\n else {\n position = 'beforeend';\n selector = args[0];\n }\n const element = createFromSelector(selector, attributes);\n parent.insertAdjacentElement(position, element);\n return element;\n }\n const SINGLETON_TAG_NAMES = ['HTML', 'BODY', 'HEAD', 'TITLE'];\n const isSingleton = up.mockable(element => element.matches(SINGLETON_TAG_NAMES.join()));\n function elementTagName(element) {\n return element.tagName.toLowerCase();\n }\n function attrSelector(attribute, value) {\n if (u.isGiven(value)) {\n value = value.replace(/\"/g, '\\\\\"');\n return `[${attribute}=\"${value}\"]`;\n }\n else {\n return `[${attribute}]`;\n }\n }\n function idSelector(id) {\n if (id.match(/^[a-z0-9\\-_]+$/i)) {\n return `#${id}`;\n }\n else {\n return attrSelector('id', id);\n }\n }\n function classSelector(klass) {\n klass = klass.replace(/[^\\w-]/g, '\\\\$&');\n return `.${klass}`;\n }\n function createBrokenDocumentFromHTML(html) {\n return new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html');\n }\n function fixParserDamage(scriptish) {\n let clone = createFromHTML(scriptish.outerHTML);\n scriptish.replaceWith(clone);\n }\n function createFromHTML(html) {\n const range = document.createRange();\n range.setStart(document.body, 0);\n const fragment = range.createContextualFragment(html.trim());\n let elements = fragment.childNodes;\n if (elements.length !== 1) {\n throw new Error('HTML must have a single root element');\n }\n return elements[0];\n }\n function getRoot() {\n return document.documentElement;\n }\n function paint(element) {\n element.offsetHeight;\n }\n function concludeCSSTransition(element) {\n const undo = setTemporaryStyle(element, { transition: 'none' });\n paint(element);\n return undo;\n }\n function hasCSSTransition(elementOrStyleHash) {\n let styleHash;\n if (u.isOptions(elementOrStyleHash)) {\n styleHash = elementOrStyleHash;\n }\n else {\n styleHash = computedStyle(elementOrStyleHash);\n }\n const prop = styleHash.transitionProperty;\n const duration = styleHash.transitionDuration;\n const noTransition = ((prop === 'none') || ((prop === 'all') && (duration === 0)));\n return !noTransition;\n }\n function fixedToAbsolute(element) {\n const elementRectAsFixed = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n element.style.position = 'absolute';\n const offsetParentRect = element.offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect();\n setInlineStyle(element, {\n left: elementRectAsFixed.left - computedStyleNumber(element, 'margin-left') - offsetParentRect.left,\n top: elementRectAsFixed.top - computedStyleNumber(element, 'margin-top') - offsetParentRect.top,\n right: '',\n bottom: ''\n });\n }\n function setMissingAttrs(element, attrs) {\n for (let key in attrs) {\n setMissingAttr(element, key, attrs[key]);\n }\n }\n function setMissingAttr(element, key, value) {\n if (u.isMissing(element.getAttribute(key))) {\n element.setAttribute(key, value);\n }\n }\n function unwrap(wrapper) {\n preservingFocus(function () {\n const parent = wrapper.parentNode;\n const wrappedNodes = u.toArray(wrapper.childNodes);\n u.each(wrappedNodes, wrappedNode => parent.insertBefore(wrappedNode, wrapper));\n parent.removeChild(wrapper);\n });\n }\n function wrapChildren(element) {\n let childNode;\n const wrapper = document.createElement('up-wrapper');\n while ((childNode = element.firstChild)) {\n wrapper.appendChild(childNode);\n }\n element.appendChild(wrapper);\n return wrapper;\n }\n function isWrapper(element) {\n return element.matches('up-wrapper');\n }\n function preservingFocus(fn) {\n const oldFocusElement = document.activeElement;\n try {\n return fn();\n }\n finally {\n if (oldFocusElement && oldFocusElement !== document.activeElement) {\n oldFocusElement.focus({ preventScroll: true });\n }\n }\n }\n function stringAttr(element, attribute) {\n return u.nullToUndefined(element.getAttribute(attribute));\n }\n function booleanAttr(element, attribute, pass) {\n if (!element.hasAttribute(attribute))\n return;\n const value = stringAttr(element, attribute);\n switch (value) {\n case 'false': {\n return false;\n }\n case 'true':\n case '':\n case attribute: {\n return true;\n }\n default: {\n if (pass) {\n return value;\n }\n else {\n return true;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n function booleanOrStringAttr(element, attribute) {\n return booleanAttr(element, attribute, true);\n }\n function numberAttr(element, attribute) {\n let value = element.getAttribute(attribute);\n if (value) {\n value = value.replace(/_/g, '');\n if (value.match(/^[\\d.]+$/)) {\n return parseFloat(value);\n }\n }\n }\n function jsonAttr(element, attribute) {\n let json = element.getAttribute?.(attribute)?.trim();\n if (json) {\n return JSON.parse(json);\n }\n }\n function callbackAttr(link, attr, { exposedKeys = [], mainKey = 'event' } = {}) {\n let code = link.getAttribute(attr);\n if (code) {\n const callback = up.NonceableCallback.fromString(code).toFunction(mainKey, ...exposedKeys);\n return function (event) {\n const exposedValues = Object.values(u.pick(event, exposedKeys));\n return callback.call(link, event, ...exposedValues);\n };\n }\n }\n function closestAttr(element, attr, parseFn = stringAttr) {\n let match = element.closest('[' + attr + ']');\n if (match) {\n return parseFn(match, attr);\n }\n }\n function setTemporaryStyle(element, newStyles) {\n const oldStyles = inlineStyle(element, Object.keys(newStyles));\n setInlineStyle(element, newStyles);\n return () => setInlineStyle(element, oldStyles);\n }\n function addTemporaryClass(element, klass) {\n element.classList.add(klass);\n return () => element.classList.remove(klass);\n }\n function setTemporaryAttr(element, attr, value) {\n element.setAttribute(attr, value);\n return () => element.removeAttribute(element, attr);\n }\n function computedStyle(element, props) {\n const style = window.getComputedStyle(element);\n return extractFromStyleObject(style, props);\n }\n function computedStyleNumber(element, prop) {\n const rawValue = computedStyle(element, prop);\n if (u.isGiven(rawValue)) {\n return parseFloat(rawValue);\n }\n }\n function inlineStyle(element, props) {\n const { style } = element;\n return extractFromStyleObject(style, props);\n }\n function extractFromStyleObject(style, keyOrKeys) {\n if (u.isString(keyOrKeys)) {\n return style[keyOrKeys];\n }\n else {\n return u.pick(style, keyOrKeys);\n }\n }\n function setInlineStyle(element, props) {\n if (u.isString(props)) {\n element.setAttribute('style', props);\n }\n else {\n const { style } = element;\n for (let key in props) {\n let value = props[key];\n value = normalizeStyleValueForWrite(key, value);\n style[key] = value;\n }\n }\n }\n function normalizeStyleValueForWrite(key, value) {\n if (u.isMissing(value)) {\n value = '';\n }\n else if (CSS_LENGTH_PROPS.has(key.toLowerCase().replace(/-/, ''))) {\n value = cssLength(value);\n }\n return value;\n }\n const CSS_LENGTH_PROPS = new Set([\n 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left',\n 'padding', 'paddingtop', 'paddingright', 'paddingbottom', 'paddingleft',\n 'margin', 'margintop', 'marginright', 'marginbottom', 'marginleft',\n 'borderwidth', 'bordertopwidth', 'borderrightwidth', 'borderbottomwidth', 'borderleftwidth',\n 'width', 'height',\n 'maxwidth', 'maxheight',\n 'minwidth', 'minheight',\n ]);\n function cssLength(obj) {\n if (u.isNumber(obj) || (u.isString(obj) && /^\\d+$/.test(obj))) {\n return obj.toString() + \"px\";\n }\n else {\n return obj;\n }\n }\n function isVisible(element) {\n return !!(element.offsetWidth || element.offsetHeight || element.getClientRects().length);\n }\n function isUpPrefixed(string) {\n return /^up-/.test(string);\n }\n function upAttrs(element) {\n let attrNames = u.filter(element.getAttributeNames(), isUpPrefixed);\n return u.mapObject(attrNames, (name) => [name, element.getAttribute(name)]);\n }\n function upClasses(element) {\n return u.filter(element.classList.values(), isUpPrefixed);\n }\n function cleanJQuery(element) {\n if (up.browser.canJQuery()) {\n jQuery(element).remove();\n }\n }\n function isEmpty(element) {\n return !element.children.length > 0 && !element.innerText.trim();\n }\n function crossOriginSelector(attr) {\n return `[${attr}*=\"//\"]:not([${attr}*=\"//${location.host}/\"])`;\n }\n return {\n subtree,\n contains,\n closestAttr,\n ancestor,\n around,\n get: getOne,\n list: getList,\n toggle,\n hide,\n show,\n metaContent,\n insertBefore,\n createFromSelector,\n setAttrs,\n setTemporaryAttrs,\n affix,\n idSelector,\n classSelector,\n isSingleton,\n attrSelector,\n tagName: elementTagName,\n createBrokenDocumentFromHTML,\n fixParserDamage,\n createFromHTML,\n get root() { return getRoot(); },\n paint,\n concludeCSSTransition,\n hasCSSTransition,\n fixedToAbsolute,\n setMissingAttrs,\n setMissingAttr,\n unwrap,\n wrapChildren,\n isWrapper,\n attr: stringAttr,\n booleanAttr,\n numberAttr,\n jsonAttr,\n callbackAttr,\n booleanOrStringAttr,\n setTemporaryStyle,\n style: computedStyle,\n styleNumber: computedStyleNumber,\n inlineStyle,\n setStyle: setInlineStyle,\n isVisible,\n upAttrs,\n upClasses,\n toggleAttr,\n addTemporaryClass,\n setTemporaryAttr,\n cleanJQuery,\n parseSelector,\n isEmpty,\n crossOriginSelector,\n };\n})();\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 8 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {\n\n\"use strict\";\n__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 9 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.Error = class Error extends window.Error {\n constructor(message, props = {}) {\n if (Array.isArray(message)) {\n message = up.util.sprintf(...message);\n }\n super(message);\n let name = 'up.' + this.constructor.name;\n Object.assign(this, { name }, props);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 10 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.NotImplemented = class NotImplemented extends up.Error {\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 11 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.Aborted = class Aborted extends up.Error {\n constructor(message) {\n super(message, { name: 'AbortError' });\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 12 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.CannotMatch = class CannotMatch extends up.Error {\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 13 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.CannotParse = class CannotParse extends up.Error {\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 14 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.CannotTarget = class CannotTarget extends up.Error {\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 15 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.Offline = class Offline extends up.Error {\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 16 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Record = class Record {\n keys() {\n throw 'Return an array of keys';\n }\n defaults(_options) {\n return {};\n }\n constructor(options) {\n Object.assign(this, this.defaults(options), this.attributes(options));\n }\n attributes(source = this) {\n return u.pick(source, this.keys());\n }\n [u.copy.key]() {\n return u.variant(this);\n }\n [u.isEqual.key](other) {\n return (this.constructor === other.constructor) && u.isEqual(this.attributes(), other.attributes());\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 17 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Config = class Config {\n constructor(blueprintFn = (() => ({}))) {\n this._blueprintFn = blueprintFn;\n this.reset();\n document.addEventListener('up:framework:reset', () => this.reset());\n }\n reset() {\n Object.assign(this, this._blueprintFn());\n }\n matches(element, prop) {\n return element.matches(this.selector(prop));\n }\n selector(prop) {\n let includes = this[prop];\n let excludes = this['no' + u.upperCaseFirst(prop)];\n let selector = `:is(${includes.join()})`;\n if (u.isPresent(excludes))\n selector += `:not(${excludes.join()})`;\n return selector;\n }\n selectorFn(prop) {\n return () => this.selector(prop);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 18 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nlet enabledKey = 'up.log.enabled';\nlet enabled = false;\ntry {\n enabled = !!sessionStorage?.getItem(enabledKey);\n}\ncatch {\n}\nup.LogConfig = class LogConfig extends up.Config {\n constructor() {\n super(() => ({\n banner: true,\n format: true,\n }));\n }\n get enabled() {\n return enabled;\n }\n set enabled(newEnabled) {\n enabled = newEnabled;\n try {\n sessionStorage?.setItem(enabledKey, newEnabled ? '1' : '');\n }\n catch {\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 19 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.OptionsParser = class OptionsParser {\n constructor(element, options, parserOptions = {}) {\n this._options = options;\n this._element = element;\n this._parserOptions = parserOptions;\n this._fail = parserOptions.fail;\n this._closest = parserOptions.closest;\n this._attrPrefix = parserOptions.attrPrefix || 'up-';\n this._defaults = parserOptions.defaults || {};\n }\n string(key, keyOptions) {\n this.parse(e.attr, key, keyOptions);\n }\n boolean(key, keyOptions) {\n this.parse(e.booleanAttr, key, keyOptions);\n }\n number(key, keyOptions) {\n this.parse(e.numberAttr, key, keyOptions);\n }\n booleanOrString(key, keyOptions) {\n this.parse(e.booleanOrStringAttr, key, keyOptions);\n }\n json(key, keyOptions) {\n this.parse(e.jsonAttr, key, keyOptions);\n }\n callback(key, keyOptions = {}) {\n let parser = (link, attr) => e.callbackAttr(link, attr, keyOptions);\n this.parse(parser, key, keyOptions);\n }\n parse(attrValueFn, key, keyOptions = {}) {\n const attrNames = u.wrapList(keyOptions.attr ?? this._attrNameForKey(key));\n let value = this._options[key];\n for (let attrName of attrNames) {\n value ??= this._parseFromAttr(attrValueFn, this._element, attrName);\n }\n value ??= keyOptions.default ?? this._defaults[key];\n let normalizeFn = keyOptions.normalize;\n if (normalizeFn) {\n value = normalizeFn(value);\n }\n if (u.isDefined(value)) {\n this._options[key] = value;\n }\n let failKey;\n if (this._fail && (failKey = up.fragment.failKey(key))) {\n const failAttrNames = u.compact(u.map(attrNames, (attrName) => this._deriveFailAttrName(attrName)));\n this.parse(attrValueFn, failKey, { ...keyOptions, attr: failAttrNames });\n }\n }\n include(optionsFn) {\n let fnResult = optionsFn(this._element, this._options, this._parserOptions);\n Object.assign(this._options, fnResult);\n }\n _parseFromAttr(attrValueFn, element, attrName) {\n if (this._closest) {\n return e.closestAttr(element, attrName, attrValueFn);\n }\n else {\n return attrValueFn(element, attrName);\n }\n }\n _deriveFailAttrName(attr) {\n return this._deriveFailAttrNameForPrefix(attr, this._attrPrefix + 'on-') ||\n this._deriveFailAttrNameForPrefix(attr, this._attrPrefix);\n }\n _deriveFailAttrNameForPrefix(attr, prefix) {\n if (attr.startsWith(prefix)) {\n return `${prefix}fail-${attr.substring(prefix.length)}`;\n }\n }\n _attrNameForKey(option) {\n return `${this._attrPrefix}${u.camelToKebabCase(option)}`;\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 20 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.FIFOCache = class FIFOCache {\n constructor({ capacity = 10, normalizeKey = u.identity } = {}) {\n this._map = new Map();\n this._capacity = capacity;\n this._normalizeKey = normalizeKey;\n }\n get(key) {\n key = this._normalizeKey(key);\n return this._map.get(key);\n }\n set(key, value) {\n if (this._map.size === this._capacity) {\n let oldestKey = this._map.keys().next().value;\n this._map.delete(oldestKey);\n }\n key = this._normalizeKey(key);\n this._map.set(key, value);\n }\n clear() {\n this._map.clear();\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 21 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.Rect = class Rect extends up.Record {\n keys() {\n return [\n 'left',\n 'top',\n 'width',\n 'height'\n ];\n }\n get bottom() {\n return this.top + this.height;\n }\n get right() {\n return this.left + this.width;\n }\n static fromElement(element) {\n return new (this)(element.getBoundingClientRect());\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 22 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst e = up.element;\nup.BodyShifter = class BodyShifter {\n constructor() {\n this._unshiftFns = [];\n this._anchoredElements = new Set();\n this._stack = 0;\n }\n lowerStack() {\n this._stack--;\n if (this._stack === 0) {\n this._unshiftNow();\n }\n }\n raiseStack() {\n this._stack++;\n if (this._stack === 1) {\n this._shiftNow();\n }\n }\n onAnchoredElementInserted(element) {\n this._anchoredElements.add(element);\n if (this._isShifted()) {\n this._shiftAnchoredElement(element);\n }\n return () => this._anchoredElements.delete(element);\n }\n _isShifted() {\n return this._scrollbarTookSpace && this._stack > 0;\n }\n _shiftNow() {\n this._scrollbarWidth = up.viewport.scrollbarWidth();\n this._scrollbarTookSpace = up.viewport.rootHasReducedWidthFromScrollbar();\n if (!this._scrollbarTookSpace)\n return;\n this._shiftBody();\n for (let element of this._anchoredElements) {\n this._shiftAnchoredElement(element);\n }\n }\n _shiftBody() {\n const overflowElement = up.viewport.rootOverflowElement();\n this._changeStyle(overflowElement, { overflowY: 'hidden' });\n const { body } = document;\n const bodyRightPadding = e.styleNumber(body, 'paddingRight');\n const bodyRightShift = this._scrollbarWidth + bodyRightPadding;\n this._changeStyle(body, { paddingRight: bodyRightShift });\n }\n _shiftAnchoredElement(element) {\n const elementRight = e.styleNumber(element, 'right');\n const elementRightShift = this._scrollbarWidth + elementRight;\n this._changeStyle(element, { right: elementRightShift });\n }\n _changeStyle(element, styles) {\n this._unshiftFns.push(e.setTemporaryStyle(element, styles));\n }\n _unshiftNow() {\n let unshiftFn;\n while (unshiftFn = this._unshiftFns.pop()) {\n unshiftFn();\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 23 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Change = class Change {\n constructor(options) {\n this.options = options;\n }\n execute() {\n throw new up.NotImplemented();\n }\n onFinished(renderResult) {\n return this.options.onFinished?.(renderResult);\n }\n improveHistoryValue(existingValue, newValue) {\n if ((existingValue === false) || u.isString(existingValue)) {\n return existingValue;\n }\n else {\n return newValue;\n }\n }\n deriveFailOptions() {\n return up.RenderOptions.deriveFailOptions(this.options);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 24 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.Change.Addition = class Addition extends up.Change {\n constructor(options) {\n super(options);\n this._acceptLayer = options.acceptLayer;\n this._dismissLayer = options.dismissLayer;\n this._eventPlans = options.eventPlans || [];\n this._response = options.response;\n }\n handleLayerChangeRequests() {\n if (this.layer.isOverlay()) {\n this.tryAcceptLayerFromServer();\n this.abortWhenLayerClosed();\n this.layer.tryAcceptForLocation(this.responseOption());\n this.abortWhenLayerClosed();\n this.tryDismissLayerFromServer();\n this.abortWhenLayerClosed();\n this.layer.tryDismissForLocation(this.responseOption());\n this.abortWhenLayerClosed();\n }\n this.layer.asCurrent(() => {\n for (let eventPlan of this._eventPlans) {\n up.emit({ ...eventPlan, ...this.responseOption() });\n this.abortWhenLayerClosed();\n }\n });\n }\n tryAcceptLayerFromServer() {\n if (u.isDefined(this._acceptLayer) && this.layer.isOverlay()) {\n this.layer.accept(this._acceptLayer, this.responseOption());\n }\n }\n tryDismissLayerFromServer() {\n if (u.isDefined(this._dismissLayer) && this.layer.isOverlay()) {\n this.layer.dismiss(this._dismissLayer, this.responseOption());\n }\n }\n abortWhenLayerClosed(layer = this.layer) {\n if (layer.isClosed()) {\n throw new up.Aborted('Layer was closed');\n }\n }\n setSource({ oldElement, newElement, source }) {\n if (source === 'keep') {\n source = (oldElement && up.fragment.source(oldElement));\n }\n if (source) {\n e.setMissingAttr(newElement, 'up-source', u.normalizeURL(source, { hash: false }));\n }\n }\n setTime({ newElement, time }) {\n e.setMissingAttr(newElement, 'up-time', time ? time.toUTCString() : false);\n }\n setETag({ newElement, etag }) {\n e.setMissingAttr(newElement, 'up-etag', etag || false);\n }\n setReloadAttrs(options) {\n this.setSource(options);\n this.setTime(options);\n this.setETag(options);\n }\n responseOption() {\n return { response: this._response };\n }\n executeSteps(steps, responseDoc, noneOptions) {\n return new up.Change.UpdateSteps({ steps, noneOptions }).execute(responseDoc);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 25 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nvar _a;\nconst u = up.util;\nup.RenderJob = (_a = class RenderJob {\n constructor(options) {\n this.options = up.RenderOptions.preprocess(options);\n }\n execute() {\n this._rendered = this._executePromise();\n return this;\n }\n async _executePromise() {\n try {\n this._guardRender();\n let result = await this._getChange().execute();\n this._handleResult(result);\n return result;\n }\n catch (resultOrError) {\n this._handleResult(resultOrError) || this._handleError(resultOrError);\n throw resultOrError;\n }\n }\n _handleResult(result) {\n if (result instanceof up.RenderResult) {\n let { onRendered, onFinished } = result.options;\n if (!result.none)\n up.error.guard(() => onRendered?.(result));\n let guardedOnFinished = function (result) {\n up.error.guard(() => onFinished?.(result));\n };\n this.finished.then(guardedOnFinished, u.noop);\n return true;\n }\n }\n _handleError(error) {\n let prefix = error instanceof up.Aborted ? 'Rendering was aborted' : 'Error while rendering';\n up.puts('up.render()', `${prefix}: ${error.name}: ${error.message}`);\n up.error.guard(() => this.options.onError?.(error));\n }\n get finished() {\n return this._awaitFinished();\n }\n async _awaitFinished() {\n try {\n let result = await this._rendered;\n return await result.finished;\n }\n catch (error) {\n if (error instanceof up.RenderResult) {\n throw await error.finished;\n }\n else {\n throw error;\n }\n }\n }\n _getChange() {\n if (this.options.url) {\n let onRequest = (request) => this._handleAbortOption(request);\n return new up.Change.FromURL({ ...this.options, onRequest });\n }\n else if (this.options.response) {\n let onRender = () => this._handleAbortOption(null);\n return new up.Change.FromResponse({ ...this.options, onRender });\n }\n else {\n let onRender = () => this._handleAbortOption(null);\n return new up.Change.FromContent({ ...this.options, onRender });\n }\n }\n _guardRender() {\n up.browser.assertConfirmed(this.options);\n let guardEvent = u.pluckKey(this.options, 'guardEvent');\n if (guardEvent) {\n guardEvent.renderOptions = this.options;\n if (up.emit(guardEvent, { target: this.options.origin }).defaultPrevented) {\n throw new up.Aborted(`Rendering was prevented by ${guardEvent.type} listener`);\n }\n }\n up.RenderOptions.assertContentGiven(this.options);\n }\n _handleAbortOption(request) {\n let { abort } = this.options;\n if (!abort || !up.network.isBusy())\n return;\n let { fragments, layer, origin, newLayer } = this._getChange().getPreflightProps();\n let abortOptions = {\n except: request,\n logOnce: ['up.render()', 'Change with { abort } option will abort other requests'],\n newLayer,\n origin,\n };\n if (abort === 'target') {\n up.fragment.abort(fragments, abortOptions);\n }\n else if (abort === 'layer') {\n up.fragment.abort({ ...abortOptions, layer });\n }\n else if (abort === 'all' || abort === true) {\n up.fragment.abort({ ...abortOptions, layer: 'any' });\n }\n else if (u.isFunction(abort)) {\n abort(abortOptions);\n }\n else {\n up.fragment.abort(abort, { ...abortOptions, layer });\n }\n }\n },\n (() => {\n u.delegate(_a.prototype, ['then', 'catch', 'finally'], function () { return this._rendered; });\n u.memoizeMethod(_a.prototype, {\n _awaitFinished: true,\n _getChange: true,\n });\n })(),\n _a);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 26 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.Change.Removal = class Removal extends up.Change {\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 27 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.Change.DestroyFragment = class DestroyFragment extends up.Change.Removal {\n constructor(options) {\n super(options);\n this._layer = up.layer.get(options) || up.layer.current;\n this._element = this.options.element;\n this._animation = this.options.animation;\n this._log = this.options.log;\n }\n execute() {\n this._parent = this._element.parentNode;\n up.fragment.markAsDestroying(this._element);\n if (up.motion.willAnimate(this._element, this._animation, this.options)) {\n this._destroyAfterAnimation();\n }\n else {\n this._destroyNow();\n }\n }\n async _destroyAfterAnimation() {\n this._emitDestroyed();\n await this._animate();\n this._wipe();\n this.onFinished();\n }\n _destroyNow() {\n this._wipe();\n this._emitDestroyed();\n this.onFinished();\n }\n _animate() {\n return up.motion.animate(this._element, this._animation, this.options);\n }\n _wipe() {\n this._layer.asCurrent(() => {\n up.fragment.abort(this._element);\n up.script.clean(this._element, { layer: this._layer });\n up.element.cleanJQuery(this._element);\n this._element.remove();\n });\n }\n _emitDestroyed() {\n up.fragment.emitDestroyed(this._element, { parent: this._parent, log: this._log });\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 28 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nlet u = up.util;\nup.Change.OpenLayer = class OpenLayer extends up.Change.Addition {\n constructor(options) {\n super(options);\n this.target = options.target;\n this._origin = options.origin;\n this._baseLayer = options.baseLayer;\n }\n getPreflightProps() {\n return {\n mode: this.options.mode,\n context: this._buildLayer().context,\n origin: this.options.origin,\n target: this.target,\n layer: this._baseLayer,\n fragments: u.compact([up.fragment.get(':main', { layer: this._baseLayer })]),\n newLayer: true,\n };\n }\n execute(responseDoc, onApplicable) {\n this.responseDoc = responseDoc;\n this._matchPostflight();\n onApplicable();\n this._createOverlay();\n let unbindClosing = this.layer.on('up:layer:accepting up:layer:dimissing', this._renderOtherLayers.bind(this));\n try {\n this._renderOverlayContent();\n this._renderOtherLayers();\n return up.RenderResult.both(this._newOverlayResult, this._otherLayersResult);\n }\n finally {\n unbindClosing();\n }\n }\n _matchPostflight() {\n if (this.target === ':none') {\n this._content = document.createElement('up-none');\n }\n else {\n this._content = this.responseDoc.select(this.target);\n }\n if (!this._content || this._baseLayer.isClosed()) {\n throw new up.CannotMatch();\n }\n }\n _createOverlay() {\n up.puts('up.render()', `Opening element \"${this.target}\" in new overlay`);\n this._assertOpenEventEmitted();\n this.layer = this._buildLayer();\n this._baseLayer.peel({ history: !this.layer.history });\n up.layer.stack.push(this.layer);\n this.layer.createElements();\n this.layer.setupHandlers();\n }\n _renderOverlayContent() {\n this._handleHistory();\n this.handleLayerChangeRequests();\n this.responseDoc.commitElement(this._content);\n this.layer.setContent(this._content);\n this.setReloadAttrs({ newElement: this._content, source: this.options.source });\n this.responseDoc.finalizeElement(this._content);\n this._newOverlayResult = new up.RenderResult({\n layer: this.layer,\n fragments: [this._content],\n target: this.target,\n });\n up.hello(this.layer.element, { ...this.options, layer: this.layer });\n this._handleScroll();\n this._newOverlayResult.finished = this._finish();\n this.layer.opening = false;\n this._emitOpenedEvent();\n this.abortWhenLayerClosed();\n }\n _renderOtherLayers() {\n if (this._otherLayersResult)\n return;\n let otherLayerSteps = this._getHungrySteps().other;\n this._otherLayersResult = this.executeSteps(otherLayerSteps, this.responseDoc);\n }\n async _finish() {\n await this.layer.startOpenAnimation();\n this.abortWhenLayerClosed();\n this._handleFocus();\n return this._newOverlayResult;\n }\n _buildLayer() {\n const buildOptions = { ...this.options, opening: true };\n const beforeNew = optionsWithLayerDefaults => {\n return this.options = up.RenderOptions.finalize(optionsWithLayerDefaults);\n };\n return up.layer.build(buildOptions, beforeNew);\n }\n _handleHistory() {\n if (this.layer.history === 'auto') {\n this.layer.history = up.fragment.hasAutoHistory([this._content], this.layer);\n }\n let { parent } = this.layer;\n this.layer.history &&= parent.history;\n parent.saveHistory();\n this.layer.updateHistory(this.options);\n }\n _handleFocus() {\n this._baseLayer.overlayFocus?.moveToBack();\n this.layer.overlayFocus.moveToFront();\n const fragmentFocus = new up.FragmentFocus({\n fragment: this._content,\n layer: this.layer,\n autoMeans: ['autofocus', 'layer'],\n inputDevice: this.options.inputDevice,\n });\n fragmentFocus.process(this.options.focus);\n }\n _handleScroll() {\n const scrollingOptions = {\n ...this.options,\n fragment: this._content,\n layer: this.layer,\n autoMeans: ['hash', 'layer']\n };\n const scrolling = new up.FragmentScrolling(scrollingOptions);\n scrolling.process(this.options.scroll);\n }\n _assertOpenEventEmitted() {\n up.event.assertEmitted('up:layer:open', {\n origin: this._origin,\n baseLayer: this._baseLayer,\n layerOptions: this.options,\n log: \"Opening new overlay\"\n });\n }\n _emitOpenedEvent() {\n this.layer.emit('up:layer:opened', {\n origin: this._origin,\n callback: this.layer.callback('onOpened'),\n log: `Opened new ${this.layer}`\n });\n }\n _getHungrySteps() {\n return up.radio.hungrySteps(this._getEffectiveRenderOptions());\n }\n _getEffectiveRenderOptions() {\n return {\n ...this.options,\n layer: this.layer,\n history: this.layer.history,\n };\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 29 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nvar _a;\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Change.UpdateLayer = (_a = class UpdateLayer extends up.Change.Addition {\n constructor(options) {\n options = up.RenderOptions.finalize(options);\n super(options);\n this.layer = options.layer;\n this.target = options.target;\n this._context = options.context;\n this._steps = up.fragment.parseTargetSteps(this.target, this.options);\n }\n getPreflightProps() {\n this._matchPreflight();\n return {\n layer: this.layer,\n mode: this.layer.mode,\n context: u.merge(this.layer.context, this._context),\n origin: this.options.origin,\n target: this._bestPreflightSelector(),\n fragments: this._getFragments(),\n newLayer: false,\n };\n }\n _bestPreflightSelector() {\n this._matchPreflight();\n return up.fragment.targetForSteps(this._steps);\n }\n _getFragments() {\n this._matchPreflight();\n return u.map(this._steps, 'oldElement');\n }\n execute(responseDoc, onApplicable) {\n this.responseDoc = responseDoc;\n this._matchPostflight();\n onApplicable();\n let unbindClosing = this.layer.on('up:layer:accepting up:layer:dimissing', this._renderOtherLayers.bind(this));\n try {\n this._renderCurrentLayer();\n this._renderOtherLayers();\n return up.RenderResult.both(this._currentLayerResult, this._otherLayersResult);\n }\n finally {\n unbindClosing();\n }\n }\n _renderCurrentLayer() {\n if (this._steps.length) {\n up.puts('up.render()', `Updating \"${this._bestPreflightSelector()}\" in ${this.layer}`);\n }\n this._setScrollAndFocusOptions();\n if (this.options.saveScroll) {\n up.viewport.saveScroll({ layer: this.layer });\n }\n if (this.options.saveFocus) {\n up.viewport.saveFocus({ layer: this.layer });\n }\n if (this.options.peel) {\n this.layer.peel({ history: !this._hasHistory() });\n }\n if (this.options.abort !== false) {\n up.fragment.abort(this._getFragments(), { reason: 'Fragment is being replaced' });\n }\n Object.assign(this.layer.context, this._context);\n if (this._hasHistory()) {\n this.layer.updateHistory(this.options);\n }\n this.handleLayerChangeRequests();\n this._currentLayerResult = this.executeSteps(this._steps, this.responseDoc, this.options);\n }\n _renderOtherLayers() {\n if (this._otherLayersResult)\n return;\n let otherLayerSteps = this._getHungrySteps().other;\n this._otherLayersResult = this.executeSteps(otherLayerSteps, this.responseDoc);\n }\n _matchPreflight() {\n this._matchOldElements();\n this._compressNestedSteps();\n }\n _matchPostflight() {\n this._matchOldElements();\n this._addHungryStepsOnCurrentLayer();\n this._compressNestedSteps();\n this._matchNewElements();\n }\n _addHungryStepsOnCurrentLayer() {\n this._steps.push(...this._getHungrySteps().current);\n }\n _matchOldElements() {\n this._steps = this._steps.filter((step) => {\n const finder = new up.FragmentFinder(u.pick(step, ['selector', 'origin', 'layer', 'match', 'preferOldElements']));\n step.oldElement ||= finder.find();\n if (step.oldElement) {\n return true;\n }\n else if (!step.maybe) {\n throw new up.CannotMatch();\n }\n });\n }\n _matchNewElements() {\n this._steps = this.responseDoc.selectSteps(this._steps);\n }\n _compressNestedSteps() {\n this._steps = up.fragment.compressNestedSteps(this._steps);\n }\n _getHungrySteps() {\n return up.radio.hungrySteps(this._getEffectiveRenderOptions());\n }\n _setScrollAndFocusOptions() {\n let focusCapsule = up.FocusCapsule.preserve(this.layer);\n this._steps.forEach((step, i) => {\n step.focusCapsule = focusCapsule;\n if (i > 0) {\n step.scroll = false;\n step.focus = false;\n }\n if ((step.placement === 'swap') || (step.placement === 'content')) {\n step.scrollBehavior = 'instant';\n }\n });\n }\n _hasHistory() {\n return u.evalAutoOption(this.options.history, this._hasAutoHistory.bind(this));\n }\n _hasAutoHistory() {\n const oldFragments = u.map(this._steps, 'oldElement');\n return up.fragment.hasAutoHistory(oldFragments, this.layer);\n }\n _getEffectiveRenderOptions() {\n return {\n ...this.options,\n layer: this.layer,\n history: this._hasHistory(),\n };\n }\n },\n (() => {\n u.memoizeMethod(_a.prototype, {\n _matchPreflight: true,\n _matchOldElements: true,\n _hasHistory: true,\n _getHungrySteps: true,\n });\n })(),\n _a);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 30 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.Change.UpdateSteps = class UpdateSteps extends up.Change.Addition {\n constructor(options) {\n super(options);\n this._noneOptions = options.noneOptions || {};\n this._steps = u.copy(options.steps);\n }\n execute(responseDoc) {\n this.responseDoc = responseDoc;\n this._steps = responseDoc.selectSteps(this._steps);\n this._steps = responseDoc.commitSteps(this._steps);\n if (!this._steps.length) {\n return this._executeNone();\n }\n this.renderResult = new up.RenderResult({\n layer: this._steps[0]?.layer,\n target: up.fragment.targetForSteps(this._steps),\n });\n this._steps.reverse();\n const motionEndPromises = this._steps.map(step => this._executeStep(step));\n this.renderResult.finished = this._finish(motionEndPromises);\n return this.renderResult;\n }\n _executeNone() {\n this._handleFocus(null, this._noneOptions);\n this._handleScroll(null, this._noneOptions);\n return up.RenderResult.buildNone();\n }\n async _finish(motionEndPromises) {\n await Promise.all(motionEndPromises);\n for (let step of this._steps) {\n this.abortWhenLayerClosed(step.layer);\n }\n return this.renderResult;\n }\n _addToResult(fragment) {\n let newFragments = fragment.matches('up-wrapper') ? fragment.children : [fragment];\n this.renderResult.fragments.unshift(...newFragments);\n }\n _executeStep(step) {\n this.setReloadAttrs(step);\n switch (step.placement) {\n case 'swap': {\n let keepPlan = this._findKeepPlan(step);\n if (keepPlan) {\n this._handleFocus(step.oldElement, step);\n this._handleScroll(step.oldElement, step);\n return Promise.resolve();\n }\n else {\n this._preserveKeepables(step);\n const parent = step.oldElement.parentNode;\n const morphOptions = {\n ...step,\n beforeStart() {\n up.fragment.markAsDestroying(step.oldElement);\n },\n afterInsert: () => {\n this._restoreKeepables(step);\n this.responseDoc.finalizeElement(step.newElement);\n this._unmarkKeepables(step);\n up.hello(step.newElement, step);\n this._addToResult(step.newElement);\n },\n beforeDetach: () => {\n up.script.clean(step.oldElement, { layer: step.layer });\n },\n afterDetach() {\n up.element.cleanJQuery();\n up.fragment.emitDestroyed(step.oldElement, { parent, log: false });\n },\n scrollNew: () => {\n this._handleFocus(step.newElement, step);\n this._handleScroll(step.newElement, step);\n }\n };\n return up.morph(step.oldElement, step.newElement, step.transition, morphOptions);\n }\n }\n case 'content': {\n let oldWrapper = e.wrapChildren(step.oldElement);\n let newWrapper = e.wrapChildren(step.newElement);\n let wrapperStep = {\n ...step,\n placement: 'swap',\n oldElement: oldWrapper,\n newElement: newWrapper,\n focus: false\n };\n return this._executeStep(wrapperStep).then(() => {\n e.unwrap(newWrapper);\n this._handleFocus(step.oldElement, step);\n });\n }\n case 'before':\n case 'after': {\n let wrapper = e.wrapChildren(step.newElement);\n let position = step.placement === 'before' ? 'afterbegin' : 'beforeend';\n step.oldElement.insertAdjacentElement(position, wrapper);\n this.responseDoc.finalizeElement(wrapper);\n up.hello(wrapper, step);\n this._addToResult(wrapper);\n this._handleFocus(wrapper, step);\n this._handleScroll(wrapper, step);\n return up.animate(wrapper, step.transition, step).then(() => e.unwrap(wrapper));\n }\n default: {\n up.fail('Unknown placement: %o', step.placement);\n }\n }\n }\n _findKeepPlan(options) {\n if (!options.useKeep) {\n return;\n }\n const { oldElement, newElement } = options;\n let doKeep = e.booleanAttr(oldElement, 'up-keep');\n if (!doKeep) {\n return;\n }\n let partner;\n let partnerSelector = up.fragment.toTarget(oldElement);\n const lookupOpts = { layer: options.layer };\n if (options.descendantsOnly) {\n partner = up.fragment.get(newElement, partnerSelector, lookupOpts);\n }\n else {\n partner = up.fragment.subtree(newElement, partnerSelector, lookupOpts)[0];\n }\n if (partner && e.booleanAttr(partner, 'up-keep') !== false) {\n const plan = {\n oldElement,\n newElement: partner,\n newData: up.script.data(partner),\n renderOptions: options,\n };\n if (!up.fragment.emitKeep(plan).defaultPrevented) {\n return plan;\n }\n }\n }\n _preserveKeepables(step) {\n const keepPlans = [];\n if (step.useKeep) {\n for (let keepable of step.oldElement.querySelectorAll('[up-keep]')) {\n let keepPlan = this._findKeepPlan({ ...step, oldElement: keepable, descendantsOnly: true });\n if (keepPlan) {\n const keepableClone = keepable.cloneNode(true);\n keepable.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', keepableClone);\n keepable.classList.add('up-keeping');\n up.script.disableSubtree(keepPlan.newElement);\n let viewports = up.viewport.subtree(keepPlan.oldElement);\n keepPlan.revivers = viewports.map(function (viewport) {\n let cursorProps = up.viewport.copyCursorProps(viewport);\n return () => up.viewport.copyCursorProps(cursorProps, viewport);\n });\n if (this._willChangeElement(document.body)) {\n keepPlan.newElement.replaceWith(keepable);\n }\n else {\n document.body.append(keepable);\n }\n keepPlans.push(keepPlan);\n }\n }\n }\n step.keepPlans = keepPlans;\n }\n _restoreKeepables(step) {\n for (let keepPlan of step.keepPlans) {\n keepPlan.newElement.replaceWith(keepPlan.oldElement);\n for (let reviver of keepPlan.revivers) {\n reviver();\n }\n }\n }\n _unmarkKeepables(step) {\n for (let keepPlan of step.keepPlans) {\n keepPlan.oldElement.classList.remove('up-keeping');\n }\n }\n _willChangeElement(element) {\n return u.some(this._steps, (step) => step.oldElement.contains(element));\n }\n _handleFocus(fragment, options) {\n const fragmentFocus = new up.FragmentFocus({\n ...options,\n fragment,\n autoMeans: up.fragment.config.autoFocus,\n });\n return fragmentFocus.process(options.focus);\n }\n _handleScroll(fragment, options) {\n const scrolling = new up.FragmentScrolling({\n ...options,\n fragment,\n autoMeans: up.fragment.config.autoScroll\n });\n return scrolling.process(options.scroll);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 31 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Change.CloseLayer = class CloseLayer extends up.Change.Removal {\n constructor(options) {\n super(options);\n this._verb = options.verb;\n this._layer = up.layer.get(options);\n this._origin = options.origin;\n this._value = options.value;\n this._preventable = options.preventable ?? true;\n this._response = options.response;\n this._history = options.history ?? true;\n }\n execute() {\n if (!this._layer.isOpen()) {\n return Promise.resolve();\n }\n up.browser.assertConfirmed(this.options);\n if (this._emitCloseEvent().defaultPrevented && this._preventable) {\n throw new up.Aborted('Close event was prevented');\n }\n this._emitClosingEvent();\n up.fragment.abort({ reason: 'Layer is closing', layer: this._layer });\n const { parent } = this._layer;\n this._layer.peel();\n this._layer.stack.remove(this._layer);\n if (this._history) {\n parent.restoreHistory();\n }\n this._handleFocus(parent);\n this._layer.teardownHandlers();\n this._layer.destroyElements(this.options);\n this._emitClosedEvent(parent);\n }\n _emitCloseEvent() {\n let event = this._layer.emit(this._buildEvent(`up:layer:${this._verb}`), {\n callback: this._layer.callback(`on${u.upperCaseFirst(this._verb)}`),\n log: [`Will ${this._verb} ${this._layer} with value %o`, this._value]\n });\n this._value = event.value;\n return event;\n }\n _emitClosingEvent() {\n let event = this._buildEvent(`up:layer:${this._verb}ing`);\n this._layer.emit(event, { log: false });\n }\n _emitClosedEvent(formerParent) {\n const verbPast = `${this._verb}ed`;\n const verbPastUpperCaseFirst = u.upperCaseFirst(verbPast);\n return this._layer.emit(this._buildEvent(`up:layer:${verbPast}`), {\n baseLayer: formerParent,\n callback: this._layer.callback(`on${verbPastUpperCaseFirst}`),\n ensureBubbles: true,\n log: [`${verbPastUpperCaseFirst} ${this._layer} with value %o`, this._value]\n });\n }\n _buildEvent(name) {\n return up.event.build(name, {\n layer: this._layer,\n value: this._value,\n origin: this._origin,\n response: this._response,\n });\n }\n _handleFocus(formerParent) {\n this._layer.overlayFocus.teardown();\n formerParent.overlayFocus?.moveToFront();\n let newFocusElement = this._layer.origin || formerParent.element;\n up.focus(newFocusElement, { preventScroll: true });\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 32 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nvar _a;\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Change.FromURL = (_a = class FromURL extends up.Change {\n constructor(options) {\n super(options);\n this.options.layer = up.layer.getAll(this.options);\n this.options.normalizeLayerOptions = false;\n }\n execute() {\n let _newPageReason = this._newPageReason();\n if (_newPageReason) {\n up.puts('up.render()', _newPageReason);\n up.network.loadPage(this.options);\n return u.unresolvablePromise();\n }\n this.request = up.request(this._getRequestAttrs());\n this.options.onRequest?.(this.request);\n up.feedback.showAroundRequest(this.request, this.options);\n up.form.disableWhile(this.request, this.options);\n if (this.options.preload) {\n return this.request;\n }\n return u.always(this.request, responseOrError => this._onRequestSettled(responseOrError));\n }\n _newPageReason() {\n if (u.isCrossOrigin(this.options.url)) {\n return 'Loading cross-origin content in new page';\n }\n if (this.options.history && !up.browser.canPushState()) {\n return 'Loading content in new page to restore history support';\n }\n }\n _getRequestAttrs() {\n const successAttrs = this._preflightPropsForRenderOptions(this.options);\n const failAttrs = this._preflightPropsForRenderOptions(this.deriveFailOptions(), { optional: true });\n return {\n ...this.options,\n ...successAttrs,\n ...u.renameKeys(failAttrs, up.fragment.failKey)\n };\n }\n getPreflightProps() {\n return this._getRequestAttrs();\n }\n _preflightPropsForRenderOptions(renderOptions, requestAttributesOptions) {\n const preview = new up.Change.FromContent({ ...renderOptions, preview: true });\n return preview.getPreflightProps(requestAttributesOptions);\n }\n _onRequestSettled(response) {\n if (response instanceof up.Response) {\n return this._onRequestSettledWithResponse(response);\n }\n else {\n return this._onRequestSettledWithError(response);\n }\n }\n _onRequestSettledWithResponse(response) {\n return new up.Change.FromResponse({ ...this.options, response }).execute();\n }\n _onRequestSettledWithError(error) {\n if (error instanceof up.Offline) {\n this.request.emit('up:fragment:offline', {\n callback: this.options.onOffline,\n renderOptions: this.options,\n retry: (retryOptions) => up.render({ ...this.options, ...retryOptions }),\n log: ['Cannot load fragment from %s: %s', this.request.description, error.reason],\n });\n }\n throw error;\n }\n },\n (() => {\n u.memoizeMethod(_a.prototype, {\n _getRequestAttrs: true,\n });\n })(),\n _a);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 33 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nvar _a;\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Change.FromResponse = (_a = class FromResponse extends up.Change {\n constructor(options) {\n super(options);\n this._response = options.response;\n this._request = this._response.request;\n }\n execute() {\n if (up.fragment.config.skipResponse(this._loadedEventProps())) {\n this._skip();\n }\n else {\n this._request.assertEmitted('up:fragment:loaded', {\n ...this._loadedEventProps(),\n callback: this.options.onLoaded,\n log: ['Loaded fragment from %s', this._response.description],\n skip: () => this._skip()\n });\n }\n let fail = u.evalOption(this.options.fail, this._response) ?? !this._response.ok;\n if (fail) {\n throw this._updateContentFromResponse(this.deriveFailOptions());\n }\n return this._updateContentFromResponse(this.options);\n }\n _skip() {\n up.puts('up.render()', 'Skipping ' + this._response.description);\n this.options.target = ':none';\n this.options.failTarget = ':none';\n }\n _updateContentFromResponse(finalRenderOptions) {\n if (finalRenderOptions.failPrefixForced) {\n up.puts('up.render()', 'Rendering failed response using fail-prefixed options (https://unpoly.com/failed-responses)');\n }\n this._augmentOptionsFromResponse(finalRenderOptions);\n finalRenderOptions.meta = this._compilerPassMeta();\n let result = new up.Change.FromContent(finalRenderOptions).execute();\n result.finished = this.finish(result, finalRenderOptions);\n return result;\n }\n async finish(renderResult, originalRenderOptions) {\n renderResult = await renderResult.finished;\n if (up.fragment.shouldRevalidate(this._request, this._response, originalRenderOptions)) {\n renderResult = await this._revalidate(renderResult, originalRenderOptions);\n }\n return renderResult;\n }\n async _revalidate(renderResult, originalRenderOptions) {\n let inputTarget = originalRenderOptions.target;\n let effectiveTarget = renderResult.target;\n if (/:(before|after)/.test(inputTarget)) {\n up.warn('up.render()', 'Cannot revalidate cache when prepending/appending (target %s)', inputTarget);\n }\n else {\n up.puts('up.render()', 'Revalidating cached response for target \"%s\"', effectiveTarget);\n let verifyResult = await up.reload(effectiveTarget, {\n ...originalRenderOptions,\n preferOldElements: renderResult.fragments,\n layer: renderResult.layer,\n onFinished: null,\n scroll: false,\n focus: 'keep',\n transition: false,\n cache: false,\n confirm: false,\n feedback: false,\n abort: false,\n expiredResponse: this._response,\n });\n if (!verifyResult.none) {\n renderResult = verifyResult;\n }\n }\n return renderResult;\n }\n _loadedEventProps() {\n const { expiredResponse } = this.options;\n return {\n request: this._request,\n response: this._response,\n renderOptions: this.options,\n revalidating: !!expiredResponse,\n expiredResponse,\n };\n }\n _compilerPassMeta() {\n let meta = { revalidating: !!this.options.expiredResponse };\n up.migrate.processCompilerPassMeta?.(meta, this._response);\n return meta;\n }\n _augmentOptionsFromResponse(renderOptions) {\n const responseURL = this._response.url;\n let serverLocation = responseURL;\n let hash = this._request.hash;\n if (hash) {\n renderOptions.hash = hash;\n serverLocation += hash;\n }\n const isReloadable = (this._response.method === 'GET');\n if (isReloadable) {\n renderOptions.source = this.improveHistoryValue(renderOptions.source, responseURL);\n }\n else {\n renderOptions.source = this.improveHistoryValue(renderOptions.source, 'keep');\n renderOptions.history = !!renderOptions.location;\n }\n renderOptions.location = this.improveHistoryValue(renderOptions.location, serverLocation);\n renderOptions.title = this.improveHistoryValue(renderOptions.title, this._response.title);\n renderOptions.eventPlans = this._response.eventPlans;\n let serverTarget = this._response.target;\n if (serverTarget) {\n renderOptions.target = serverTarget;\n }\n renderOptions.acceptLayer = this._response.acceptLayer;\n renderOptions.dismissLayer = this._response.dismissLayer;\n renderOptions.document = this._response.text;\n if (this._response.none) {\n renderOptions.target = ':none';\n }\n renderOptions.context = u.merge(renderOptions.context, this._response.context);\n renderOptions.cspNonces = this._response.cspNonces;\n renderOptions.time ??= this._response.lastModified;\n renderOptions.etag ??= this._response.etag;\n }\n },\n (() => {\n u.memoizeMethod(_a.prototype, {\n _loadedEventProps: true,\n });\n })(),\n _a);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 34 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nvar _a;\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Change.FromContent = (_a = class FromContent extends up.Change {\n constructor(options) {\n super(options);\n this._origin = this.options.origin;\n this._preview = this.options.preview;\n }\n _getPlans() {\n let plans = [];\n this._lookupLayers();\n this._improveOptionsFromResponseDoc();\n this._expandIntoPlans(plans, this._layers, this.options.target);\n this._expandIntoPlans(plans, this._layers, this.options.fallback);\n return plans;\n }\n _isRenderableLayer(layer) {\n return (layer === 'new') || layer.isOpen();\n }\n _lookupLayers() {\n this._allLayers = up.layer.getAll(this.options);\n this._layers = u.filter(this._allLayers, this._isRenderableLayer);\n }\n _expandIntoPlans(plans, layers, targets) {\n for (let layer of layers) {\n for (let target of this._expandTargets(targets, layer)) {\n const props = { ...this.options, target, layer, defaultPlacement: this._defaultPlacement() };\n const change = layer === 'new' ? new up.Change.OpenLayer(props) : new up.Change.UpdateLayer(props);\n plans.push(change);\n }\n }\n }\n _expandTargets(targets, layer) {\n return up.fragment.expandTargets(targets, { layer, mode: this.options.mode, origin: this._origin });\n }\n execute() {\n if (this.options.preload) {\n return Promise.resolve();\n }\n return this._seekPlan(this._executePlan.bind(this)) || this._cannotMatchPostflightTarget();\n }\n _executePlan(matchedPlan) {\n let result = matchedPlan.execute(this._getResponseDoc(), this._onPlanApplicable.bind(this, matchedPlan));\n result.options = this.options;\n return result;\n }\n _isApplicablePlanError(error) {\n return !(error instanceof up.CannotMatch);\n }\n _onPlanApplicable(plan) {\n let primaryPlan = this._getPlans()[0];\n if (plan !== primaryPlan) {\n up.puts('up.render()', 'Could not match primary target \"%s\". Updating a fallback target \"%s\".', primaryPlan.target, plan.target);\n }\n let { assets } = this._getResponseDoc();\n if (assets) {\n up.script.assertAssetsOK(assets, plan.options);\n }\n this.options.onRender?.();\n }\n _getResponseDoc() {\n if (this._preview)\n return;\n const docOptions = u.pick(this.options, [\n 'target',\n 'content',\n 'fragment',\n 'document',\n 'html',\n 'cspNonces',\n 'origin',\n ]);\n up.migrate.handleResponseDocOptions?.(docOptions);\n if (this._defaultPlacement() === 'content') {\n docOptions.target = this._firstExpandedTarget(docOptions.target);\n }\n return new up.ResponseDoc(docOptions);\n }\n _improveOptionsFromResponseDoc() {\n if (this._preview)\n return;\n let responseDoc = this._getResponseDoc();\n if (this.options.fragment) {\n this.options.target ||= responseDoc.rootSelector();\n }\n this.options.title = this.improveHistoryValue(this.options.title, responseDoc.title);\n this.options.metaTags = this.improveHistoryValue(this.options.metaTags, responseDoc.metaTags);\n }\n _defaultPlacement() {\n if (!this.options.document && !this.options.fragment) {\n return 'content';\n }\n }\n _firstExpandedTarget(target) {\n let layer = this._layers[0] || up.layer.root;\n return this._expandTargets(target || ':main', layer)[0];\n }\n getPreflightProps(opts = {}) {\n const getPlanProps = plan => plan.getPreflightProps();\n return this._seekPlan(getPlanProps) || opts.optional || this._cannotMatchPreflightTarget();\n }\n _cannotMatchPreflightTarget() {\n this._cannotMatchTarget('Could not find target in current page');\n }\n _cannotMatchPostflightTarget() {\n this._cannotMatchTarget('Could not find common target in current page and response');\n }\n _cannotMatchTarget(reason) {\n if (this._getPlans().length) {\n const planTargets = u.uniq(u.map(this._getPlans(), 'target'));\n const humanizedLayerOption = up.layer.optionToString(this.options.layer);\n throw new up.CannotMatch([reason + \" (tried selectors %o in %s)\", planTargets, humanizedLayerOption]);\n }\n else if (this._layers.length === 0) {\n this._cannotMatchLayer();\n }\n else if (this.options.failPrefixForced) {\n throw new up.CannotMatch('No target selector given for failed responses (https://unpoly.com/failed-responses)');\n }\n else {\n throw new up.CannotMatch('No target selector given');\n }\n }\n _cannotMatchLayer() {\n throw new up.CannotMatch('Could not find a layer to render in. You may have passed an unmatchable layer reference, or a detached element.');\n }\n _seekPlan(fn) {\n for (let plan of this._getPlans()) {\n try {\n return fn(plan);\n }\n catch (error) {\n if (this._isApplicablePlanError(error)) {\n throw error;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n },\n (() => {\n u.memoizeMethod(_a.prototype, {\n _getPlans: true,\n _getResponseDoc: true,\n getPreflightProps: true,\n });\n })(),\n _a);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 35 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.CompilerPass = class CompilerPass {\n constructor(root, compilers, { layer, data, dataMap, meta }) {\n layer ||= up.layer.get(root) || up.layer.current;\n this._root = root;\n this._compilers = compilers;\n this._layer = layer;\n this._data = data;\n this._dataMap = dataMap;\n meta ||= {};\n meta.layer = layer;\n this._meta = meta;\n }\n run() {\n this._layer.asCurrent(() => {\n this.setCompileData();\n for (let compiler of this._compilers) {\n this._runCompiler(compiler);\n }\n });\n }\n setCompileData() {\n if (this._data) {\n this._root.upCompileData = this._data;\n }\n if (this._dataMap) {\n for (let selector in this._dataMap) {\n for (let match of this._select(selector)) {\n match.upCompileData = this._dataMap[selector];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n _runCompiler(compiler) {\n const matches = this._selectOnce(compiler);\n if (!matches.length) {\n return;\n }\n if (!compiler.isDefault) {\n up.puts('up.hello()', 'Compiling %d\u00D7 \"%s\" on %s', matches.length, compiler.selector, this._layer);\n }\n if (compiler.batch) {\n this._compileBatch(compiler, matches);\n }\n else {\n for (let match of matches) {\n this._compileOneElement(compiler, match);\n }\n }\n return up.migrate.postCompile?.(matches, compiler);\n }\n _compileOneElement(compiler, element) {\n const compileArgs = [element];\n if (compiler.length !== 1) {\n const data = up.script.data(element);\n compileArgs.push(data, this._meta);\n }\n const result = this._applyCompilerFunction(compiler, element, compileArgs);\n let destructorOrDestructors = this._destructorPresence(result);\n if (destructorOrDestructors) {\n up.destructor(element, destructorOrDestructors);\n }\n }\n _compileBatch(compiler, elements) {\n const compileArgs = [elements];\n if (compiler.length !== 1) {\n const dataList = u.map(elements, up.script.data);\n compileArgs.push(dataList, this._meta);\n }\n const result = this._applyCompilerFunction(compiler, elements, compileArgs);\n if (this._destructorPresence(result)) {\n up.fail('Compilers with { batch: true } cannot return destructors');\n }\n }\n _applyCompilerFunction(compiler, elementOrElements, compileArgs) {\n return up.error.guard(() => compiler.apply(elementOrElements, compileArgs));\n }\n _destructorPresence(result) {\n if (u.isFunction(result) || (u.isArray(result) && (u.every(result, u.isFunction)))) {\n return result;\n }\n }\n _select(selector) {\n return up.fragment.subtree(this._root, u.evalOption(selector), { layer: this._layer });\n }\n _selectOnce(compiler) {\n let matches = this._select(compiler.selector);\n return u.filter(matches, (element) => {\n let appliedCompilers = (element.upAppliedCompilers ||= new Set());\n if (!appliedCompilers.has(compiler)) {\n appliedCompilers.add(compiler);\n return true;\n }\n });\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 36 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.CSSTransition = class CSSTransition {\n constructor(element, lastFrameKebab, options) {\n this._element = element;\n this._lastFrameKebab = lastFrameKebab;\n this._lastFrameKeysKebab = Object.keys(this._lastFrameKebab);\n if (u.some(this._lastFrameKeysKebab, key => key.match(/A-Z/))) {\n up.fail('Animation keys must be kebab-case');\n }\n this._finishEvent = options.finishEvent;\n this._duration = options.duration;\n this._easing = options.easing;\n this._finished = false;\n }\n start() {\n if (this._lastFrameKeysKebab.length === 0) {\n this._finished = true;\n return Promise.resolve();\n }\n this._deferred = u.newDeferred();\n this._pauseOldTransition();\n this._startTime = new Date();\n this._startFallbackTimer();\n this._listenToFinishEvent();\n this._listenToTransitionEnd();\n this._startMotion();\n return this._deferred;\n }\n _listenToFinishEvent() {\n if (this._finishEvent) {\n this._stopListenToFinishEvent = up.on(this._element, this._finishEvent, this._onFinishEvent.bind(this));\n }\n }\n _onFinishEvent(event) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n this._finish();\n }\n _startFallbackTimer() {\n const timingTolerance = 100;\n this._fallbackTimer = u.timer((this._duration + timingTolerance), () => {\n this._finish();\n });\n }\n _stopFallbackTimer() {\n clearTimeout(this._fallbackTimer);\n }\n _listenToTransitionEnd() {\n this._stopListenToTransitionEnd = up.on(this._element, 'transitionend', this._onTransitionEnd.bind(this));\n }\n _onTransitionEnd(event) {\n if (event.target !== this._element) {\n return;\n }\n const elapsed = new Date() - this._startTime;\n if (elapsed <= (0.25 * this._duration)) {\n return;\n }\n const completedPropertyKebab = event.propertyName;\n if (!u.contains(this._lastFrameKeysKebab, completedPropertyKebab)) {\n return;\n }\n this._finish();\n }\n _finish() {\n if (this._finished) {\n return;\n }\n this._finished = true;\n this._stopFallbackTimer();\n this._stopListenToFinishEvent?.();\n this._stopListenToTransitionEnd?.();\n e.concludeCSSTransition(this._element);\n this._resumeOldTransition();\n this._deferred.resolve();\n }\n _pauseOldTransition() {\n const oldTransition = e.style(this._element, [\n 'transitionProperty',\n 'transitionDuration',\n 'transitionDelay',\n 'transitionTimingFunction'\n ]);\n if (e.hasCSSTransition(oldTransition)) {\n if (oldTransition.transitionProperty !== 'all') {\n const oldTransitionProperties = oldTransition.transitionProperty.split(/\\s*,\\s*/);\n const oldTransitionFrameKebab = e.style(this._element, oldTransitionProperties);\n this._setOldTransitionTargetFrame = e.setTemporaryStyle(this._element, oldTransitionFrameKebab);\n }\n this._setOldTransition = e.concludeCSSTransition(this._element);\n }\n }\n _resumeOldTransition() {\n this._setOldTransitionTargetFrame?.();\n this._setOldTransition?.();\n }\n _startMotion() {\n e.setStyle(this._element, {\n transitionProperty: Object.keys(this._lastFrameKebab).join(', '),\n transitionDuration: `${this._duration}ms`,\n transitionTimingFunction: this._easing\n });\n e.setStyle(this._element, this._lastFrameKebab);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 37 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.DestructorPass = class DestructorPass {\n constructor(fragment, options) {\n this._fragment = fragment;\n this._options = options;\n }\n run() {\n for (let cleanable of this._selectCleanables()) {\n let destructors = u.pluckKey(cleanable, 'upDestructors');\n if (destructors) {\n for (let destructor of destructors) {\n this._applyDestructorFunction(destructor, cleanable);\n }\n }\n cleanable.classList.remove('up-can-clean');\n }\n }\n _selectCleanables() {\n const selectOptions = { ...this._options, destroying: true };\n return up.fragment.subtree(this._fragment, '.up-can-clean', selectOptions);\n }\n _applyDestructorFunction(destructor, element) {\n up.error.guard(() => destructor(element));\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 38 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.EventEmitter = class EventEmitter extends up.Record {\n keys() {\n return [\n 'target',\n 'event',\n 'baseLayer',\n 'callback',\n 'log',\n 'ensureBubbles',\n ];\n }\n emit() {\n this._logEmission();\n if (this.baseLayer) {\n this.baseLayer.asCurrent(() => this._dispatchEvent());\n }\n else {\n this._dispatchEvent();\n }\n return this.event;\n }\n _dispatchEvent() {\n this.target.dispatchEvent(this.event);\n if (this.ensureBubbles && !this.target.isConnected) {\n document.dispatchEvent(this.event);\n }\n up.error.guard(() => this.callback?.(this.event));\n }\n assertEmitted() {\n const event = this.emit();\n if (event.defaultPrevented) {\n throw new up.Aborted(`Event ${event.type} was prevented`);\n }\n }\n _logEmission() {\n if (!up.log.config.enabled) {\n return;\n }\n let message = this.log;\n let messageArgs;\n if (u.isArray(message)) {\n [message, ...messageArgs] = message;\n }\n else {\n messageArgs = [];\n }\n const { type } = this.event;\n if (u.isString(message)) {\n up.puts(type, message, ...messageArgs);\n }\n else if (message !== false) {\n up.puts(type, `Event ${type}`);\n }\n }\n static fromEmitArgs(args, defaults = {}) {\n let options = u.extractOptions(args);\n options = u.merge(defaults, options);\n if (u.isElementish(args[0])) {\n options.target = e.get(args.shift());\n }\n else if (args[0] instanceof up.Layer) {\n options.layer = args.shift();\n }\n let layer;\n if (u.isGiven(options.layer)) {\n layer = up.layer.get(options.layer);\n options.target ||= layer.element;\n options.baseLayer ||= layer;\n }\n if (options.baseLayer) {\n options.baseLayer = up.layer.get(options.baseLayer);\n }\n if (u.isString(options.target)) {\n options.target = up.fragment.get(options.target, { layer: options.layer });\n }\n else if (!options.target) {\n options.target = document;\n }\n if (args[0]?.preventDefault) {\n options.event = args[0];\n options.log ??= args[0].log;\n }\n else if (u.isString(args[0])) {\n options.event = up.event.build(args[0], options);\n }\n else {\n options.event = up.event.build(options);\n }\n return new (this)(options);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 39 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.EventListener = class EventListener extends up.Record {\n keys() {\n return [\n 'element',\n 'eventType',\n 'selector',\n 'callback',\n 'guard',\n 'baseLayer',\n 'passive',\n 'once',\n 'capture',\n 'beforeBoot',\n ];\n }\n constructor(attributes) {\n super(attributes);\n this._key = this.constructor._buildKey(attributes);\n this.isDefault = up.framework.evaling;\n this.beforeBoot ??= (this.eventType.indexOf('up:framework:') === 0);\n this.nativeCallback = this.nativeCallback.bind(this);\n }\n bind() {\n const map = (this.element.upEventListeners ||= {});\n if (map[this._key]) {\n up.fail('up.on(): The %o callback %o cannot be registered more than once', this.eventType, this.callback);\n }\n map[this._key] = this;\n this.element.addEventListener(...this._addListenerArg());\n }\n _addListenerArg() {\n let options = u.compactObject(u.pick(this, ['once', 'passive', 'capture']));\n return [this.eventType, this.nativeCallback, options];\n }\n unbind() {\n let map = this.element.upEventListeners;\n if (map) {\n delete map[this._key];\n }\n this.element.removeEventListener(...this._addListenerArg());\n }\n nativeCallback(event) {\n if (up.framework.beforeBoot && !this.beforeBoot) {\n return;\n }\n let element = event.target;\n if (this.selector) {\n element = element.closest(u.evalOption(this.selector));\n }\n if (this.guard && !this.guard(event)) {\n return;\n }\n if (element) {\n const args = [event, element];\n const expectedArgCount = this.callback.length;\n if (expectedArgCount !== 1 && expectedArgCount !== 2) {\n const data = up.script.data(element);\n args.push(data);\n }\n if (this.eventType === 'click' && element.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n const applyCallback = this.callback.bind(element, ...args);\n if (this.baseLayer) {\n this.baseLayer.asCurrent(applyCallback);\n }\n else {\n applyCallback();\n }\n }\n }\n static fromElement(attributes) {\n let map = attributes.element.upEventListeners;\n if (map) {\n const key = this._buildKey(attributes);\n return map[key];\n }\n }\n static _buildKey(attributes) {\n attributes.callback.upUid ||= u.uid();\n return [\n attributes.eventType,\n attributes.selector,\n attributes.callback.upUid\n ].join('|');\n }\n static allNonDefault(element) {\n let map = element.upEventListeners;\n if (map) {\n const listeners = Object.values(map);\n return u.reject(listeners, 'isDefault');\n }\n else {\n return [];\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 40 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.EventListenerGroup = class EventListenerGroup extends up.Record {\n keys() {\n return [\n 'elements',\n 'eventTypes',\n 'selector',\n 'callback',\n 'guard',\n 'baseLayer',\n 'passive',\n 'once',\n 'capture',\n 'beforeBoot',\n ];\n }\n bind() {\n const unbindFns = [];\n this._eachListenerAttributes(function (attrs) {\n const listener = new up.EventListener(attrs);\n listener.bind();\n return unbindFns.push(listener.unbind.bind(listener));\n });\n return u.sequence(unbindFns);\n }\n _eachListenerAttributes(fn) {\n for (let element of this.elements) {\n for (let eventType of this.eventTypes) {\n fn(this._listenerAttributes(element, eventType));\n }\n }\n }\n _listenerAttributes(element, eventType) {\n return { ...this.attributes(), element, eventType };\n }\n unbind() {\n this._eachListenerAttributes(function (attrs) {\n let listener = up.EventListener.fromElement(attrs);\n if (listener) {\n listener.unbind();\n }\n });\n }\n static fromBindArgs(args, defaults) {\n args = u.copy(args);\n const callback = args.pop();\n let elements;\n if (args[0].addEventListener) {\n elements = [args.shift()];\n }\n else if (u.isJQuery(args[0]) || (u.isList(args[0]) && args[0][0].addEventListener)) {\n elements = args.shift();\n }\n else {\n elements = [document];\n }\n let eventTypes = u.parseTokens(args.shift());\n let fixTypes = up.migrate.fixEventTypes;\n if (fixTypes) {\n eventTypes = fixTypes(eventTypes);\n }\n const options = u.extractOptions(args);\n const selector = args[0];\n const attributes = { elements, eventTypes, selector, callback, ...options, ...defaults };\n return new (this)(attributes);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 41 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.FieldWatcher = class FieldWatcher {\n constructor(root, options, callback) {\n this._options = options;\n this._root = root;\n this._scope = up.form.getScope(root);\n this._callback = callback;\n this._batch = options.batch;\n this._abortable = options.abortable;\n }\n start() {\n this._scheduledValues = null;\n this._processedValues = this._readFieldValues();\n this._currentTimer = null;\n this._callbackRunning = false;\n this._unbindFns = [];\n this._watchFieldsWithin(this._root);\n this._root.addEventListener('up:fragment:inserted', ({ target }) => {\n if (target !== this._root)\n this._watchFieldsWithin(target);\n });\n this._unbindFns.push(up.fragment.onAborted(this._scope, () => this._abort()));\n this._unbindFns.push(up.on(this._scope, 'reset', () => this._onFormReset()));\n }\n stop() {\n this._abort();\n for (let unbindFn of this._unbindFns)\n unbindFn();\n }\n _fieldOptions(field) {\n let rootOptions = u.copy(this._options);\n return up.form.watchOptions(field, rootOptions, { defaults: { event: 'input' } });\n }\n _watchFieldsWithin(container) {\n for (let field of up.form.fields(container)) {\n this._watchField(field);\n }\n }\n _watchField(field) {\n let fieldOptions = this._fieldOptions(field);\n this._unbindFns.push(up.on(field, fieldOptions.event, () => this._check(fieldOptions)));\n }\n _abort() {\n this._scheduledValues = null;\n }\n _scheduleValues(values, fieldOptions) {\n this._scheduledValues = values;\n this._scheduledFieldOptions = fieldOptions;\n let delay = fieldOptions.delay || 0;\n clearTimeout(this._currentTimer);\n this._currentTimer = u.timer(delay, () => {\n this._currentTimer = null;\n this._requestCallback();\n });\n }\n _isNewValues(values) {\n return !u.isEqual(values, this._processedValues) && !u.isEqual(this._scheduledValues, values);\n }\n async _requestCallback() {\n if (!this._scheduledValues)\n return;\n if (this._callbackRunning)\n return;\n if (this._currentTimer)\n return;\n if (!this._scope.isConnected)\n return;\n let fieldOptions = this._scheduledFieldOptions;\n const diff = this._changedValues(this._processedValues, this._scheduledValues);\n this._processedValues = this._scheduledValues;\n this._scheduledValues = null;\n this._callbackRunning = true;\n this._scheduledFieldOptions = null;\n let callbackOptions = { ...fieldOptions, disable: false };\n const callbackReturnValues = [];\n if (this._batch) {\n callbackReturnValues.push(this._runCallback(diff, callbackOptions));\n }\n else {\n for (let name in diff) {\n const value = diff[name];\n callbackReturnValues.push(this._runCallback(value, name, callbackOptions));\n }\n }\n if (u.some(callbackReturnValues, u.isPromise)) {\n let callbackDone = Promise.allSettled(callbackReturnValues);\n up.form.disableWhile(callbackDone, fieldOptions);\n await callbackDone;\n }\n this._callbackRunning = false;\n this._requestCallback();\n }\n _runCallback(...args) {\n return up.error.guard(() => this._callback(...args));\n }\n _changedValues(previous, next) {\n const changes = {};\n let keys = Object.keys(previous);\n keys = keys.concat(Object.keys(next));\n keys = u.uniq(keys);\n for (let key of keys) {\n const previousValue = previous[key];\n const nextValue = next[key];\n if (!u.isEqual(previousValue, nextValue)) {\n changes[key] = nextValue;\n }\n }\n return changes;\n }\n _readFieldValues() {\n return up.Params.fromContainer(this._root).toObject();\n }\n _check(fieldOptions = {}) {\n const values = this._readFieldValues();\n if (this._isNewValues(values)) {\n this._scheduleValues(values, fieldOptions);\n }\n }\n _onFormReset() {\n u.task(() => this._check());\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 42 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.FormValidator = class FormValidator {\n constructor(form) {\n this._form = form;\n this._dirtySolutions = [];\n this._nextRenderTimer = null;\n this._rendering = false;\n this._resetNextRenderPromise();\n this._honorAbort();\n }\n _honorAbort() {\n up.fragment.onAborted(this._form, (event) => this._onAborted(event));\n }\n _onAborted(event) {\n if (this._dirtySolutions.length) {\n this._dirtySolutions = [];\n this._nextRenderPromise.reject(new up.Aborted(event.reason));\n this._resetNextRenderPromise();\n }\n }\n _resetNextRenderPromise() {\n this._nextRenderPromise = u.newDeferred();\n }\n watchContainer(fieldOrForm) {\n let { event } = this._originOptions(fieldOrForm);\n let guard = () => up.fragment.isAlive(fieldOrForm);\n let callback = () => up.error.muteUncriticalRejection(this.validate({ origin: fieldOrForm }));\n up.on(fieldOrForm, event, { guard }, callback);\n }\n validate(options = {}) {\n let solutions = this._getSolutions(options);\n this._dirtySolutions.push(...solutions);\n this._scheduleNextRender();\n return this._nextRenderPromise;\n }\n _getSolutions(options) {\n let solutions = this._getTargetSelectorSolutions(options)\n || this._getFieldSolutions(options)\n || this._getElementSolutions(options.origin);\n for (let solution of solutions) {\n solution.renderOptions = this._originOptions(solution.origin, options);\n solution.target = up.fragment.resolveOrigin(solution.target, solution);\n }\n return solutions;\n }\n _getFieldSolutions({ origin, ...options }) {\n if (up.form.isField(origin)) {\n return this._getValidateAttrSolutions(origin) || this._getFormGroupSolutions(origin, options);\n }\n }\n _getFormGroupSolutions(field, { formGroup = true }) {\n if (!formGroup)\n return;\n let solution = up.form.groupSolution(field);\n if (solution) {\n up.puts('up.validate()', 'Validating form group of field %o', field);\n return [solution];\n }\n }\n _getTargetSelectorSolutions({ target, origin }) {\n if (u.isString(target) && target) {\n up.puts('up.validate()', 'Validating target \"%s\"', target);\n let simpleSelectors = up.fragment.splitTarget(target);\n return u.compact(simpleSelectors.map(function (simpleSelector) {\n let element = up.fragment.get(simpleSelector, { origin });\n if (element) {\n return {\n element,\n target: simpleSelector,\n origin\n };\n }\n else {\n up.fail('Validation target \"%s\" does not match an element', simpleSelector);\n }\n }));\n }\n }\n _getElementSolutions(element) {\n up.puts('up.validate()', 'Validating element %o', element);\n return [{\n element,\n target: up.fragment.toTarget(element),\n origin: element\n }];\n }\n _getValidateAttrSolutions(field) {\n let containerWithAttr = field.closest('[up-validate]');\n if (containerWithAttr) {\n let target = containerWithAttr.getAttribute('up-validate');\n return this._getTargetSelectorSolutions({ target, origin: field });\n }\n }\n _originOptions(element, overrideOptions) {\n return up.form.watchOptions(element, overrideOptions, { defaults: { event: 'change' } });\n }\n _scheduleNextRender() {\n let solutionDelays = this._dirtySolutions.map((solution) => solution.renderOptions.delay);\n let shortestDelay = Math.min(...solutionDelays) || 0;\n clearTimeout(this._nextRenderTimer);\n this._nextRenderTimer = u.timer(shortestDelay, () => {\n this._nextRenderTimer = null;\n this._renderDirtySolutions();\n });\n }\n _renderDirtySolutions() {\n up.error.muteUncriticalRejection(this._doRenderDirtySolutions());\n }\n async _doRenderDirtySolutions() {\n if (!this._dirtySolutions.length)\n return;\n if (this._rendering)\n return;\n if (this._nextRenderTimer)\n return;\n let dirtySolutions = this._dirtySolutions;\n this._dirtySolutions = [];\n let dirtyOrigins = u.map(dirtySolutions, 'origin');\n let dirtyFields = u.flatMap(dirtyOrigins, up.form.fields);\n let dirtyNames = u.uniq(u.map(dirtyFields, 'name'));\n let dataMap = this._buildDataMap(dirtySolutions);\n let dirtyRenderOptionsList = u.map(dirtySolutions, 'renderOptions');\n let options = u.mergeDefined(...dirtyRenderOptionsList, { dataMap }, up.form.destinationOptions(this._form));\n options.target = u.map(dirtySolutions, 'target').join(', ');\n options.feedback = u.some(dirtyRenderOptionsList, 'feedback');\n options.origin = this._form;\n options.focus ??= 'keep';\n options.failOptions = false;\n options.defaultMaybe = true;\n options.params = up.Params.merge(options.params, ...u.map(dirtyRenderOptionsList, 'params'));\n options.headers = u.merge(...u.map(dirtyRenderOptionsList, 'headers'));\n this._addValidateHeader(options.headers, dirtyNames);\n options.guardEvent = up.event.build('up:form:validate', {\n fields: dirtyFields,\n log: 'Validating form',\n params: options.params\n });\n this._rendering = true;\n let renderingPromise = this._nextRenderPromise;\n this._resetNextRenderPromise();\n options.disable = false;\n for (let solution of dirtySolutions) {\n up.form.disableWhile(renderingPromise, {\n disable: solution.renderOptions.disable,\n origin: solution.origin,\n });\n }\n try {\n renderingPromise.resolve(up.render(options));\n await renderingPromise;\n }\n finally {\n this._rendering = false;\n this._renderDirtySolutions();\n }\n }\n _addValidateHeader(headers, names) {\n let key = up.protocol.headerize('validate');\n let value = names.join(' ');\n if (!value || value.length > up.protocol.config.maxHeaderSize)\n value = ':unknown';\n headers[key] = value;\n }\n _buildDataMap(solutions) {\n let dataMap = {};\n for (let solution of solutions) {\n let data = u.pluckKey(solution.renderOptions, 'data');\n let keepData = u.pluckKey(solution.renderOptions, 'keepData');\n if (keepData) {\n data = up.data(solution.element);\n }\n if (data) {\n dataMap[solution.target] = data;\n }\n }\n return dataMap;\n }\n static forElement(element) {\n let form = up.form.get(element);\n return form.upFormValidator ||= new this(form);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 43 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.FocusCapsule = class FocusCapsule {\n constructor(target, cursorProps) {\n this._target = target;\n this._cursorProps = cursorProps;\n }\n restore(layer, options) {\n let rediscoveredElement = up.fragment.get(this._target, { layer });\n if (rediscoveredElement) {\n up.viewport.copyCursorProps(this._cursorProps, rediscoveredElement);\n up.focus(rediscoveredElement, options);\n return true;\n }\n }\n static preserve(layer) {\n let focusedElement = up.viewport.focusedElementWithin(layer.element);\n if (!focusedElement)\n return;\n let target = up.fragment.tryToTarget(focusedElement);\n if (!target)\n return;\n const cursorProps = up.viewport.copyCursorProps(focusedElement);\n return new this(target, cursorProps);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 44 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.FragmentProcessor = class FragmentProcessor extends up.Record {\n keys() {\n return [\n 'fragment',\n 'autoMeans',\n 'origin',\n 'layer'\n ];\n }\n process(opt) {\n let preprocessed = this.preprocess(opt);\n return this.tryProcess(preprocessed);\n }\n preprocess(opt) {\n return u.parseTokens(opt, { separator: 'or' });\n }\n tryProcess(opt) {\n if (u.isArray(opt)) {\n return this.processArray(opt);\n }\n if (u.isFunction(opt)) {\n let result = up.error.guard(() => opt(this.fragment, this.attributes()));\n return this.tryProcess(result);\n }\n if (u.isElement(opt)) {\n return this.processElement(opt);\n }\n if (u.isString(opt)) {\n if (opt === 'auto') {\n return this.tryProcess(this.autoMeans);\n }\n let match = opt.match(/^(.+?)-if-(.+?)$/);\n if (match) {\n return this.resolveCondition(match[2]) && this.process(match[1]);\n }\n }\n return this.processPrimitive(opt);\n }\n processArray(array) {\n return u.find(array, opt => this.tryProcess(opt));\n }\n resolveCondition(condition) {\n if (condition === 'main') {\n return this.fragment && up.fragment.contains(this.fragment, ':main');\n }\n }\n findSelector(selector) {\n const lookupOpts = { layer: this.layer, origin: this.origin };\n let matchWithinFragment = this.fragment && up.fragment.get(this.fragment, selector, lookupOpts);\n let match = matchWithinFragment || up.fragment.get(selector, lookupOpts);\n if (match) {\n return match;\n }\n else {\n up.warn('up.render()', 'Could not find an element matching \"%s\"', selector);\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 45 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst DESCENDANT_SELECTOR = /^([^ >+(]+) (.+)$/;\nup.FragmentFinder = class FragmentFinder {\n constructor(options) {\n this._options = options;\n this._origin = options.origin;\n this._selector = options.selector;\n this._document = options.document || window.document;\n this._match = options.match ?? up.fragment.config.match;\n this._preferOldElements = options.preferOldElements;\n }\n find() {\n return this._findInPreferredElements() || this._findInRegion() || this._findFirst();\n }\n _findInPreferredElements() {\n if (this._preferOldElements) {\n return this._preferOldElements.find((preferOldElement) => this._document.contains(preferOldElement) && up.fragment.matches(preferOldElement, this._selector));\n }\n }\n _findInRegion() {\n if (this._match === 'region' && !up.fragment.containsMainPseudo(this._selector) && this._origin?.isConnected) {\n return this._findClosest() || this._findDescendantInRegion();\n }\n }\n _findClosest() {\n return up.fragment.closest(this._origin, this._selector, this._options);\n }\n _findDescendantInRegion() {\n let simpleSelectors = up.fragment.splitTarget(this._selector);\n return u.findResult(simpleSelectors, (simpleSelector) => {\n let parts = simpleSelector.match(DESCENDANT_SELECTOR);\n if (parts) {\n let parent = up.fragment.closest(this._origin, parts[1], this._options);\n if (parent) {\n return up.fragment.getDumb(parent, parts[2]);\n }\n }\n });\n }\n _findFirst() {\n return up.fragment.getDumb(this._document, this._selector, this._options);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 46 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nconst PREVENT_SCROLL_OPTIONS = { preventScroll: true };\nup.FragmentFocus = class FragmentFocus extends up.FragmentProcessor {\n keys() {\n return super.keys().concat([\n 'hash',\n 'focusCapsule',\n 'inputDevice',\n ]);\n }\n processPrimitive(opt) {\n switch (opt) {\n case 'keep':\n return this._restoreLostFocus();\n case 'restore':\n return this._restorePreviousFocusForLocation();\n case 'target':\n case true:\n return this._focusElement(this.fragment);\n case 'layer':\n return this._focusElement(this.layer.getFocusElement());\n case 'main':\n return this._focusSelector(':main');\n case 'hash':\n return this._focusHash();\n case 'autofocus':\n return this._autofocus();\n default:\n if (u.isString(opt)) {\n return this._focusSelector(opt);\n }\n }\n }\n processElement(element) {\n return this._focusElement(element);\n }\n resolveCondition(condition) {\n if (condition === 'lost') {\n return this._wasFocusLost();\n }\n else {\n return super.resolveCondition(condition);\n }\n }\n _focusSelector(selector) {\n let match = this.findSelector(selector);\n return this._focusElement(match);\n }\n _restoreLostFocus() {\n if (this._wasFocusLost()) {\n return this.focusCapsule?.restore(this.layer, PREVENT_SCROLL_OPTIONS);\n }\n }\n _restorePreviousFocusForLocation() {\n return up.viewport.restoreFocus({ layer: this.layer });\n }\n _autofocus() {\n let autofocusElement = this.fragment && e.subtree(this.fragment, '[autofocus]')[0];\n if (autofocusElement) {\n return this._focusElement(autofocusElement);\n }\n }\n _focusElement(element) {\n if (element) {\n up.focus(element, { force: true, ...PREVENT_SCROLL_OPTIONS, inputDevice: this.inputDevice });\n return true;\n }\n }\n _focusHash() {\n let hashTarget = up.viewport.firstHashTarget(this.hash, { layer: this.layer });\n if (hashTarget) {\n return this._focusElement(hashTarget);\n }\n }\n _wasFocusLost() {\n return !this.layer.hasFocus();\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 47 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst e = up.element;\nup.FragmentPolling = class FragmentPolling {\n constructor(fragment) {\n this._options = up.radio.pollOptions(fragment);\n this._fragment = fragment;\n up.destructor(fragment, this._onFragmentDestroyed.bind(this));\n up.fragment.onAborted(fragment, this._onFragmentAborted.bind(this));\n this._state = 'initialized';\n this._abortable = true;\n this._loading = false;\n this._satisfyInterval();\n }\n static forFragment(fragment) {\n return fragment.upPolling ||= new this(fragment);\n }\n onPollAttributeObserved() {\n this._start();\n }\n _onFragmentDestroyed() {\n this._stop();\n }\n _start(options) {\n Object.assign(this._options, options);\n if (this._state !== 'started') {\n if (!up.fragment.isTargetable(this._fragment)) {\n up.warn('[up-poll]', 'Cannot poll untargetable fragment %o', this._fragment);\n return;\n }\n this._state = 'started';\n this._ensureEventsBound();\n this._scheduleRemainingTime();\n }\n }\n _stop() {\n if (this._state === 'started') {\n this._clearReloadTimer();\n this._state = 'stopped';\n this.unbindEvents?.();\n }\n }\n forceStart(options) {\n Object.assign(this._options, options);\n this.forceStarted = true;\n this._start();\n }\n forceStop() {\n this._stop();\n this.forceStarted = false;\n }\n _ensureEventsBound() {\n if (!this.unbindEvents) {\n this.unbindEvents = up.on('visibilitychange up:layer:opened up:layer:dismissed up:layer:accepted', this._onVisibilityChange.bind(this));\n }\n }\n _onVisibilityChange() {\n if (this._isFragmentVisible()) {\n this._scheduleRemainingTime();\n }\n else {\n }\n }\n _isFragmentVisible() {\n return (!document.hidden) &&\n (this._options.ifLayer === 'any' || this._isOnFrontLayer());\n }\n _clearReloadTimer() {\n clearTimeout(this.reloadTimer);\n this.reloadTimer = null;\n }\n _scheduleRemainingTime() {\n if (!this.reloadTimer && !this._loading) {\n this._clearReloadTimer();\n this.reloadTimer = setTimeout(this._onTimerReached.bind(this), this._getRemainingDelay());\n }\n }\n _onTimerReached() {\n this.reloadTimer = null;\n this._tryReload();\n }\n _tryReload() {\n if (this._state !== 'started') {\n return;\n }\n if (!this._isFragmentVisible()) {\n up.puts('[up-poll]', 'Will not poll hidden fragment');\n return;\n }\n if (up.emit(this._fragment, 'up:fragment:poll', { log: ['Polling fragment', this._fragment] }).defaultPrevented) {\n up.puts('[up-poll]', 'User prevented up:fragment:poll event');\n this._satisfyInterval();\n this._scheduleRemainingTime();\n return;\n }\n this._reloadNow();\n }\n _getFullDelay() {\n return this._options.interval ?? e.numberAttr(this._fragment, 'up-interval') ?? up.radio.config.pollInterval;\n }\n _getRemainingDelay() {\n return Math.max(this._getFullDelay() - this._getFragmentAge(), 0);\n }\n _getFragmentAge() {\n return new Date() - this._lastAttempt;\n }\n _isOnFrontLayer() {\n this.layer ||= up.layer.get(this._fragment);\n return this.layer?.isFront?.();\n }\n _reloadNow() {\n this._clearReloadTimer();\n let reloadOptions = {\n url: this._options.url,\n fail: false,\n background: true,\n };\n let oldAbortable = this._abortable;\n try {\n this._abortable = false;\n this._loading = true;\n up.reload(this._fragment, reloadOptions).then(this._onReloadSuccess.bind(this), this._onReloadFailure.bind(this));\n }\n finally {\n this._abortable = oldAbortable;\n }\n }\n _onFragmentAborted({ newLayer }) {\n if (this._abortable && !newLayer) {\n this._stop();\n }\n }\n _onReloadSuccess({ fragment }) {\n this._loading = false;\n this._satisfyInterval();\n if (fragment) {\n this._onFragmentSwapped(fragment);\n }\n else {\n this._scheduleRemainingTime();\n }\n }\n _onFragmentSwapped(newFragment) {\n this._stop();\n if (this.forceStarted && up.fragment.matches(this._fragment, newFragment)) {\n this.constructor.forFragment(newFragment).forceStart(this._options);\n }\n }\n _onReloadFailure(reason) {\n this._loading = false;\n this._satisfyInterval();\n this._scheduleRemainingTime();\n up.error.throwCritical(reason);\n }\n _satisfyInterval() {\n this._lastAttempt = new Date();\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 48 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.FragmentScrolling = class FragmentScrolling extends up.FragmentProcessor {\n keys() {\n return super.keys().concat([\n 'hash',\n 'mode',\n 'revealTop',\n 'revealMax',\n 'revealSnap',\n 'scrollBehavior',\n ]);\n }\n processPrimitive(opt) {\n switch (opt) {\n case 'reset':\n return this._reset();\n case 'layer':\n return this._revealLayer();\n case 'main':\n return this._revealSelector(':main');\n case 'restore':\n return this._restore();\n case 'hash':\n return this.hash && up.viewport.revealHash(this.hash, this.attributes());\n case 'target':\n case 'reveal':\n case true:\n return this._revealElement(this.fragment);\n default:\n if (u.isString(opt)) {\n return this._revealSelector(opt);\n }\n }\n }\n processElement(element) {\n return this._revealElement(element);\n }\n _revealElement(element) {\n if (element) {\n up.reveal(element, this.attributes());\n return true;\n }\n }\n _revealSelector(selector) {\n let match = this.findSelector(selector);\n return this._revealElement(match);\n }\n _revealLayer() {\n return this._revealElement(this.layer.getBoxElement());\n }\n _reset() {\n up.viewport.resetScroll({ ...this.attributes(), around: this.fragment });\n return true;\n }\n _restore() {\n return up.viewport.restoreScroll({ ...this.attributes(), around: this.fragment });\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 49 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst e = up.element;\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Layer = class Layer extends up.Record {\n keys() {\n return [\n 'element',\n 'stack',\n 'history',\n 'mode',\n 'context',\n 'lastScrollTops',\n 'lastFocusCapsules',\n ];\n }\n defaults() {\n return {\n context: {},\n lastScrollTops: up.viewport.newStateCache(),\n lastFocusCapsules: up.viewport.newStateCache()\n };\n }\n constructor(options = {}) {\n super(options);\n if (!this.mode) {\n throw \"missing { mode } option\";\n }\n }\n setupHandlers() {\n up.link.convertClicks(this);\n }\n teardownHandlers() { }\n mainTargets() {\n return up.layer.mainTargets(this.mode);\n }\n sync() {\n }\n accept() {\n throw new up.NotImplemented();\n }\n dismiss() {\n throw new up.NotImplemented();\n }\n peel(options) {\n this.stack.peel(this, options);\n }\n evalOption(option) {\n return u.evalOption(option, this);\n }\n isCurrent() {\n return this.stack.isCurrent(this);\n }\n isFront() {\n return this.stack.isFront(this);\n }\n isRoot() {\n return this.stack.isRoot(this);\n }\n isOverlay() {\n return this.stack.isOverlay(this);\n }\n isOpen() {\n return this.stack.isOpen(this);\n }\n isClosed() {\n return this.stack.isClosed(this);\n }\n get parent() {\n return this.stack.parentOf(this);\n }\n get child() {\n return this.stack.childOf(this);\n }\n get ancestors() {\n return this.stack.ancestorsOf(this);\n }\n get descendants() {\n return this.stack.descendantsOf(this);\n }\n get subtree() {\n return [this, ...this.descendants];\n }\n get index() {\n return this._index ??= this.stack.indexOf(this);\n }\n getContentElement() {\n return this.contentElement || this.element;\n }\n getBoxElement() {\n return this.boxElement || this.element;\n }\n getFocusElement() {\n return this.getBoxElement();\n }\n getFirstSwappableElement() {\n throw new up.NotImplemented();\n }\n contains(element) {\n return element.closest(up.layer.anySelector()) === this.element;\n }\n on(...args) {\n return this._buildEventListenerGroup(args).bind();\n }\n off(...args) {\n return this._buildEventListenerGroup(args).unbind();\n }\n _buildEventListenerGroup(args) {\n return up.EventListenerGroup.fromBindArgs(args, {\n guard: (event) => this._containsEventTarget(event),\n elements: [this.element],\n baseLayer: this\n });\n }\n _containsEventTarget(event) {\n return this.contains(event.target);\n }\n wasHitByMouseEvent(event) {\n const hittableElement = document.elementFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);\n return !hittableElement || this.contains(hittableElement);\n }\n _buildEventEmitter(args) {\n return up.EventEmitter.fromEmitArgs(args, { layer: this });\n }\n emit(...args) {\n return this._buildEventEmitter(args).emit();\n }\n isDetached() {\n return !this.element.isConnected;\n }\n saveHistory() {\n if (this.history) {\n this.savedTitle = document.title;\n this.savedMetaTags = up.history.findMetaTags();\n this.savedLocation = up.history.location;\n }\n }\n restoreHistory() {\n if (!this.showsLiveHistory()) {\n return;\n }\n if (this.savedLocation) {\n up.history.push(this.savedLocation);\n }\n if (this.savedTitle) {\n document.title = this.savedTitle;\n }\n if (this.savedMetaTags) {\n up.history.updateMetaTags(this.savedMetaTags);\n }\n }\n asCurrent(fn) {\n return this.stack.asCurrent(this, fn);\n }\n updateHistory(options) {\n if (u.isString(options.location)) {\n this.location = options.location;\n }\n if (up.history.config.updateMetaTags && u.isList(options.metaTags)) {\n up.migrate?.warnOfHungryMetaTags?.(options.metaTags);\n this.metaTags = options.metaTags;\n }\n if (u.isString(options.title)) {\n this.title = options.title;\n }\n }\n showsLiveHistory() {\n return this.history && this.isFront();\n }\n get title() {\n if (this.showsLiveHistory()) {\n return document.title;\n }\n else {\n return this.savedTitle;\n }\n }\n set title(title) {\n this.savedTitle = title;\n if (this.showsLiveHistory()) {\n document.title = title;\n }\n }\n get metaTags() {\n if (this.showsLiveHistory()) {\n return up.history.findMetaTags();\n }\n else {\n return this.savedMetaTags;\n }\n }\n set metaTags(metaTags) {\n this.savedMetaTags = metaTags;\n if (this.showsLiveHistory()) {\n up.history.updateMetaTags(metaTags);\n }\n }\n get location() {\n if (this.showsLiveHistory()) {\n return up.history.location;\n }\n else {\n return this.savedLocation;\n }\n }\n set location(location) {\n const previousLocation = this.location;\n location = up.history.normalizeURL(location);\n if (previousLocation !== location || this.opening) {\n this.savedLocation = location;\n if (this.showsLiveHistory()) {\n up.history.push(location);\n }\n if (!this.opening) {\n this.emit('up:layer:location:changed', { location });\n }\n }\n }\n selector(part) {\n return this.constructor.selector(part);\n }\n static selector(_part) {\n throw new up.NotImplemented();\n }\n toString() {\n throw new up.NotImplemented();\n }\n affix(...args) {\n return e.affix(this.getFirstSwappableElement(), ...args);\n }\n [u.isEqual.key](other) {\n return (this.constructor === other.constructor) && (this.element === other.element);\n }\n hasFocus() {\n let focusedElement = document.activeElement;\n return focusedElement !== document.body && this.element.contains(focusedElement);\n }\n reset() {\n Object.assign(this, this.defaults());\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 50 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst e = up.element;\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Layer.Overlay = class Overlay extends up.Layer {\n keys() {\n return super.keys().concat([\n 'position',\n 'align',\n 'size',\n 'origin',\n 'class',\n 'backdrop',\n 'openAnimation',\n 'closeAnimation',\n 'openDuration',\n 'closeDuration',\n 'openEasing',\n 'closeEasing',\n 'backdropOpenAnimation',\n 'backdropCloseAnimation',\n 'dismissable',\n 'dismissLabel',\n 'dismissAriaLabel',\n 'onOpened',\n 'onAccept',\n 'onAccepted',\n 'onDismiss',\n 'onDismissed',\n 'acceptEvent',\n 'dismissEvent',\n 'acceptLocation',\n 'dismissLocation',\n 'opening'\n ]);\n }\n constructor(options) {\n super(options);\n if (this.dismissable === true) {\n this.dismissable = ['button', 'key', 'outside'];\n }\n else if (this.dismissable === false) {\n this.dismissable = [];\n }\n else {\n this.dismissable = u.parseTokens(this.dismissable);\n }\n if (this.acceptLocation) {\n this.acceptLocation = new up.URLPattern(this.acceptLocation);\n }\n if (this.dismissLocation) {\n this.dismissLocation = new up.URLPattern(this.dismissLocation);\n }\n }\n callback(name) {\n let fn = this[name];\n if (fn) {\n return fn.bind(this);\n }\n }\n createElement(parentElement) {\n this.nesting ||= this._suggestVisualNesting();\n const elementAttrs = u.compactObject(u.pick(this, ['align', 'position', 'size', 'class', 'nesting']));\n this.element = this.affixPart(parentElement, null, elementAttrs);\n }\n createBackdropElement(parentElement) {\n this.backdropElement = this.affixPart(parentElement, 'backdrop');\n }\n createViewportElement(parentElement) {\n this.viewportElement = this.affixPart(parentElement, 'viewport', { 'up-viewport': '' });\n }\n createBoxElement(parentElement) {\n this.boxElement = this.affixPart(parentElement, 'box');\n }\n createContentElement(parentElement) {\n this.contentElement = this.affixPart(parentElement, 'content');\n }\n setContent(content) {\n this.contentElement.append(content);\n this.onContentSet();\n }\n onContentSet() {\n }\n createDismissElement(parentElement) {\n this.dismissElement = this.affixPart(parentElement, 'dismiss', {\n 'up-dismiss': '\":button\"',\n 'aria-label': this.dismissAriaLabel\n });\n return e.affix(this.dismissElement, 'span[aria-hidden=\"true\"]', { text: this.dismissLabel });\n }\n affixPart(parentElement, part, options = {}) {\n return e.affix(parentElement, this.selector(part), options);\n }\n static selector(part) {\n return u.compact(['up', this.mode, part]).join('-');\n }\n _suggestVisualNesting() {\n const { parent } = this;\n if (this.mode === parent.mode) {\n return 1 + parent._suggestVisualNesting();\n }\n else {\n return 0;\n }\n }\n setupHandlers() {\n super.setupHandlers();\n this.overlayFocus = new up.OverlayFocus(this);\n if (this._supportsDismissMethod('button')) {\n this.createDismissElement(this.getBoxElement());\n }\n if (this._supportsDismissMethod('outside')) {\n if (this.viewportElement) {\n up.on(this.viewportElement, 'up:click', event => {\n if (event.target === this.viewportElement) {\n this._onOutsideClicked(event, true);\n }\n });\n }\n else {\n this.unbindParentClicked = this.parent.on('up:click', (event, element) => {\n if (!up.layer.isWithinForeignOverlay(element)) {\n const originClicked = this.origin && this.origin.contains(element);\n this._onOutsideClicked(event, originClicked);\n }\n });\n }\n }\n if (this._supportsDismissMethod('key')) {\n this.unbindEscapePressed = up.event.onEscape(event => this.onEscapePressed(event));\n }\n this.registerClickCloser('up-accept', (value, closeOptions) => {\n this.accept(value, closeOptions);\n });\n this.registerClickCloser('up-dismiss', (value, closeOptions) => {\n this.dismiss(value, closeOptions);\n });\n up.migrate.registerLayerCloser?.(this);\n this._registerEventCloser(this.acceptEvent, this.accept);\n this._registerEventCloser(this.dismissEvent, this.dismiss);\n this.on('up:click', 'label[for]', (event, label) => this._onLabelClicked(event, label));\n }\n _onLabelClicked(event, label) {\n let id = label.getAttribute('for');\n let fieldSelector = up.form.fieldSelector(e.idSelector(id));\n let fieldsAnywhere = up.fragment.all(fieldSelector, { layer: 'any' });\n let fieldsInLayer = up.fragment.all(fieldSelector, { layer: this });\n if (fieldsAnywhere.length > 1 && fieldsInLayer[0] !== fieldsAnywhere[0]) {\n event.preventDefault();\n const field = fieldsInLayer[0];\n field.focus();\n if (field.matches('input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]')) {\n field.click();\n }\n }\n }\n _onOutsideClicked(event, halt) {\n up.log.putsEvent(event);\n if (halt)\n up.event.halt(event);\n this.dismiss(':outside', { origin: event.target });\n }\n onEscapePressed(event) {\n if (this.isFront()) {\n let field = up.form.focusedField();\n if (field) {\n field.blur();\n }\n else if (this._supportsDismissMethod('key')) {\n up.event.halt(event, { log: true });\n this.dismiss(':key');\n }\n }\n }\n registerClickCloser(attribute, closeFn) {\n let selector = `[${attribute}]`;\n this.on('up:click', selector, function (event) {\n up.event.halt(event, { log: true });\n const origin = event.target.closest(selector);\n const value = e.jsonAttr(origin, attribute);\n const closeOptions = { origin };\n const parser = new up.OptionsParser(origin, closeOptions);\n parser.booleanOrString('animation');\n parser.string('easing');\n parser.number('duration');\n parser.string('confirm');\n up.error.muteUncriticalSync(() => closeFn(value, closeOptions));\n });\n }\n _registerEventCloser(eventTypes, closeFn) {\n if (!eventTypes) {\n return;\n }\n return this.on(eventTypes, event => {\n event.preventDefault();\n closeFn.call(this, event, { response: event.response });\n });\n }\n tryAcceptForLocation(options) {\n this._tryCloseForLocation(this.acceptLocation, this.accept, options);\n }\n tryDismissForLocation(options) {\n this._tryCloseForLocation(this.dismissLocation, this.dismiss, options);\n }\n _tryCloseForLocation(urlPattern, closeFn, options) {\n let location, resolution;\n if (urlPattern && (location = this.location) && (resolution = urlPattern.recognize(location))) {\n const closeValue = { ...resolution, location };\n closeFn.call(this, closeValue, options);\n }\n }\n teardownHandlers() {\n super.teardownHandlers();\n this.unbindParentClicked?.();\n this.unbindEscapePressed?.();\n this.overlayFocus.teardown();\n }\n destroyElements(options) {\n const animation = () => this.startCloseAnimation(options);\n const onFinished = () => {\n this.onElementsRemoved();\n options.onFinished?.();\n };\n const destroyOptions = { ...options, animation, onFinished, log: false };\n up.destroy(this.element, destroyOptions);\n }\n onElementsRemoved() {\n }\n _startAnimation(options = {}) {\n const boxDone = up.animate(this.getBoxElement(), options.boxAnimation, options);\n let backdropDone;\n if (this.backdrop && !up.motion.isNone(options.boxAnimation)) {\n backdropDone = up.animate(this.backdropElement, options.backdropAnimation, options);\n }\n return Promise.all([boxDone, backdropDone]);\n }\n async startOpenAnimation(options = {}) {\n await this._startAnimation({\n boxAnimation: options.animation ?? this.evalOption(this.openAnimation),\n backdropAnimation: 'fade-in',\n easing: options.easing || this.openEasing,\n duration: options.duration || this.openDuration\n });\n this.wasEverVisible = true;\n }\n startCloseAnimation(options = {}) {\n return this._startAnimation({\n boxAnimation: this.wasEverVisible && (options.animation ?? this.evalOption(this.closeAnimation)),\n backdropAnimation: this.wasEverVisible && 'fade-out',\n easing: options.easing || this.closeEasing,\n duration: options.duration || this.closeDuration\n });\n }\n accept(value = null, options = {}) {\n return this._executeCloseChange('accept', value, options);\n }\n dismiss(value = null, options = {}) {\n return this._executeCloseChange('dismiss', value, options);\n }\n _supportsDismissMethod(method) {\n return u.contains(this.dismissable, method);\n }\n _executeCloseChange(verb, value, options) {\n options = { ...options, verb, value, layer: this };\n return new up.Change.CloseLayer(options).execute();\n }\n getFirstSwappableElement() {\n return this.getContentElement().children[0];\n }\n toString() {\n return `${this.mode} overlay`;\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 51 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.Layer.OverlayWithTether = class OverlayWithTether extends up.Layer.Overlay {\n createElements() {\n if (!this.origin) {\n up.fail('Missing { origin } option');\n }\n this._tether = new up.Tether({\n anchor: this.origin,\n align: this.align,\n position: this.position\n });\n this.createElement(this._tether.parent);\n this.createContentElement(this.element);\n }\n onContentSet() {\n this._tether.start(this.element);\n }\n onElementsRemoved() {\n this._tether.stop();\n }\n sync() {\n if (this.isOpen()) {\n if (this.isDetached() || this._tether.isDetached()) {\n this.dismiss(':detached', {\n animation: false,\n preventable: false\n });\n }\n else {\n this._tether.sync();\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 52 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.Layer.OverlayWithViewport = class OverlayWithViewport extends up.Layer.Overlay {\n static getParentElement() {\n return document.body;\n }\n createElements() {\n up.viewport.bodyShifter.raiseStack();\n this.createElement(this.constructor.getParentElement());\n if (this.backdrop) {\n this.createBackdropElement(this.element);\n }\n this.createViewportElement(this.element);\n this.createBoxElement(this.viewportElement);\n this.createContentElement(this.boxElement);\n }\n onElementsRemoved() {\n up.viewport.bodyShifter.lowerStack();\n }\n sync() {\n if (this.isDetached() && this.isOpen()) {\n this.constructor.getParentElement().appendChild(this.element);\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 53 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nvar _a;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.Layer.Root = (_a = class Root extends up.Layer {\n get element() {\n return e.root;\n }\n constructor(options) {\n super(options);\n this.setupHandlers();\n }\n getFirstSwappableElement() {\n return document.body;\n }\n static selector() {\n return 'html';\n }\n setupHandlers() {\n if (!this.element.upHandlersApplied) {\n this.element.upHandlersApplied = true;\n super.setupHandlers();\n }\n }\n sync() {\n this.setupHandlers();\n }\n accept() {\n this._cannotCloseRoot();\n }\n dismiss() {\n this._cannotCloseRoot();\n }\n _cannotCloseRoot() {\n up.fail('Cannot close the root layer');\n }\n toString() {\n return \"root layer\";\n }\n },\n _a.mode = 'root',\n _a);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 54 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nvar _a;\nup.Layer.Modal = (_a = class Modal extends up.Layer.OverlayWithViewport {\n },\n _a.mode = 'modal',\n _a);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 55 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nvar _a;\nup.Layer.Popup = (_a = class Popup extends up.Layer.OverlayWithTether {\n },\n _a.mode = 'popup',\n _a);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 56 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nvar _a;\nup.Layer.Drawer = (_a = class Drawer extends up.Layer.OverlayWithViewport {\n },\n _a.mode = 'drawer',\n _a);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 57 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nvar _a;\nup.Layer.Cover = (_a = class Cover extends up.Layer.OverlayWithViewport {\n },\n _a.mode = 'cover',\n _a);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 58 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.LayerLookup = class LayerLookup {\n constructor(stack, ...args) {\n this._stack = stack;\n const options = u.parseArgIntoOptions(args, 'layer');\n if (options.normalizeLayerOptions !== false) {\n up.layer.normalizeOptions(options);\n }\n this._values = u.parseTokens(options.layer);\n this._origin = options.origin;\n this._baseLayer = options.baseLayer || this._originLayer() || this._stack.current;\n if (u.isString(this._baseLayer)) {\n const recursiveOptions = { ...options, baseLayer: this._stack.current, normalizeLayerOptions: false };\n this._baseLayer = new this.constructor(this._stack, this._baseLayer, recursiveOptions).first();\n }\n }\n _originLayer() {\n if (this._origin) {\n return this._forElement(this._origin);\n }\n }\n first() {\n return this.all()[0];\n }\n all() {\n let results = u.flatMap(this._values, value => this._resolveValue(value));\n results = u.compact(results);\n results = u.uniq(results);\n return results;\n }\n _forElement(element) {\n element = e.get(element);\n return u.find(this._stack.reversed(), layer => layer.contains(element));\n }\n _forIndex(value) {\n return this._stack.at(value);\n }\n _resolveValue(value) {\n if (value instanceof up.Layer) {\n return value;\n }\n if (u.isNumber(value)) {\n return this._forIndex(value);\n }\n if (/^\\d+$/.test(value)) {\n return this._forIndex(Number(value));\n }\n if (u.isElementish(value)) {\n return this._forElement(value);\n }\n switch (value) {\n case 'any':\n return [this._baseLayer, ...this._stack.reversed()];\n case 'current':\n return this._baseLayer;\n case 'closest':\n return this._stack.selfAndAncestorsOf(this._baseLayer);\n case 'parent':\n return this._baseLayer.parent;\n case 'ancestor':\n case 'ancestors':\n return this._baseLayer.ancestors;\n case 'child':\n return this._baseLayer.child;\n case 'descendant':\n case 'descendants':\n return this._baseLayer.descendants;\n case 'subtree':\n return this._baseLayer.subtree;\n case 'new':\n return 'new';\n case 'root':\n return this._stack.root;\n case 'overlay':\n case 'overlays':\n return u.reverse(this._stack.overlays);\n case 'front':\n return this._stack.front;\n case 'origin':\n return this._originLayer();\n default:\n return up.fail(\"Unknown { layer } option: %o\", value);\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 59 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.LayerStack = class LayerStack {\n constructor() {\n this._currentOverrides = [];\n this.layers = [this._buildRoot()];\n }\n _buildRoot() {\n return up.layer.build({ mode: 'root', stack: this });\n }\n remove(layer) {\n u.remove(this.layers, layer);\n }\n peel(layer, options) {\n const descendants = u.reverse(layer.descendants);\n const dismissOptions = { ...options, preventable: false };\n for (let descendant of descendants) {\n descendant.dismiss(':peel', dismissOptions);\n }\n }\n reset() {\n this.peel(this.root, { animation: false });\n this._currentOverrides = [];\n this.root.reset();\n }\n isOpen(layer) {\n return u.contains(this.layers, layer);\n }\n isClosed(layer) {\n return !this.isOpen(layer);\n }\n parentOf(layer) {\n return this.layers[layer.index - 1];\n }\n childOf(layer) {\n return this.layers[layer.index + 1];\n }\n ancestorsOf(layer) {\n return u.reverse(this.layers.slice(0, layer.index));\n }\n selfAndAncestorsOf(layer) {\n return [layer, ...layer.ancestors];\n }\n descendantsOf(layer) {\n return this.layers.slice(layer.index + 1);\n }\n isRoot(layer) {\n return this.root === layer;\n }\n isOverlay(layer) {\n return this.root !== layer;\n }\n isCurrent(layer) {\n return this.current === layer;\n }\n isFront(layer) {\n return this.front === layer;\n }\n get(...args) {\n return this.getAll(...args)[0];\n }\n getAll(...args) {\n return new up.LayerLookup(this, ...args).all();\n }\n sync() {\n for (let layer of this.layers) {\n layer.sync();\n }\n }\n asCurrent(layer, fn) {\n try {\n this._currentOverrides.push(layer);\n return fn();\n }\n finally {\n this._currentOverrides.pop();\n }\n }\n reversed() {\n return u.reverse(this.layers);\n }\n dismissOverlays(value = null, options = {}) {\n options.dismissable = false;\n for (let overlay of u.reverse(this.overlays)) {\n overlay.dismiss(value, options);\n }\n }\n at(index) {\n return this.layers[index];\n }\n indexOf(layer) {\n return this.layers.indexOf(layer);\n }\n get count() {\n return this.layers.length;\n }\n get root() {\n return this.layers[0];\n }\n get overlays() {\n return this.root.descendants;\n }\n get current() {\n return u.last(this._currentOverrides) || this.front;\n }\n get front() {\n return u.last(this.layers);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 60 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.LinkFeedbackURLs = class LinkFeedbackURLs {\n constructor(link) {\n const normalize = up.feedback.normalizeURL;\n this._isSafe = up.link.isSafe(link);\n if (this._isSafe) {\n const href = link.getAttribute('href');\n if (href && (href !== '#')) {\n this.href = normalize(href);\n }\n const upHREF = link.getAttribute('up-href');\n if (upHREF) {\n this._upHREF = normalize(upHREF);\n }\n const alias = link.getAttribute('up-alias');\n if (alias) {\n this._aliasPattern = new up.URLPattern(alias, normalize);\n }\n }\n }\n isCurrent(normalizedLocation) {\n return this._isSafe && !!(this.href === normalizedLocation ||\n this._upHREF === normalizedLocation ||\n this._aliasPattern?.test?.(normalizedLocation, false));\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 61 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.LinkPreloader = class LinkPreloader {\n watchLink(link) {\n if (!up.link.preloadIssue(link)) {\n this._on(link, 'mouseenter', (event) => this._considerPreload(event, true));\n this._on(link, 'mousedown touchstart', (event) => this._considerPreload(event));\n this._on(link, 'mouseleave', (event) => this._stopPreload(event));\n }\n }\n _on(link, eventTypes, callback) {\n up.on(link, eventTypes, { passive: true }, callback);\n }\n _considerPreload(event, applyDelay) {\n const link = event.target;\n if (link !== this._currentLink) {\n this.reset();\n this._currentLink = link;\n if (up.link.shouldFollowEvent(event, link)) {\n if (applyDelay) {\n this._preloadAfterDelay(event, link);\n }\n else {\n this._preloadNow(event, link);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n _stopPreload(event) {\n if (event.target === this._currentLink) {\n return this.reset();\n }\n }\n reset() {\n if (!this._currentLink) {\n return;\n }\n clearTimeout(this._timer);\n if (this._currentRequest?.background) {\n this._currentRequest.abort();\n }\n this._currentLink = undefined;\n this._currentRequest = undefined;\n }\n _preloadAfterDelay(event, link) {\n const delay = e.numberAttr(link, 'up-preload-delay') ?? up.link.config.preloadDelay;\n this._timer = u.timer(delay, () => this._preloadNow(event, link));\n }\n _preloadNow(event, link) {\n if (!link.isConnected) {\n this.reset();\n return;\n }\n const onQueued = request => { return this._currentRequest = request; };\n up.log.putsEvent(event);\n up.error.muteUncriticalRejection(up.link.preload(link, { onQueued }));\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 62 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.MotionController = class MotionController {\n constructor(name) {\n this._activeClass = `up-${name}`;\n this._selector = `.${this._activeClass}`;\n this.finishEvent = `up:${name}:finish`;\n this.finishCount = 0;\n this._clusterCount = 0;\n }\n startFunction(cluster, startMotion, memory = {}) {\n cluster = e.list(cluster);\n const mutedAnimator = () => up.error.muteUncriticalRejection(startMotion());\n memory.trackMotion = memory.trackMotion ?? up.motion.isEnabled();\n if (memory.trackMotion === false) {\n return mutedAnimator();\n }\n else {\n memory.trackMotion = false;\n this.finish(cluster);\n this._markCluster(cluster);\n let promise = this._whileForwardingFinishEvent(cluster, mutedAnimator);\n promise = promise.then(() => this._unmarkCluster(cluster));\n return promise;\n }\n }\n finish(elements) {\n this.finishCount++;\n if ((this._clusterCount === 0) || !up.motion.isEnabled()) {\n return;\n }\n elements = this._expandFinishRequest(elements);\n for (let element of elements) {\n this._finishOneElement(element);\n }\n return up.migrate.formerlyAsync?.('up.motion.finish()');\n }\n _expandFinishRequest(elements) {\n if (elements) {\n return u.flatMap(elements, el => e.list(el.closest(this._selector), el.querySelectorAll(this._selector)));\n }\n else {\n return document.querySelectorAll(this._selector);\n }\n }\n isActive(element) {\n return element.classList.contains(this._activeClass);\n }\n _finishOneElement(element) {\n this._emitFinishEvent(element);\n }\n _emitFinishEvent(element, eventAttrs = {}) {\n eventAttrs = { target: element, log: false, ...eventAttrs };\n return up.emit(this.finishEvent, eventAttrs);\n }\n _markCluster(cluster) {\n this._clusterCount++;\n this._toggleActive(cluster, true);\n }\n _unmarkCluster(cluster) {\n this._clusterCount--;\n this._toggleActive(cluster, false);\n }\n _toggleActive(cluster, isActive) {\n for (let element of cluster) {\n element.classList.toggle(this._activeClass, isActive);\n }\n }\n _whileForwardingFinishEvent(cluster, fn) {\n if (cluster.length < 2) {\n return fn();\n }\n const doForward = (event) => {\n if (!event.forwarded) {\n for (let element of cluster) {\n if (element !== event.target && this.isActive(element)) {\n this._emitFinishEvent(element, { forwarded: true });\n }\n }\n }\n };\n const unbindFinish = up.on(cluster, this.finishEvent, doForward);\n return fn().then(unbindFinish);\n }\n async reset() {\n await this.finish();\n this.finishCount = 0;\n this._clusterCount = 0;\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 63 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.NonceableCallback = class NonceableCallback {\n constructor(script, nonce) {\n this.script = script;\n this.nonce = nonce;\n }\n static fromString(string) {\n let match = string.match(/^(nonce-([^\\s]+)\\s)?(.*)$/);\n return new this(match[3], match[2]);\n }\n toFunction(...argNames) {\n if (this.nonce) {\n let callbackThis = this;\n return function (...args) {\n return callbackThis._runAsNoncedFunction(this, argNames, args);\n };\n }\n else {\n return new Function(...argNames, this.script);\n }\n }\n toString() {\n return `nonce-${this.nonce} ${this.script}`;\n }\n _runAsNoncedFunction(thisArg, argNames, args) {\n let wrappedScript = `\n try {\n up.noncedEval.value = (function(${argNames.join()}) {\n ${this.script}\n }).apply(up.noncedEval.thisArg, up.noncedEval.args)\n } catch (error) {\n up.noncedEval.error = error\n }\n `;\n let script;\n try {\n up.noncedEval = { args, thisArg: thisArg };\n script = up.element.affix(document.body, 'script', { nonce: this.nonce, text: wrappedScript });\n if (up.noncedEval.error) {\n throw up.noncedEval.error;\n }\n else {\n return up.noncedEval.value;\n }\n }\n finally {\n up.noncedEval = undefined;\n if (script) {\n script.remove();\n }\n }\n }\n _allowedBy(allowedNonces) {\n return this.nonce && u.contains(allowedNonces, this.nonce);\n }\n static adoptNonces(element, allowedNonces) {\n if (!allowedNonces?.length) {\n return;\n }\n const getPageNonce = u.memoize(up.protocol.cspNonce);\n u.each(up.script.config.nonceableAttributes, (attribute) => {\n let matches = e.subtree(element, `[${attribute}^=\"nonce-\"]`);\n u.each(matches, (match) => {\n let attributeValue = match.getAttribute(attribute);\n let callback = this.fromString(attributeValue);\n let warn = (message, ...args) => up.log.warn('up.render()', `Cannot use callback [${attribute}=\"${attributeValue}\"]: ${message}`, ...args);\n if (!callback._allowedBy(allowedNonces)) {\n return warn(\"Callback's CSP nonce (%o) does not match response header (%o)\", callback.nonce, allowedNonces);\n }\n let pageNonce = getPageNonce();\n if (!pageNonce) {\n return warn(\"Current page's CSP nonce is unknown\");\n }\n callback.nonce = pageNonce;\n match.setAttribute(attribute, callback.toString());\n });\n });\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 64 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst e = up.element;\nconst u = up.util;\nup.OverlayFocus = class OverlayFocus {\n constructor(layer) {\n this._layer = layer;\n this._focusElement = this._layer.getFocusElement();\n }\n moveToFront() {\n if (this._enabled) {\n return;\n }\n this._enabled = true;\n this._untrapFocus = up.on('focusin', event => this._onFocus(event));\n this._unsetAttrs = e.setTemporaryAttrs(this._focusElement, {\n 'tabindex': '0',\n 'role': 'dialog',\n 'aria-modal': 'true'\n });\n this._focusTrapBefore = e.affix(this._focusElement, 'beforebegin', 'up-focus-trap[tabindex=0]');\n this._focusTrapAfter = e.affix(this._focusElement, 'afterend', 'up-focus-trap[tabindex=0]');\n }\n moveToBack() {\n this.teardown();\n }\n teardown() {\n if (!this._enabled) {\n return;\n }\n this._enabled = false;\n this._untrapFocus();\n this._unsetAttrs();\n this._focusTrapBefore.remove();\n this._focusTrapAfter.remove();\n }\n _onFocus(event) {\n const { target } = event;\n if (this._processingFocusEvent || up.layer.isWithinForeignOverlay(target)) {\n return;\n }\n this._processingFocusEvent = true;\n if (target === this._focusTrapBefore) {\n this._focusEnd();\n }\n else if ((target === this._focusTrapAfter) || !this._layer.contains(target)) {\n this._focusStart();\n }\n this._processingFocusEvent = false;\n }\n _focusStart(focusOptions) {\n up.focus(this._focusElement, focusOptions);\n }\n _focusEnd() {\n this._focusLastDescendant(this._layer.getBoxElement()) || this._focusStart();\n }\n _focusLastDescendant(element) {\n for (let child of u.reverse(element.children)) {\n if (up.viewport.tryFocus(child) || this._focusLastDescendant(child)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 65 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.Params = class Params {\n constructor(raw) {\n this.clear();\n this.addAll(raw);\n }\n clear() {\n this.entries = [];\n }\n [u.copy.key]() {\n return new up.Params(this);\n }\n toObject() {\n const obj = {};\n for (let entry of this.entries) {\n const { name, value } = entry;\n if (!u.isBasicObjectProperty(name)) {\n if (this._isArrayKey(name)) {\n obj[name] ||= [];\n obj[name].push(value);\n }\n else {\n obj[name] = value;\n }\n }\n }\n return obj;\n }\n toArray() {\n return this.entries;\n }\n toFormData() {\n const formData = new FormData();\n for (let entry of this.entries) {\n formData.append(entry.name, entry.value);\n }\n if (!formData.entries) {\n formData.originalArray = this.entries;\n }\n return formData;\n }\n toQuery() {\n let parts = u.map(this.entries, this._arrayEntryToQuery.bind(this));\n parts = u.compact(parts);\n return parts.join('&');\n }\n _arrayEntryToQuery(entry) {\n const { value } = entry;\n if (this._isBinaryValue(value)) {\n return;\n }\n let query = encodeURIComponent(entry.name);\n if (u.isGiven(value)) {\n query += \"=\";\n query += encodeURIComponent(value);\n }\n return query;\n }\n _isBinaryValue(value) {\n return value instanceof Blob;\n }\n hasBinaryValues() {\n const values = u.map(this.entries, 'value');\n return u.some(values, this._isBinaryValue);\n }\n toURL(base) {\n let parts = [base, this.toQuery()];\n parts = u.filter(parts, u.isPresent);\n const separator = u.contains(base, '?') ? '&' : '?';\n return parts.join(separator);\n }\n add(name, value) {\n this.entries.push({ name, value });\n }\n addAll(raw) {\n if (u.isMissing(raw)) {\n }\n else if (raw instanceof this.constructor) {\n this.entries.push(...raw.entries);\n }\n else if (u.isArray(raw)) {\n this.entries.push(...raw);\n }\n else if (u.isString(raw)) {\n this._addAllFromQuery(raw);\n }\n else if (u.isFormData(raw)) {\n this._addAllFromFormData(raw);\n }\n else if (u.isObject(raw)) {\n this._addAllFromObject(raw);\n }\n else {\n up.fail(\"Unsupport params type: %o\", raw);\n }\n }\n _addAllFromObject(object) {\n for (let key in object) {\n const value = object[key];\n const valueElements = u.isArray(value) ? value : [value];\n for (let valueElement of valueElements) {\n this.add(key, valueElement);\n }\n }\n }\n _addAllFromQuery(query) {\n for (let part of query.split('&')) {\n if (part) {\n let [name, value] = part.split('=');\n name = decodeURIComponent(name);\n if (u.isGiven(value)) {\n value = decodeURIComponent(value);\n }\n else {\n value = null;\n }\n this.add(name, value);\n }\n }\n }\n _addAllFromFormData(formData) {\n for (let value of formData.entries()) {\n this.add(...value);\n }\n }\n set(name, value) {\n this.delete(name);\n this.add(name, value);\n }\n delete(name) {\n this.entries = u.reject(this.entries, this._matchEntryFn(name));\n }\n _matchEntryFn(name) {\n return entry => entry.name === name;\n }\n get(name) {\n if (this._isArrayKey(name)) {\n return this.getAll(name);\n }\n else {\n return this.getFirst(name);\n }\n }\n getFirst(name) {\n const entry = u.find(this.entries, this._matchEntryFn(name));\n return entry?.value;\n }\n getAll(name) {\n if (this._isArrayKey(name)) {\n return this.getAll(name);\n }\n else {\n const entries = u.map(this.entries, this._matchEntryFn(name));\n return u.map(entries, 'value');\n }\n }\n _isArrayKey(key) {\n return key.endsWith('[]');\n }\n [u.isBlank.key]() {\n return this.entries.length === 0;\n }\n static fromForm(form) {\n return this.fromContainer(form);\n }\n static fromContainer(container) {\n let fields = up.form.fields(container);\n return this.fromFields(fields);\n }\n static fromFields(fields) {\n const params = new (this)();\n for (let field of u.wrapList(fields)) {\n params.addField(field);\n }\n return params;\n }\n addField(field) {\n field = e.get(field);\n let name = field.name;\n if (name && !field.disabled) {\n const { tagName } = field;\n const { type } = field;\n if (tagName === 'SELECT') {\n for (let option of field.querySelectorAll('option')) {\n if (option.selected) {\n this.add(name, option.value);\n }\n }\n }\n else if ((type === 'checkbox') || (type === 'radio')) {\n if (field.checked) {\n this.add(name, field.value);\n }\n }\n else if (type === 'file') {\n for (let file of field.files) {\n this.add(name, file);\n }\n }\n else {\n return this.add(name, field.value);\n }\n }\n }\n [u.isEqual.key](other) {\n return (this.constructor === other.constructor) && u.isEqual(this.entries, other.entries);\n }\n static fromURL(url) {\n const params = new (this)();\n const urlParts = u.parseURL(url);\n let query = urlParts.search;\n if (query) {\n query = query.replace(/^\\?/, '');\n params.addAll(query);\n }\n return params;\n }\n static stripURL(url) {\n return u.normalizeURL(url, { search: false });\n }\n static merge(...objects) {\n return objects.reduce(function (allParams, params) {\n allParams.addAll(params);\n return allParams;\n }, new up.Params());\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 66 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst e = up.element;\nconst TRANSITION_DELAY = 300;\nup.ProgressBar = class ProgressBar {\n constructor() {\n this._step = 0;\n this._element = e.affix(document.body, 'up-progress-bar');\n this._element.style.transition = `width ${TRANSITION_DELAY}ms ease-out`;\n this._moveTo(0);\n up.element.paint(this._element);\n this._width = 31;\n this._nextStep();\n }\n _nextStep() {\n let diff;\n if (this._width < 80) {\n if (Math.random() < 0.15) {\n diff = 7 + (5 * Math.random());\n }\n else {\n diff = 1.5 + (0.5 * Math.random());\n }\n }\n else {\n diff = 0.13 * (100 - this._width) * Math.random();\n }\n this._moveTo(this._width + diff);\n this._step++;\n const nextStepDelay = TRANSITION_DELAY + (this._step * 40);\n this.timeout = setTimeout(this._nextStep.bind(this), nextStepDelay);\n }\n _moveTo(width) {\n this._width = width;\n this._element.style.width = `${width}vw`;\n }\n destroy() {\n clearTimeout(this.timeout);\n this._element.remove();\n }\n conclude() {\n clearTimeout(this.timeout);\n this._moveTo(100);\n setTimeout(this.destroy.bind(this), TRANSITION_DELAY);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 67 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.RenderOptions = (function () {\n const GLOBAL_DEFAULTS = {\n useHungry: true,\n useKeep: true,\n saveScroll: true,\n saveFocus: true,\n focus: 'keep',\n abort: 'target',\n failOptions: true,\n };\n const PRELOAD_OVERRIDES = {\n abort: false,\n confirm: false,\n feedback: false,\n cache: true,\n background: true,\n };\n const PREFLIGHT_KEYS = [\n 'url',\n 'method',\n 'origin',\n 'headers',\n 'params',\n 'cache',\n 'fallback',\n 'abort',\n 'abortable',\n 'confirm',\n 'feedback',\n 'origin',\n 'baseLayer',\n 'fail',\n 'onError',\n ];\n const SHARED_KEYS = PREFLIGHT_KEYS.concat([\n 'keep',\n 'hungry',\n 'history',\n 'source',\n 'saveScroll',\n 'navigate',\n ]);\n const CONTENT_KEYS = [\n 'url',\n 'response',\n 'content',\n 'fragment',\n 'document',\n ];\n const LATE_KEYS = [\n 'history',\n 'focus',\n 'scroll',\n ];\n function navigateDefaults(options) {\n if (options.navigate) {\n return up.fragment.config.navigateOptions;\n }\n }\n function preloadOverrides(options) {\n if (options.preload) {\n return PRELOAD_OVERRIDES;\n }\n }\n function preprocess(options) {\n up.migrate.preprocessRenderOptions?.(options);\n const defaults = u.merge(GLOBAL_DEFAULTS, navigateDefaults(options));\n return u.merge(u.omit(defaults, LATE_KEYS), { defaults }, { inputDevice: up.event.inputDevice }, options, preloadOverrides(options));\n }\n function finalize(preprocessedOptions, lateDefaults) {\n return u.merge(preprocessedOptions.defaults, lateDefaults, preprocessedOptions);\n }\n function assertContentGiven(options) {\n if (!u.some(CONTENT_KEYS, contentKey => u.isGiven(options[contentKey]))) {\n if (options.defaultToEmptyContent) {\n options.content = '';\n }\n else {\n up.fail('up.render() needs either { ' + CONTENT_KEYS.join(', ') + ' } option');\n }\n }\n }\n function failOverrides(options) {\n const overrides = {};\n for (let key in options) {\n const value = options[key];\n let unprefixed = up.fragment.successKey(key);\n if (unprefixed) {\n overrides[unprefixed] = value;\n }\n }\n return overrides;\n }\n function deriveFailOptions(preprocessedOptions) {\n if (preprocessedOptions.failOptions) {\n return {\n ...preprocessedOptions.defaults,\n ...u.pick(preprocessedOptions, SHARED_KEYS),\n ...failOverrides(preprocessedOptions),\n ...{ failPrefixForced: true }\n };\n }\n else {\n return {\n ...preprocessedOptions,\n ...failOverrides(preprocessedOptions),\n };\n }\n }\n return {\n preprocess,\n finalize,\n assertContentGiven,\n deriveFailOptions,\n };\n})();\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 68 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.RenderResult = class RenderResult extends up.Record {\n keys() {\n return [\n 'fragments',\n 'layer',\n 'target',\n 'options',\n 'finished',\n ];\n }\n defaults() {\n return {\n fragments: [],\n };\n }\n get none() {\n return !this.fragments.length;\n }\n get fragment() {\n return this.fragments[0];\n }\n static both(main, extension, mergeFinished = true) {\n if (!extension)\n return main;\n return new this({\n target: main.target,\n layer: main.layer,\n options: main.options,\n fragments: main.fragments.concat(extension.fragments),\n finished: (mergeFinished && this.mergeFinished(main, extension))\n });\n }\n static async mergeFinished(main, extension) {\n return this.both(await main.finished, await extension.finished, false);\n }\n static buildNone() {\n return new this({\n target: ':none',\n finished: Promise.resolve(),\n });\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 69 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nvar _a;\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Request = (_a = class Request extends up.Record {\n keys() {\n return [\n 'method',\n 'url',\n 'hash',\n 'params',\n 'target',\n 'failTarget',\n 'headers',\n 'timeout',\n 'background',\n 'cache',\n 'expireCache',\n 'evictCache',\n 'layer',\n 'mode',\n 'context',\n 'failLayer',\n 'failMode',\n 'failContext',\n 'origin',\n 'fragments',\n 'builtAt',\n 'wrapMethod',\n 'contentType',\n 'payload',\n 'onQueued',\n 'onLoading',\n 'fail',\n 'abortable',\n 'badResponseTime',\n ];\n }\n defaults() {\n return {\n state: 'new',\n abortable: true,\n headers: {},\n timeout: up.network.config.timeout,\n builtAt: new Date(),\n };\n }\n constructor(options) {\n super(options);\n this.params = new up.Params(this.params);\n if (this.wrapMethod == null) {\n this.wrapMethod = up.network.config.wrapMethod;\n }\n this._normalize();\n if ((this.target || this.layer || this.origin) && !options.basic) {\n const layerLookupOptions = { origin: this.origin };\n this.layer = up.layer.get(this.layer, layerLookupOptions);\n this.failLayer = up.layer.get(this.failLayer, layerLookupOptions);\n this.context ||= this.layer.context || {};\n this.failContext ||= this.failLayer?.context || {};\n this.mode ||= this.layer.mode;\n this.failMode ||= this.failLayer?.mode;\n }\n this.deferred = u.newDeferred();\n this.badResponseTime ??= u.evalOption(up.network.config.badResponseTime, this);\n this._addAutoHeaders();\n }\n get xhr() {\n return this._xhr ??= new XMLHttpRequest();\n }\n get fragments() {\n if (this._fragments) {\n return this._fragments;\n }\n else if (this.target) {\n let steps = up.fragment.parseTargetSteps(this.target);\n let selectors = u.map(steps, 'selector');\n let lookupOpts = { origin: this.origin, layer: this.layer };\n return u.compact(u.map(selectors, (selector) => up.fragment.get(selector, lookupOpts)));\n }\n }\n set fragments(value) {\n this._fragments = value;\n }\n get fragment() {\n return this.fragments?.[0];\n }\n _normalize() {\n this.method = u.normalizeMethod(this.method);\n this._extractHashFromURL();\n this._transferParamsToURL();\n this.url = u.normalizeURL(this.url);\n }\n _evictExpensiveAttrs() {\n u.task(() => {\n this.layer = undefined;\n this.failLayer = undefined;\n this.origin = undefined;\n this.fragments = undefined;\n });\n }\n _extractHashFromURL() {\n let match = this.url?.match(/^([^#]*)(#.+)$/);\n if (match) {\n this.url = match[1];\n return this.hash = match[2];\n }\n }\n _transferParamsToURL() {\n if (!this.url || this.allowsPayload() || u.isBlank(this.params)) {\n return;\n }\n this.url = this.params.toURL(this.url);\n this.params.clear();\n }\n isSafe() {\n return up.network.isSafeMethod(this.method);\n }\n allowsPayload() {\n return u.methodAllowsPayload(this.method);\n }\n will302RedirectWithGET() {\n return this.isSafe() || (this.method === 'POST');\n }\n willCache() {\n return u.evalAutoOption(this.cache, up.network.config.autoCache, this);\n }\n runQueuedCallbacks() {\n u.always(this, () => this._evictExpensiveAttrs());\n this.onQueued?.(this);\n }\n load() {\n if (this.state !== 'new')\n return;\n if (this._emitLoad()) {\n this.state = 'loading';\n this._normalize();\n this.onLoading?.();\n this.expired = false;\n new up.Request.XHRRenderer(this).buildAndSend({\n onload: () => this._onXHRLoad(),\n onerror: () => this._onXHRError(),\n ontimeout: () => this._onXHRTimeout(),\n onabort: () => this._onXHRAbort()\n });\n return true;\n }\n else {\n this.abort({ reason: 'Prevented by event listener' });\n }\n }\n _emitLoad() {\n let event = this.emit('up:request:load', { log: ['Loading %s', this.description] });\n return !event.defaultPrevented;\n }\n loadPage() {\n up.network.abort();\n new up.Request.FormRenderer(this).buildAndSubmit();\n }\n _onXHRLoad() {\n const response = this._extractResponseFromXHR();\n const log = 'Loaded ' + response.description;\n this.emit('up:request:loaded', { request: response.request, response, log });\n this.respondWith(response);\n }\n _onXHRError() {\n this._setOfflineState('Network error');\n }\n _onXHRTimeout() {\n this._setOfflineState('Timeout');\n }\n _onXHRAbort() {\n this._setAbortedState();\n }\n abort({ reason } = {}) {\n if (this._setAbortedState(reason) && this._xhr) {\n this._xhr.abort();\n }\n }\n _setAbortedState(reason) {\n if (this._isSettled())\n return;\n let message = 'Aborted request to ' + this.description + (reason ? ': ' + reason : '');\n this.state = 'aborted';\n this.deferred.reject(new up.Aborted(message));\n this.emit('up:request:aborted', { log: message });\n return true;\n }\n _setOfflineState(reason) {\n if (this._isSettled())\n return;\n let message = 'Cannot load request to ' + this.description + (reason ? ': ' + reason : '');\n this.state = 'offline';\n this.emit('up:request:offline', { log: message });\n this.deferred.reject(new up.Offline(message));\n }\n respondWith(response) {\n this.response = response;\n if (this._isSettled())\n return;\n this.state = 'loaded';\n if (response.ok) {\n this.deferred.resolve(response);\n }\n else {\n this.deferred.reject(response);\n }\n }\n _isSettled() {\n return (this.state !== 'new') && (this.state !== 'loading') && (this.state !== 'tracking');\n }\n csrfHeader() {\n return up.protocol.csrfHeader();\n }\n csrfParam() {\n return up.protocol.csrfParam();\n }\n csrfToken() {\n if (!this.isSafe() && !this.isCrossOrigin()) {\n return up.protocol.csrfToken();\n }\n }\n isCrossOrigin() {\n return u.isCrossOrigin(this.url);\n }\n _extractResponseFromXHR() {\n const responseAttrs = {\n method: this.method,\n url: this.url,\n request: this,\n xhr: this.xhr,\n text: this.xhr.responseText,\n status: this.xhr.status,\n title: up.protocol.titleFromXHR(this.xhr),\n target: up.protocol.targetFromXHR(this.xhr),\n acceptLayer: up.protocol.acceptLayerFromXHR(this.xhr),\n dismissLayer: up.protocol.dismissLayerFromXHR(this.xhr),\n eventPlans: up.protocol.eventPlansFromXHR(this.xhr),\n context: up.protocol.contextFromXHR(this.xhr),\n expireCache: up.protocol.expireCacheFromXHR(this.xhr),\n evictCache: up.protocol.evictCacheFromXHR(this.xhr),\n fail: this.fail,\n };\n let methodFromResponse = up.protocol.methodFromXHR(this.xhr);\n let urlFromResponse = up.protocol.locationFromXHR(this.xhr);\n if (urlFromResponse) {\n if (!u.matchURLs(this.url, urlFromResponse)) {\n methodFromResponse ||= 'GET';\n }\n responseAttrs.url = urlFromResponse;\n }\n if (methodFromResponse) {\n responseAttrs.method = methodFromResponse;\n }\n return new up.Response(responseAttrs);\n }\n _buildEventEmitter(args) {\n return up.EventEmitter.fromEmitArgs(args, {\n layer: this.layer,\n request: this,\n origin: this.origin\n });\n }\n emit(...args) {\n return this._buildEventEmitter(args).emit();\n }\n assertEmitted(...args) {\n this._buildEventEmitter(args).assertEmitted();\n }\n get description() {\n return this.method + ' ' + this.url;\n }\n isPartOfSubtree(subtreeElements) {\n if (!this.fragments || !subtreeElements) {\n return false;\n }\n subtreeElements = u.wrapList(subtreeElements);\n return u.some(this.fragments, function (fragment) {\n return u.some(subtreeElements, (subtreeElement) => subtreeElement.contains(fragment));\n });\n }\n get age() {\n return new Date() - this.builtAt;\n }\n header(name) {\n return this.headers[name];\n }\n _addAutoHeaders() {\n for (let key of ['target', 'failTarget', 'mode', 'failMode', 'context', 'failContext']) {\n this._addAutoHeader(up.protocol.headerize(key), this[key]);\n }\n let csrfHeader, csrfToken;\n if ((csrfHeader = this.csrfHeader()) && (csrfToken = this.csrfToken())) {\n this._addAutoHeader(csrfHeader, csrfToken);\n }\n this._addAutoHeader(up.protocol.headerize('version'), up.version);\n }\n _addAutoHeader(name, value) {\n if (u.isMissing(value)) {\n return;\n }\n if (u.isOptions(value) || u.isArray(value)) {\n value = u.safeStringifyJSON(value);\n }\n this.headers[name] = value;\n }\n static tester(condition, { except } = {}) {\n let testFn;\n if (u.isFunction(condition)) {\n testFn = condition;\n }\n else if (condition instanceof this) {\n testFn = (request) => condition === request;\n }\n else if (u.isString(condition)) {\n let pattern = new up.URLPattern(condition);\n testFn = (request) => pattern.test(request.url);\n }\n else {\n testFn = (_request) => condition;\n }\n if (except) {\n return (request) => !up.cache.willHaveSameResponse(request, except) && testFn(request);\n }\n else {\n return testFn;\n }\n }\n },\n (() => {\n u.delegate(_a.prototype, ['then', 'catch', 'finally'], function () { return this.deferred; });\n })(),\n _a);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 70 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Request.Cache = class Cache {\n constructor() {\n this.reset();\n }\n reset() {\n this._varyInfo = {};\n this._map = new Map();\n }\n _cacheKey(request) {\n let influencingHeaders = this._getPreviousInfluencingHeaders(request);\n let varyPart = u.flatMap(influencingHeaders, (headerName) => [headerName, request.header(headerName)]);\n return [request.description, ...varyPart].join(':');\n }\n _getPreviousInfluencingHeaders(request) {\n return (this._varyInfo[request.description] ||= new Set());\n }\n get(request) {\n request = this._wrap(request);\n let cacheKey = this._cacheKey(request);\n let cachedRequest = this._map.get(cacheKey);\n if (cachedRequest) {\n if (this._isUsable(cachedRequest)) {\n return cachedRequest;\n }\n else {\n this._map.delete(cacheKey);\n }\n }\n }\n get _capacity() {\n return up.network.config.cacheSize;\n }\n _isUsable(request) {\n return request.age < up.network.config.cacheEvictAge;\n }\n async put(request) {\n request = this._wrap(request);\n this._makeRoom();\n let cacheKey = this._updateCacheKey(request);\n this._map.set(cacheKey, request);\n }\n _updateCacheKey(request) {\n let oldCacheKey = this._cacheKey(request);\n let { response } = request;\n if (response) {\n this._mergePreviousHeaderNames(request, response);\n let newCacheKey = this._cacheKey(request);\n this._renameMapKey(oldCacheKey, newCacheKey);\n return newCacheKey;\n }\n else {\n return oldCacheKey;\n }\n }\n _renameMapKey(oldKey, newKey) {\n if (oldKey !== newKey && this._map.has(oldKey)) {\n this._map.set(newKey, this._map.get(oldKey));\n this._map.delete(oldKey);\n }\n }\n _mergePreviousHeaderNames(request, response) {\n let headersInfluencingResponse = response.ownInfluncingHeaders;\n if (headersInfluencingResponse.length) {\n let previousInfluencingHeaders = this._getPreviousInfluencingHeaders(request);\n for (let headerName of headersInfluencingResponse) {\n previousInfluencingHeaders.add(headerName);\n }\n }\n }\n alias(existingCachedRequest, newRequest) {\n existingCachedRequest = this.get(existingCachedRequest);\n if (!existingCachedRequest)\n return;\n newRequest = this._wrap(newRequest);\n this.track(existingCachedRequest, newRequest, { force: true });\n this.put(newRequest);\n return newRequest;\n }\n async track(existingRequest, newRequest, options = {}) {\n newRequest.trackedRequest = existingRequest;\n newRequest.state = 'tracking';\n let value = await u.always(existingRequest);\n if (value instanceof up.Response) {\n if (options.force || this._isCacheCompatible(existingRequest, newRequest)) {\n newRequest.fromCache = true;\n value = u.variant(value, { request: newRequest });\n newRequest.respondWith(value);\n u.delegate(newRequest, ['expired', 'state'], () => existingRequest);\n }\n else {\n delete newRequest.trackedRequest;\n newRequest.state = 'new';\n options.onIncompatible?.(newRequest);\n }\n }\n else {\n newRequest.state = existingRequest.state;\n newRequest.deferred.reject(value);\n }\n }\n willHaveSameResponse(existingRequest, newRequest) {\n return existingRequest === newRequest || existingRequest === newRequest.trackedRequest;\n }\n _delete(request) {\n request = this._wrap(request);\n let cacheKey = this._cacheKey(request);\n this._map.delete(cacheKey);\n }\n evict(condition = true, testerOptions) {\n this._eachMatch(condition, testerOptions, (request) => this._delete(request));\n }\n expire(condition = true, testerOptions) {\n this._eachMatch(condition, testerOptions, (request) => request.expired = true);\n }\n _makeRoom() {\n while (this._map.size >= this._capacity) {\n let oldestKey = this._map.keys().next().value;\n this._map.delete(oldestKey);\n }\n }\n _eachMatch(condition = true, testerOptions, fn) {\n let tester = up.Request.tester(condition, testerOptions);\n let results = u.filter(this._map.values(), tester);\n u.each(results, fn);\n }\n _isCacheCompatible(request1, request2) {\n return this._cacheKey(request1) === this._cacheKey(request2);\n }\n _wrap(requestOrOptions) {\n return u.wrapValue(up.Request, requestOrOptions);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 71 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Request.Queue = class Queue {\n constructor() {\n this.reset();\n }\n reset() {\n this._queuedRequests = [];\n this._currentRequests = [];\n this._emittedLate = false;\n }\n get allRequests() {\n return this._currentRequests.concat(this._queuedRequests);\n }\n asap(request) {\n request.runQueuedCallbacks();\n u.always(request, responseOrError => this._onRequestSettled(request, responseOrError));\n this._scheduleSlowTimer(request);\n this._queueRequest(request);\n u.microtask(() => this._poke());\n }\n promoteToForeground(request) {\n if (request.background) {\n request.background = false;\n this._scheduleSlowTimer(request);\n }\n }\n _scheduleSlowTimer(request) {\n let timeUntilLate = Math.max(request.badResponseTime - request.age, 0);\n u.timer(timeUntilLate, () => this._checkLate());\n }\n _getMaxConcurrency() {\n return u.evalOption(up.network.config.concurrency);\n }\n _hasConcurrencyLeft() {\n const maxConcurrency = this._getMaxConcurrency();\n return (maxConcurrency === -1) || (this._currentRequests.length < maxConcurrency);\n }\n isBusy() {\n return this._currentRequests.length > 0 || this._queuedRequests.length > 0;\n }\n _queueRequest(request) {\n this._queuedRequests.push(request);\n }\n _pluckNextRequest() {\n let request = u.find(this._queuedRequests, request => !request.background);\n request ||= this._queuedRequests[0];\n return u.remove(this._queuedRequests, request);\n }\n _sendRequestNow(request) {\n if (request.load()) {\n this._currentRequests.push(request);\n }\n }\n _onRequestSettled(request, responseOrError) {\n u.remove(this._currentRequests, request) || u.remove(this._queuedRequests, request);\n if ((responseOrError instanceof up.Response) && responseOrError.ok) {\n up.network.registerAliasForRedirect(request, responseOrError);\n }\n this._checkLate();\n u.microtask(() => this._poke());\n }\n _poke() {\n let request;\n if (this._hasConcurrencyLeft() && (request = this._pluckNextRequest())) {\n return this._sendRequestNow(request);\n }\n }\n abort(...args) {\n let options = u.extractOptions(args);\n let { except, reason, logOnce } = options;\n let conditions = args[0] ?? true;\n let tester = up.Request.tester(conditions, { except });\n for (let list of [this._currentRequests, this._queuedRequests]) {\n const abortableRequests = u.filter(list, tester);\n for (let abortableRequest of abortableRequests) {\n if (logOnce) {\n up.puts(...logOnce);\n logOnce = null;\n }\n abortableRequest.abort({ reason });\n u.remove(list, abortableRequest);\n }\n }\n }\n _checkLate() {\n const currentLate = this._isLate();\n if (this._emittedLate !== currentLate) {\n this._emittedLate = currentLate;\n if (currentLate) {\n up.emit('up:network:late', { log: 'Server is slow to respond' });\n }\n else {\n up.emit('up:network:recover', { log: 'Slow requests were loaded' });\n }\n }\n }\n _isLate() {\n const allForegroundRequests = u.reject(this.allRequests, 'background');\n const timerTolerance = 1;\n return u.some(allForegroundRequests, (request) => request.age >= (request.badResponseTime - timerTolerance));\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 72 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nconst HTML_FORM_METHODS = ['GET', 'POST'];\nup.Request.FormRenderer = class FormRenderer {\n constructor(request) {\n this._request = request;\n }\n buildAndSubmit() {\n this.params = u.copy(this._request.params);\n let action = this._request.url;\n let { method } = this._request;\n const paramsFromQuery = up.Params.fromURL(action);\n this.params.addAll(paramsFromQuery);\n action = up.Params.stripURL(action);\n if (!u.contains(HTML_FORM_METHODS, method)) {\n method = up.protocol.wrapMethod(method, this.params);\n }\n this._form = e.affix(document.body, 'form.up-request-loader', { method, action });\n let contentType = this._request.contentType;\n if (contentType) {\n this._form.setAttribute('enctype', contentType);\n }\n let csrfParam, csrfToken;\n if ((csrfParam = this._request.csrfParam()) && (csrfToken = this._request.csrfToken())) {\n this.params.add(csrfParam, csrfToken);\n }\n u.each(this.params.toArray(), this._addField.bind(this));\n up.browser.submitForm(this._form);\n }\n _addField(attrs) {\n e.affix(this._form, 'input[type=hidden]', attrs);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 73 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nvar _a;\nconst CONTENT_TYPE_URL_ENCODED = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';\nconst CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_DATA = 'multipart/form-data';\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Request.XHRRenderer = (_a = class XHRRenderer {\n constructor(request) {\n this._request = request;\n }\n buildAndSend(handlers) {\n const xhr = this._request.xhr;\n this._params = u.copy(this._request.params);\n if (this._request.timeout) {\n xhr.timeout = this._request.timeout;\n }\n xhr.open(this._getMethod(), this._request.url);\n let contentType = this._getContentType();\n if (contentType) {\n xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', contentType);\n }\n for (let headerName in this._request.headers) {\n let headerValue = this._request.headers[headerName];\n xhr.setRequestHeader(headerName, headerValue);\n }\n Object.assign(xhr, handlers);\n xhr.send(this._getPayload());\n }\n _getMethod() {\n let method = this._request.method;\n if (this._request.wrapMethod && !this._request.will302RedirectWithGET()) {\n method = up.protocol.wrapMethod(method, this._params);\n }\n return method;\n }\n _getContentType() {\n this._finalizePayload();\n return this._contentType;\n }\n _getPayload() {\n this._finalizePayload();\n return this._payload;\n }\n _finalizePayload() {\n this._payload = this._request.payload;\n this._contentType = this._request.contentType;\n if (!this._payload && this._request.allowsPayload()) {\n if (!this._contentType) {\n this._contentType = this._params.hasBinaryValues() ? CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_DATA : CONTENT_TYPE_URL_ENCODED;\n }\n if (this._contentType === CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_DATA) {\n this._contentType = null;\n this._payload = this._params.toFormData();\n }\n else {\n this._payload = this._params.toQuery().replace(/%20/g, '+');\n }\n }\n }\n },\n (() => {\n u.memoizeMethod(_a.prototype, {\n _finalizePayload: true,\n _getMethod: true,\n });\n })(),\n _a);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 74 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.Response = class Response extends up.Record {\n keys() {\n return [\n 'method',\n 'url',\n 'text',\n 'status',\n 'request',\n 'xhr',\n 'target',\n 'title',\n 'acceptLayer',\n 'dismissLayer',\n 'eventPlans',\n 'context',\n 'expireCache',\n 'evictCache',\n 'headers',\n 'loadedAt',\n 'fail',\n ];\n }\n defaults() {\n return {\n headers: {},\n loadedAt: new Date()\n };\n }\n get ok() {\n return !u.evalOption(this.fail ?? up.network.config.fail, this);\n }\n get none() {\n return !this.text;\n }\n isCacheable() {\n return this.ok && !this.none;\n }\n header(name) {\n return this.headers[name] || this.xhr?.getResponseHeader(name);\n }\n get ownInfluncingHeaders() {\n let influencingHeaders = up.protocol.influencingHeadersFromResponse(this);\n return u.filter(influencingHeaders, (headerName) => this.request.header(headerName));\n }\n get contentType() {\n return this.header('Content-Type');\n }\n get cspNonces() {\n return up.protocol.cspNoncesFromHeader(this.header('Content-Security-Policy') || this.header('Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only'));\n }\n get lastModified() {\n let header = this.header('Last-Modified');\n if (header) {\n return new Date(header);\n }\n }\n get etag() {\n return this.header('ETag');\n }\n get json() {\n return this.parsedJSON ||= JSON.parse(this.text);\n }\n get age() {\n let now = new Date();\n return now - this.loadedAt;\n }\n get expired() {\n return this.age > up.network.config.cacheExpireAge ||\n this.request.expired;\n }\n get description() {\n return `HTTP ${this.status} response to ${this.request.description}`;\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 75 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nvar _a;\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.ResponseDoc = (_a = class ResponseDoc {\n constructor({ document, fragment, content, target, origin, cspNonces, match }) {\n if (document) {\n this._parseDocument(document);\n }\n else if (fragment) {\n this._parseFragment(fragment);\n }\n else {\n this._parseContent(content || '', target);\n }\n this._cspNonces = cspNonces;\n if (origin) {\n let originSelector = up.fragment.tryToTarget(origin);\n if (originSelector) {\n this._rediscoveredOrigin = this.select(originSelector);\n }\n }\n this._match = match;\n }\n _parseDocument(document) {\n document = this._parse(document, e.createBrokenDocumentFromHTML);\n this._isDocumentBroken = true;\n this._useParseResult(document);\n }\n _parseFragment(fragment) {\n fragment = this._parse(fragment, e.createFromHTML);\n this._useParseResult(fragment);\n }\n _parseContent(content, target) {\n if (!target)\n up.fail(\"must pass a { target } when passing { content }\");\n target = u.map(up.fragment.parseTargetSteps(target), 'selector').join();\n const matchingElement = e.createFromSelector(target);\n if (u.isString(content)) {\n matchingElement.innerHTML = content;\n }\n else {\n matchingElement.appendChild(content);\n }\n this._useParseResult(matchingElement);\n }\n _parse(value, parseFn) {\n if (u.isString(value)) {\n value = parseFn(value);\n }\n return value;\n }\n _useParseResult(node) {\n if (node instanceof Document) {\n this._document = node;\n }\n else {\n this._document = document.createElement('up-document');\n this._document.append(node);\n this._document.documentElement = node;\n }\n }\n rootSelector() {\n return up.fragment.toTarget(this._document.documentElement);\n }\n get title() {\n return this._fromHead(this._getTitleText);\n }\n _getHead() {\n let { head } = this._document;\n if (head && head.childNodes.length > 0) {\n return head;\n }\n }\n _fromHead(fn) {\n let head = this._getHead();\n return head && fn(head);\n }\n get metaTags() {\n return this._fromHead(up.history.findMetaTags);\n }\n get assets() {\n return this._fromHead(up.script.findAssets);\n }\n _getTitleText(head) {\n return head.querySelector('title')?.textContent;\n }\n select(selector) {\n let finder = new up.FragmentFinder({\n selector: selector,\n origin: this._rediscoveredOrigin,\n document: this._document,\n match: this._match,\n });\n return finder.find();\n }\n selectSteps(steps) {\n return steps.filter((step) => {\n return this._trySelectStep(step) || this._cannotMatchStep(step);\n });\n }\n commitSteps(steps) {\n return steps.filter((step) => this.commitElement(step.newElement));\n }\n _trySelectStep(step) {\n if (step.newElement) {\n return true;\n }\n let newElement = this.select(step.selector);\n if (!newElement) {\n return;\n }\n let { selectEvent } = step;\n if (selectEvent) {\n selectEvent.newFragment = newElement;\n selectEvent.renderOptions = step.originalRenderOptions;\n up.emit(step.oldElement, selectEvent, { callback: step.selectCallback });\n if (selectEvent.defaultPrevented) {\n return;\n }\n }\n step.newElement = newElement;\n return true;\n }\n _cannotMatchStep(step) {\n if (!step.maybe) {\n throw new up.CannotMatch();\n }\n }\n commitElement(element) {\n if (this._document.contains(element)) {\n if (!up.fragment.config.runScripts) {\n up.script.disableSubtree(element);\n }\n element.remove();\n return true;\n }\n }\n finalizeElement(element) {\n up.NonceableCallback.adoptNonces(element, this._cspNonces);\n if (this._isDocumentBroken) {\n let brokenElements = e.subtree(element, ':is(noscript,script,audio,video):not(.up-keeping, .up-keeping *)');\n u.each(brokenElements, e.fixParserDamage);\n }\n }\n },\n (() => {\n u.memoizeMethod(_a.prototype, {\n _getHead: true,\n });\n })(),\n _a);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 76 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst e = up.element;\nconst u = up.util;\nup.RevealMotion = class RevealMotion {\n constructor(element, options = {}) {\n this._element = element;\n this._viewport = e.get(options.viewport) || up.viewport.get(this._element);\n this._obstructionsLayer = up.layer.get(this._viewport);\n this._behavior = options.behavior ?? 'instant';\n const viewportConfig = up.viewport.config;\n this._snap = options.snap ?? options.revealSnap ?? viewportConfig.revealSnap;\n this._padding = options.padding ?? options.revealPadding ?? viewportConfig.revealPadding;\n this._top = options.top ?? options.revealTop ?? viewportConfig.revealTop;\n this._max = options.max ?? options.revealMax ?? viewportConfig.revealMax;\n this._topObstructionSelector = viewportConfig.selector('fixedTopSelectors');\n this._bottomObstructionSelector = viewportConfig.selector('fixedBottomSelectors');\n }\n start() {\n const viewportRect = this._getViewportRect(this._viewport);\n const elementRect = up.Rect.fromElement(this._element);\n if (this._max) {\n const maxPixels = u.evalOption(this._max, this._element);\n elementRect.height = Math.min(elementRect.height, maxPixels);\n }\n this._addPadding(elementRect);\n this._substractObstructions(viewportRect);\n if (viewportRect.height < 0) {\n up.fail('Viewport has no visible area');\n }\n const originalScrollTop = this._viewport.scrollTop;\n let newScrollTop = originalScrollTop;\n if (this._top || (elementRect.height > viewportRect.height)) {\n const diff = elementRect.top - viewportRect.top;\n newScrollTop += diff;\n }\n else if (elementRect.top < viewportRect.top) {\n newScrollTop -= (viewportRect.top - elementRect.top);\n }\n else if (elementRect.bottom > viewportRect.bottom) {\n newScrollTop += (elementRect.bottom - viewportRect.bottom);\n }\n else {\n }\n if (u.isNumber(this._snap) && (newScrollTop < this._snap) && (elementRect.top < (0.5 * viewportRect.height))) {\n newScrollTop = 0;\n }\n if (newScrollTop !== originalScrollTop) {\n this._viewport.scrollTo({ top: newScrollTop, behavior: this._behavior });\n }\n }\n _getViewportRect() {\n if (up.viewport.isRoot(this._viewport)) {\n return new up.Rect({\n left: 0,\n top: 0,\n width: up.viewport.rootWidth(),\n height: up.viewport.rootHeight()\n });\n }\n else {\n return up.Rect.fromElement(this._viewport);\n }\n }\n _addPadding(elementRect) {\n elementRect.top -= this._padding;\n elementRect.height += 2 * this._padding;\n }\n _selectObstructions(selector) {\n let elements = up.fragment.all(selector, { layer: this._obstructionsLayer });\n return u.filter(elements, e.isVisible);\n }\n _substractObstructions(viewportRect) {\n for (let obstruction of this._selectObstructions(this._topObstructionSelector)) {\n let obstructionRect = up.Rect.fromElement(obstruction);\n let diff = obstructionRect.bottom - viewportRect.top;\n if (diff > 0) {\n viewportRect.top += diff;\n viewportRect.height -= diff;\n }\n }\n for (let obstruction of this._selectObstructions(this._bottomObstructionSelector)) {\n let obstructionRect = up.Rect.fromElement(obstruction);\n let diff = viewportRect.bottom - obstructionRect.top;\n if (diff > 0) {\n viewportRect.height -= diff;\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 77 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst CSS_HAS_SUFFIX_PATTERN = /:has\\(([^)]+)\\)$/;\nup.Selector = class Selector {\n constructor(selector, elementOrDocument, options = {}) {\n this._filters = [];\n if (!options.destroying) {\n this._filters.push(up.fragment.isNotDestroying);\n }\n let matchingInExternalDocument = elementOrDocument && !document.contains(elementOrDocument);\n let expandTargetLayer;\n if (matchingInExternalDocument || options.layer === 'any') {\n expandTargetLayer = up.layer.root;\n }\n else {\n options.layer ??= u.presence(elementOrDocument, u.isElement);\n this._layers = up.layer.getAll(options);\n if (!this._layers.length)\n throw new up.CannotMatch([\"Unknown layer: %o\", options.layer]);\n this._filters.push(match => u.some(this._layers, layer => layer.contains(match)));\n expandTargetLayer = this._layers[0];\n }\n let expandedTargets = up.fragment.expandTargets(selector, { ...options, layer: expandTargetLayer });\n this._selectors = expandedTargets.map((target) => {\n if (!up.browser.canHasSelector()) {\n target = target.replace(CSS_HAS_SUFFIX_PATTERN, (match, descendantSelector) => {\n this._filters.push(element => element.querySelector(descendantSelector));\n return '';\n });\n }\n return target || '*';\n });\n this._unionSelector = this._selectors.join() || 'match-none';\n }\n matches(element) {\n return element.matches(this._unionSelector) && this._passesFilter(element);\n }\n closest(element) {\n let parentElement;\n if (this.matches(element)) {\n return element;\n }\n else if (parentElement = element.parentElement) {\n return this.closest(parentElement);\n }\n }\n _passesFilter(element) {\n return u.every(this._filters, filter => filter(element));\n }\n descendants(root = document) {\n const results = u.flatMap(this._selectors, selector => root.querySelectorAll(selector));\n return u.filter(results, element => this._passesFilter(element));\n }\n subtree(root) {\n const results = [];\n if (!(root instanceof Document) && this.matches(root)) {\n results.push(root);\n }\n results.push(...this.descendants(root));\n return results;\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 78 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.Tether = class Tether {\n constructor(options) {\n up.migrate.handleTetherOptions?.(options);\n this._anchor = options.anchor;\n this._align = options.align;\n this._position = options.position;\n this._alignAxis = (this._position === 'top') || (this._position === 'bottom') ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';\n this._viewport = up.viewport.get(this._anchor);\n this.parent = this._viewport === e.root ? document.body : this._viewport;\n this._syncOnScroll = !this._viewport.contains(this._anchor.offsetParent);\n }\n start(element) {\n this._element = element;\n this._element.style.position = 'absolute';\n this._setOffset(0, 0);\n this.sync();\n this._changeEventSubscription('on');\n }\n stop() {\n this._changeEventSubscription('off');\n }\n _changeEventSubscription(fn) {\n let doScheduleSync = this._scheduleSync.bind(this);\n up[fn](window, 'resize', doScheduleSync);\n if (this._syncOnScroll) {\n up[fn](this._viewport, 'scroll', doScheduleSync);\n }\n }\n _scheduleSync() {\n clearTimeout(this.syncTimer);\n return this.syncTimer = u.task(this.sync.bind(this));\n }\n isDetached() {\n return !this.parent.isConnected || !this._anchor.isConnected;\n }\n sync() {\n const elementBox = this._element.getBoundingClientRect();\n const elementMargin = {\n top: e.styleNumber(this._element, 'marginTop'),\n right: e.styleNumber(this._element, 'marginRight'),\n bottom: e.styleNumber(this._element, 'marginBottom'),\n left: e.styleNumber(this._element, 'marginLeft')\n };\n const anchorBox = this._anchor.getBoundingClientRect();\n let left;\n let top;\n switch (this._alignAxis) {\n case 'horizontal': {\n switch (this._position) {\n case 'top':\n top = anchorBox.top - elementMargin.bottom - elementBox.height;\n break;\n case 'bottom':\n top = anchorBox.top + anchorBox.height + elementMargin.top;\n break;\n }\n switch (this._align) {\n case 'left':\n left = anchorBox.left + elementMargin.left;\n break;\n case 'center':\n left = anchorBox.left + (0.5 * (anchorBox.width - elementBox.width));\n break;\n case 'right':\n left = (anchorBox.left + anchorBox.width) - elementBox.width - elementMargin.right;\n break;\n }\n break;\n }\n case 'vertical': {\n switch (this._align) {\n case 'top':\n top = anchorBox.top + elementMargin.top;\n break;\n case 'center':\n top = anchorBox.top + (0.5 * (anchorBox.height - elementBox.height));\n break;\n case 'bottom':\n top = (anchorBox.top + anchorBox.height) - elementBox.height - elementMargin.bottom;\n break;\n }\n switch (this._position) {\n case 'left':\n left = anchorBox.left - elementMargin.right - elementBox.width;\n break;\n case 'right':\n left = anchorBox.left + anchorBox.width + elementMargin.left;\n break;\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n if (u.isDefined(left) || u.isDefined(top)) {\n this._moveTo(left, top);\n }\n else {\n up.fail('Invalid tether constraints: %o', this._describeConstraints());\n }\n }\n _describeConstraints() {\n return { position: this._position, align: this._align };\n }\n _moveTo(targetLeft, targetTop) {\n const elementBox = this._element.getBoundingClientRect();\n this._setOffset((targetLeft - elementBox.left) + this.offsetLeft, (targetTop - elementBox.top) + this.offsetTop);\n }\n _setOffset(left, top) {\n this.offsetLeft = left;\n this.offsetTop = top;\n e.setStyle(this._element, { left, top });\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 79 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nconst u = up.util;\nup.URLPattern = class URLPattern {\n constructor(fullPattern, normalizeURL = u.normalizeURL) {\n this._normalizeURL = normalizeURL;\n this._groups = [];\n const positiveList = [];\n const negativeList = [];\n for (let pattern of u.parseTokens(fullPattern)) {\n if (pattern[0] === '-') {\n negativeList.push(pattern.substring(1));\n }\n else {\n positiveList.push(pattern);\n }\n }\n this._positiveRegexp = this._buildRegexp(positiveList, true);\n this._negativeRegexp = this._buildRegexp(negativeList, false);\n }\n _buildRegexp(list, capture) {\n if (!list.length) {\n return;\n }\n list = list.map((url) => {\n if (url[0] === '*') {\n url = '/' + url;\n }\n url = this._normalizeURL(url);\n url = u.escapeRegExp(url);\n return url;\n });\n let reCode = list.join('|');\n reCode = reCode.replace(/\\\\\\*/g, '.*?');\n reCode = reCode.replace(/(:|\\\\\\$)([a-z][\\w-]*)/ig, (match, type, name) => {\n if (type === '\\\\$') {\n if (capture) {\n this._groups.push({ name, cast: Number });\n }\n return '(\\\\d+)';\n }\n else {\n if (capture) {\n this._groups.push({ name, cast: String });\n }\n return '([^/?#]+)';\n }\n });\n return new RegExp('^(?:' + reCode + ')$');\n }\n test(url, doNormalize = true) {\n if (doNormalize) {\n url = this._normalizeURL(url);\n }\n return this._positiveRegexp.test(url) && !this._isExcluded(url);\n }\n recognize(url, doNormalize = true) {\n if (doNormalize) {\n url = this._normalizeURL(url);\n }\n let match = this._positiveRegexp.exec(url);\n if (match && !this._isExcluded(url)) {\n const resolution = {};\n this._groups.forEach((group, groupIndex) => {\n let value = match[groupIndex + 1];\n if (value) {\n return resolution[group.name] = group.cast(value);\n }\n });\n return resolution;\n }\n }\n _isExcluded(url) {\n return this._negativeRegexp?.test(url);\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 80 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.framework = (function () {\n let readyState = 'evaling';\n function emitReset() {\n up.emit('up:framework:reset', { log: false });\n }\n function boot() {\n if (readyState !== 'configuring') {\n console.error('Unpoly has already booted');\n return;\n }\n let issue = supportIssue();\n if (!issue) {\n readyState = 'booting';\n up.emit('up:framework:boot', { log: false });\n readyState = 'booted';\n up.emit('up:framework:booted', { log: false });\n }\n else {\n console.error(\"Unpoly cannot boot: %s\", issue);\n }\n }\n function mustBootManually() {\n let unpolyScript = document.currentScript;\n if (unpolyScript?.async) {\n return true;\n }\n if (unpolyScript?.getAttribute('up-boot') === 'manual') {\n return true;\n }\n if (document.readyState === 'complete') {\n return true;\n }\n }\n function onEvaled() {\n up.emit('up:framework:evaled', { log: false });\n if (mustBootManually()) {\n console.debug('Call up.boot() after you have configured Unpoly');\n }\n else {\n document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', boot);\n }\n readyState = 'configuring';\n }\n function startExtension() {\n if (readyState !== 'configuring') {\n throw new Error('Unpoly extensions must be loaded before booting');\n }\n readyState = 'evaling';\n }\n function stopExtension() {\n readyState = 'configuring';\n }\n function isSupported() {\n return !supportIssue();\n }\n function supportIssue() {\n for (let feature of ['URL', 'Proxy', 'Promise', 'DOMParser', 'FormData']) {\n if (!window[feature]) {\n return `Browser doesn't support the ${feature} API`;\n }\n }\n if (document.compatMode === 'BackCompat') {\n return 'Browser is in quirks mode (missing DOCTYPE?)';\n }\n }\n return {\n onEvaled,\n boot,\n startExtension,\n stopExtension,\n reset: emitReset,\n get evaling() { return readyState === 'evaling'; },\n get booted() { return readyState === 'booted'; },\n get beforeBoot() { return readyState !== 'booting' && readyState !== 'booted'; },\n isSupported,\n };\n})();\nup.boot = up.framework.boot;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 81 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.event = (function () {\n const u = up.util;\n const e = up.element;\n function reset() {\n for (let globalElement of [window, document, e.root, document.body]) {\n for (let listener of up.EventListener.allNonDefault(globalElement)) {\n listener.unbind();\n }\n }\n }\n function on(...args) {\n return buildListenerGroup(args).bind();\n }\n function off(...args) {\n return buildListenerGroup(args).unbind();\n }\n function buildListenerGroup(args, options) {\n return up.EventListenerGroup.fromBindArgs(args, options);\n }\n function buildEmitter(args) {\n return up.EventEmitter.fromEmitArgs(args);\n }\n function emit(...args) {\n return buildEmitter(args).emit();\n }\n function build(...args) {\n const props = u.extractOptions(args);\n const type = args[0] || props.type || up.fail('Expected event type to be passed as string argument or { type } property');\n const event = document.createEvent('Event');\n event.initEvent(type, true, true);\n Object.assign(event, u.omit(props, ['type', 'target']));\n return event;\n }\n function assertEmitted(...args) {\n return buildEmitter(args).assertEmitted();\n }\n function onEscape(listener) {\n return on('keydown', function (event) {\n if (event.key === 'Escape') {\n return listener(event);\n }\n });\n }\n function halt(event, options = {}) {\n if (options.log)\n up.log.putsEvent(event);\n event.stopImmediatePropagation();\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n const keyModifiers = ['metaKey', 'shiftKey', 'ctrlKey', 'altKey'];\n function isUnmodified(event) {\n return (u.isUndefined(event.button) || (event.button === 0)) &&\n !u.some(keyModifiers, modifier => event[modifier]);\n }\n function fork(originalEvent, newType, copyKeys = []) {\n const newEvent = up.event.build(newType, u.pick(originalEvent, copyKeys));\n newEvent.originalEvent = originalEvent;\n ['stopPropagation', 'stopImmediatePropagation', 'preventDefault'].forEach(function (key) {\n const originalMethod = newEvent[key];\n return newEvent[key] = function () {\n originalEvent[key]();\n return originalMethod.call(newEvent);\n };\n });\n if (originalEvent.defaultPrevented) {\n newEvent.preventDefault();\n }\n return newEvent;\n }\n function executeEmitAttr(event, element) {\n if (!isUnmodified(event)) {\n return;\n }\n const eventType = e.attr(element, 'up-emit');\n const eventProps = e.jsonAttr(element, 'up-emit-props');\n const forkedEvent = fork(event, eventType);\n Object.assign(forkedEvent, eventProps);\n up.emit(element, forkedEvent);\n }\n on('up:click', 'a[up-emit]', executeEmitAttr);\n let inputDevices = ['unknown'];\n function getInputDevice() {\n return u.last(inputDevices);\n }\n function observeInputDevice(newModality) {\n inputDevices.push(newModality);\n setTimeout(() => inputDevices.pop());\n }\n on('keydown keyup', { capture: true }, () => observeInputDevice('key'));\n on('pointerdown pointerup', { capture: true }, () => observeInputDevice('pointer'));\n on('up:framework:reset', reset);\n return {\n on,\n off,\n build,\n emit,\n assertEmitted,\n onEscape,\n halt,\n isUnmodified,\n fork,\n keyModifiers,\n get inputDevice() { return getInputDevice(); }\n };\n})();\nup.on = up.event.on;\nup.off = up.event.off;\nup.emit = up.event.emit;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 82 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.protocol = (function () {\n const u = up.util;\n const e = up.element;\n const headerize = function (camel) {\n const header = camel.replace(/(^.|[A-Z])/g, char => '-' + char.toUpperCase());\n return 'X-Up' + header;\n };\n const extractHeader = function (xhr, shortHeader, parseFn = u.identity) {\n let value = xhr.getResponseHeader(headerize(shortHeader));\n if (value) {\n return parseFn(value);\n }\n };\n function targetFromXHR(xhr) {\n return extractHeader(xhr, 'target');\n }\n function parseModifyCacheValue(value) {\n if (value === 'false') {\n return false;\n }\n else {\n return value;\n }\n }\n function evictCacheFromXHR(xhr) {\n return extractHeader(xhr, 'evictCache', parseModifyCacheValue);\n }\n function expireCacheFromXHR(xhr) {\n return extractHeader(xhr, 'expireCache') || up.migrate.clearCacheFromXHR?.(xhr);\n }\n function contextFromXHR(xhr) {\n return extractHeader(xhr, 'context', JSON.parse);\n }\n function methodFromXHR(xhr) {\n return extractHeader(xhr, 'method', u.normalizeMethod);\n }\n function titleFromXHR(xhr) {\n return up.migrate.titleFromXHR?.(xhr) ?? extractHeader(xhr, 'title', JSON.parse);\n }\n function eventPlansFromXHR(xhr) {\n return extractHeader(xhr, 'events', JSON.parse);\n }\n function acceptLayerFromXHR(xhr) {\n return extractHeader(xhr, 'acceptLayer', JSON.parse);\n }\n function dismissLayerFromXHR(xhr) {\n return extractHeader(xhr, 'dismissLayer', JSON.parse);\n }\n const initialRequestMethod = u.memoize(function () {\n return u.normalizeMethod(up.browser.popCookie('_up_method'));\n });\n function locationFromXHR(xhr) {\n return extractHeader(xhr, 'location') || xhr.responseURL;\n }\n function influencingHeadersFromResponse(response) {\n let varyHeaderValue = response.header('Vary');\n return u.parseTokens(varyHeaderValue, { separator: 'comma' });\n }\n const config = new up.Config(() => ({\n methodParam: '_method',\n csrfParam() { return e.metaContent('csrf-param'); },\n csrfToken() { return e.metaContent('csrf-token'); },\n cspNonce() { return e.metaContent('csp-nonce'); },\n csrfHeader: 'X-CSRF-Token',\n maxHeaderSize: 2048,\n }));\n function csrfHeader() {\n return u.evalOption(config.csrfHeader);\n }\n function csrfParam() {\n return u.evalOption(config.csrfParam);\n }\n function csrfToken() {\n return u.evalOption(config.csrfToken);\n }\n function cspNonce() {\n return u.evalOption(config.cspNonce);\n }\n function cspNoncesFromHeader(cspHeader) {\n let nonces = [];\n if (cspHeader) {\n let parts = cspHeader.split(/\\s*;\\s*/);\n for (let part of parts) {\n if (part.indexOf('script-src') === 0) {\n let noncePattern = /'nonce-([^']+)'/g;\n let match;\n while (match = noncePattern.exec(part)) {\n nonces.push(match[1]);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return nonces;\n }\n function wrapMethod(method, params) {\n params.add(config.methodParam, method);\n return 'POST';\n }\n return {\n config,\n locationFromXHR,\n titleFromXHR,\n targetFromXHR,\n methodFromXHR,\n acceptLayerFromXHR,\n contextFromXHR,\n dismissLayerFromXHR,\n eventPlansFromXHR,\n expireCacheFromXHR,\n evictCacheFromXHR,\n csrfHeader,\n csrfParam,\n csrfToken,\n cspNonce,\n initialRequestMethod,\n headerize,\n wrapMethod,\n cspNoncesFromHeader,\n influencingHeadersFromResponse,\n };\n})();\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 83 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.log = (function () {\n const u = up.util;\n const config = new up.LogConfig();\n function printToStandard(...args) {\n if (config.enabled) {\n printToStream('log', ...args);\n }\n }\n const printToWarn = (...args) => printToStream('warn', ...args);\n const printToError = (...args) => printToStream('error', ...args);\n function printToStream(stream, trace, message, ...args) {\n printToStreamStyled(stream, trace, '', message, ...args);\n }\n function printToStreamStyled(stream, trace, customStyles, message, ...args) {\n if (message) {\n if (config.format) {\n console[stream](`%c${trace}%c ${message}`, 'color: #666666; padding: 1px 3px; border: 1px solid #bbbbbb; border-radius: 2px; font-size: 90%; display: inline-block;' + customStyles, '', ...args);\n }\n else {\n console[stream](`[${trace}] ${u.sprintf(message, ...args)}`);\n }\n }\n }\n function printUserEvent(event) {\n if (config.enabled) {\n event = event.originalEvent || event;\n let color = '#5566cc';\n printToStreamStyled('log', event.type, `color: white; border-color: ${color}; background-color: ${color}`, 'Interaction on %o', event.target);\n }\n }\n function printBanner() {\n if (!config.banner) {\n return;\n }\n const logo = \" __ _____ ___ ___ / /_ __\\n\" +\n `/ // / _ \\\\/ _ \\\\/ _ \\\\/ / // / ${up.version}\\n` +\n \"\\\\___/_//_/ .__/\\\\___/_/\\\\_. / \\n\" +\n \" / / / /\\n\\n\";\n let text = \"\";\n if (!up.migrate.loaded) {\n text += \"Load unpoly-migrate.js to polyfill deprecated APIs.\\n\\n\";\n }\n if (config.enabled) {\n text += \"Call `up.log.disable()` to disable logging for this session.\";\n }\n else {\n text += \"Call `up.log.enable()` to enable logging for this session.\";\n }\n const color = 'color: #777777';\n if (config.format) {\n console.log('%c' + logo + '%c' + text, 'font-family: monospace;' + color, color);\n }\n else {\n console.log(logo + text);\n }\n }\n up.on('up:framework:boot', printBanner);\n function enable() {\n config.enabled = true;\n }\n function disable() {\n config.enabled = false;\n }\n return {\n puts: printToStandard,\n putsEvent: printUserEvent,\n error: printToError,\n warn: printToWarn,\n config,\n enable,\n disable,\n };\n})();\nup.puts = up.log.puts;\nup.warn = up.log.warn;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 84 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.script = (function () {\n const u = up.util;\n const e = up.element;\n const config = new up.Config(() => ({\n assetSelectors: [\n 'link[rel=stylesheet]',\n 'script[src]',\n '[up-asset]'\n ],\n noAssetSelectors: [\n '[up-asset=false]',\n ],\n nonceableAttributes: [\n 'up-watch',\n 'up-on-accepted',\n 'up-on-dismissed',\n 'up-on-loaded',\n 'up-on-rendered',\n 'up-on-finished',\n 'up-on-error',\n 'up-on-offline',\n ],\n scriptSelectors: [\n 'script'\n ],\n noScriptSelectors: [\n 'script[type=\"application/ld+json\"]'\n ]\n }));\n const SYSTEM_MACRO_PRIORITIES = {\n '[up-back]': -100,\n '[up-content]': -200,\n '[up-drawer]': -200,\n '[up-modal]': -200,\n '[up-cover]': -200,\n '[up-popup]': -200,\n '[up-tooltip]': -200,\n '[up-dash]': -200,\n '[up-flashes]': -200,\n '[up-expand]': -300,\n '[data-method]': -400,\n '[data-confirm]': -400,\n };\n let registeredCompilers = [];\n let registeredMacros = [];\n function registerCompiler(...args) {\n const compiler = buildCompiler(args);\n return insertCompiler(registeredCompilers, compiler);\n }\n function registerMacro(...args) {\n const macro = buildCompiler(args);\n if (up.framework.evaling) {\n macro.priority ||= detectSystemMacroPriority(macro.selector) ||\n up.fail('Unregistered priority for system macro %o', macro.selector);\n }\n return insertCompiler(registeredMacros, macro);\n }\n function detectSystemMacroPriority(macroSelector) {\n macroSelector = u.evalOption(macroSelector);\n for (let substr in SYSTEM_MACRO_PRIORITIES) {\n const priority = SYSTEM_MACRO_PRIORITIES[substr];\n if (macroSelector.indexOf(substr) >= 0) {\n return priority;\n }\n }\n }\n const parseCompilerArgs = function (args) {\n const defaults = u.extractOptions(args);\n const selector = args.shift();\n const callback = args.pop();\n const options = { ...defaults, ...u.extractOptions(args) };\n return [selector, options, callback];\n };\n function buildCompiler(args) {\n let [selector, options, callback] = parseCompilerArgs(args);\n options = u.options(options, {\n selector,\n isDefault: up.framework.evaling,\n priority: 0,\n batch: false,\n });\n return Object.assign(callback, options);\n }\n function insertCompiler(queue, newCompiler) {\n let existingCompiler;\n let index = 0;\n while ((existingCompiler = queue[index]) && (existingCompiler.priority >= newCompiler.priority)) {\n index += 1;\n }\n queue.splice(index, 0, newCompiler);\n if (up.framework.booted) {\n if (newCompiler.priority === 0) {\n for (let layer of up.layer.stack) {\n compile(layer.element, { layer, compilers: [newCompiler] });\n }\n }\n else {\n up.puts('up.compiler()', 'Compiler %s was registered after booting Unpoly. Compiler will run for future fragments only.', newCompiler.selector);\n }\n }\n return newCompiler;\n }\n function compile(fragment, options) {\n up.emit(fragment, 'up:fragment:compile', { log: false });\n let compilers = options.compilers || registeredMacros.concat(registeredCompilers);\n const pass = new up.CompilerPass(fragment, compilers, options);\n pass.run();\n }\n function registerDestructor(element, destructor) {\n let destructors = element.upDestructors;\n if (!destructors) {\n destructors = [];\n element.upDestructors = destructors;\n element.classList.add('up-can-clean');\n }\n if (u.isArray(destructor)) {\n destructors.push(...destructor);\n }\n else {\n destructors.push(destructor);\n }\n }\n function hello(element, options = {}) {\n element = up.fragment.get(element, options);\n up.puts('up.hello()', \"Compiling fragment %o\", element);\n compile(element, options);\n up.fragment.emitInserted(element);\n return element;\n }\n function clean(fragment, options = {}) {\n new up.DestructorPass(fragment, options).run();\n }\n function readData(element) {\n element = up.fragment.get(element);\n return element.upData ||= buildData(element);\n }\n function buildData(element) {\n if (!element.getAttribute) {\n return {};\n }\n let rawJSON = element.getAttribute('up-data');\n let parsedJSON;\n if (rawJSON) {\n parsedJSON = JSON.parse(rawJSON);\n if (!u.isOptions(parsedJSON)) {\n return parsedJSON;\n }\n }\n return {\n ...element.dataset,\n ...parsedJSON,\n ...element.upCompileData,\n };\n }\n function findAssets(head = document.head) {\n return head.querySelectorAll(config.selector('assetSelectors'));\n }\n function assertAssetsOK(newAssets, renderOptions) {\n let oldAssets = findAssets();\n let oldHTML = u.map(oldAssets, 'outerHTML').join();\n let newHTML = u.map(newAssets, 'outerHTML').join();\n if (oldHTML !== newHTML) {\n up.event.assertEmitted('up:assets:changed', { oldAssets, newAssets, renderOptions });\n }\n }\n function disableScript(scriptElement) {\n scriptElement.type = 'up-disabled-script';\n }\n function disableScriptsInSubtree(root) {\n let selector = config.selector('scriptSelectors');\n u.each(e.subtree(root, selector), disableScript);\n }\n function reset() {\n registeredCompilers = u.filter(registeredCompilers, 'isDefault');\n registeredMacros = u.filter(registeredMacros, 'isDefault');\n }\n up.on('up:framework:reset', reset);\n return {\n config,\n compiler: registerCompiler,\n macro: registerMacro,\n destructor: registerDestructor,\n hello,\n clean,\n data: readData,\n findAssets,\n assertAssetsOK,\n disableSubtree: disableScriptsInSubtree,\n };\n})();\nup.compiler = up.script.compiler;\nup.destructor = up.script.destructor;\nup.macro = up.script.macro;\nup.data = up.script.data;\nup.hello = up.script.hello;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 85 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.history = (function () {\n const u = up.util;\n const e = up.element;\n const config = new up.Config(() => ({\n enabled: true,\n updateMetaTags: true,\n restoreTargets: ['body'],\n metaTagSelectors: [\n 'meta',\n 'link[rel=alternate]',\n 'link[rel=canonical]',\n 'link[rel=icon]',\n '[up-meta]',\n 'script[type=\"application/ld+json\"]',\n ],\n noMetaTagSelectors: [\n 'meta[http-equiv]',\n '[up-meta=false]',\n 'meta[name=csp-nonce]',\n ],\n }));\n let previousLocation;\n let nextPreviousLocation;\n function reset() {\n previousLocation = undefined;\n nextPreviousLocation = undefined;\n trackCurrentLocation();\n }\n const DEFAULT_NORMALIZE_OPTIONS = { hash: true };\n function normalizeURL(url, options) {\n options = u.merge(DEFAULT_NORMALIZE_OPTIONS, options);\n return u.normalizeURL(url, options);\n }\n function currentLocation(normalizeOptions) {\n return normalizeURL(location.href, normalizeOptions);\n }\n function trackCurrentLocation() {\n const url = currentLocation();\n if (nextPreviousLocation !== url) {\n previousLocation = nextPreviousLocation;\n nextPreviousLocation = url;\n }\n }\n trackCurrentLocation();\n const ADDITIONAL_NORMALIZE_OPTIONS_FOR_COMPARISON = { trailingSlash: false };\n function isLocation(url, options) {\n options = u.merge(ADDITIONAL_NORMALIZE_OPTIONS_FOR_COMPARISON, options);\n return normalizeURL(url, options) === currentLocation(options);\n }\n function replace(location, options = {}) {\n location = normalizeURL(location);\n if (manipulate('replaceState', location) && (options.event !== false)) {\n emitLocationChanged({ location, reason: 'replace', log: `Replaced state for ${location}` });\n }\n }\n function push(location) {\n location = normalizeURL(location);\n if (!isLocation(location) && manipulate('pushState', location)) {\n emitLocationChanged({ location, reason: 'push', log: `Advanced to location ${location}` });\n }\n }\n function emitLocationChanged(props) {\n let event = up.event.build('up:location:changed', props);\n up.migrate?.renamedProperty?.(event, 'url', 'location');\n up.emit(event);\n }\n function manipulate(method, url) {\n if (config.enabled) {\n const state = buildState();\n window.history[method](state, '', url);\n trackCurrentLocation();\n return true;\n }\n }\n function buildState() {\n return { up: {} };\n }\n function restoreStateOnPop(state) {\n if (!state?.up) {\n up.puts('popstate', 'Ignoring a history state not owned by Unpoly');\n return;\n }\n let location = currentLocation();\n if (up.emit('up:location:restore', { location, log: `Restoring location ${location}` }).defaultPrevented) {\n return;\n }\n up.render({\n url: location,\n target: config.restoreTargets,\n fail: false,\n history: true,\n location,\n peel: true,\n layer: 'root',\n cache: true,\n saveScroll: false,\n scroll: ['restore', 'auto'],\n saveFocus: false,\n focus: ['restore', 'auto'],\n });\n }\n function onPop(event) {\n trackCurrentLocation();\n let location = currentLocation();\n emitLocationChanged({ location, reason: 'pop', log: `Navigated to history entry ${location}` });\n up.viewport.saveFocus({ location: previousLocation });\n up.viewport.saveScroll({ location: previousLocation });\n restoreStateOnPop(event.state);\n }\n function register() {\n window.addEventListener('popstate', onPop);\n if (up.protocol.initialRequestMethod() === 'GET') {\n replace(currentLocation(), { event: false });\n }\n }\n up.on('up:framework:boot', function () {\n if ('jasmine' in window) {\n register();\n }\n else {\n setTimeout(register, 100);\n }\n });\n function findMetaTags(head = document.head) {\n return head.querySelectorAll(config.selector('metaTagSelectors'));\n }\n function updateMetaTags(newMetaTags) {\n let oldMetaTags = findMetaTags();\n for (let oldMetaTag of oldMetaTags) {\n oldMetaTag.remove();\n }\n for (let newMetaTag of newMetaTags) {\n document.head.append(newMetaTag);\n }\n }\n up.macro('a[up-back], [up-href][up-back]', function (link) {\n if (previousLocation) {\n e.setMissingAttrs(link, {\n 'up-href': previousLocation,\n 'up-scroll': 'restore'\n });\n link.removeAttribute('up-back');\n up.link.makeFollowable(link);\n }\n });\n up.on('up:framework:reset', reset);\n return {\n config,\n push,\n replace,\n get location() { return currentLocation(); },\n get previousLocation() { return previousLocation; },\n normalizeURL,\n isLocation,\n findMetaTags,\n updateMetaTags,\n };\n})();\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 86 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {\n\n__webpack_require__(87);\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.fragment = (function () {\n function upTagName(element) {\n let tagName = e.tagName(element);\n if (tagName.startsWith('up-')) {\n return tagName;\n }\n }\n const config = new up.Config(() => ({\n badTargetClasses: [/^up-/],\n targetDerivers: [\n '[up-id]',\n '[id]',\n 'html',\n 'head',\n 'body',\n 'main',\n '[up-main]',\n upTagName,\n 'link[rel][type]',\n 'link[rel=preload][href]',\n 'link[rel=preconnect][href]',\n 'link[rel=prefetch][href]',\n 'link[rel]',\n 'meta[property]',\n '*[name]',\n 'form[action]',\n 'a[href]',\n '[class]',\n '[up-flashes]',\n 'form',\n ],\n verifyDerivedTarget: true,\n navigateOptions: {\n cache: 'auto',\n revalidate: 'auto',\n feedback: true,\n fallback: true,\n focus: 'auto',\n scroll: 'auto',\n history: 'auto',\n peel: true,\n },\n match: 'region',\n runScripts: true,\n autoHistoryTargets: [':main'],\n autoFocus: ['hash', 'autofocus', 'main-if-main', 'keep', 'target-if-lost'],\n autoScroll: ['hash', 'layer-if-main'],\n autoRevalidate: (response) => response.expired,\n skipResponse: defaultSkipResponse\n }));\n u.delegate(config, ['mainTargets'], () => up.layer.config.any);\n function defaultSkipResponse({ response, expiredResponse }) {\n return !response.text || response.text === expiredResponse?.text;\n }\n function sourceOf(element, options = {}) {\n element = getSmart(element, options);\n return e.closestAttr(element, 'up-source');\n }\n function timeOf(element) {\n let value = e.closestAttr(element, 'up-time');\n if (value && value !== 'false') {\n if (/^\\d+$/.test(value)) {\n value = Number(value) * 1000;\n }\n return new Date(value);\n }\n }\n function etagOf(element) {\n let value = e.closestAttr(element, 'up-etag');\n if (value && value !== 'false') {\n return value;\n }\n }\n const render = up.mockable((...args) => {\n let options = parseTargetAndOptions(args);\n return new up.RenderJob(options).execute();\n });\n const navigate = up.mockable((...args) => {\n const options = parseTargetAndOptions(args);\n return render({ ...options, navigate: true });\n });\n function emitFragmentInserted(element) {\n return up.emit(element, 'up:fragment:inserted', {\n log: ['Inserted fragment %o', element],\n });\n }\n function emitFragmentKeep(keepPlan) {\n let { oldElement, newElement: newFragment, newData, renderOptions } = keepPlan;\n const log = ['Keeping fragment %o', oldElement];\n const callback = e.callbackAttr(oldElement, 'up-on-keep', { exposedKeys: ['newFragment', 'newData'] });\n return up.emit(oldElement, 'up:fragment:keep', { newFragment, newData, renderOptions, log, callback });\n }\n function emitFragmentDestroyed(fragment, options) {\n const log = options.log ?? ['Destroyed fragment %o', fragment];\n const parent = options.parent || document;\n return up.emit(parent, 'up:fragment:destroyed', { fragment, parent, log });\n }\n function isNotDestroying(element) {\n return !element.closest('.up-destroying');\n }\n function isAlive(fragment) {\n return fragment.isConnected && isNotDestroying(fragment);\n }\n function getSmart(...args) {\n const options = u.extractOptions(args);\n const selector = args.pop();\n const root = args[0];\n if (u.isElementish(selector)) {\n return e.get(selector);\n }\n if (root) {\n return getDumb(root, selector, options);\n }\n return new up.FragmentFinder({\n selector,\n origin: options.origin,\n layer: options.layer,\n match: options.match,\n }).find();\n }\n function getDumb(...args) {\n return getAll(...args)[0];\n }\n function getAll(...args) {\n const options = u.extractOptions(args);\n let selectorString = args.pop();\n const root = args[0];\n if (u.isElement(selectorString)) {\n return [selectorString];\n }\n if (u.isList(selectorString)) {\n return selectorString;\n }\n let selector = new up.Selector(selectorString, root, options);\n return selector.descendants(root);\n }\n function getSubtree(element, selector, options = {}) {\n return new up.Selector(selector, element, options).subtree(element);\n }\n function contains(root, selectorOrElement) {\n if (u.isElement(selectorOrElement)) {\n return e.contains(root, selectorOrElement) && up.layer.get(root).contains(selectorOrElement);\n }\n else {\n return getSubtree(root, selectorOrElement).length > 0;\n }\n }\n function closest(element, selector, options) {\n return new up.Selector(selector, element, options).closest(element);\n }\n function destroy(...args) {\n const options = parseTargetAndOptions(args);\n if (options.element = getSmart(options.target, options)) {\n new up.Change.DestroyFragment(options).execute();\n }\n return up.migrate.formerlyAsync?.('up.destroy()');\n }\n function parseTargetAndOptions(args) {\n const options = u.parseArgIntoOptions(args, 'target');\n if (u.isElement(options.target)) {\n options.origin ||= options.target;\n }\n return options;\n }\n function markFragmentAsDestroying(element) {\n element.classList.add('up-destroying');\n element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');\n }\n function reload(...args) {\n const options = parseTargetAndOptions(args);\n options.target ||= ':main';\n const element = getSmart(options.target, options);\n options.url ||= sourceOf(element);\n options.headers = u.merge(options.headers, conditionalHeaders(element));\n if (options.keepData || e.booleanAttr(element, 'up-keep-data')) {\n options.data = up.data(element);\n }\n up.migrate.postprocessReloadOptions?.(options);\n return render(options);\n }\n function conditionalHeaders(element) {\n let headers = {};\n let time = timeOf(element);\n if (time) {\n headers['If-Modified-Since'] = time.toUTCString();\n }\n let etag = etagOf(element);\n if (etag) {\n headers['If-None-Match'] = etag;\n }\n return headers;\n }\n function visit(url, options) {\n return navigate({ ...options, url });\n }\n const KEY_PATTERN = /^(onFail|on|fail)?(.+)$/;\n function successKey(key) {\n let match = KEY_PATTERN.exec(key);\n if (match) {\n let [_, prefix, suffix] = match;\n switch (prefix) {\n case 'onFail':\n return 'on' + u.upperCaseFirst(suffix);\n case 'fail':\n return u.lowerCaseFirst(suffix);\n }\n }\n }\n function failKey(key) {\n let match = KEY_PATTERN.exec(key);\n if (match) {\n let [_, prefix, suffix] = match;\n switch (prefix) {\n case 'on':\n return 'onFail' + u.upperCaseFirst(suffix);\n case undefined:\n return 'fail' + u.upperCaseFirst(suffix);\n }\n }\n }\n function toTarget(element, options) {\n return u.presence(element, u.isString) || tryToTarget(element, options) || cannotTarget(element);\n }\n function isTargetable(element) {\n return !!tryToTarget(element);\n }\n function untargetableMessage(element) {\n return `Cannot derive good target selector from a <${e.tagName(element)}> element without identifying attributes. Try setting an [id] or configure up.fragment.config.targetDerivers.`;\n }\n function cannotTarget(element) {\n throw new up.CannotTarget(untargetableMessage(element));\n }\n function tryToTarget(element, options) {\n return u.findResult(config.targetDerivers, function (deriver) {\n let target = deriveTarget(element, deriver);\n if (target && isGoodTarget(target, element, options)) {\n return target;\n }\n });\n }\n function deriveTarget(element, deriver) {\n if (u.isFunction(deriver)) {\n return deriver(element);\n }\n else if (element.matches(deriver)) {\n try {\n return deriveTargetFromPattern(element, deriver);\n }\n catch (e) {\n if (e instanceof up.CannotParse) {\n return deriver;\n }\n else {\n throw e;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n function deriveTargetFromPattern(element, deriver) {\n let { includePath, excludeRaw } = up.element.parseSelector(deriver);\n if (includePath.length !== 1) {\n throw new up.CannotParse(deriver);\n }\n let { tagName, id, classNames, attributes } = includePath[0];\n let result = '';\n if (tagName === '*') {\n result += e.tagName(element);\n }\n else if (tagName) {\n result += tagName;\n }\n for (let className of classNames) {\n result += e.classSelector(className);\n }\n if (id) {\n result += e.idSelector(id);\n }\n for (let attributeName in attributes) {\n let attributeValue = attributes[attributeName] || element.getAttribute(attributeName);\n if (attributeName === 'id') {\n result += e.idSelector(attributeValue);\n }\n else if (attributeName === 'class') {\n for (let goodClass of goodClassesForTarget(element)) {\n result += e.classSelector(goodClass);\n }\n }\n else {\n result += e.attrSelector(attributeName, attributeValue);\n }\n }\n if (excludeRaw) {\n result += excludeRaw;\n }\n return result;\n }\n function isGoodTarget(target, element, options = {}) {\n return !isAlive(element) || !config.verifyDerivedTarget || up.fragment.get(target, { layer: element, ...options }) === element;\n }\n function matchesPattern(pattern, str) {\n if (u.isRegExp(pattern)) {\n return pattern.test(str);\n }\n else {\n return pattern === str;\n }\n }\n function goodClassesForTarget(element) {\n let isGood = (klass) => !u.some(config.badTargetClasses, (badTargetClass) => matchesPattern(badTargetClass, klass));\n return u.filter(element.classList, isGood);\n }\n const MAIN_PSEUDO = /:main\\b/;\n const LAYER_PSEUDO = /:layer\\b/;\n const ORIGIN_PSEUDO = /:origin\\b/;\n function containsMainPseudo(target) {\n return MAIN_PSEUDO.test(target);\n }\n function expandTargets(targets, options = {}) {\n const { layer } = options;\n if (layer !== 'new' && !(layer instanceof up.Layer)) {\n up.fail('Must pass an up.Layer as { layer } option, but got %o', layer);\n }\n targets = u.copy(u.wrapList(targets));\n const expanded = [];\n while (targets.length) {\n let target = targets.shift();\n if (target === true)\n target = ':main';\n if (containsMainPseudo(target)) {\n let mode = resolveMode(options);\n let replaced = up.layer.mainTargets(mode).map((mainTarget) => target.replace(MAIN_PSEUDO, mainTarget));\n targets.unshift(...replaced);\n }\n else if (LAYER_PSEUDO.test(target)) {\n if (layer === 'new' || layer.opening)\n continue;\n let firstSwappableTarget = toTarget(layer.getFirstSwappableElement(), options);\n targets.unshift(target.replace(LAYER_PSEUDO, firstSwappableTarget));\n }\n else if (u.isElementish(target)) {\n expanded.push(toTarget(target, options));\n }\n else if (u.isString(target)) {\n expanded.push(resolveOrigin(target, options));\n }\n }\n return u.uniq(expanded);\n }\n function resolveMode({ layer, mode }) {\n if (layer === 'new') {\n return mode || up.fail('Must pass a { mode } option together with { layer: \"new\" }');\n }\n else {\n return layer.mode;\n }\n }\n function modernResolveOrigin(target, { origin } = {}) {\n return target.replace(ORIGIN_PSEUDO, function (match) {\n if (origin) {\n return toTarget(origin);\n }\n else {\n up.fail('Missing { origin } element to resolve \"%s\" reference (found in %s)', match, target);\n }\n });\n }\n function resolveOrigin(...args) {\n return (up.migrate.resolveOrigin || modernResolveOrigin)(...args);\n }\n function splitTarget(target) {\n return u.parseTokens(target, { separator: 'comma' });\n }\n function parseTargetSteps(target, options = {}) {\n let defaultPlacement = options.defaultPlacement || 'swap';\n let defaultMaybe = options.defaultMaybe ?? false;\n let steps = [];\n let simpleSelectors = splitTarget(target);\n for (let selector of simpleSelectors) {\n if (selector === ':none')\n continue;\n let placement = defaultPlacement;\n let maybe = defaultMaybe;\n selector = selector.replace(/\\b::?(before|after)\\b/, (_match, customPlacement) => {\n placement = customPlacement;\n return '';\n });\n selector = selector.replace(/\\b:maybe\\b/, () => {\n maybe = true;\n return '';\n });\n const step = {\n ...options,\n selector,\n placement,\n maybe,\n originalRenderOptions: options,\n };\n steps.push(step);\n }\n return steps;\n }\n function hasAutoHistory(newFragments, layer) {\n let vanillaSelector = expandTargets(config.autoHistoryTargets, { layer }).join();\n for (let newFragment of newFragments) {\n if (e.subtree(newFragment, vanillaSelector).length) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n up.puts('up.render()', \"Will not auto-update history because fragment doesn't contain a selector from up.fragment.config.autoHistoryTargets\");\n return false;\n }\n function matches(element, selector, options = {}) {\n element = e.get(element);\n if (u.isElement(selector)) {\n let target = tryToTarget(selector);\n return target && element.matches(target);\n }\n else {\n return new up.Selector(selector, element, options).matches(element);\n }\n }\n function shouldRevalidate(request, response, options = {}) {\n return request.fromCache && u.evalAutoOption(options.revalidate, config.autoRevalidate, response);\n }\n function targetForSteps(steps) {\n let bestSteps = steps.filter((step) => !step.maybe || step.oldElement?.isConnected);\n let selectors = u.map(bestSteps, 'selector');\n return selectors.join(', ') || ':none';\n }\n function isContainedByRivalStep(steps, candidateStep) {\n return u.some(steps, function (rivalStep) {\n return (rivalStep !== candidateStep) &&\n ((rivalStep.placement === 'swap') || (rivalStep.placement === 'content')) &&\n rivalStep.oldElement.contains(candidateStep.oldElement);\n });\n }\n function compressNestedSteps(steps) {\n if (steps.length < 2)\n return steps;\n let compressed = u.uniqBy(steps, 'oldElement');\n compressed = u.reject(compressed, step => isContainedByRivalStep(compressed, step));\n return compressed;\n }\n function abort(...args) {\n let options = parseTargetAndOptions(args);\n let testFn;\n let { reason, newLayer } = options;\n let elements;\n if (options.target) {\n elements = getAll(options.target, options);\n testFn = (request) => request.isPartOfSubtree(elements);\n reason ||= 'Aborting requests within fragment';\n }\n else {\n let layers = up.layer.getAll(options);\n elements = u.map(layers, 'element');\n testFn = (request) => u.contains(layers, request.layer);\n reason ||= 'Aborting requests within ' + layers.join(', ');\n }\n let testFnWithAbortable = (request) => request.abortable && testFn(request);\n up.network.abort(testFnWithAbortable, { ...options, reason });\n for (let element of elements) {\n up.emit(element, 'up:fragment:aborted', { reason, newLayer, log: false });\n }\n }\n function onAborted(fragment, callback) {\n let guard = (event) => event.target.contains(fragment);\n let unsubscribe = up.on('up:fragment:aborted', { guard }, callback);\n up.destructor(fragment, unsubscribe);\n return unsubscribe;\n }\n up.on('up:framework:boot', function () {\n const { documentElement } = document;\n documentElement.setAttribute('up-source', u.normalizeURL(location.href, { hash: false }));\n up.hello(documentElement);\n if (!up.browser.canPushState()) {\n return up.warn('Cannot push history changes. Next fragment update will load in a new page.');\n }\n });\n return {\n config,\n reload,\n destroy,\n render,\n navigate,\n get: getSmart,\n getDumb,\n all: getAll,\n subtree: getSubtree,\n contains,\n closest,\n source: sourceOf,\n visit,\n markAsDestroying: markFragmentAsDestroying,\n emitInserted: emitFragmentInserted,\n emitDestroyed: emitFragmentDestroyed,\n emitKeep: emitFragmentKeep,\n successKey,\n failKey,\n expandTargets,\n resolveOrigin,\n toTarget,\n tryToTarget,\n isTargetable,\n matches,\n hasAutoHistory,\n time: timeOf,\n etag: etagOf,\n shouldRevalidate,\n abort,\n onAborted,\n splitTarget,\n parseTargetSteps,\n isAlive,\n isNotDestroying,\n targetForSteps,\n compressNestedSteps,\n containsMainPseudo,\n };\n})();\nup.reload = up.fragment.reload;\nup.destroy = up.fragment.destroy;\nup.render = up.fragment.render;\nup.navigate = up.fragment.navigate;\nup.visit = up.fragment.visit;\nu.delegate(up, ['context'], () => up.layer.current);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 87 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {\n\n\"use strict\";\n__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 88 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {\n\n__webpack_require__(89);\nup.viewport = (function () {\n const u = up.util;\n const e = up.element;\n const f = up.fragment;\n const config = new up.Config(() => ({\n viewportSelectors: ['[up-viewport]', '[up-fixed]'],\n fixedTopSelectors: ['[up-fixed~=top]'],\n fixedBottomSelectors: ['[up-fixed~=bottom]'],\n anchoredRightSelectors: ['[up-anchored~=right]', '[up-fixed~=top]', '[up-fixed~=bottom]', '[up-fixed~=right]'],\n revealSnap: 200,\n revealPadding: 0,\n revealTop: false,\n revealMax() { return 0.5 * window.innerHeight; },\n autoFocusVisible({ element, inputDevice }) { return inputDevice === 'key' || up.form.isField(element); }\n }));\n const bodyShifter = new up.BodyShifter();\n up.compiler(config.selectorFn('anchoredRightSelectors'), function (element) {\n return bodyShifter.onAnchoredElementInserted(element);\n });\n function reveal(element, options) {\n options = u.options(options);\n element = f.get(element, options);\n if (!(options.layer = up.layer.get(element))) {\n up.fail('Cannot reveal a detached element');\n }\n if (options.peel) {\n options.layer.peel();\n }\n const motion = new up.RevealMotion(element, options);\n motion.start();\n return up.migrate.formerlyAsync?.('up.reveal()') || true;\n }\n function doFocus(element, { preventScroll, force, inputDevice, focusVisible } = {}) {\n if (force) {\n if (!element.hasAttribute('tabindex') && element.tabIndex === -1) {\n element.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');\n }\n }\n inputDevice ??= up.event.inputDevice;\n focusVisible ??= 'auto';\n focusVisible = u.evalAutoOption(focusVisible, config.autoFocusVisible, { element, inputDevice });\n element.focus({\n preventScroll: true,\n focusVisible,\n });\n removeFocusClasses(element);\n element.classList.add(focusVisible ? 'up-focus-visible' : 'up-focus-hidden');\n if (!preventScroll) {\n return reveal(element);\n }\n }\n function removeFocusClasses(element) {\n element?.classList.remove('up-focus-hidden', 'up-focus-visible');\n }\n up.on('focusin', function ({ relatedTarget }) {\n removeFocusClasses(relatedTarget);\n });\n function tryFocus(element, options) {\n doFocus(element, options);\n return element === document.activeElement;\n }\n function revealHash(hash = location.hash, options) {\n let match = firstHashTarget(hash, options);\n if (match) {\n return up.reveal(match, { top: true });\n }\n }\n function allSelector() {\n return [rootSelector(), ...config.viewportSelectors].join();\n }\n function closest(target, options = {}) {\n const element = f.get(target, options);\n return element.closest(allSelector());\n }\n function getSubtree(element, options = {}) {\n element = f.get(element, options);\n return e.subtree(element, allSelector());\n }\n function getAround(element, options = {}) {\n element = f.get(element, options);\n return e.around(element, allSelector());\n }\n function getAll(options = {}) {\n return f.all(allSelector(), options);\n }\n function rootSelector() {\n return getRoot().tagName;\n }\n function getRoot() {\n return document.scrollingElement;\n }\n function rootWidth() {\n return e.root.clientWidth;\n }\n function rootHeight() {\n return e.root.clientHeight;\n }\n function isRoot(element) {\n return element === getRoot();\n }\n function rootHasReducedWidthFromScrollbar() {\n return window.innerWidth > document.documentElement.offsetWidth;\n }\n function rootOverflowElement() {\n const { body } = document;\n const html = document.documentElement;\n const element = u.find([html, body], wasChosenAsOverflowingElement);\n return element || getRoot();\n }\n function wasChosenAsOverflowingElement(element) {\n const overflowY = e.style(element, 'overflow-y');\n return overflowY === 'auto' || overflowY === 'scroll';\n }\n const scrollbarWidth = u.memoize(function () {\n const outerStyle = {\n position: 'absolute',\n top: '0',\n left: '0',\n width: '100px',\n height: '100px',\n overflowY: 'scroll'\n };\n const outer = up.element.affix(document.body, '[up-viewport]', { style: outerStyle });\n const width = outer.offsetWidth - outer.clientWidth;\n outer.remove();\n return width;\n });\n function scrollTopKey(viewport) {\n return up.fragment.tryToTarget(viewport);\n }\n function fixedElements(root = document) {\n const queryParts = ['[up-fixed]'].concat(config.fixedTopSelectors).concat(config.fixedBottomSelectors);\n return root.querySelectorAll(queryParts.join());\n }\n function saveScroll(...args) {\n const [viewports, options] = parseOptions(args);\n const location = options.location || options.layer.location;\n if (location) {\n const tops = getScrollTopsForSave(viewports);\n options.layer.lastScrollTops.set(location, tops);\n }\n }\n function getScrollTopsForSave(viewports) {\n let tops = {};\n for (let viewport of viewports) {\n let key = scrollTopKey(viewport);\n if (key) {\n tops[key] = viewport.scrollTop;\n }\n else {\n up.warn('up.viewport.saveScroll()', 'Cannot save scroll positions for untargetable viewport %o', viewport);\n }\n }\n return tops;\n }\n function restoreScroll(...args) {\n const [viewports, options] = parseOptions(args);\n const { location } = options.layer;\n const locationScrollTops = options.layer.lastScrollTops.get(location);\n if (locationScrollTops) {\n setScrollTops(viewports, locationScrollTops);\n up.puts('up.viewport.restoreScroll()', 'Restored scroll positions to %o', locationScrollTops);\n return true;\n }\n else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n function saveFocus(options = {}) {\n const layer = up.layer.get(options);\n const location = options.location || layer.location;\n if (location) {\n const focusCapsule = up.FocusCapsule.preserve(layer);\n layer.lastFocusCapsules.set(location, focusCapsule);\n }\n }\n function restoreFocus(options = {}) {\n const layer = up.layer.get(options);\n const location = options.location || layer.location;\n const locationCapsule = options.layer.lastFocusCapsules.get(location);\n if (locationCapsule && locationCapsule.restore(layer)) {\n up.puts('up.viewport.restoreFocus()', 'Restored focus to \"%s\"', locationCapsule.target);\n return true;\n }\n else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n function newStateCache() {\n return new up.FIFOCache({ capacity: 30, normalizeKey: up.history.normalizeURL });\n }\n function parseOptions(args) {\n const options = u.copy(u.extractOptions(args));\n options.layer = up.layer.get(options);\n let viewports;\n if (args[0]) {\n viewports = [closest(args[0], options)];\n }\n else if (options.around) {\n viewports = getAround(options.around, options);\n }\n else {\n viewports = getAll(options);\n }\n return [viewports, options];\n }\n function resetScroll(...args) {\n const [viewports, _options] = parseOptions(args);\n setScrollTops(viewports, {});\n }\n function setScrollTops(viewports, tops) {\n for (let viewport of viewports) {\n const key = scrollTopKey(viewport);\n viewport.scrollTop = tops[key] || 0;\n }\n }\n function absolutize(element, options = {}) {\n const viewport = closest(element);\n const viewportRect = viewport.getBoundingClientRect();\n const originalRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n const boundsRect = new up.Rect({\n left: originalRect.left - viewportRect.left,\n top: originalRect.top - viewportRect.top,\n width: originalRect.width,\n height: originalRect.height\n });\n options.afterMeasure?.();\n e.setStyle(element, {\n position: element.style.position === 'static' ? 'static' : 'relative',\n top: 'auto',\n right: 'auto',\n bottom: 'auto',\n left: 'auto',\n width: '100%',\n height: '100%'\n });\n const bounds = e.createFromSelector('up-bounds');\n e.insertBefore(element, bounds);\n bounds.appendChild(element);\n const moveBounds = function (diffX, diffY) {\n boundsRect.left += diffX;\n boundsRect.top += diffY;\n return e.setStyle(bounds, boundsRect);\n };\n moveBounds(0, 0);\n const newElementRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n moveBounds(originalRect.left - newElementRect.left, originalRect.top - newElementRect.top);\n u.each(fixedElements(element), e.fixedToAbsolute);\n return {\n bounds,\n moveBounds\n };\n }\n function firstHashTarget(hash, options = {}) {\n if (hash = pureHash(hash)) {\n const selector = [\n e.attrSelector('id', hash),\n 'a' + e.attrSelector('name', hash)\n ].join();\n return f.get(selector, options);\n }\n }\n function pureHash(value) {\n return value?.replace(/^#/, '');\n }\n function focusedElementWithin(scopeElement) {\n const focusedElement = document.activeElement;\n if (up.fragment.contains(scopeElement, focusedElement)) {\n return focusedElement;\n }\n }\n const CURSOR_PROPS = ['selectionStart', 'selectionEnd', 'scrollLeft', 'scrollTop'];\n function copyCursorProps(from, to = {}) {\n for (let key of CURSOR_PROPS) {\n try {\n to[key] = from[key];\n }\n catch (error) {\n }\n }\n return to;\n }\n let userScrolled = false;\n up.on('scroll', { once: true, beforeBoot: true }, () => userScrolled = true);\n up.on('up:framework:boot', function () {\n u.task(function () {\n if (!userScrolled) {\n return revealHash();\n }\n });\n });\n up.on(window, 'hashchange', () => revealHash());\n return {\n reveal,\n revealHash,\n firstHashTarget,\n config,\n get: closest,\n subtree: getSubtree,\n around: getAround,\n get root() { return getRoot(); },\n rootWidth,\n rootHeight,\n rootHasReducedWidthFromScrollbar,\n rootOverflowElement,\n isRoot,\n scrollbarWidth,\n saveScroll,\n restoreScroll,\n resetScroll,\n saveFocus,\n restoreFocus,\n absolutize,\n focus: doFocus,\n tryFocus,\n newStateCache,\n focusedElementWithin,\n copyCursorProps,\n bodyShifter,\n };\n})();\nup.focus = up.viewport.focus;\nup.reveal = up.viewport.reveal;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 89 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {\n\n\"use strict\";\n__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 90 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.motion = (function () {\n const u = up.util;\n const e = up.element;\n let namedAnimations = {};\n let namedTransitions = {};\n const motionController = new up.MotionController('motion');\n const config = new up.Config(() => ({\n duration: 175,\n easing: 'ease',\n enabled: !matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)').matches\n }));\n function pickDefault(registry) {\n return u.pickBy(registry, 'isDefault');\n }\n function reset() {\n motionController.reset();\n namedAnimations = pickDefault(namedAnimations);\n namedTransitions = pickDefault(namedTransitions);\n }\n function isEnabled() {\n return config.enabled;\n }\n function animate(element, animation, options) {\n element = up.fragment.get(element);\n options = u.options(options);\n let animationFn = findAnimationFn(animation);\n const willRun = willAnimate(element, animation, options);\n animationFn = up.error.guardFn(animationFn);\n if (willRun) {\n const runNow = () => animationFn(element, options);\n return motionController.startFunction(element, runNow, options);\n }\n else {\n return skipAnimate(element, animation);\n }\n }\n function willAnimate(element, animationOrTransition, options) {\n applyConfig(options);\n return isEnabled() && !isNone(animationOrTransition) && (options.duration > 0) && !e.isSingleton(element);\n }\n function skipAnimate(element, animation) {\n if (u.isOptions(animation)) {\n e.setStyle(element, animation);\n }\n return Promise.resolve();\n }\n function animateNow(element, lastFrame, options) {\n options = { ...options, finishEvent: motionController.finishEvent };\n const cssTransition = new up.CSSTransition(element, lastFrame, options);\n return cssTransition.start();\n }\n function applyConfig(options) {\n options.easing ||= config.easing;\n options.duration ||= config.duration;\n }\n function findNamedAnimation(name) {\n return namedAnimations[name] || up.fail(\"Unknown animation %o\", name);\n }\n function finish(element) {\n return motionController.finish(element);\n }\n function morph(oldElement, newElement, transitionObject, options) {\n options = u.options(options);\n applyConfig(options);\n oldElement = up.fragment.get(oldElement);\n newElement = up.fragment.get(newElement);\n let transitionFn = findTransitionFn(transitionObject);\n const willMorph = willAnimate(oldElement, transitionFn, options);\n transitionFn = up.error.guardFn(transitionFn);\n const beforeStart = u.pluckKey(options, 'beforeStart') || u.noop;\n const afterInsert = u.pluckKey(options, 'afterInsert') || u.noop;\n const beforeDetach = u.pluckKey(options, 'beforeDetach') || u.noop;\n const afterDetach = u.pluckKey(options, 'afterDetach') || u.noop;\n const scrollNew = u.pluckKey(options, 'scrollNew') || u.noop;\n beforeStart();\n if (willMorph) {\n if (motionController.isActive(oldElement) && (options.trackMotion === false)) {\n return transitionFn(oldElement, newElement, options);\n }\n up.puts('up.morph()', 'Morphing %o to %o with transition %O over %d ms', oldElement, newElement, transitionObject, options.duration);\n const viewport = up.viewport.get(oldElement);\n const scrollTopBeforeReveal = viewport.scrollTop;\n const oldRemote = up.viewport.absolutize(oldElement, {\n afterMeasure() {\n e.insertBefore(oldElement, newElement);\n afterInsert();\n }\n });\n const trackable = async function () {\n scrollNew();\n const scrollTopAfterReveal = viewport.scrollTop;\n oldRemote.moveBounds(0, scrollTopAfterReveal - scrollTopBeforeReveal);\n await transitionFn(oldElement, newElement, options);\n beforeDetach();\n oldRemote.bounds.remove();\n afterDetach();\n };\n return motionController.startFunction([oldElement, newElement], trackable, options);\n }\n else {\n beforeDetach();\n swapElementsDirectly(oldElement, newElement);\n afterInsert();\n afterDetach();\n scrollNew();\n return Promise.resolve();\n }\n }\n function findTransitionFn(object) {\n if (isNone(object)) {\n return undefined;\n }\n else if (u.isFunction(object)) {\n return object;\n }\n else if (u.isArray(object)) {\n return composeTransitionFn(...object);\n }\n else if (u.isString(object)) {\n let namedTransition;\n if (object.indexOf('/') >= 0) {\n return composeTransitionFn(...object.split('/'));\n }\n else if (namedTransition = namedTransitions[object]) {\n return findTransitionFn(namedTransition);\n }\n }\n else {\n up.fail(\"Unknown transition %o\", object);\n }\n }\n function composeTransitionFn(oldAnimation, newAnimation) {\n if (!isNone(oldAnimation) && !isNone(newAnimation)) {\n const oldAnimationFn = findAnimationFn(oldAnimation) || u.asyncNoop;\n const newAnimationFn = findAnimationFn(newAnimation) || u.asyncNoop;\n return (oldElement, newElement, options) => Promise.all([\n oldAnimationFn(oldElement, options),\n newAnimationFn(newElement, options)\n ]);\n }\n }\n function findAnimationFn(object) {\n if (isNone(object)) {\n return undefined;\n }\n else if (u.isFunction(object)) {\n return object;\n }\n else if (u.isString(object)) {\n return findNamedAnimation(object);\n }\n else if (u.isOptions(object)) {\n return (element, options) => animateNow(element, object, options);\n }\n else {\n up.fail('Unknown animation %o', object);\n }\n }\n const swapElementsDirectly = up.mockable(function (oldElement, newElement) {\n oldElement.replaceWith(newElement);\n });\n function motionOptions(element, options, parserOptions) {\n options = u.options(options);\n let parser = new up.OptionsParser(element, options, parserOptions);\n parser.booleanOrString('animation');\n parser.booleanOrString('transition');\n parser.string('easing');\n parser.number('duration');\n return options;\n }\n function registerTransition(name, transition) {\n const fn = findTransitionFn(transition);\n fn.isDefault = up.framework.evaling;\n namedTransitions[name] = fn;\n }\n function registerAnimation(name, animation) {\n const fn = findAnimationFn(animation);\n fn.isDefault = up.framework.evaling;\n namedAnimations[name] = fn;\n }\n up.on('up:framework:boot', function () {\n if (!isEnabled()) {\n up.puts('up.motion', 'Animations are disabled');\n }\n });\n function isNone(animationOrTransition) {\n return !animationOrTransition || animationOrTransition === 'none';\n }\n function registerOpacityAnimation(name, from, to) {\n registerAnimation(name, function (element, options) {\n element.style.opacity = 0;\n e.setStyle(element, { opacity: from });\n return animateNow(element, { opacity: to }, options);\n });\n }\n registerOpacityAnimation('fade-in', 0, 1);\n registerOpacityAnimation('fade-out', 1, 0);\n function translateCSS(dx, dy) {\n return { transform: `translate(${dx}px, ${dy}px)` };\n }\n function noTranslateCSS() {\n return { transform: null };\n }\n function untranslatedBox(element) {\n e.setStyle(element, noTranslateCSS());\n return element.getBoundingClientRect();\n }\n function registerMoveAnimations(direction, boxToTransform) {\n const animationToName = `move-to-${direction}`;\n const animationFromName = `move-from-${direction}`;\n registerAnimation(animationToName, function (element, options) {\n const box = untranslatedBox(element);\n const transform = boxToTransform(box);\n return animateNow(element, transform, options);\n });\n registerAnimation(animationFromName, function (element, options) {\n const box = untranslatedBox(element);\n const transform = boxToTransform(box);\n e.setStyle(element, transform);\n return animateNow(element, noTranslateCSS(), options);\n });\n }\n registerMoveAnimations('top', function (box) {\n const travelDistance = box.top + box.height;\n return translateCSS(0, -travelDistance);\n });\n registerMoveAnimations('bottom', function (box) {\n const travelDistance = up.viewport.rootHeight() - box.top;\n return translateCSS(0, travelDistance);\n });\n registerMoveAnimations('left', function (box) {\n const travelDistance = box.left + box.width;\n return translateCSS(-travelDistance, 0);\n });\n registerMoveAnimations('right', function (box) {\n const travelDistance = up.viewport.rootWidth() - box.left;\n return translateCSS(travelDistance, 0);\n });\n registerTransition('cross-fade', ['fade-out', 'fade-in']);\n registerTransition('move-left', ['move-to-left', 'move-from-right']);\n registerTransition('move-right', ['move-to-right', 'move-from-left']);\n registerTransition('move-up', ['move-to-top', 'move-from-bottom']);\n registerTransition('move-down', ['move-to-bottom', 'move-from-top']);\n up.on('up:framework:reset', reset);\n return {\n morph,\n animate,\n finish,\n finishCount() { return motionController.finishCount; },\n transition: registerTransition,\n animation: registerAnimation,\n config,\n isEnabled,\n isNone,\n willAnimate,\n swapElementsDirectly,\n motionOptions,\n };\n})();\nup.transition = up.motion.transition;\nup.animation = up.motion.animation;\nup.morph = up.motion.morph;\nup.animate = up.motion.animate;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 91 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {\n\n__webpack_require__(92);\nconst u = up.util;\nup.network = (function () {\n const config = new up.Config(() => ({\n concurrency: 6,\n wrapMethod: true,\n cacheSize: 70,\n cacheExpireAge: 15 * 1000,\n cacheEvictAge: 90 * 60 * 1000,\n badResponseTime: 400,\n fail(response) { return (response.status < 200 || response.status > 299) && response.status !== 304; },\n autoCache(request) { return request.isSafe(); },\n expireCache(request, _response) { return !request.isSafe(); },\n evictCache: false,\n progressBar: true,\n timeout: 90000,\n }));\n const queue = new up.Request.Queue();\n const cache = new up.Request.Cache();\n let progressBar = null;\n function reset() {\n abortRequests();\n queue.reset();\n cache.reset();\n progressBar?.destroy();\n progressBar = null;\n }\n function makeRequest(...args) {\n const options = parseRequestOptions(args);\n const request = new up.Request(options);\n processRequest(request);\n return request;\n }\n function parseRequestOptions(args) {\n const options = u.extractOptions(args);\n if (!options.url) {\n options.url = args[0];\n }\n up.migrate.handleRequestOptions?.(options);\n return options;\n }\n function processRequest(request) {\n useCachedRequest(request) || queueRequest(request);\n }\n function useCachedRequest(newRequest) {\n let cachedRequest;\n if (newRequest.willCache() && (cachedRequest = cache.get(newRequest))) {\n up.puts('up.request()', 'Re-using previous request to %s', newRequest.description);\n if (!newRequest.background) {\n queue.promoteToForeground(cachedRequest);\n }\n cache.track(cachedRequest, newRequest, { onIncompatible: processRequest });\n return true;\n }\n }\n function queueRequest(request) {\n handleCaching(request);\n queue.asap(request);\n return true;\n }\n function handleCaching(request) {\n if (request.willCache()) {\n cache.put(request);\n request.onLoading = () => cache.put(request);\n }\n u.always(request, function (responseOrError) {\n let expireCache = responseOrError.expireCache ?? request.expireCache ?? u.evalOption(config.expireCache, request, responseOrError);\n if (expireCache) {\n cache.expire(expireCache, { except: request });\n }\n let evictCache = responseOrError.evictCache ?? request.evictCache ?? u.evalOption(config.evictCache, request, responseOrError);\n if (evictCache) {\n cache.evict(evictCache, { except: request });\n }\n if (cache.get(request)) {\n cache.put(request);\n }\n if (!responseOrError.isCacheable?.()) {\n cache.evict(request);\n }\n });\n }\n function isBusy() {\n return queue.isBusy();\n }\n function loadPage(requestsAttrs) {\n new up.Request(requestsAttrs).loadPage();\n }\n function abortRequests(...args) {\n up.migrate.preprocessAbortArgs?.(args);\n queue.abort(...args);\n }\n function registerAliasForRedirect(request, response) {\n if (request.cache && response.url && request.url !== response.url) {\n const newRequest = u.variant(request, {\n method: response.method,\n url: response.url\n });\n cache.alias(request, newRequest);\n }\n }\n function isSafeMethod(method) {\n return u.contains(['GET', 'OPTIONS', 'HEAD'], u.normalizeMethod(method));\n }\n function onLate() {\n if (u.evalOption(config.progressBar)) {\n progressBar = new up.ProgressBar();\n }\n }\n function onRecover() {\n progressBar?.conclude();\n }\n up.on('up:network:late', onLate);\n up.on('up:network:recover', onRecover);\n up.on('up:framework:reset', reset);\n return {\n request: makeRequest,\n cache,\n isBusy,\n isSafeMethod,\n config,\n abort: abortRequests,\n registerAliasForRedirect,\n queue,\n loadPage,\n };\n})();\nup.request = up.network.request;\nup.cache = up.network.cache;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 92 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {\n\n\"use strict\";\n__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 93 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {\n\n__webpack_require__(94);\nconst u = up.util;\nconst e = up.element;\nup.layer = (function () {\n const LAYER_CLASSES = [\n up.Layer.Root,\n up.Layer.Modal,\n up.Layer.Popup,\n up.Layer.Drawer,\n up.Layer.Cover\n ];\n const config = new up.Config(function () {\n const newConfig = {\n mode: 'modal',\n any: {\n mainTargets: [\n \"[up-main='']\",\n 'main',\n ':layer'\n ]\n },\n root: {\n mainTargets: ['[up-main~=root]'],\n history: true\n },\n overlay: {\n mainTargets: ['[up-main~=overlay]'],\n openAnimation: 'fade-in',\n closeAnimation: 'fade-out',\n dismissLabel: '\u00D7',\n dismissAriaLabel: 'Dismiss dialog',\n dismissable: true,\n history: 'auto'\n },\n cover: {\n mainTargets: ['[up-main~=cover]']\n },\n drawer: {\n mainTargets: ['[up-main~=drawer]'],\n backdrop: true,\n position: 'left',\n size: 'medium',\n openAnimation(layer) {\n switch (layer.position) {\n case 'left': return 'move-from-left';\n case 'right': return 'move-from-right';\n }\n },\n closeAnimation(layer) {\n switch (layer.position) {\n case 'left': return 'move-to-left';\n case 'right': return 'move-to-right';\n }\n }\n },\n modal: {\n mainTargets: ['[up-main~=modal]'],\n backdrop: true,\n size: 'medium'\n },\n popup: {\n mainTargets: ['[up-main~=popup]'],\n position: 'bottom',\n size: 'medium',\n align: 'left',\n dismissable: 'outside key'\n },\n foreignOverlaySelectors: ['dialog']\n };\n for (let Class of LAYER_CLASSES) {\n newConfig[Class.mode].Class = Class;\n }\n return newConfig;\n });\n let stack = null;\n let handlers = [];\n function mainTargets(mode) {\n return u.flatMap(modeConfigs(mode), 'mainTargets');\n }\n function modeConfigs(mode) {\n if (mode === 'root') {\n return [config.root, config.any];\n }\n else {\n return [config[mode], config.overlay, config.any];\n }\n }\n function normalizeOptions(options) {\n up.migrate.handleLayerOptions?.(options);\n if (u.isGiven(options.layer)) {\n let match = String(options.layer).match(/^(new|shatter|swap)( (\\w+))?/);\n if (match) {\n options.layer = 'new';\n const openMethod = match[1];\n const shorthandMode = match[3];\n options.mode ||= shorthandMode || config.mode;\n if (openMethod === 'swap') {\n if (up.layer.isOverlay()) {\n options.baseLayer = 'parent';\n }\n }\n else if (openMethod === 'shatter') {\n options.baseLayer = 'root';\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n if (options.mode) {\n options.layer = 'new';\n }\n else if (u.isElementish(options.target)) {\n options.layer = stack.get(options.target, { normalizeLayerOptions: false });\n }\n else if (options.origin) {\n options.layer = 'origin';\n }\n else {\n options.layer = 'current';\n }\n }\n if (!options.context) {\n options.context = {};\n }\n options.baseLayer = stack.get('current', { ...options, normalizeLayerOptions: false });\n }\n function build(options, beforeNew) {\n const { mode } = options;\n const { Class } = config[mode];\n const configs = u.reverse(modeConfigs(mode));\n let handleDeprecatedConfig = up.migrate.handleLayerConfig;\n if (handleDeprecatedConfig) {\n configs.forEach(handleDeprecatedConfig);\n }\n options.openAnimation ??= u.pluckKey(options, 'animation');\n options = u.mergeDefined(...configs, { mode, stack }, options);\n if (beforeNew) {\n options = beforeNew(options);\n }\n return new Class(options);\n }\n function openCallbackAttr(link, attr) {\n return e.callbackAttr(link, attr, { exposedKeys: ['layer'] });\n }\n function closeCallbackAttr(link, attr) {\n return e.callbackAttr(link, attr, { exposedKeys: ['layer', 'value', 'response'] });\n }\n function reset() {\n stack.reset();\n handlers = u.filter(handlers, 'isDefault');\n }\n async function open(options) {\n options = u.options(options, {\n layer: 'new',\n defaultToEmptyContent: true,\n navigate: true\n });\n let result = await up.render(options);\n return result.layer;\n }\n function ask(options) {\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n options = {\n ...options,\n onAccepted: (event) => resolve(event.value),\n onDismissed: (event) => reject(event.value)\n };\n open(options);\n });\n }\n function anySelector() {\n return u.map(LAYER_CLASSES, Class => Class.selector()).join();\n }\n function optionToString(option) {\n if (u.isString(option)) {\n return `layer \"${option}\"`;\n }\n else {\n return option.toString();\n }\n }\n function isWithinForeignOverlay(element) {\n let selector = config.selector('foreignOverlaySelectors');\n return !!(selector && element.closest(selector));\n }\n up.on('up:fragment:destroyed', function () {\n stack.sync();\n });\n up.on('up:framework:evaled', function () {\n stack = new up.LayerStack();\n });\n up.on('up:framework:reset', reset);\n const api = {\n config,\n mainTargets,\n open,\n build,\n ask,\n normalizeOptions,\n openCallbackAttr,\n closeCallbackAttr,\n anySelector,\n optionToString,\n get stack() { return stack.layers; },\n isWithinForeignOverlay\n };\n u.delegate(api, [\n 'get',\n 'getAll',\n 'root',\n 'overlays',\n 'current',\n 'front',\n 'sync',\n 'count',\n 'dismissOverlays'\n ], () => stack);\n u.delegate(api, [\n 'accept',\n 'dismiss',\n 'isRoot',\n 'isOverlay',\n 'isFront',\n 'on',\n 'off',\n 'emit',\n 'parent',\n 'history',\n 'location',\n 'mode',\n 'context',\n 'element',\n 'contains',\n 'size',\n 'affix'\n ], () => stack.current);\n return api;\n})();\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 94 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {\n\n\"use strict\";\n__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 95 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {\n\n__webpack_require__(96);\nup.link = (function () {\n const u = up.util;\n const e = up.element;\n const linkPreloader = new up.LinkPreloader();\n let lastMousedownTarget = null;\n const LINKS_WITH_LOCAL_HTML = ['a[up-content]', 'a[up-fragment]', 'a[up-document]'];\n const LINKS_WITH_REMOTE_HTML = ['a[href]', '[up-href]'];\n const ATTRIBUTES_SUGGESTING_FOLLOW = ['[up-follow]', '[up-target]', '[up-layer]', '[up-transition]', '[up-preload]', '[up-instant]', '[up-href]'];\n function combineFollowableSelectors(elementSelectors, attributeSelectors) {\n return u.flatMap(elementSelectors, elementSelector => attributeSelectors.map(attrSelector => elementSelector + attrSelector));\n }\n const config = new up.Config(() => ({\n followSelectors: combineFollowableSelectors(LINKS_WITH_REMOTE_HTML, ATTRIBUTES_SUGGESTING_FOLLOW).concat(LINKS_WITH_LOCAL_HTML),\n noFollowSelectors: ['[up-follow=false]', 'a[download]', 'a[target]', 'a[href^=\"#\"]:not([up-content]):not([up-fragment]):not([up-document])', 'a[href^=\"javascript:\"]', 'a[href^=\"mailto:\"]', e.crossOriginSelector('href'), e.crossOriginSelector('up-href')],\n instantSelectors: ['[up-instant]'],\n noInstantSelectors: ['[up-instant=false]', '[onclick]'],\n preloadSelectors: combineFollowableSelectors(LINKS_WITH_REMOTE_HTML, ['[up-preload]']),\n noPreloadSelectors: ['[up-preload=false]'],\n clickableSelectors: LINKS_WITH_LOCAL_HTML.concat(['[up-emit]', '[up-accept]', '[up-dismiss]', '[up-clickable]']),\n preloadDelay: 90,\n }));\n function isPreloadDisabled(link) {\n return !up.browser.canPushState() || !isFollowable(link) || !willCache(link);\n }\n function willCache(link) {\n const options = parseRequestOptions(link);\n if (options.url) {\n if (options.cache == null) {\n options.cache = 'auto';\n }\n options.basic = true;\n const request = new up.Request(options);\n return request.willCache();\n }\n }\n function reset() {\n lastMousedownTarget = null;\n linkPreloader.reset();\n }\n const follow = up.mockable(function (link, options) {\n return up.render(followOptions(link, options));\n });\n function parseRequestOptions(link, options, parserOptions) {\n options = u.options(options);\n const parser = new up.OptionsParser(link, options, { ...parserOptions, fail: false });\n options.url = followURL(link, options);\n options.method = followMethod(link, options);\n parser.json('headers');\n parser.json('params');\n parser.booleanOrString('cache');\n parser.booleanOrString('expireCache');\n parser.booleanOrString('evictCache');\n parser.booleanOrString('revalidate');\n parser.booleanOrString('abort');\n parser.boolean('abortable');\n parser.boolean('background');\n parser.string('contentType');\n parser.number('badResponseTime');\n parser.number('timeout');\n return options;\n }\n function followOptions(link, options, parserOptions) {\n link = up.fragment.get(link);\n options = u.options(options);\n const parser = new up.OptionsParser(link, options, { fail: true, ...parserOptions });\n parser.include(parseRequestOptions);\n parser.boolean('feedback');\n options.origin ||= link;\n parser.boolean('fail');\n parser.boolean('navigate', { default: true });\n parser.string('confirm', { attr: ['up-confirm', 'data-confirm'] });\n parser.string('target');\n parser.booleanOrString('fallback');\n parser.string('match');\n parser.string('content');\n parser.string('fragment');\n parser.string('document');\n parser.boolean('useKeep');\n parser.boolean('useHungry');\n parser.callback('onLoaded');\n parser.callback('onRendered', { mainKey: 'result' });\n parser.callback('onFinished', { mainKey: 'result' });\n parser.callback('onOffline', { mainKey: 'error' });\n parser.callback('onError', { mainKey: 'error' });\n parser.boolean('peel');\n parser.string('layer');\n parser.string('baseLayer');\n parser.json('context');\n parser.string('mode');\n parser.string('align');\n parser.string('position');\n parser.string('class');\n parser.string('size');\n parser.booleanOrString('dismissable');\n parser.parse(up.layer.openCallbackAttr, 'onOpened');\n parser.parse(up.layer.closeCallbackAttr, 'onAccepted');\n parser.parse(up.layer.closeCallbackAttr, 'onDismissed');\n parser.string('acceptEvent');\n parser.string('dismissEvent');\n parser.string('acceptLocation');\n parser.string('dismissLocation');\n parser.booleanOrString('history');\n parser.booleanOrString('focus');\n parser.boolean('saveScroll');\n parser.boolean('saveFocus');\n parser.booleanOrString('scroll');\n parser.boolean('revealTop');\n parser.number('revealMax');\n parser.number('revealPadding');\n parser.number('revealSnap');\n parser.string('scrollBehavior');\n parser.booleanOrString('history');\n parser.booleanOrString('location');\n parser.booleanOrString('title');\n parser.boolean('metaTags');\n parser.include(up.motion.motionOptions);\n if (!options.guardEvent) {\n options.guardEvent = up.event.build('up:link:follow', { log: 'Following link' });\n }\n return options;\n }\n function preload(link, options) {\n link = up.fragment.get(link);\n let issue = preloadIssue(link);\n if (issue) {\n return Promise.reject(new up.Error(issue));\n }\n const guardEvent = up.event.build('up:link:preload', { log: ['Preloading link %o', link] });\n return follow(link, {\n abortable: false,\n ...options,\n guardEvent,\n preload: true\n });\n }\n function preloadIssue(link) {\n if (!isSafe(link)) {\n return 'Will not preload an unsafe link';\n }\n }\n function followMethod(link, options = {}) {\n return u.normalizeMethod(options.method || link.getAttribute('up-method') || link.getAttribute('data-method'));\n }\n function followURL(link, options = {}) {\n const url = options.url || link.getAttribute('up-href') || link.getAttribute('href');\n if (url !== '#') {\n return url;\n }\n }\n function isFollowable(link) {\n link = up.fragment.get(link);\n return config.matches(link, 'followSelectors');\n }\n function makeFollowable(link) {\n if (!isFollowable(link)) {\n link.setAttribute('up-follow', '');\n }\n }\n function makeClickable(link) {\n if (link.matches('a[href], button')) {\n return;\n }\n e.setMissingAttrs(link, {\n tabindex: '0',\n role: 'link',\n 'up-clickable': ''\n });\n link.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {\n if ((event.key === 'Enter') || (event.key === 'Space')) {\n return forkEventAsUpClick(event);\n }\n });\n }\n up.macro(config.selectorFn('clickableSelectors'), makeClickable);\n function shouldFollowEvent(event, link) {\n if (event.defaultPrevented) {\n return false;\n }\n const betterTargetSelector = `a, [up-href], ${up.form.fieldSelector()}`;\n const betterTarget = event.target.closest(betterTargetSelector);\n return !betterTarget || (betterTarget === link);\n }\n function isInstant(linkOrDescendant) {\n const element = linkOrDescendant.closest(config.selector('instantSelectors'));\n return element && !isInstantDisabled(element);\n }\n function isInstantDisabled(link) {\n return config.matches(link, 'noInstantSelectors') || config.matches(link, 'noFollowSelectors');\n }\n function convertClicks(layer) {\n layer.on('click', function (event, element) {\n if (!up.event.isUnmodified(event)) {\n return;\n }\n if (isInstant(element) && lastMousedownTarget) {\n up.event.halt(event);\n }\n else if (layer.wasHitByMouseEvent(event) && !didUserDragAway(event)) {\n forkEventAsUpClick(event);\n }\n return lastMousedownTarget = null;\n });\n layer.on('mousedown', function (event, element) {\n if (!up.event.isUnmodified(event)) {\n return;\n }\n lastMousedownTarget = event.target;\n if (isInstant(element)) {\n forkEventAsUpClick(event);\n }\n });\n }\n function didUserDragAway(clickEvent) {\n return lastMousedownTarget && (lastMousedownTarget !== clickEvent.target);\n }\n function forkEventAsUpClick(originalEvent) {\n let forwardedProps = ['clientX', 'clientY', 'button', ...up.event.keyModifiers];\n const newEvent = up.event.fork(originalEvent, 'up:click', forwardedProps);\n up.emit(originalEvent.target, newEvent, { log: false });\n }\n function isSafe(link) {\n const method = followMethod(link);\n return up.network.isSafeMethod(method);\n }\n up.on('up:click', config.selectorFn('followSelectors'), function (event, link) {\n if (shouldFollowEvent(event, link)) {\n up.event.halt(event, { log: true });\n up.focus(link, { preventScroll: true });\n up.error.muteUncriticalRejection(follow(link));\n }\n });\n up.macro('[up-expand]', function (area) {\n const selector = area.getAttribute('up-expand') || 'a, [up-href]';\n let childLink = e.get(area, selector);\n if (childLink) {\n const areaAttrs = e.upAttrs(childLink);\n areaAttrs['up-href'] ||= childLink.getAttribute('href');\n e.setMissingAttrs(area, areaAttrs);\n const areaClasses = e.upClasses(childLink);\n area.classList.add(...areaClasses);\n makeFollowable(area);\n }\n });\n up.compiler(config.selectorFn('preloadSelectors'), function (link) {\n if (!isPreloadDisabled(link)) {\n linkPreloader.watchLink(link);\n }\n });\n up.on('up:framework:reset', reset);\n return {\n follow,\n followOptions,\n preload,\n makeFollowable,\n makeClickable,\n isSafe,\n isFollowable,\n shouldFollowEvent,\n followMethod,\n convertClicks,\n config,\n combineFollowableSelectors,\n preloadIssue,\n };\n})();\nup.follow = up.link.follow;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 96 */\n/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {\n\n\"use strict\";\n__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 97 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.form = (function () {\n const u = up.util;\n const e = up.element;\n const ATTRIBUTES_SUGGESTING_SUBMIT = ['[up-submit]', '[up-target]', '[up-layer]', '[up-transition]'];\n const config = new up.Config(() => ({\n groupSelectors: ['[up-form-group]', 'fieldset', 'label', 'form'],\n fieldSelectors: ['select', 'input:not([type=submit]):not([type=image])', 'button[type]:not([type=submit])', 'textarea'],\n submitSelectors: up.link.combineFollowableSelectors(['form'], ATTRIBUTES_SUGGESTING_SUBMIT),\n noSubmitSelectors: ['[up-submit=false]', '[target]', e.crossOriginSelector('action')],\n submitButtonSelectors: ['input[type=submit]', 'input[type=image]', 'button[type=submit]', 'button:not([type])'],\n watchInputEvents: ['input', 'change'],\n watchInputDelay: 0,\n watchChangeEvents: ['change'],\n }));\n function fieldSelector(suffix = '') {\n return config.fieldSelectors.map(field => field + suffix).join();\n }\n function isField(element) {\n return element.matches(fieldSelector());\n }\n function findFields(root) {\n root = e.get(root);\n let fields = e.subtree(root, fieldSelector());\n if (root.matches('form[id]')) {\n const outsideFieldSelector = fieldSelector(e.attrSelector('form', root.getAttribute('id')));\n const outsideFields = up.fragment.all(outsideFieldSelector, { layer: root });\n fields.push(...outsideFields);\n fields = u.uniq(fields);\n }\n return fields;\n }\n function findSubmitButtons(root) {\n return e.subtree(root, submitButtonSelector());\n }\n function submittingButton(form) {\n const selector = submitButtonSelector();\n const focusedElement = document.activeElement;\n if (focusedElement && focusedElement.form === form) {\n if (focusedElement.matches(selector)) {\n return focusedElement;\n }\n }\n return e.get(form, selector);\n }\n function submitButtonSelector() {\n return config.selector('submitButtonSelectors');\n }\n const submit = up.mockable((form, options) => {\n return up.render(submitOptions(form, options));\n });\n function submitOptions(form, options, parserOptions) {\n form = getForm(form);\n options = u.options(options);\n let parser = new up.OptionsParser(form, options, parserOptions);\n parser.include(destinationOptions);\n parser.string('failTarget', { default: up.fragment.tryToTarget(form) });\n parser.booleanOrString('disable');\n options.guardEvent ||= up.event.build('up:form:submit', {\n submitButton: options.submitButton,\n log: 'Submitting form',\n params: options.params\n });\n options.origin ||= up.viewport.focusedElementWithin(form) || options.submitButton || form;\n parser.include(up.link.followOptions);\n return options;\n }\n function watchOptions(field, options, parserOptions = {}) {\n options = u.options(options);\n let parser = new up.OptionsParser(field, options, { ...parserOptions, closest: true, attrPrefix: 'up-watch-' });\n parser.boolean('feedback');\n parser.booleanOrString('disable');\n parser.string('event');\n parser.number('delay');\n let config = up.form.config;\n if (options.event === 'input') {\n options.event = u.evalOption(config.watchInputEvents, field);\n options.delay ??= config.watchInputDelay;\n }\n else if (options.event === 'change') {\n options.event = u.evalOption(config.watchChangeEvents, field);\n }\n options.origin ||= field;\n return options;\n }\n function disableContainer(container) {\n let focusedElement = document.activeElement;\n let focusFallback;\n let controls = [...findFields(container), ...findSubmitButtons(container)];\n for (let control of controls) {\n if (control === focusedElement) {\n focusFallback = findGroup(focusedElement);\n }\n raiseDisableStack(control);\n }\n if (focusFallback) {\n up.focus(focusFallback, { force: true, preventScroll: true });\n }\n return function () {\n controls.forEach(lowerDisableStack);\n };\n }\n function raiseDisableStack(control) {\n if (!control.upDisableCount) {\n control.upDisableCount ||= 0;\n control.upOriginalDisabled = control.disabled;\n }\n control.upDisableCount++;\n control.disabled = true;\n }\n function lowerDisableStack(control) {\n if (control.upDisableCount) {\n if (!control.disabled) {\n control.upDisableCount = 0;\n }\n else {\n control.upDisableCount--;\n if (!control.upDisableCount) {\n control.disabled = control.upOriginalDisabled;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n function disableWhile(promise, options) {\n let undoDisable = handleDisableOption(options);\n u.always(promise, undoDisable);\n }\n function handleDisableOption({ disable, origin }) {\n if (!disable)\n return u.noop;\n let missingOption = (key) => { up.fail(\"Cannot process { disable: '%s' } option without { %s }\", disable, key); };\n let getOrigin = () => origin || missingOption('origin');\n let getOriginForm = () => getScope(getOrigin());\n let containers;\n if (disable === true) {\n containers = [getOriginForm()];\n }\n else if (u.isString(disable)) {\n containers = up.fragment.subtree(getOriginForm(), disable, { origin });\n }\n return u.sequence(containers.map(disableContainer));\n }\n function destinationOptions(form, options, parserOptions) {\n options = u.options(options);\n form = getForm(form);\n const parser = new up.OptionsParser(form, options, parserOptions);\n parser.string('contentType', { attr: 'enctype' });\n parser.json('headers');\n const params = up.Params.fromForm(form);\n const submitButton = submittingButton(form);\n if (submitButton) {\n options.submitButton = submitButton;\n params.addField(submitButton);\n options.method ||= submitButton.getAttribute('formmethod');\n options.url ||= submitButton.getAttribute('formaction');\n }\n params.addAll(options.params);\n options.params = params;\n parser.string('url', { attr: 'action', default: up.fragment.source(form) });\n parser.string('method', {\n attr: ['up-method', 'data-method', 'method'],\n default: 'GET',\n normalize: u.normalizeMethod\n });\n if (options.method === 'GET') {\n options.url = up.Params.stripURL(options.url);\n }\n return options;\n }\n up.on('up:click', submitButtonSelector, function (event, button) {\n const form = getForm(button);\n if (form && isSubmittable(form)) {\n button.focus();\n }\n });\n function watch(root, ...args) {\n root = up.element.get(root);\n const callback = u.extractCallback(args) || watchCallbackFromElement(root) || up.fail('No callback given for up.watch()');\n let options = u.extractOptions(args);\n const watcher = new up.FieldWatcher(root, options, callback);\n watcher.start();\n return () => watcher.stop();\n }\n function watchCallbackFromElement(element) {\n let rawCallback = element.getAttribute('up-watch');\n if (rawCallback) {\n return up.NonceableCallback.fromString(rawCallback).toFunction('value', 'name').bind(element);\n }\n }\n function autosubmit(target, options = {}) {\n const onChange = (_diff, renderOptions) => submit(target, renderOptions);\n return watch(target, { options, batch: true }, onChange);\n }\n function getGroupSelectors() {\n return up.migrate.migratedFormGroupSelectors?.() || config.groupSelectors;\n }\n function findGroup(field) {\n return findGroupSolution(field).element;\n }\n function findGroupSolution(field) {\n return u.findResult(getGroupSelectors(), function (groupSelector) {\n let group = field.closest(groupSelector);\n if (group) {\n let goodDerivedGroupTarget = up.fragment.tryToTarget(group);\n let goodDerivedFieldTarget = up.fragment.tryToTarget(field);\n let groupHasFieldTarget = goodDerivedFieldTarget && (group !== field) && `${groupSelector}:has(${goodDerivedFieldTarget})`;\n let target = goodDerivedGroupTarget || groupHasFieldTarget;\n if (target) {\n return {\n target,\n element: group,\n origin: field\n };\n }\n }\n });\n }\n function validate(...args) {\n let options = parseValidateArgs(...args);\n let validator = up.FormValidator.forElement(options.origin);\n return validator.validate(options);\n }\n function parseValidateArgs(originOrTarget, ...args) {\n const options = u.extractOptions(args);\n if (options.origin) {\n options.target ||= up.fragment.toTarget(originOrTarget);\n }\n else {\n options.origin ||= up.fragment.get(originOrTarget);\n }\n return options;\n }\n function switcherValues(field) {\n let value;\n let meta;\n if (field.matches('input[type=checkbox]')) {\n if (field.checked) {\n value = field.value;\n meta = ':checked';\n }\n else {\n meta = ':unchecked';\n }\n }\n else if (field.matches('input[type=radio]')) {\n const form = getScope(field);\n const groupName = field.getAttribute('name');\n const checkedButton = form.querySelector(`input[type=radio]${e.attrSelector('name', groupName)}:checked`);\n if (checkedButton) {\n meta = ':checked';\n value = checkedButton.value;\n }\n else {\n meta = ':unchecked';\n }\n }\n else {\n value = field.value;\n }\n const values = [];\n if (u.isPresent(value)) {\n values.push(value);\n values.push(':present');\n }\n else {\n values.push(':blank');\n }\n if (u.isPresent(meta)) {\n values.push(meta);\n }\n return values;\n }\n function switchTargets(switcher, options = {}) {\n const targetSelector = options.target || options.target || switcher.getAttribute('up-switch');\n const form = getScope(switcher);\n targetSelector || up.fail(\"No switch target given for %o\", switcher);\n const fieldValues = switcherValues(switcher);\n for (let target of up.fragment.all(form, targetSelector)) {\n switchTarget(target, fieldValues);\n }\n }\n const switchTarget = up.mockable(function (target, fieldValues) {\n let show;\n fieldValues ||= switcherValues(findSwitcherForTarget(target));\n let hideValues = target.getAttribute('up-hide-for');\n if (hideValues) {\n hideValues = parseSwitchTokens(hideValues);\n show = u.intersect(fieldValues, hideValues).length === 0;\n }\n else {\n let showValues = target.getAttribute('up-show-for');\n showValues = showValues ? parseSwitchTokens(showValues) : [':present', ':checked'];\n show = u.intersect(fieldValues, showValues).length > 0;\n }\n e.toggle(target, show);\n target.classList.add('up-switched');\n });\n function parseSwitchTokens(str) {\n return u.parseTokens(str, { json: true });\n }\n function findSwitcherForTarget(target) {\n const form = getScope(target);\n const switchers = form.querySelectorAll('[up-switch]');\n const switcher = u.find(switchers, function (switcher) {\n const targetSelector = switcher.getAttribute('up-switch');\n return target.matches(targetSelector);\n });\n return switcher || up.fail('Could not find [up-switch] field for %o', target);\n }\n function getForm(elementOrSelector, options = {}) {\n const element = up.fragment.get(elementOrSelector, options);\n return element.form || element.closest('form');\n }\n function getScope(element, options) {\n return getForm(element, options) || up.layer.get(element).element;\n }\n function focusedField() {\n return u.presence(document.activeElement, isField);\n }\n function isSubmittable(form) {\n form = up.fragment.get(form);\n return config.matches(form, 'submitSelectors');\n }\n up.on('submit', config.selectorFn('submitSelectors'), function (event, form) {\n if (event.defaultPrevented)\n return;\n up.event.halt(event, { log: true });\n up.error.muteUncriticalRejection(submit(form));\n });\n up.compiler(validatingFieldSelector, function (fieldOrForm) {\n let validator = up.FormValidator.forElement(fieldOrForm);\n validator.watchContainer(fieldOrForm);\n });\n function validatingFieldSelector() {\n return config.fieldSelectors.map((selector) => `${selector}[up-validate], [up-validate] ${selector}`).join(', ');\n }\n up.compiler('[up-switch]', (switcher) => {\n switchTargets(switcher);\n });\n up.on('change', '[up-switch]', (_event, switcher) => {\n switchTargets(switcher);\n });\n up.compiler('[up-show-for]:not(.up-switched), [up-hide-for]:not(.up-switched)', (element) => {\n switchTarget(element);\n });\n up.compiler('[up-watch]', (formOrField) => watch(formOrField));\n up.compiler('[up-autosubmit]', (formOrField) => autosubmit(formOrField));\n return {\n config,\n submit,\n submitOptions,\n destinationOptions,\n watchOptions,\n isSubmittable,\n watch,\n validate,\n autosubmit,\n fieldSelector,\n fields: findFields,\n isField,\n submitButtons: findSubmitButtons,\n focusedField,\n switchTarget,\n disableWhile,\n disable: disableContainer,\n group: findGroup,\n groupSolution: findGroupSolution,\n groupSelectors: getGroupSelectors,\n get: getForm,\n getScope,\n };\n})();\nup.submit = up.form.submit;\nup.watch = up.form.watch;\nup.autosubmit = up.form.autosubmit;\nup.validate = up.form.validate;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 98 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.feedback = (function () {\n const u = up.util;\n const e = up.element;\n const config = new up.Config(() => ({\n currentClasses: ['up-current'],\n navSelectors: ['[up-nav]', 'nav'],\n }));\n function reset() {\n up.layer.root.feedbackLocation = null;\n }\n const CLASS_ACTIVE = 'up-active';\n const CLASS_LOADING = 'up-loading';\n const SELECTOR_LINK = 'a, [up-href]';\n function navSelector() {\n return config.selector('navSelectors');\n }\n function normalizeURL(url) {\n if (url) {\n return u.normalizeURL(url, { trailingSlash: false, hash: false });\n }\n }\n function linkURLs(link) {\n return link.upFeedbackURLs ||= new up.LinkFeedbackURLs(link);\n }\n function updateFragment(fragment) {\n const layerOption = { layer: up.layer.get(fragment) };\n if (up.fragment.closest(fragment, navSelector(), layerOption)) {\n const links = up.fragment.subtree(fragment, SELECTOR_LINK, layerOption);\n updateLinks(links, layerOption);\n }\n else {\n updateLinksWithinNavs(fragment, layerOption);\n }\n }\n function updateLinksWithinNavs(fragment, options) {\n const navs = up.fragment.subtree(fragment, navSelector(), options);\n const links = u.flatMap(navs, nav => e.subtree(nav, SELECTOR_LINK));\n updateLinks(links, options);\n }\n function getNormalizedLayerLocation(layer) {\n return layer.feedbackLocation || normalizeURL(layer.location);\n }\n function updateLinks(links, options = {}) {\n if (!links.length) {\n return;\n }\n const layer = options.layer || up.layer.get(links[0]);\n let layerLocation = getNormalizedLayerLocation(layer);\n if (layerLocation) {\n for (let link of links) {\n const isCurrent = linkURLs(link).isCurrent(layerLocation);\n for (let currentClass of config.currentClasses) {\n link.classList.toggle(currentClass, isCurrent);\n }\n e.toggleAttr(link, 'aria-current', 'page', isCurrent);\n }\n }\n }\n function findActivatableArea(element) {\n return e.ancestor(element, SELECTOR_LINK) || element;\n }\n function showAroundRequest(request, options) {\n if (!options.feedback) {\n return;\n }\n let clean = (fn) => u.always(request, fn);\n let activeElement = getActiveElementFromRenderOptions(request);\n if (activeElement) {\n clean(e.addTemporaryClass(activeElement, CLASS_ACTIVE));\n }\n for (let fragment of request.fragments) {\n clean(e.addTemporaryClass(fragment, CLASS_LOADING));\n }\n }\n function getActiveElementFromRenderOptions(request) {\n let activeElement = request.origin;\n if (activeElement) {\n return findActivatableArea(activeElement);\n }\n }\n function updateLayerIfLocationChanged(layer) {\n const processedLocation = layer.feedbackLocation;\n const layerLocation = getNormalizedLayerLocation(layer.location);\n if (!processedLocation || (processedLocation !== layerLocation)) {\n layer.feedbackLocation = layerLocation;\n updateLinksWithinNavs(layer.element, { layer });\n }\n }\n function onBrowserLocationChanged() {\n const frontLayer = up.layer.front;\n if (frontLayer.showsLiveHistory()) {\n updateLayerIfLocationChanged(frontLayer);\n }\n }\n up.on('up:location:changed', (_event) => {\n onBrowserLocationChanged();\n });\n up.on('up:fragment:compile', (_event, newFragment) => {\n updateFragment(newFragment);\n });\n up.on('up:layer:location:changed', (event) => {\n updateLayerIfLocationChanged(event.layer);\n });\n up.on('up:framework:reset', reset);\n return {\n config,\n showAroundRequest,\n normalizeURL,\n };\n})();\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 99 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\nup.radio = (function () {\n const e = up.element;\n const config = new up.Config(() => ({\n hungrySelectors: ['[up-hungry]'],\n pollInterval: 30000,\n }));\n function hungrySteps(renderOptions) {\n let { useHungry, origin, layer: renderLayer } = renderOptions;\n let steps = { current: [], other: [] };\n if (!useHungry)\n return steps;\n let hungrySelector = config.selector('hungrySelectors');\n const layerPreference = [renderLayer, ...renderLayer.ancestors, ...renderLayer.descendants];\n for (let elementLayer of layerPreference) {\n let hungries = up.fragment.all(elementLayer.element, hungrySelector, { layer: elementLayer });\n for (let element of hungries) {\n let selector = up.fragment.tryToTarget(element, { origin });\n if (!selector) {\n up.warn('[up-hungry]', 'Ignoring untargetable fragment %o', element);\n continue;\n }\n let ifLayer = e.attr(element, 'up-if-layer');\n let applicableLayers = ifLayer ? up.layer.getAll(ifLayer, { baseLayer: elementLayer }) : [elementLayer];\n let motionOptions = up.motion.motionOptions(element);\n let selectEvent = up.event.build('up:fragment:hungry', { log: false });\n let selectCallback = e.callbackAttr(element, 'up-on-hungry', { exposedKeys: ['newFragment', 'renderOptions'] });\n let step = {\n selector,\n oldElement: element,\n layer: elementLayer,\n origin,\n ...motionOptions,\n placement: 'swap',\n useKeep: true,\n maybe: true,\n selectEvent,\n selectCallback,\n originalRenderOptions: renderOptions,\n };\n if (applicableLayers.includes(renderLayer)) {\n let list = renderLayer === elementLayer ? steps.current : steps.other;\n list.push(step);\n }\n }\n }\n steps.other = up.fragment.compressNestedSteps(steps.other);\n return steps;\n }\n function startPolling(fragment, options = {}) {\n up.FragmentPolling.forFragment(fragment).forceStart(options);\n }\n function stopPolling(element) {\n up.FragmentPolling.forFragment(element).forceStop();\n }\n function pollOptions(fragment, options = {}) {\n const parser = new up.OptionsParser(fragment, options);\n parser.number('interval', { default: config.pollInterval });\n parser.string('ifLayer', { default: 'front' });\n return options;\n }\n up.compiler('[up-poll]:not([up-poll=false])', function (fragment) {\n up.FragmentPolling.forFragment(fragment).onPollAttributeObserved();\n });\n up.macro('[up-flashes]', function (fragment) {\n e.setMissingAttrs(fragment, {\n 'up-hungry': '',\n 'up-if-layer': 'subtree',\n 'up-keep': '',\n 'role': 'alert',\n });\n fragment.addEventListener('up:fragment:keep', function (event) {\n if (!e.isEmpty(event.newFragment))\n event.preventDefault();\n });\n });\n return {\n config,\n hungrySteps,\n startPolling,\n stopPolling,\n pollOptions,\n };\n})();\n\n\n/***/ }),\n/* 100 */\n/***/ (() => {\n\n(function () {\n const e = up.element;\n function isRails() {\n return window.Rails ||\n window.jQuery?.rails;\n }\n for (let feature of ['method', 'confirm']) {\n const upAttribute = `up-${feature}`;\n const dataAttribute = `data-${feature}`;\n up.macro(`a[${dataAttribute}]`, function (link) {\n if (isRails() && up.link.isFollowable(link)) {\n e.setMissingAttr(link, upAttribute, link.getAttribute(dataAttribute));\n link.removeAttribute(dataAttribute);\n }\n });\n }\n})();\n\n\n/***/ })\n/******/ \t]);\n/************************************************************************/\n/******/ \t// The module cache\n/******/ \tvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n/******/ \t\n/******/ \t// The require function\n/******/ \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n/******/ \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n/******/ \t\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n/******/ \t\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n/******/ \t\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n/******/ \t\t}\n/******/ \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n/******/ \t\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n/******/ \t\t\t// no module.id needed\n/******/ \t\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n/******/ \t\t\texports: {}\n/******/ \t\t};\n/******/ \t\n/******/ \t\t// Execute the module function\n/******/ \t\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n/******/ \t\n/******/ \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n/******/ \t\treturn module.exports;\n/******/ \t}\n/******/ \t\n/************************************************************************/\n/******/ \t/* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */\n/******/ \t(() => {\n/******/ \t\t// define __esModule on exports\n/******/ \t\t__webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {\n/******/ \t\t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n/******/ \t\t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n/******/ \t\t\t}\n/******/ \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n/******/ \t\t};\n/******/ \t})();\n/******/ \t\n/************************************************************************/\nvar __webpack_exports__ = {};\n// This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be isolated against other modules in the chunk.\n(() => {\n__webpack_require__(1);\n__webpack_require__(2);\n__webpack_require__(3);\n__webpack_require__(4);\n__webpack_require__(5);\n__webpack_require__(6);\n__webpack_require__(7);\n__webpack_require__(9);\n__webpack_require__(10);\n__webpack_require__(11);\n__webpack_require__(12);\n__webpack_require__(13);\n__webpack_require__(14);\n__webpack_require__(15);\n__webpack_require__(16);\n__webpack_require__(17);\n__webpack_require__(18);\n__webpack_require__(19);\n__webpack_require__(20);\n__webpack_require__(21);\n__webpack_require__(22);\n__webpack_require__(23);\n__webpack_require__(24);\n__webpack_require__(25);\n__webpack_require__(26);\n__webpack_require__(27);\n__webpack_require__(28);\n__webpack_require__(29);\n__webpack_require__(30);\n__webpack_require__(31);\n__webpack_require__(32);\n__webpack_require__(33);\n__webpack_require__(34);\n__webpack_require__(35);\n__webpack_require__(36);\n__webpack_require__(37);\n__webpack_require__(38);\n__webpack_require__(39);\n__webpack_require__(40);\n__webpack_require__(41);\n__webpack_require__(42);\n__webpack_require__(43);\n__webpack_require__(44);\n__webpack_require__(45);\n__webpack_require__(46);\n__webpack_require__(47);\n__webpack_require__(48);\n__webpack_require__(49);\n__webpack_require__(50);\n__webpack_require__(51);\n__webpack_require__(52);\n__webpack_require__(53);\n__webpack_require__(54);\n__webpack_require__(55);\n__webpack_require__(56);\n__webpack_require__(57);\n__webpack_require__(58);\n__webpack_require__(59);\n__webpack_require__(60);\n__webpack_require__(61);\n__webpack_require__(62);\n__webpack_require__(63);\n__webpack_require__(64);\n__webpack_require__(65);\n__webpack_require__(66);\n__webpack_require__(67);\n__webpack_require__(68);\n__webpack_require__(69);\n__webpack_require__(70);\n__webpack_require__(71);\n__webpack_require__(72);\n__webpack_require__(73);\n__webpack_require__(74);\n__webpack_require__(75);\n__webpack_require__(76);\n__webpack_require__(77);\n__webpack_require__(78);\n__webpack_require__(79);\n__webpack_require__(80);\n__webpack_require__(81);\n__webpack_require__(82);\n__webpack_require__(83);\n__webpack_require__(84);\n__webpack_require__(85);\n__webpack_require__(86);\n__webpack_require__(88);\n__webpack_require__(90);\n__webpack_require__(91);\n__webpack_require__(93);\n__webpack_require__(95);\n__webpack_require__(97);\n__webpack_require__(98);\n__webpack_require__(99);\n__webpack_require__(100);\nup.framework.onEvaled();\n\n})();\n\n/******/ })()\n;", "export default new class Environment {\n\n get toString() {\n return document.body.getAttribute('data-environment')\n }\n\n get isTest() {\n return this.toString === 'test'\n }\n\n get isDevelopment() {\n return this.toString === 'development'\n }\n\n get isFeatureSpec() {\n return this.isTest && typeof jasmine === 'undefined'\n }\n\n}()\n", "import environment from '../util/environment'\n\nup.layer.config.modal.dismissable = 'button key' // do not allow closing modals by clicking the backdrop\n\nup.link.config.followSelectors.push('a[href]')\nup.link.config.instantSelectors.push('a[href]')\nup.link.config.noInstantSelectors.push('.btn:not(.btn-link), [no-instant]')\n\nup.fragment.config.runScripts = false\n\nup.feedback.config.currentClasses.push('active')\n\nup.form.config.submitSelectors.push('form')\n\nup.history.config.updateMetaTags = true\n\nup.motion.config.enabled = !environment.isTest\n\nup.network.config.progressBar = true\n\nup.on('up:network:late', () => { document.body.classList.add('-loading') })\nup.on('up:network:recover', () => { document.body.classList.remove('-loading') })\n", "export function signedIn() {\n return !!document.querySelector('[data-authenticated]')\n}\n", "import '../../shared/config/unpoly.js'\nimport '../../shared/config/unpoly.sass'\nimport { signedIn } from '../util/current_user'\n\nup.link.config.preloadSelectors.push('a[href]')\n\nup.on('up:request:loaded', ({ response }) => {\n if (response.status === 401 && signedIn()) {\n // User was signed out from a previously active session.\n // The 401 response includes an error message that should be displayed.\n\n up.util.task(() => {\n // We delay render cycle so that up:fragment:loaded events (e.g. form submission)\n // don't have to render results on a DOM that does not match their expectations\n // which can result in errors.\n // This means that a form may render the 401 response considering its failTarget\n // for a single frame until we render the the error response as a \"full\" page.\n // This is usually not noticeable, and in any case only relevant for edge cases.\n up.render({\n // close any layers that might be open\n layer: 'root',\n peel: true,\n\n // discard the entire layout, as it might contain information from the user session (e.g. name in header)\n target: 'body',\n document: response.text,\n clearCache: true,\n\n // discard the current URL to avoid leaking personalized URLs\n location: '/',\n history: true,\n })\n })\n }\n})\n", "const scriptsLoaded = {}\n\nexport default function loadScript(url) {\n\n function createScriptTag(url) {\n const scriptTag = document.createElement('script')\n scriptTag.src = url\n return scriptTag\n }\n\n const cachedPromise = scriptsLoaded[url]\n if (cachedPromise) {\n return cachedPromise\n } else {\n const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n const scriptTag = createScriptTag(url)\n scriptTag.addEventListener('load', resolve)\n scriptTag.addEventListener('error', reject)\n document.head.appendChild(scriptTag)\n })\n scriptsLoaded[url] = promise\n return promise\n }\n\n}\n", "// Animated icons are rendered using lottie-web's `lottie_light` player.\n// Other implementations, like the \"full\" player, or @dotlottie's player use eval which is forbidden by our CSP.\n//\n// By default, icons play only while hovering a surrounding or \n `,\n size: 'auto',\n })\n }\n\n trackEvent('read-aloud', 'readable-content-present')\n\n up.on(element, 'click', startButtonSelector, onClickButton)\n up.on(element, 'click', stopButtonSelector, onClickButton)\n\n audios.forEach((audio, index) => {\n audio.addEventListener('ended', () => {\n onAudioEnded(audio, index)\n })\n })\n\n updateVisibleButtonText()\n\n if (autoPlay) {\n try {\n await play({ throwError: true }).then(updateVisibleButtonText)\n trackEvent('read-aloud', 'auto-play')\n } catch {\n // Autoplay was prevented\n trackEvent('read-aloud', 'auto-play-prevented')\n }\n }\n\n})\n", "import { trackPageView } from '../util/analytics'\n\nup.compiler('[track-page-view]', (element, data) => {\n trackPageView(data)\n})\n", "/**\n * Custom positioning reference element.\n * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/virtual-elements\n */\n\nconst sides = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'];\nconst alignments = ['start', 'end'];\nconst placements = /*#__PURE__*/sides.reduce((acc, side) => acc.concat(side, side + \"-\" + alignments[0], side + \"-\" + alignments[1]), []);\nconst min = Math.min;\nconst max = Math.max;\nconst round = Math.round;\nconst floor = Math.floor;\nconst createCoords = v => ({\n x: v,\n y: v\n});\nconst oppositeSideMap = {\n left: 'right',\n right: 'left',\n bottom: 'top',\n top: 'bottom'\n};\nconst oppositeAlignmentMap = {\n start: 'end',\n end: 'start'\n};\nfunction clamp(start, value, end) {\n return max(start, min(value, end));\n}\nfunction evaluate(value, param) {\n return typeof value === 'function' ? value(param) : value;\n}\nfunction getSide(placement) {\n return placement.split('-')[0];\n}\nfunction getAlignment(placement) {\n return placement.split('-')[1];\n}\nfunction getOppositeAxis(axis) {\n return axis === 'x' ? 'y' : 'x';\n}\nfunction getAxisLength(axis) {\n return axis === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width';\n}\nfunction getSideAxis(placement) {\n return ['top', 'bottom'].includes(getSide(placement)) ? 'y' : 'x';\n}\nfunction getAlignmentAxis(placement) {\n return getOppositeAxis(getSideAxis(placement));\n}\nfunction getAlignmentSides(placement, rects, rtl) {\n if (rtl === void 0) {\n rtl = false;\n }\n const alignment = getAlignment(placement);\n const alignmentAxis = getAlignmentAxis(placement);\n const length = getAxisLength(alignmentAxis);\n let mainAlignmentSide = alignmentAxis === 'x' ? alignment === (rtl ? 'end' : 'start') ? 'right' : 'left' : alignment === 'start' ? 'bottom' : 'top';\n if (rects.reference[length] > rects.floating[length]) {\n mainAlignmentSide = getOppositePlacement(mainAlignmentSide);\n }\n return [mainAlignmentSide, getOppositePlacement(mainAlignmentSide)];\n}\nfunction getExpandedPlacements(placement) {\n const oppositePlacement = getOppositePlacement(placement);\n return [getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement), oppositePlacement, getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(oppositePlacement)];\n}\nfunction getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement) {\n return placement.replace(/start|end/g, alignment => oppositeAlignmentMap[alignment]);\n}\nfunction getSideList(side, isStart, rtl) {\n const lr = ['left', 'right'];\n const rl = ['right', 'left'];\n const tb = ['top', 'bottom'];\n const bt = ['bottom', 'top'];\n switch (side) {\n case 'top':\n case 'bottom':\n if (rtl) return isStart ? rl : lr;\n return isStart ? lr : rl;\n case 'left':\n case 'right':\n return isStart ? tb : bt;\n default:\n return [];\n }\n}\nfunction getOppositeAxisPlacements(placement, flipAlignment, direction, rtl) {\n const alignment = getAlignment(placement);\n let list = getSideList(getSide(placement), direction === 'start', rtl);\n if (alignment) {\n list = list.map(side => side + \"-\" + alignment);\n if (flipAlignment) {\n list = list.concat(list.map(getOppositeAlignmentPlacement));\n }\n }\n return list;\n}\nfunction getOppositePlacement(placement) {\n return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, side => oppositeSideMap[side]);\n}\nfunction expandPaddingObject(padding) {\n return {\n top: 0,\n right: 0,\n bottom: 0,\n left: 0,\n ...padding\n };\n}\nfunction getPaddingObject(padding) {\n return typeof padding !== 'number' ? expandPaddingObject(padding) : {\n top: padding,\n right: padding,\n bottom: padding,\n left: padding\n };\n}\nfunction rectToClientRect(rect) {\n const {\n x,\n y,\n width,\n height\n } = rect;\n return {\n width,\n height,\n top: y,\n left: x,\n right: x + width,\n bottom: y + height,\n x,\n y\n };\n}\n\nexport { alignments, clamp, createCoords, evaluate, expandPaddingObject, floor, getAlignment, getAlignmentAxis, getAlignmentSides, getAxisLength, getExpandedPlacements, getOppositeAlignmentPlacement, getOppositeAxis, getOppositeAxisPlacements, getOppositePlacement, getPaddingObject, getSide, getSideAxis, max, min, placements, rectToClientRect, round, sides };\n", "import { getSideAxis, getAlignmentAxis, getAxisLength, getSide, getAlignment, evaluate, getPaddingObject, rectToClientRect, min, clamp, placements, getAlignmentSides, getOppositeAlignmentPlacement, getOppositePlacement, getExpandedPlacements, getOppositeAxisPlacements, sides, max, getOppositeAxis } from '@floating-ui/utils';\nexport { rectToClientRect } from '@floating-ui/utils';\n\nfunction computeCoordsFromPlacement(_ref, placement, rtl) {\n let {\n reference,\n floating\n } = _ref;\n const sideAxis = getSideAxis(placement);\n const alignmentAxis = getAlignmentAxis(placement);\n const alignLength = getAxisLength(alignmentAxis);\n const side = getSide(placement);\n const isVertical = sideAxis === 'y';\n const commonX = reference.x + reference.width / 2 - floating.width / 2;\n const commonY = reference.y + reference.height / 2 - floating.height / 2;\n const commonAlign = reference[alignLength] / 2 - floating[alignLength] / 2;\n let coords;\n switch (side) {\n case 'top':\n coords = {\n x: commonX,\n y: reference.y - floating.height\n };\n break;\n case 'bottom':\n coords = {\n x: commonX,\n y: reference.y + reference.height\n };\n break;\n case 'right':\n coords = {\n x: reference.x + reference.width,\n y: commonY\n };\n break;\n case 'left':\n coords = {\n x: reference.x - floating.width,\n y: commonY\n };\n break;\n default:\n coords = {\n x: reference.x,\n y: reference.y\n };\n }\n switch (getAlignment(placement)) {\n case 'start':\n coords[alignmentAxis] -= commonAlign * (rtl && isVertical ? -1 : 1);\n break;\n case 'end':\n coords[alignmentAxis] += commonAlign * (rtl && isVertical ? -1 : 1);\n break;\n }\n return coords;\n}\n\n/**\n * Computes the `x` and `y` coordinates that will place the floating element\n * next to a given reference element.\n *\n * This export does not have any `platform` interface logic. You will need to\n * write one for the platform you are using Floating UI with.\n */\nconst computePosition = async (reference, floating, config) => {\n const {\n placement = 'bottom',\n strategy = 'absolute',\n middleware = [],\n platform\n } = config;\n const validMiddleware = middleware.filter(Boolean);\n const rtl = await (platform.isRTL == null ? void 0 : platform.isRTL(floating));\n let rects = await platform.getElementRects({\n reference,\n floating,\n strategy\n });\n let {\n x,\n y\n } = computeCoordsFromPlacement(rects, placement, rtl);\n let statefulPlacement = placement;\n let middlewareData = {};\n let resetCount = 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < validMiddleware.length; i++) {\n const {\n name,\n fn\n } = validMiddleware[i];\n const {\n x: nextX,\n y: nextY,\n data,\n reset\n } = await fn({\n x,\n y,\n initialPlacement: placement,\n placement: statefulPlacement,\n strategy,\n middlewareData,\n rects,\n platform,\n elements: {\n reference,\n floating\n }\n });\n x = nextX != null ? nextX : x;\n y = nextY != null ? nextY : y;\n middlewareData = {\n ...middlewareData,\n [name]: {\n ...middlewareData[name],\n ...data\n }\n };\n if (reset && resetCount <= 50) {\n resetCount++;\n if (typeof reset === 'object') {\n if (reset.placement) {\n statefulPlacement = reset.placement;\n }\n if (reset.rects) {\n rects = reset.rects === true ? await platform.getElementRects({\n reference,\n floating,\n strategy\n }) : reset.rects;\n }\n ({\n x,\n y\n } = computeCoordsFromPlacement(rects, statefulPlacement, rtl));\n }\n i = -1;\n }\n }\n return {\n x,\n y,\n placement: statefulPlacement,\n strategy,\n middlewareData\n };\n};\n\n/**\n * Resolves with an object of overflow side offsets that determine how much the\n * element is overflowing a given clipping boundary on each side.\n * - positive = overflowing the boundary by that number of pixels\n * - negative = how many pixels left before it will overflow\n * - 0 = lies flush with the boundary\n * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/detectOverflow\n */\nasync function detectOverflow(state, options) {\n var _await$platform$isEle;\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n const {\n x,\n y,\n platform,\n rects,\n elements,\n strategy\n } = state;\n const {\n boundary = 'clippingAncestors',\n rootBoundary = 'viewport',\n elementContext = 'floating',\n altBoundary = false,\n padding = 0\n } = evaluate(options, state);\n const paddingObject = getPaddingObject(padding);\n const altContext = elementContext === 'floating' ? 'reference' : 'floating';\n const element = elements[altBoundary ? altContext : elementContext];\n const clippingClientRect = rectToClientRect(await platform.getClippingRect({\n element: ((_await$platform$isEle = await (platform.isElement == null ? void 0 : platform.isElement(element))) != null ? _await$platform$isEle : true) ? element : element.contextElement || (await (platform.getDocumentElement == null ? void 0 : platform.getDocumentElement(elements.floating))),\n boundary,\n rootBoundary,\n strategy\n }));\n const rect = elementContext === 'floating' ? {\n x,\n y,\n width: rects.floating.width,\n height: rects.floating.height\n } : rects.reference;\n const offsetParent = await (platform.getOffsetParent == null ? void 0 : platform.getOffsetParent(elements.floating));\n const offsetScale = (await (platform.isElement == null ? void 0 : platform.isElement(offsetParent))) ? (await (platform.getScale == null ? void 0 : platform.getScale(offsetParent))) || {\n x: 1,\n y: 1\n } : {\n x: 1,\n y: 1\n };\n const elementClientRect = rectToClientRect(platform.convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect ? await platform.convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect({\n elements,\n rect,\n offsetParent,\n strategy\n }) : rect);\n return {\n top: (clippingClientRect.top - elementClientRect.top + paddingObject.top) / offsetScale.y,\n bottom: (elementClientRect.bottom - clippingClientRect.bottom + paddingObject.bottom) / offsetScale.y,\n left: (clippingClientRect.left - elementClientRect.left + paddingObject.left) / offsetScale.x,\n right: (elementClientRect.right - clippingClientRect.right + paddingObject.right) / offsetScale.x\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Provides data to position an inner element of the floating element so that it\n * appears centered to the reference element.\n * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/arrow\n */\nconst arrow = options => ({\n name: 'arrow',\n options,\n async fn(state) {\n const {\n x,\n y,\n placement,\n rects,\n platform,\n elements,\n middlewareData\n } = state;\n // Since `element` is required, we don't Partial<> the type.\n const {\n element,\n padding = 0\n } = evaluate(options, state) || {};\n if (element == null) {\n return {};\n }\n const paddingObject = getPaddingObject(padding);\n const coords = {\n x,\n y\n };\n const axis = getAlignmentAxis(placement);\n const length = getAxisLength(axis);\n const arrowDimensions = await platform.getDimensions(element);\n const isYAxis = axis === 'y';\n const minProp = isYAxis ? 'top' : 'left';\n const maxProp = isYAxis ? 'bottom' : 'right';\n const clientProp = isYAxis ? 'clientHeight' : 'clientWidth';\n const endDiff = rects.reference[length] + rects.reference[axis] - coords[axis] - rects.floating[length];\n const startDiff = coords[axis] - rects.reference[axis];\n const arrowOffsetParent = await (platform.getOffsetParent == null ? void 0 : platform.getOffsetParent(element));\n let clientSize = arrowOffsetParent ? arrowOffsetParent[clientProp] : 0;\n\n // DOM platform can return `window` as the `offsetParent`.\n if (!clientSize || !(await (platform.isElement == null ? void 0 : platform.isElement(arrowOffsetParent)))) {\n clientSize = elements.floating[clientProp] || rects.floating[length];\n }\n const centerToReference = endDiff / 2 - startDiff / 2;\n\n // If the padding is large enough that it causes the arrow to no longer be\n // centered, modify the padding so that it is centered.\n const largestPossiblePadding = clientSize / 2 - arrowDimensions[length] / 2 - 1;\n const minPadding = min(paddingObject[minProp], largestPossiblePadding);\n const maxPadding = min(paddingObject[maxProp], largestPossiblePadding);\n\n // Make sure the arrow doesn't overflow the floating element if the center\n // point is outside the floating element's bounds.\n const min$1 = minPadding;\n const max = clientSize - arrowDimensions[length] - maxPadding;\n const center = clientSize / 2 - arrowDimensions[length] / 2 + centerToReference;\n const offset = clamp(min$1, center, max);\n\n // If the reference is small enough that the arrow's padding causes it to\n // to point to nothing for an aligned placement, adjust the offset of the\n // floating element itself. To ensure `shift()` continues to take action,\n // a single reset is performed when this is true.\n const shouldAddOffset = !middlewareData.arrow && getAlignment(placement) != null && center !== offset && rects.reference[length] / 2 - (center < min$1 ? minPadding : maxPadding) - arrowDimensions[length] / 2 < 0;\n const alignmentOffset = shouldAddOffset ? center < min$1 ? center - min$1 : center - max : 0;\n return {\n [axis]: coords[axis] + alignmentOffset,\n data: {\n [axis]: offset,\n centerOffset: center - offset - alignmentOffset,\n ...(shouldAddOffset && {\n alignmentOffset\n })\n },\n reset: shouldAddOffset\n };\n }\n});\n\nfunction getPlacementList(alignment, autoAlignment, allowedPlacements) {\n const allowedPlacementsSortedByAlignment = alignment ? [...allowedPlacements.filter(placement => getAlignment(placement) === alignment), ...allowedPlacements.filter(placement => getAlignment(placement) !== alignment)] : allowedPlacements.filter(placement => getSide(placement) === placement);\n return allowedPlacementsSortedByAlignment.filter(placement => {\n if (alignment) {\n return getAlignment(placement) === alignment || (autoAlignment ? getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement) !== placement : false);\n }\n return true;\n });\n}\n/**\n * Optimizes the visibility of the floating element by choosing the placement\n * that has the most space available automatically, without needing to specify a\n * preferred placement. Alternative to `flip`.\n * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/autoPlacement\n */\nconst autoPlacement = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n return {\n name: 'autoPlacement',\n options,\n async fn(state) {\n var _middlewareData$autoP, _middlewareData$autoP2, _placementsThatFitOnE;\n const {\n rects,\n middlewareData,\n placement,\n platform,\n elements\n } = state;\n const {\n crossAxis = false,\n alignment,\n allowedPlacements = placements,\n autoAlignment = true,\n ...detectOverflowOptions\n } = evaluate(options, state);\n const placements$1 = alignment !== undefined || allowedPlacements === placements ? getPlacementList(alignment || null, autoAlignment, allowedPlacements) : allowedPlacements;\n const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, detectOverflowOptions);\n const currentIndex = ((_middlewareData$autoP = middlewareData.autoPlacement) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$autoP.index) || 0;\n const currentPlacement = placements$1[currentIndex];\n if (currentPlacement == null) {\n return {};\n }\n const alignmentSides = getAlignmentSides(currentPlacement, rects, await (platform.isRTL == null ? void 0 : platform.isRTL(elements.floating)));\n\n // Make `computeCoords` start from the right place.\n if (placement !== currentPlacement) {\n return {\n reset: {\n placement: placements$1[0]\n }\n };\n }\n const currentOverflows = [overflow[getSide(currentPlacement)], overflow[alignmentSides[0]], overflow[alignmentSides[1]]];\n const allOverflows = [...(((_middlewareData$autoP2 = middlewareData.autoPlacement) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$autoP2.overflows) || []), {\n placement: currentPlacement,\n overflows: currentOverflows\n }];\n const nextPlacement = placements$1[currentIndex + 1];\n\n // There are more placements to check.\n if (nextPlacement) {\n return {\n data: {\n index: currentIndex + 1,\n overflows: allOverflows\n },\n reset: {\n placement: nextPlacement\n }\n };\n }\n const placementsSortedByMostSpace = allOverflows.map(d => {\n const alignment = getAlignment(d.placement);\n return [d.placement, alignment && crossAxis ?\n // Check along the mainAxis and main crossAxis side.\n d.overflows.slice(0, 2).reduce((acc, v) => acc + v, 0) :\n // Check only the mainAxis.\n d.overflows[0], d.overflows];\n }).sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1]);\n const placementsThatFitOnEachSide = placementsSortedByMostSpace.filter(d => d[2].slice(0,\n // Aligned placements should not check their opposite crossAxis\n // side.\n getAlignment(d[0]) ? 2 : 3).every(v => v <= 0));\n const resetPlacement = ((_placementsThatFitOnE = placementsThatFitOnEachSide[0]) == null ? void 0 : _placementsThatFitOnE[0]) || placementsSortedByMostSpace[0][0];\n if (resetPlacement !== placement) {\n return {\n data: {\n index: currentIndex + 1,\n overflows: allOverflows\n },\n reset: {\n placement: resetPlacement\n }\n };\n }\n return {};\n }\n };\n};\n\n/**\n * Optimizes the visibility of the floating element by flipping the `placement`\n * in order to keep it in view when the preferred placement(s) will overflow the\n * clipping boundary. Alternative to `autoPlacement`.\n * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/flip\n */\nconst flip = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n return {\n name: 'flip',\n options,\n async fn(state) {\n var _middlewareData$arrow, _middlewareData$flip;\n const {\n placement,\n middlewareData,\n rects,\n initialPlacement,\n platform,\n elements\n } = state;\n const {\n mainAxis: checkMainAxis = true,\n crossAxis: checkCrossAxis = true,\n fallbackPlacements: specifiedFallbackPlacements,\n fallbackStrategy = 'bestFit',\n fallbackAxisSideDirection = 'none',\n flipAlignment = true,\n ...detectOverflowOptions\n } = evaluate(options, state);\n\n // If a reset by the arrow was caused due to an alignment offset being\n // added, we should skip any logic now since `flip()` has already done its\n // work.\n // https://github.com/floating-ui/floating-ui/issues/2549#issuecomment-1719601643\n if ((_middlewareData$arrow = middlewareData.arrow) != null && _middlewareData$arrow.alignmentOffset) {\n return {};\n }\n const side = getSide(placement);\n const initialSideAxis = getSideAxis(initialPlacement);\n const isBasePlacement = getSide(initialPlacement) === initialPlacement;\n const rtl = await (platform.isRTL == null ? void 0 : platform.isRTL(elements.floating));\n const fallbackPlacements = specifiedFallbackPlacements || (isBasePlacement || !flipAlignment ? [getOppositePlacement(initialPlacement)] : getExpandedPlacements(initialPlacement));\n const hasFallbackAxisSideDirection = fallbackAxisSideDirection !== 'none';\n if (!specifiedFallbackPlacements && hasFallbackAxisSideDirection) {\n fallbackPlacements.push(...getOppositeAxisPlacements(initialPlacement, flipAlignment, fallbackAxisSideDirection, rtl));\n }\n const placements = [initialPlacement, ...fallbackPlacements];\n const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, detectOverflowOptions);\n const overflows = [];\n let overflowsData = ((_middlewareData$flip = middlewareData.flip) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$flip.overflows) || [];\n if (checkMainAxis) {\n overflows.push(overflow[side]);\n }\n if (checkCrossAxis) {\n const sides = getAlignmentSides(placement, rects, rtl);\n overflows.push(overflow[sides[0]], overflow[sides[1]]);\n }\n overflowsData = [...overflowsData, {\n placement,\n overflows\n }];\n\n // One or more sides is overflowing.\n if (!overflows.every(side => side <= 0)) {\n var _middlewareData$flip2, _overflowsData$filter;\n const nextIndex = (((_middlewareData$flip2 = middlewareData.flip) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$flip2.index) || 0) + 1;\n const nextPlacement = placements[nextIndex];\n if (nextPlacement) {\n // Try next placement and re-run the lifecycle.\n return {\n data: {\n index: nextIndex,\n overflows: overflowsData\n },\n reset: {\n placement: nextPlacement\n }\n };\n }\n\n // First, find the candidates that fit on the mainAxis side of overflow,\n // then find the placement that fits the best on the main crossAxis side.\n let resetPlacement = (_overflowsData$filter = overflowsData.filter(d => d.overflows[0] <= 0).sort((a, b) => a.overflows[1] - b.overflows[1])[0]) == null ? void 0 : _overflowsData$filter.placement;\n\n // Otherwise fallback.\n if (!resetPlacement) {\n switch (fallbackStrategy) {\n case 'bestFit':\n {\n var _overflowsData$filter2;\n const placement = (_overflowsData$filter2 = overflowsData.filter(d => {\n if (hasFallbackAxisSideDirection) {\n const currentSideAxis = getSideAxis(d.placement);\n return currentSideAxis === initialSideAxis ||\n // Create a bias to the `y` side axis due to horizontal\n // reading directions favoring greater width.\n currentSideAxis === 'y';\n }\n return true;\n }).map(d => [d.placement, d.overflows.filter(overflow => overflow > 0).reduce((acc, overflow) => acc + overflow, 0)]).sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1])[0]) == null ? void 0 : _overflowsData$filter2[0];\n if (placement) {\n resetPlacement = placement;\n }\n break;\n }\n case 'initialPlacement':\n resetPlacement = initialPlacement;\n break;\n }\n }\n if (placement !== resetPlacement) {\n return {\n reset: {\n placement: resetPlacement\n }\n };\n }\n }\n return {};\n }\n };\n};\n\nfunction getSideOffsets(overflow, rect) {\n return {\n top: overflow.top - rect.height,\n right: overflow.right - rect.width,\n bottom: overflow.bottom - rect.height,\n left: overflow.left - rect.width\n };\n}\nfunction isAnySideFullyClipped(overflow) {\n return sides.some(side => overflow[side] >= 0);\n}\n/**\n * Provides data to hide the floating element in applicable situations, such as\n * when it is not in the same clipping context as the reference element.\n * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/hide\n */\nconst hide = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n return {\n name: 'hide',\n options,\n async fn(state) {\n const {\n rects\n } = state;\n const {\n strategy = 'referenceHidden',\n ...detectOverflowOptions\n } = evaluate(options, state);\n switch (strategy) {\n case 'referenceHidden':\n {\n const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, {\n ...detectOverflowOptions,\n elementContext: 'reference'\n });\n const offsets = getSideOffsets(overflow, rects.reference);\n return {\n data: {\n referenceHiddenOffsets: offsets,\n referenceHidden: isAnySideFullyClipped(offsets)\n }\n };\n }\n case 'escaped':\n {\n const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, {\n ...detectOverflowOptions,\n altBoundary: true\n });\n const offsets = getSideOffsets(overflow, rects.floating);\n return {\n data: {\n escapedOffsets: offsets,\n escaped: isAnySideFullyClipped(offsets)\n }\n };\n }\n default:\n {\n return {};\n }\n }\n }\n };\n};\n\nfunction getBoundingRect(rects) {\n const minX = min(...rects.map(rect => rect.left));\n const minY = min(...rects.map(rect => rect.top));\n const maxX = max(...rects.map(rect => rect.right));\n const maxY = max(...rects.map(rect => rect.bottom));\n return {\n x: minX,\n y: minY,\n width: maxX - minX,\n height: maxY - minY\n };\n}\nfunction getRectsByLine(rects) {\n const sortedRects = rects.slice().sort((a, b) => a.y - b.y);\n const groups = [];\n let prevRect = null;\n for (let i = 0; i < sortedRects.length; i++) {\n const rect = sortedRects[i];\n if (!prevRect || rect.y - prevRect.y > prevRect.height / 2) {\n groups.push([rect]);\n } else {\n groups[groups.length - 1].push(rect);\n }\n prevRect = rect;\n }\n return groups.map(rect => rectToClientRect(getBoundingRect(rect)));\n}\n/**\n * Provides improved positioning for inline reference elements that can span\n * over multiple lines, such as hyperlinks or range selections.\n * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/inline\n */\nconst inline = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n return {\n name: 'inline',\n options,\n async fn(state) {\n const {\n placement,\n elements,\n rects,\n platform,\n strategy\n } = state;\n // A MouseEvent's client{X,Y} coords can be up to 2 pixels off a\n // ClientRect's bounds, despite the event listener being triggered. A\n // padding of 2 seems to handle this issue.\n const {\n padding = 2,\n x,\n y\n } = evaluate(options, state);\n const nativeClientRects = Array.from((await (platform.getClientRects == null ? void 0 : platform.getClientRects(elements.reference))) || []);\n const clientRects = getRectsByLine(nativeClientRects);\n const fallback = rectToClientRect(getBoundingRect(nativeClientRects));\n const paddingObject = getPaddingObject(padding);\n function getBoundingClientRect() {\n // There are two rects and they are disjoined.\n if (clientRects.length === 2 && clientRects[0].left > clientRects[1].right && x != null && y != null) {\n // Find the first rect in which the point is fully inside.\n return clientRects.find(rect => x > rect.left - paddingObject.left && x < rect.right + paddingObject.right && y > rect.top - paddingObject.top && y < rect.bottom + paddingObject.bottom) || fallback;\n }\n\n // There are 2 or more connected rects.\n if (clientRects.length >= 2) {\n if (getSideAxis(placement) === 'y') {\n const firstRect = clientRects[0];\n const lastRect = clientRects[clientRects.length - 1];\n const isTop = getSide(placement) === 'top';\n const top = firstRect.top;\n const bottom = lastRect.bottom;\n const left = isTop ? firstRect.left : lastRect.left;\n const right = isTop ? firstRect.right : lastRect.right;\n const width = right - left;\n const height = bottom - top;\n return {\n top,\n bottom,\n left,\n right,\n width,\n height,\n x: left,\n y: top\n };\n }\n const isLeftSide = getSide(placement) === 'left';\n const maxRight = max(...clientRects.map(rect => rect.right));\n const minLeft = min(...clientRects.map(rect => rect.left));\n const measureRects = clientRects.filter(rect => isLeftSide ? rect.left === minLeft : rect.right === maxRight);\n const top = measureRects[0].top;\n const bottom = measureRects[measureRects.length - 1].bottom;\n const left = minLeft;\n const right = maxRight;\n const width = right - left;\n const height = bottom - top;\n return {\n top,\n bottom,\n left,\n right,\n width,\n height,\n x: left,\n y: top\n };\n }\n return fallback;\n }\n const resetRects = await platform.getElementRects({\n reference: {\n getBoundingClientRect\n },\n floating: elements.floating,\n strategy\n });\n if (rects.reference.x !== resetRects.reference.x || rects.reference.y !== resetRects.reference.y || rects.reference.width !== resetRects.reference.width || rects.reference.height !== resetRects.reference.height) {\n return {\n reset: {\n rects: resetRects\n }\n };\n }\n return {};\n }\n };\n};\n\n// For type backwards-compatibility, the `OffsetOptions` type was also\n// Derivable.\n\nasync function convertValueToCoords(state, options) {\n const {\n placement,\n platform,\n elements\n } = state;\n const rtl = await (platform.isRTL == null ? void 0 : platform.isRTL(elements.floating));\n const side = getSide(placement);\n const alignment = getAlignment(placement);\n const isVertical = getSideAxis(placement) === 'y';\n const mainAxisMulti = ['left', 'top'].includes(side) ? -1 : 1;\n const crossAxisMulti = rtl && isVertical ? -1 : 1;\n const rawValue = evaluate(options, state);\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const\n let {\n mainAxis,\n crossAxis,\n alignmentAxis\n } = typeof rawValue === 'number' ? {\n mainAxis: rawValue,\n crossAxis: 0,\n alignmentAxis: null\n } : {\n mainAxis: rawValue.mainAxis || 0,\n crossAxis: rawValue.crossAxis || 0,\n alignmentAxis: rawValue.alignmentAxis\n };\n if (alignment && typeof alignmentAxis === 'number') {\n crossAxis = alignment === 'end' ? alignmentAxis * -1 : alignmentAxis;\n }\n return isVertical ? {\n x: crossAxis * crossAxisMulti,\n y: mainAxis * mainAxisMulti\n } : {\n x: mainAxis * mainAxisMulti,\n y: crossAxis * crossAxisMulti\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Modifies the placement by translating the floating element along the\n * specified axes.\n * A number (shorthand for `mainAxis` or distance), or an axes configuration\n * object may be passed.\n * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/offset\n */\nconst offset = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = 0;\n }\n return {\n name: 'offset',\n options,\n async fn(state) {\n var _middlewareData$offse, _middlewareData$arrow;\n const {\n x,\n y,\n placement,\n middlewareData\n } = state;\n const diffCoords = await convertValueToCoords(state, options);\n\n // If the placement is the same and the arrow caused an alignment offset\n // then we don't need to change the positioning coordinates.\n if (placement === ((_middlewareData$offse = middlewareData.offset) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$offse.placement) && (_middlewareData$arrow = middlewareData.arrow) != null && _middlewareData$arrow.alignmentOffset) {\n return {};\n }\n return {\n x: x + diffCoords.x,\n y: y + diffCoords.y,\n data: {\n ...diffCoords,\n placement\n }\n };\n }\n };\n};\n\n/**\n * Optimizes the visibility of the floating element by shifting it in order to\n * keep it in view when it will overflow the clipping boundary.\n * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/shift\n */\nconst shift = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n return {\n name: 'shift',\n options,\n async fn(state) {\n const {\n x,\n y,\n placement\n } = state;\n const {\n mainAxis: checkMainAxis = true,\n crossAxis: checkCrossAxis = false,\n limiter = {\n fn: _ref => {\n let {\n x,\n y\n } = _ref;\n return {\n x,\n y\n };\n }\n },\n ...detectOverflowOptions\n } = evaluate(options, state);\n const coords = {\n x,\n y\n };\n const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, detectOverflowOptions);\n const crossAxis = getSideAxis(getSide(placement));\n const mainAxis = getOppositeAxis(crossAxis);\n let mainAxisCoord = coords[mainAxis];\n let crossAxisCoord = coords[crossAxis];\n if (checkMainAxis) {\n const minSide = mainAxis === 'y' ? 'top' : 'left';\n const maxSide = mainAxis === 'y' ? 'bottom' : 'right';\n const min = mainAxisCoord + overflow[minSide];\n const max = mainAxisCoord - overflow[maxSide];\n mainAxisCoord = clamp(min, mainAxisCoord, max);\n }\n if (checkCrossAxis) {\n const minSide = crossAxis === 'y' ? 'top' : 'left';\n const maxSide = crossAxis === 'y' ? 'bottom' : 'right';\n const min = crossAxisCoord + overflow[minSide];\n const max = crossAxisCoord - overflow[maxSide];\n crossAxisCoord = clamp(min, crossAxisCoord, max);\n }\n const limitedCoords = limiter.fn({\n ...state,\n [mainAxis]: mainAxisCoord,\n [crossAxis]: crossAxisCoord\n });\n return {\n ...limitedCoords,\n data: {\n x: limitedCoords.x - x,\n y: limitedCoords.y - y,\n enabled: {\n [mainAxis]: checkMainAxis,\n [crossAxis]: checkCrossAxis\n }\n }\n };\n }\n };\n};\n/**\n * Built-in `limiter` that will stop `shift()` at a certain point.\n */\nconst limitShift = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n return {\n options,\n fn(state) {\n const {\n x,\n y,\n placement,\n rects,\n middlewareData\n } = state;\n const {\n offset = 0,\n mainAxis: checkMainAxis = true,\n crossAxis: checkCrossAxis = true\n } = evaluate(options, state);\n const coords = {\n x,\n y\n };\n const crossAxis = getSideAxis(placement);\n const mainAxis = getOppositeAxis(crossAxis);\n let mainAxisCoord = coords[mainAxis];\n let crossAxisCoord = coords[crossAxis];\n const rawOffset = evaluate(offset, state);\n const computedOffset = typeof rawOffset === 'number' ? {\n mainAxis: rawOffset,\n crossAxis: 0\n } : {\n mainAxis: 0,\n crossAxis: 0,\n ...rawOffset\n };\n if (checkMainAxis) {\n const len = mainAxis === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width';\n const limitMin = rects.reference[mainAxis] - rects.floating[len] + computedOffset.mainAxis;\n const limitMax = rects.reference[mainAxis] + rects.reference[len] - computedOffset.mainAxis;\n if (mainAxisCoord < limitMin) {\n mainAxisCoord = limitMin;\n } else if (mainAxisCoord > limitMax) {\n mainAxisCoord = limitMax;\n }\n }\n if (checkCrossAxis) {\n var _middlewareData$offse, _middlewareData$offse2;\n const len = mainAxis === 'y' ? 'width' : 'height';\n const isOriginSide = ['top', 'left'].includes(getSide(placement));\n const limitMin = rects.reference[crossAxis] - rects.floating[len] + (isOriginSide ? ((_middlewareData$offse = middlewareData.offset) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$offse[crossAxis]) || 0 : 0) + (isOriginSide ? 0 : computedOffset.crossAxis);\n const limitMax = rects.reference[crossAxis] + rects.reference[len] + (isOriginSide ? 0 : ((_middlewareData$offse2 = middlewareData.offset) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$offse2[crossAxis]) || 0) - (isOriginSide ? computedOffset.crossAxis : 0);\n if (crossAxisCoord < limitMin) {\n crossAxisCoord = limitMin;\n } else if (crossAxisCoord > limitMax) {\n crossAxisCoord = limitMax;\n }\n }\n return {\n [mainAxis]: mainAxisCoord,\n [crossAxis]: crossAxisCoord\n };\n }\n };\n};\n\n/**\n * Provides data that allows you to change the size of the floating element \u2014\n * for instance, prevent it from overflowing the clipping boundary or match the\n * width of the reference element.\n * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/size\n */\nconst size = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n return {\n name: 'size',\n options,\n async fn(state) {\n var _state$middlewareData, _state$middlewareData2;\n const {\n placement,\n rects,\n platform,\n elements\n } = state;\n const {\n apply = () => {},\n ...detectOverflowOptions\n } = evaluate(options, state);\n const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, detectOverflowOptions);\n const side = getSide(placement);\n const alignment = getAlignment(placement);\n const isYAxis = getSideAxis(placement) === 'y';\n const {\n width,\n height\n } = rects.floating;\n let heightSide;\n let widthSide;\n if (side === 'top' || side === 'bottom') {\n heightSide = side;\n widthSide = alignment === ((await (platform.isRTL == null ? void 0 : platform.isRTL(elements.floating))) ? 'start' : 'end') ? 'left' : 'right';\n } else {\n widthSide = side;\n heightSide = alignment === 'end' ? 'top' : 'bottom';\n }\n const maximumClippingHeight = height - overflow.top - overflow.bottom;\n const maximumClippingWidth = width - overflow.left - overflow.right;\n const overflowAvailableHeight = min(height - overflow[heightSide], maximumClippingHeight);\n const overflowAvailableWidth = min(width - overflow[widthSide], maximumClippingWidth);\n const noShift = !state.middlewareData.shift;\n let availableHeight = overflowAvailableHeight;\n let availableWidth = overflowAvailableWidth;\n if ((_state$middlewareData = state.middlewareData.shift) != null && _state$middlewareData.enabled.x) {\n availableWidth = maximumClippingWidth;\n }\n if ((_state$middlewareData2 = state.middlewareData.shift) != null && _state$middlewareData2.enabled.y) {\n availableHeight = maximumClippingHeight;\n }\n if (noShift && !alignment) {\n const xMin = max(overflow.left, 0);\n const xMax = max(overflow.right, 0);\n const yMin = max(overflow.top, 0);\n const yMax = max(overflow.bottom, 0);\n if (isYAxis) {\n availableWidth = width - 2 * (xMin !== 0 || xMax !== 0 ? xMin + xMax : max(overflow.left, overflow.right));\n } else {\n availableHeight = height - 2 * (yMin !== 0 || yMax !== 0 ? yMin + yMax : max(overflow.top, overflow.bottom));\n }\n }\n await apply({\n ...state,\n availableWidth,\n availableHeight\n });\n const nextDimensions = await platform.getDimensions(elements.floating);\n if (width !== nextDimensions.width || height !== nextDimensions.height) {\n return {\n reset: {\n rects: true\n }\n };\n }\n return {};\n }\n };\n};\n\nexport { arrow, autoPlacement, computePosition, detectOverflow, flip, hide, inline, limitShift, offset, shift, size };\n", "function hasWindow() {\n return typeof window !== 'undefined';\n}\nfunction getNodeName(node) {\n if (isNode(node)) {\n return (node.nodeName || '').toLowerCase();\n }\n // Mocked nodes in testing environments may not be instances of Node. By\n // returning `#document` an infinite loop won't occur.\n // https://github.com/floating-ui/floating-ui/issues/2317\n return '#document';\n}\nfunction getWindow(node) {\n var _node$ownerDocument;\n return (node == null || (_node$ownerDocument = node.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _node$ownerDocument.defaultView) || window;\n}\nfunction getDocumentElement(node) {\n var _ref;\n return (_ref = (isNode(node) ? node.ownerDocument : node.document) || window.document) == null ? void 0 : _ref.documentElement;\n}\nfunction isNode(value) {\n if (!hasWindow()) {\n return false;\n }\n return value instanceof Node || value instanceof getWindow(value).Node;\n}\nfunction isElement(value) {\n if (!hasWindow()) {\n return false;\n }\n return value instanceof Element || value instanceof getWindow(value).Element;\n}\nfunction isHTMLElement(value) {\n if (!hasWindow()) {\n return false;\n }\n return value instanceof HTMLElement || value instanceof getWindow(value).HTMLElement;\n}\nfunction isShadowRoot(value) {\n if (!hasWindow() || typeof ShadowRoot === 'undefined') {\n return false;\n }\n return value instanceof ShadowRoot || value instanceof getWindow(value).ShadowRoot;\n}\nfunction isOverflowElement(element) {\n const {\n overflow,\n overflowX,\n overflowY,\n display\n } = getComputedStyle(element);\n return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden|clip/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX) && !['inline', 'contents'].includes(display);\n}\nfunction isTableElement(element) {\n return ['table', 'td', 'th'].includes(getNodeName(element));\n}\nfunction isTopLayer(element) {\n return [':popover-open', ':modal'].some(selector => {\n try {\n return element.matches(selector);\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n });\n}\nfunction isContainingBlock(elementOrCss) {\n const webkit = isWebKit();\n const css = isElement(elementOrCss) ? getComputedStyle(elementOrCss) : elementOrCss;\n\n // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Containing_block#identifying_the_containing_block\n return css.transform !== 'none' || css.perspective !== 'none' || (css.containerType ? css.containerType !== 'normal' : false) || !webkit && (css.backdropFilter ? css.backdropFilter !== 'none' : false) || !webkit && (css.filter ? css.filter !== 'none' : false) || ['transform', 'perspective', 'filter'].some(value => (css.willChange || '').includes(value)) || ['paint', 'layout', 'strict', 'content'].some(value => (css.contain || '').includes(value));\n}\nfunction getContainingBlock(element) {\n let currentNode = getParentNode(element);\n while (isHTMLElement(currentNode) && !isLastTraversableNode(currentNode)) {\n if (isContainingBlock(currentNode)) {\n return currentNode;\n } else if (isTopLayer(currentNode)) {\n return null;\n }\n currentNode = getParentNode(currentNode);\n }\n return null;\n}\nfunction isWebKit() {\n if (typeof CSS === 'undefined' || !CSS.supports) return false;\n return CSS.supports('-webkit-backdrop-filter', 'none');\n}\nfunction isLastTraversableNode(node) {\n return ['html', 'body', '#document'].includes(getNodeName(node));\n}\nfunction getComputedStyle(element) {\n return getWindow(element).getComputedStyle(element);\n}\nfunction getNodeScroll(element) {\n if (isElement(element)) {\n return {\n scrollLeft: element.scrollLeft,\n scrollTop: element.scrollTop\n };\n }\n return {\n scrollLeft: element.scrollX,\n scrollTop: element.scrollY\n };\n}\nfunction getParentNode(node) {\n if (getNodeName(node) === 'html') {\n return node;\n }\n const result =\n // Step into the shadow DOM of the parent of a slotted node.\n node.assignedSlot ||\n // DOM Element detected.\n node.parentNode ||\n // ShadowRoot detected.\n isShadowRoot(node) && node.host ||\n // Fallback.\n getDocumentElement(node);\n return isShadowRoot(result) ? result.host : result;\n}\nfunction getNearestOverflowAncestor(node) {\n const parentNode = getParentNode(node);\n if (isLastTraversableNode(parentNode)) {\n return node.ownerDocument ? node.ownerDocument.body : node.body;\n }\n if (isHTMLElement(parentNode) && isOverflowElement(parentNode)) {\n return parentNode;\n }\n return getNearestOverflowAncestor(parentNode);\n}\nfunction getOverflowAncestors(node, list, traverseIframes) {\n var _node$ownerDocument2;\n if (list === void 0) {\n list = [];\n }\n if (traverseIframes === void 0) {\n traverseIframes = true;\n }\n const scrollableAncestor = getNearestOverflowAncestor(node);\n const isBody = scrollableAncestor === ((_node$ownerDocument2 = node.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _node$ownerDocument2.body);\n const win = getWindow(scrollableAncestor);\n if (isBody) {\n const frameElement = getFrameElement(win);\n return list.concat(win, win.visualViewport || [], isOverflowElement(scrollableAncestor) ? scrollableAncestor : [], frameElement && traverseIframes ? getOverflowAncestors(frameElement) : []);\n }\n return list.concat(scrollableAncestor, getOverflowAncestors(scrollableAncestor, [], traverseIframes));\n}\nfunction getFrameElement(win) {\n return win.parent && Object.getPrototypeOf(win.parent) ? win.frameElement : null;\n}\n\nexport { getComputedStyle, getContainingBlock, getDocumentElement, getFrameElement, getNearestOverflowAncestor, getNodeName, getNodeScroll, getOverflowAncestors, getParentNode, getWindow, isContainingBlock, isElement, isHTMLElement, isLastTraversableNode, isNode, isOverflowElement, isShadowRoot, isTableElement, isTopLayer, isWebKit };\n", "import { rectToClientRect, detectOverflow as detectOverflow$1, offset as offset$1, autoPlacement as autoPlacement$1, shift as shift$1, flip as flip$1, size as size$1, hide as hide$1, arrow as arrow$1, inline as inline$1, limitShift as limitShift$1, computePosition as computePosition$1 } from '@floating-ui/core';\nimport { round, createCoords, max, min, floor } from '@floating-ui/utils';\nimport { getComputedStyle, isHTMLElement, isElement, getWindow, isWebKit, getFrameElement, getDocumentElement, isTopLayer, getNodeName, isOverflowElement, getNodeScroll, getOverflowAncestors, getParentNode, isLastTraversableNode, isContainingBlock, isTableElement, getContainingBlock } from '@floating-ui/utils/dom';\nexport { getOverflowAncestors } from '@floating-ui/utils/dom';\n\nfunction getCssDimensions(element) {\n const css = getComputedStyle(element);\n // In testing environments, the `width` and `height` properties are empty\n // strings for SVG elements, returning NaN. Fallback to `0` in this case.\n let width = parseFloat(css.width) || 0;\n let height = parseFloat(css.height) || 0;\n const hasOffset = isHTMLElement(element);\n const offsetWidth = hasOffset ? element.offsetWidth : width;\n const offsetHeight = hasOffset ? element.offsetHeight : height;\n const shouldFallback = round(width) !== offsetWidth || round(height) !== offsetHeight;\n if (shouldFallback) {\n width = offsetWidth;\n height = offsetHeight;\n }\n return {\n width,\n height,\n $: shouldFallback\n };\n}\n\nfunction unwrapElement(element) {\n return !isElement(element) ? element.contextElement : element;\n}\n\nfunction getScale(element) {\n const domElement = unwrapElement(element);\n if (!isHTMLElement(domElement)) {\n return createCoords(1);\n }\n const rect = domElement.getBoundingClientRect();\n const {\n width,\n height,\n $\n } = getCssDimensions(domElement);\n let x = ($ ? round(rect.width) : rect.width) / width;\n let y = ($ ? round(rect.height) : rect.height) / height;\n\n // 0, NaN, or Infinity should always fallback to 1.\n\n if (!x || !Number.isFinite(x)) {\n x = 1;\n }\n if (!y || !Number.isFinite(y)) {\n y = 1;\n }\n return {\n x,\n y\n };\n}\n\nconst noOffsets = /*#__PURE__*/createCoords(0);\nfunction getVisualOffsets(element) {\n const win = getWindow(element);\n if (!isWebKit() || !win.visualViewport) {\n return noOffsets;\n }\n return {\n x: win.visualViewport.offsetLeft,\n y: win.visualViewport.offsetTop\n };\n}\nfunction shouldAddVisualOffsets(element, isFixed, floatingOffsetParent) {\n if (isFixed === void 0) {\n isFixed = false;\n }\n if (!floatingOffsetParent || isFixed && floatingOffsetParent !== getWindow(element)) {\n return false;\n }\n return isFixed;\n}\n\nfunction getBoundingClientRect(element, includeScale, isFixedStrategy, offsetParent) {\n if (includeScale === void 0) {\n includeScale = false;\n }\n if (isFixedStrategy === void 0) {\n isFixedStrategy = false;\n }\n const clientRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n const domElement = unwrapElement(element);\n let scale = createCoords(1);\n if (includeScale) {\n if (offsetParent) {\n if (isElement(offsetParent)) {\n scale = getScale(offsetParent);\n }\n } else {\n scale = getScale(element);\n }\n }\n const visualOffsets = shouldAddVisualOffsets(domElement, isFixedStrategy, offsetParent) ? getVisualOffsets(domElement) : createCoords(0);\n let x = (clientRect.left + visualOffsets.x) / scale.x;\n let y = (clientRect.top + visualOffsets.y) / scale.y;\n let width = clientRect.width / scale.x;\n let height = clientRect.height / scale.y;\n if (domElement) {\n const win = getWindow(domElement);\n const offsetWin = offsetParent && isElement(offsetParent) ? getWindow(offsetParent) : offsetParent;\n let currentWin = win;\n let currentIFrame = getFrameElement(currentWin);\n while (currentIFrame && offsetParent && offsetWin !== currentWin) {\n const iframeScale = getScale(currentIFrame);\n const iframeRect = currentIFrame.getBoundingClientRect();\n const css = getComputedStyle(currentIFrame);\n const left = iframeRect.left + (currentIFrame.clientLeft + parseFloat(css.paddingLeft)) * iframeScale.x;\n const top = iframeRect.top + (currentIFrame.clientTop + parseFloat(css.paddingTop)) * iframeScale.y;\n x *= iframeScale.x;\n y *= iframeScale.y;\n width *= iframeScale.x;\n height *= iframeScale.y;\n x += left;\n y += top;\n currentWin = getWindow(currentIFrame);\n currentIFrame = getFrameElement(currentWin);\n }\n }\n return rectToClientRect({\n width,\n height,\n x,\n y\n });\n}\n\nfunction convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect(_ref) {\n let {\n elements,\n rect,\n offsetParent,\n strategy\n } = _ref;\n const isFixed = strategy === 'fixed';\n const documentElement = getDocumentElement(offsetParent);\n const topLayer = elements ? isTopLayer(elements.floating) : false;\n if (offsetParent === documentElement || topLayer && isFixed) {\n return rect;\n }\n let scroll = {\n scrollLeft: 0,\n scrollTop: 0\n };\n let scale = createCoords(1);\n const offsets = createCoords(0);\n const isOffsetParentAnElement = isHTMLElement(offsetParent);\n if (isOffsetParentAnElement || !isOffsetParentAnElement && !isFixed) {\n if (getNodeName(offsetParent) !== 'body' || isOverflowElement(documentElement)) {\n scroll = getNodeScroll(offsetParent);\n }\n if (isHTMLElement(offsetParent)) {\n const offsetRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent);\n scale = getScale(offsetParent);\n offsets.x = offsetRect.x + offsetParent.clientLeft;\n offsets.y = offsetRect.y + offsetParent.clientTop;\n }\n }\n return {\n width: rect.width * scale.x,\n height: rect.height * scale.y,\n x: rect.x * scale.x - scroll.scrollLeft * scale.x + offsets.x,\n y: rect.y * scale.y - scroll.scrollTop * scale.y + offsets.y\n };\n}\n\nfunction getClientRects(element) {\n return Array.from(element.getClientRects());\n}\n\n// If has a CSS width greater than the viewport, then this will be\n// incorrect for RTL.\nfunction getWindowScrollBarX(element, rect) {\n const leftScroll = getNodeScroll(element).scrollLeft;\n if (!rect) {\n return getBoundingClientRect(getDocumentElement(element)).left + leftScroll;\n }\n return rect.left + leftScroll;\n}\n\n// Gets the entire size of the scrollable document area, even extending outside\n// of the `` and `` rect bounds if horizontally scrollable.\nfunction getDocumentRect(element) {\n const html = getDocumentElement(element);\n const scroll = getNodeScroll(element);\n const body = element.ownerDocument.body;\n const width = max(html.scrollWidth, html.clientWidth, body.scrollWidth, body.clientWidth);\n const height = max(html.scrollHeight, html.clientHeight, body.scrollHeight, body.clientHeight);\n let x = -scroll.scrollLeft + getWindowScrollBarX(element);\n const y = -scroll.scrollTop;\n if (getComputedStyle(body).direction === 'rtl') {\n x += max(html.clientWidth, body.clientWidth) - width;\n }\n return {\n width,\n height,\n x,\n y\n };\n}\n\nfunction getViewportRect(element, strategy) {\n const win = getWindow(element);\n const html = getDocumentElement(element);\n const visualViewport = win.visualViewport;\n let width = html.clientWidth;\n let height = html.clientHeight;\n let x = 0;\n let y = 0;\n if (visualViewport) {\n width = visualViewport.width;\n height = visualViewport.height;\n const visualViewportBased = isWebKit();\n if (!visualViewportBased || visualViewportBased && strategy === 'fixed') {\n x = visualViewport.offsetLeft;\n y = visualViewport.offsetTop;\n }\n }\n return {\n width,\n height,\n x,\n y\n };\n}\n\n// Returns the inner client rect, subtracting scrollbars if present.\nfunction getInnerBoundingClientRect(element, strategy) {\n const clientRect = getBoundingClientRect(element, true, strategy === 'fixed');\n const top = clientRect.top + element.clientTop;\n const left = clientRect.left + element.clientLeft;\n const scale = isHTMLElement(element) ? getScale(element) : createCoords(1);\n const width = element.clientWidth * scale.x;\n const height = element.clientHeight * scale.y;\n const x = left * scale.x;\n const y = top * scale.y;\n return {\n width,\n height,\n x,\n y\n };\n}\nfunction getClientRectFromClippingAncestor(element, clippingAncestor, strategy) {\n let rect;\n if (clippingAncestor === 'viewport') {\n rect = getViewportRect(element, strategy);\n } else if (clippingAncestor === 'document') {\n rect = getDocumentRect(getDocumentElement(element));\n } else if (isElement(clippingAncestor)) {\n rect = getInnerBoundingClientRect(clippingAncestor, strategy);\n } else {\n const visualOffsets = getVisualOffsets(element);\n rect = {\n ...clippingAncestor,\n x: clippingAncestor.x - visualOffsets.x,\n y: clippingAncestor.y - visualOffsets.y\n };\n }\n return rectToClientRect(rect);\n}\nfunction hasFixedPositionAncestor(element, stopNode) {\n const parentNode = getParentNode(element);\n if (parentNode === stopNode || !isElement(parentNode) || isLastTraversableNode(parentNode)) {\n return false;\n }\n return getComputedStyle(parentNode).position === 'fixed' || hasFixedPositionAncestor(parentNode, stopNode);\n}\n\n// A \"clipping ancestor\" is an `overflow` element with the characteristic of\n// clipping (or hiding) child elements. This returns all clipping ancestors\n// of the given element up the tree.\nfunction getClippingElementAncestors(element, cache) {\n const cachedResult = cache.get(element);\n if (cachedResult) {\n return cachedResult;\n }\n let result = getOverflowAncestors(element, [], false).filter(el => isElement(el) && getNodeName(el) !== 'body');\n let currentContainingBlockComputedStyle = null;\n const elementIsFixed = getComputedStyle(element).position === 'fixed';\n let currentNode = elementIsFixed ? getParentNode(element) : element;\n\n // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Containing_block#identifying_the_containing_block\n while (isElement(currentNode) && !isLastTraversableNode(currentNode)) {\n const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(currentNode);\n const currentNodeIsContaining = isContainingBlock(currentNode);\n if (!currentNodeIsContaining && computedStyle.position === 'fixed') {\n currentContainingBlockComputedStyle = null;\n }\n const shouldDropCurrentNode = elementIsFixed ? !currentNodeIsContaining && !currentContainingBlockComputedStyle : !currentNodeIsContaining && computedStyle.position === 'static' && !!currentContainingBlockComputedStyle && ['absolute', 'fixed'].includes(currentContainingBlockComputedStyle.position) || isOverflowElement(currentNode) && !currentNodeIsContaining && hasFixedPositionAncestor(element, currentNode);\n if (shouldDropCurrentNode) {\n // Drop non-containing blocks.\n result = result.filter(ancestor => ancestor !== currentNode);\n } else {\n // Record last containing block for next iteration.\n currentContainingBlockComputedStyle = computedStyle;\n }\n currentNode = getParentNode(currentNode);\n }\n cache.set(element, result);\n return result;\n}\n\n// Gets the maximum area that the element is visible in due to any number of\n// clipping ancestors.\nfunction getClippingRect(_ref) {\n let {\n element,\n boundary,\n rootBoundary,\n strategy\n } = _ref;\n const elementClippingAncestors = boundary === 'clippingAncestors' ? isTopLayer(element) ? [] : getClippingElementAncestors(element, this._c) : [].concat(boundary);\n const clippingAncestors = [...elementClippingAncestors, rootBoundary];\n const firstClippingAncestor = clippingAncestors[0];\n const clippingRect = clippingAncestors.reduce((accRect, clippingAncestor) => {\n const rect = getClientRectFromClippingAncestor(element, clippingAncestor, strategy);\n accRect.top = max(rect.top, accRect.top);\n accRect.right = min(rect.right, accRect.right);\n accRect.bottom = min(rect.bottom, accRect.bottom);\n accRect.left = max(rect.left, accRect.left);\n return accRect;\n }, getClientRectFromClippingAncestor(element, firstClippingAncestor, strategy));\n return {\n width: clippingRect.right - clippingRect.left,\n height: clippingRect.bottom - clippingRect.top,\n x: clippingRect.left,\n y: clippingRect.top\n };\n}\n\nfunction getDimensions(element) {\n const {\n width,\n height\n } = getCssDimensions(element);\n return {\n width,\n height\n };\n}\n\nfunction getRectRelativeToOffsetParent(element, offsetParent, strategy) {\n const isOffsetParentAnElement = isHTMLElement(offsetParent);\n const documentElement = getDocumentElement(offsetParent);\n const isFixed = strategy === 'fixed';\n const rect = getBoundingClientRect(element, true, isFixed, offsetParent);\n let scroll = {\n scrollLeft: 0,\n scrollTop: 0\n };\n const offsets = createCoords(0);\n if (isOffsetParentAnElement || !isOffsetParentAnElement && !isFixed) {\n if (getNodeName(offsetParent) !== 'body' || isOverflowElement(documentElement)) {\n scroll = getNodeScroll(offsetParent);\n }\n if (isOffsetParentAnElement) {\n const offsetRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent, true, isFixed, offsetParent);\n offsets.x = offsetRect.x + offsetParent.clientLeft;\n offsets.y = offsetRect.y + offsetParent.clientTop;\n } else if (documentElement) {\n // If the scrollbar appears on the left (e.g. RTL systems). Use\n // Firefox with layout.scrollbar.side = 3 in about:config to test this.\n offsets.x = getWindowScrollBarX(documentElement);\n }\n }\n let htmlX = 0;\n let htmlY = 0;\n if (documentElement && !isOffsetParentAnElement && !isFixed) {\n const htmlRect = documentElement.getBoundingClientRect();\n htmlY = htmlRect.top + scroll.scrollTop;\n htmlX = htmlRect.left + scroll.scrollLeft -\n // RTL scrollbar.\n getWindowScrollBarX(documentElement, htmlRect);\n }\n const x = rect.left + scroll.scrollLeft - offsets.x - htmlX;\n const y = rect.top + scroll.scrollTop - offsets.y - htmlY;\n return {\n x,\n y,\n width: rect.width,\n height: rect.height\n };\n}\n\nfunction isStaticPositioned(element) {\n return getComputedStyle(element).position === 'static';\n}\n\nfunction getTrueOffsetParent(element, polyfill) {\n if (!isHTMLElement(element) || getComputedStyle(element).position === 'fixed') {\n return null;\n }\n if (polyfill) {\n return polyfill(element);\n }\n let rawOffsetParent = element.offsetParent;\n\n // Firefox returns the element as the offsetParent if it's non-static,\n // while Chrome and Safari return the element. The element must\n // be used to perform the correct calculations even if the element is\n // non-static.\n if (getDocumentElement(element) === rawOffsetParent) {\n rawOffsetParent = rawOffsetParent.ownerDocument.body;\n }\n return rawOffsetParent;\n}\n\n// Gets the closest ancestor positioned element. Handles some edge cases,\n// such as table ancestors and cross browser bugs.\nfunction getOffsetParent(element, polyfill) {\n const win = getWindow(element);\n if (isTopLayer(element)) {\n return win;\n }\n if (!isHTMLElement(element)) {\n let svgOffsetParent = getParentNode(element);\n while (svgOffsetParent && !isLastTraversableNode(svgOffsetParent)) {\n if (isElement(svgOffsetParent) && !isStaticPositioned(svgOffsetParent)) {\n return svgOffsetParent;\n }\n svgOffsetParent = getParentNode(svgOffsetParent);\n }\n return win;\n }\n let offsetParent = getTrueOffsetParent(element, polyfill);\n while (offsetParent && isTableElement(offsetParent) && isStaticPositioned(offsetParent)) {\n offsetParent = getTrueOffsetParent(offsetParent, polyfill);\n }\n if (offsetParent && isLastTraversableNode(offsetParent) && isStaticPositioned(offsetParent) && !isContainingBlock(offsetParent)) {\n return win;\n }\n return offsetParent || getContainingBlock(element) || win;\n}\n\nconst getElementRects = async function (data) {\n const getOffsetParentFn = this.getOffsetParent || getOffsetParent;\n const getDimensionsFn = this.getDimensions;\n const floatingDimensions = await getDimensionsFn(data.floating);\n return {\n reference: getRectRelativeToOffsetParent(data.reference, await getOffsetParentFn(data.floating), data.strategy),\n floating: {\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n width: floatingDimensions.width,\n height: floatingDimensions.height\n }\n };\n};\n\nfunction isRTL(element) {\n return getComputedStyle(element).direction === 'rtl';\n}\n\nconst platform = {\n convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect,\n getDocumentElement,\n getClippingRect,\n getOffsetParent,\n getElementRects,\n getClientRects,\n getDimensions,\n getScale,\n isElement,\n isRTL\n};\n\n// https://samthor.au/2021/observing-dom/\nfunction observeMove(element, onMove) {\n let io = null;\n let timeoutId;\n const root = getDocumentElement(element);\n function cleanup() {\n var _io;\n clearTimeout(timeoutId);\n (_io = io) == null || _io.disconnect();\n io = null;\n }\n function refresh(skip, threshold) {\n if (skip === void 0) {\n skip = false;\n }\n if (threshold === void 0) {\n threshold = 1;\n }\n cleanup();\n const {\n left,\n top,\n width,\n height\n } = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n if (!skip) {\n onMove();\n }\n if (!width || !height) {\n return;\n }\n const insetTop = floor(top);\n const insetRight = floor(root.clientWidth - (left + width));\n const insetBottom = floor(root.clientHeight - (top + height));\n const insetLeft = floor(left);\n const rootMargin = -insetTop + \"px \" + -insetRight + \"px \" + -insetBottom + \"px \" + -insetLeft + \"px\";\n const options = {\n rootMargin,\n threshold: max(0, min(1, threshold)) || 1\n };\n let isFirstUpdate = true;\n function handleObserve(entries) {\n const ratio = entries[0].intersectionRatio;\n if (ratio !== threshold) {\n if (!isFirstUpdate) {\n return refresh();\n }\n if (!ratio) {\n // If the reference is clipped, the ratio is 0. Throttle the refresh\n // to prevent an infinite loop of updates.\n timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {\n refresh(false, 1e-7);\n }, 1000);\n } else {\n refresh(false, ratio);\n }\n }\n isFirstUpdate = false;\n }\n\n // Older browsers don't support a `document` as the root and will throw an\n // error.\n try {\n io = new IntersectionObserver(handleObserve, {\n ...options,\n // Handle